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It is interesting that the Chinese story of the Tao Way of Nature that has been
pioneered by millions of nature lovers for the past 8,000 years and I just want to add
this to the Anastasia wave of loving and beautiful energy that I have discovered within
the Ringing Cedars of Russia books..
Being more than half a century old myself, and a Chinese born in Malaysia and lived
half of my life in Malaysia and half in other parts of the world including China, India,
Europe and America, I found myself embracing both my Taoist Chinese cultural roots of
love and respect for Nature as well as many diverse cultures and spiritual paths in the
West. I have also been fortunate enough to live in many wonderful eco friendly and
spiritual communities in India, China, Scotland and U.S.A. and truly there is a new
wave of heart body mind spirit people coming together all over the globe.
Having practised the Tao all my life and being a teacher of teachers in this ancient art of
Tai Chi and Chi Kung for the past 35 years, I am eternally always grateful every time I
hear and read of stories of unique courageous and amazing wise beings like Anastasia
coming forth to share the urgency of loving and respecting the creator and connecting
that role to one's own co-creative position. My deepest respect also goes to Vladimir
Megre too, your brave and intuitive sense of trust and devotion to your soul mate
Anastasia is impeccable and admirable. Well done to you, you are a Warrior of Peace,
Harmony and Love for humanity.
I do understand some of Vladimir's trials as an author. I do empathize with you when
readers write to appreciate you as well as criticise you. I am also an author myself and
recently shared in my two books '15 Ways to a Happier You - Tai Chi Chi Kung' and '37
Steps to Happiness - with an introduction to Aqua Tai Chi' the urgency to return to
Nature's wisdom and become a co-creator of beauty, health, joy and peace. I am grateful
that it has already reached more than 150,000 readers and I am myself Director of my
own School of Tai Chi Chi Kung here in Devon, where we have 5 acres of magnificent
land. We have for the past 10 years been planting trees, and feeding the plants with
beautiful energy of gratitude, love and peace. We also feed our students with the
vegetables and healing herbs which we grow and so many people are healed of illness
and stress every day. So, truly Vladimir, the most important fact are the positive and life
enhancing results of the Ringing Cedars books and your work and to the people who are
simply jealous, spiteful and suspicious, they really need to go and look in the mirror
themselves to see how they can grow and change for the better. Life is short, there is so
much to learn and so much to succeed in service to humanity, why waste one's energy
attacking verbally or masquerading as Anastasia? There is only one Vladimir, there is

only one Anastasia, there is only one unique YOU', just as every single leaf, every
golden ray of sunrise is fresh and new, let us celebrate all the special gifts and talents
each person has been blessed with.
Truly, we are co-creators together. The ancient Chinese have its own Natural Wisdom
that imparts the urgency for humanity to link the heavenly, human and earth energies
together in a dance of oneness. I send you our Tai Chi Chi Kung greeting of energy, as
Tai Chi means, the River of Energy which flows limitlessly, touching everyone and
flowing with everyone.
I send you Vladimir, Anastasia and all the readers our love and gratitude, keep growing
and keep glowing from your true Being.
Peter Chin Kean Choy,

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