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Matthew 7:13 14; Deut. 30:15-20; Joshua 24:1-27


Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my

gates, waiting at the post of my doors Prov. 8:34.

Obviously speaking, there are only two paths in which a man can
tread as he journeys through life yet the choice of either of these
two holds for man joy or pain, acceptance or rejection at the end
of his lifes journey on planet earth.
The choice of one leads to peace, satisfaction, favour with God and man
with eternal life but the choice of the other leads to sorrow. Regret, curse,
disfavour with God with eternal condemnation at the end. The freedom to
choose either of these two is permitted by nature yet each one shall be
accountable for the path of his choice (Rom. 14:12). Our Lord Jesus spelt
out these two in clear terms in Matt. 7:13-14. The Board way and the
narrow way and the consequences/rewards associated with either of
them. Moses warned the children of Israel about it in Deut. 30:15-20 and
today, history of contemporary happening warns us of the danger of wrong
choice. There were those who had the privilege to choose the path of their
choice in time past yet while some were careful to choose the one that
lead to peace and joy, others became wise in their own conceit, ignoring
the voice of reasoning, they gave themselves to sin. Wickedness and
brought upon themselves and their families curses and are forever lost.
Many destroyed their lives, talent, potentials, dreams and visions thereby
burying their destiny because they became too wise to walk in the divine
principles of life (Num.25:1-13, Judges 2:11-15, 16:1-21).
We wish to examine these pathways of life, their characteristics, danger
and blessings associated with them. Remain blessed as we dine with the
Lord in Jesus name Amen.
THE NARROW WAY Gen. 6:1-9; 39:7-21; 41:39-44; Luke 2:36-38, Matt.
Walking the narrow way does not only hold for the obedient eternal life but
the path to all true successes. From ages, it has stood out as the test and
sure way to peace, joy and satisfaction. Those who hold to it despite all
odds affirm its blissfulness. Though rough and rugged, it holds for those
who dare to tread it a beautiful end. (Ps. 37:37).

Those who shun it have found out with regret its usefulness and have
discovered that those wasted years, battered living, the thorns and
thistles, the confusions and death inherent in the broad way would have
been avoided if they were careful to choose the right path (Luke. 15:1118).
In todays Christianity, there is serious deviation from this wonderful path,
which our loving Father set for us. The lust for pleasure, power and fame
has made believers seek and turn back to the broad way. Easygoing
syndrome and cheap type of Christianity now characterize the living
pattern of most believers. Some of us have forgotten the message and
warnings of the times of the end - 2 Tim. 3:1-14.
Know ye not that they which run in a race do so to win and they that
striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things so as to receive the
crown? - 1 Cor. 9:24-25.
Know ye not also that in the race of life many are called but few are
chosen? - Matt 22:2-14.
The narrow way is the way of life. Those who love life and desire to see
good days are those who tread it. Their lives are characterized by the
They are those who have been saved from their sins having repented
of their sins and acknowledged Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour
Acts 16:31
They are those who walk by faith and not by sight. Whose lives and
actions are not determined by popular views of men but by what the
scripture says -2 Cor. 5:7, Gal. 5:16
They are those whose top priority is to obey and do the will of the
father who will do nothing except that which is approved by the
Father Jn. 6:38; Rom.12:2.
They are those whose life and conduct manifest uprightness,
righteousness and truth Ps 15:1-5.
They are those whose love and affected for the world have been
crucified Gal.2:22, 1John 2:15-17. Whose Passion and care is only for
God and his commandments, who will obey God in whatever He says
They are those who seek and follow peace with all men Heb. 12:14.

They are those who will not compromise their faith for anything
1Kgs.11:1-8. Who will not allow gifts or mens favour blind their eyes
from the truth Deut. 16:19.
They are those who take their faith in their hands, who cloth
themselves with the armours of faith Eph. 6:10-18; Heb. 11:4-22.
They are those who teach, preach and practice the wholesome word
of God not perverting the truth 1Tim. 6:3-5, who make themselves
good example of the Christian faith 1Tim. 4:12, who shine out as
light unto the world and as the salt of the earth Matt. 5:13-16, who
gives no occasion for men to blaspheme the gospel 2Sam. 12:14.




To walk in the narrow way means to walk in the way of life (Matt.
7:14). Jesus pronounced life in abundance to the sheep who hear his
voice and eternal life to those who believe in Him Jn.3:36; 10:10.
The narrow way is the way of peace yet it is what the world spends
millions for. To the righteous, he is abundantly secured with the peace
of God Jn. 14:27.
God hears the prayer of his Children who tread the narrow path. Their
cry is urgently attended to. In times of trouble, persecution and
danger, the father is always there to help for He will never suffer their
bones to be broken nor allow the rod of the wicked fall upon the
righteous Ps.50:15, Joshua 24:5-12
Those who walk the narrow way are directed by the Spirit of the Lord.
By this, they do not fall into error. As they obey and walk in the way
set for them. God showers them with good success Joshua 1:8.





Jere. 7:23-24; Matt.7:13; 2 Tim. 4:10; Jude 4-14; Deut.


There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end
thereof are the ways of death (Prov.14:12)

A great American Lawyer of Blessed memory, Clarence Darrow once said,
History repeats itself. Thats one thing wrong with History. Despite the
fact that millions died in the wilderness due to the attitude of the ten spies,
many today refuse to learn from that grave error.
How many are learning from the fact that due to pride. Belshazzar was
weighed by God and found wanting? How many are learning from the error
of Korah, Dathan and Abiram (Num.16)? How many are learning from the
careless lifestyle of those who ended in sin and death? How many people
remember that Herod was struck dead and eaten by worms for taking the
glory due to God (Acts 12:21-23)? Why are there still so many walking the
broad way among our ministers, church workers and the congregation
despite what history has taught us?
Definitely, history is repeating itself! Ananias and Saphirra died because of
secret sin (just one lie) yet millions are not learning! Oh! Thats what is
wrong with history! It is often repeated! But I choose to repeat positive
history! If Esther could determine to die for what she believed, without
quitting or complaining, then you can do the same. It is a matter of choice.
THE BROAD WAY Matt. 7:13; Num. 16:1-4, 28-33; 22:12-22; 1 Kings
21:25-26; 22:33-3, 2 Kings 5:20-27; 2 Sam. 11:1-17; 12:7-12
Strictly speaking, the broad way (path) is the way in which all the unsaved
persons tread. It is the way of the world where all forms of evil and
stupendous acts are exhibited and practiced. It is the way where people do
what they like in defiant to Gods principles, precepts and commands. The
fruits that emanates from those who walk in this way are listed in Gal.5:1921, 1Jn.2:15-17 and other scriptures. By their choice, those who walk in the
broad way have made themselves enemies to God (James 4:4). In our
churches today, we observe with shock a serious mix up. What
characterizes the broad way now flourish (unabated) our Churches from

Pulpit to the pew. What the scripture strictly condemn which used to be our
standpoint in those days have now become a welcomed phenomenon.
Standards and principles have been modified to suit our backslidden state.
People with no iota of faith, holiness and righteousness now hold on
custody the sacred things and feast on the table originally ordained for
those whose robe have been washed with the precious blood of the One
and only Lamb of God and all these owns to the fact that most of our
Pastors have sold their divine and royal calling for fleshy and carnal
desires. May we sound a warning here that no matter what Satan via man
have done to overturn the scripture, the standard of God remains the same
just as it was from creation. So no matter ones title, position and spiritual
attainment, a deviation from the narrow way becomes automatic return to
the broad way. Satan in his subtlety is working round the clock to keep
many in the broad way and to deceive those who had denounced it back to
it. This call for absolute care and watchfulness so as to avoid a fall back to
things we have long ago rejected Gal.5:1:2, Pet.2:1-22.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BROAD WAY Rom. 1:18-32; Prov. 1:22-33
The broad way is characterized with so many satanic vices, which the
believers in Christ must carefully avoid in other not to fall or be caught in
Satans net. These and others are as follows:
The broad way is the way of sin Gen.6:5
Satan the devil controls all activities in the broad way Eph. 2:2-3
The broad way is void of godliness, righteousness and holiness 2
Pet. 2:12-15
Those who walk the broad way are Gods enemies Rom. 8:6-7
The works of flesh characterizes the broad way Gal. 5:19-21
Hypocrisy and falsehood reigns in the broad way Matt. 23:1-7; Jere.
Money, position and worldly fame is their god Phil. 3:18-19; 1Tim.
6:10. James 5:1-6
God is not sought in the broad way Prov. 1:22-25
Pride and arrogance are displayed in the broad way. Exo. 5:2; 2
Chron. 32:10-17
Because their conscience is seared, those who walk the broad way
are wicked, unforgiving, unkind and hardened Rom. 1:28-31; Exo.
5:4-9; 1 Kings13:33-34
Disobedience and rebellion reigns in those who walk in the broad way
Num. 16:1-3; 1 Sam.2:12-17





Jere. 7:23-24; Matt. 7:13; 2 Tim. 4:10; Jude 4-14; Deut.


There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end
thereof are the ways of death Prov. 14:12

In all life endeavours, whether of ones faith, marriage, education, business
or otherwise, constancy, perseverance and focused present themselves as
the keys to success. The man who invest all resources money, time and
so forth, does so with the sole aim of success. Yet unless he adopt these
keys, failure is certain.
It is a tested fact that true success or victory can only be secured through
strong determination to remain resolute and focused on ones course ( 1
Cor. 9:24-27). On your way to victory, there are many distractive elements
telling you of the difficulties or impossibilities to your desired dreams and
suggesting shortcuts (unholy ways and method) to your victory but you
must be resolute and strong enough to hold to that and only divine path
set by our loving Creator and Father who alone knows the end of all life
endeavours from beginning, whose taught towards you are that of peace
to give you an expected end (Isa. 46:9-10; Jere. 29:11)
DANGERS OF THE BROAD WAY Luke 16:19-31; Prov. 1:24-32
The dangers of walking the broad way are as sure as Gods word itself, for
none of Gods words must go unfulfilled (Matt. 5:18). Evidence of Gods
wrath and punishment to those who tread the broad way abound from the
days of old to our present time and believers who take for granted the
long-suffering of God must know that though He tarries, He will surely visit
the profanity of man except he or she turn from the ways of destruction.
Judgment delayed is not judgment denied 1 Pet.3:3-9. The example of
what happened to the following personalities will help remind us of the
seriousness God attaches to His word.

1. SAMSON Judges 16:16-21

The scripture holds that he was greatly anointed to judge the people of
God and to protect them from the invasion of the Philistine but because
he chose to walk in the ways contrary to that of God, he ended with
shame as a prisoner in the enemys prison (Judges 13:5; 15:14-16; Prov.


This was a heathen King well favoured to the point of having the entire
earth to his kingdom. Yet idolatry and wickedness characterized his
reign. He was opportune to have Daniel, a God fearing man in his
government yet he despised the warning of the man of God until God
personally humbled him (Jere. 6:17-21).
3. KING PHARAOH Exo. 5:1-18
Pharaoh was a wicked king who took pleasure in making life difficult for
the children of Israel. He soon forgot the kindness of Joseph through
whom the people of Israel came to dwell in Egypt and arrogated himself
against God when he (God) requested for him to let his people go. The
warning of the plagues that fell upon Egypt meant nothing to Pharaoh
until God dealt with him to his own destruction (Exo. 12:29-30). How
often we despise Gods warning through his messengers and the
troubles He allows in our lives only to fall into problems we would have
escaped if we had hearken to Him.
4. THE RICHMAN Luke 16:1921
He was a Jew (a born-again Christian) with the privileges of enjoying
eternal life but he did not retain God in his heart nor did he take serious
the call to love his neighbour as himself, neither was the fear of God in
him yet when the unavoidable call came, he found himself in the place
of torment.
5. KING SOLOMON 1 Kings 3:513; 11:1-11
Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived. He started well with God and
was blessed above human comprehension yet he fell out of the way of
the Lord but he was not spared. Though he was the wisest man on
earth, he failed to apply his wisdom to himself (1 Cor. 9:25-27).
6. JIM JONES Isa. 42:8

This Man started as a humble Methodist Pastor, a good, loving and

giving man who was heavily involved in community projects and helping
the poor. But slowly he began to doubt the truth of the Bible and to
idolize himself until he told his followers one day that they should go out
and preach him. As he continues to exalt himself and gain more and
more influence over the people. Satan increasingly deluded him. He
began to tell his friends that he was Jesus Christ. One day, he began to
rant against the Bible, threw it on the ground, spit and stomped on it,
screaming that too many were looking to it instead of himself. As he
exalted himself in pride, so his deceptions increased and with trickery,
fake healing and miracles he deceived and controlled the people
through fear. Finally, he abused them morally, spiritually and physically.
He ended by leading almost a thousand members of his congregation in
a mass suicide (Rom. 1:28)
Stephen Jeffereys was born 1876 and brought up in a Christian family.
As he became a man, he sought for Gods anointing with tears, which
was sparked-off by a vision. As God saw his humility, he release his
power upon Stephen so greatly that bones grew out of people that were
affected by rheumatoid arthritis (squeezed bones) but as his name
began to spread, he became very wealthy and without carefulness
allowed pride to overtake him. History have it that one day, he stood
before an African audience and proclaimed that the world was at his feet
to worship him. One day, his pride caused the edge of protection to be
broken and the very disease he specialized in delivering people from
came upon him (Eccl. 10:8)
Also, his brother, George Jeffereys, born in 1889 was equally anointed
and used by God to raise up the Foursquare Churches. History has it
that large crowd of over ten thousand people attended George meeting
and each meeting carried testimonies of great miracles. He was the
man the royal family of England always sent for when any member of
the family was ill yet that great man was overtaken by error and he left
the divine truth he once preached. He was unable to overcome the
influence of materials things, pride and sex.
ADMONITION: Let us know that Gods word cannot fail. Everyone must be
rewarded according to his ways. Lets stop acting in pretext and turn back
to the narrow way else worst things which we didnt bargain fall on us.
Taking Gods grace for granted will certainly lead to things too disastrous
to mention except you repent. (Rev. 22:10-13).


Genesis 37:1-36
And we know that all things work together for good to them
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
Rom. 8:23,
This study begins the story of the life of Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob,
Rachaels first son. Joseph is one of the most outstanding noble characters
of the Old Testament whose life is one of which a detailed account is given
without blemish. As we look at the history of Joseph life, we see such scene
of wonders worth by divine providence in a variety of instances, which will
help build up our faith in God and instill in us a confidence toward him. His
life also stands as a beautiful testimony of what an outstanding man can
be when fully committed to the providential leadership of God. We shall
briefly summarize his life in the following ways.
Joseph had a remarkable combination of gifts and grace in his life. He was
trained from his youth to healthy labour and useful employment, natured
by gruesome experiences that came his way and got the top through an
unwavering reliance on God. He possessed the faith of Abraham. The
meekness of Isaac and the foresight of Jacob and showed a patient and
lovable nature.
In Joseph, the finest and highest type of salvation is set. More space is
devoted to Joseph than to any other single subject in the book of Genesis.

Though Joseph was aware of his brothers hatred on him, he

obediently sought their welfare Gen. 37:13-17
(ii) Like a lamb taken to the slaughter. Joseph did not resist his brethrens
wickedness by taking vengeance or by abusive words nor did he
attempt to fight back Is.53:7
(iii) Joseph was committed to hard work and diligence, which attracted
favour and blessings Gen.39:1-6
(iv) Joseph was a righteous and upright man who considered God first in
matters affecting his life. Gen.39:3-9
(v) Joseph lived in a trustworthy life. His loyalty to God and man
remained to the end-Gen.39:3-9

(vi) Joseph was a man who possessed the fruit of the spirit who as a light
shined out in the world of darkness. With tenderness he forgave the
offense of his brethren. Gal. 5:22-23
(vii) In all his doings, Joseph acknowledged the Lord counting him who had
promised faithful. With unwavering faith he focused on his dreamProv.3:1-8
(viii) Though Joseph enjoy promotion and favour in Egypt. He never shifted
his focus from the promise land nor did he forget that he was an
Israelite (Christian) Gen.50:22-26; 1Jn.3:1-3
While Joseph was his fathers favourite, he was the object of his brothers
jealously and hatred. They hated Joseph because of Jacobs preferential
treatment of him. Much suffering has been brought upon the family
through the indulgence on the part of a father or a mother. Regrettably,
Jacob did not learn from his own tragic past the dangers of parental
preferences. Family distractions are ruinous. A house divided by
dissensions. Envy and hatred on some of the members of the family
through undue partiality to others is on its way to ruin.
His brethren hated Joseph not only because of parental favour shown him,
but because of his dreams, which the Lord gave him. These dreams, which
Joseph told with relish, were effective in creating strong hostile feeling
towards him. The more the dreams the more the hatred and envy.
Against the background of Josephs dream about future greatness comes a
call from his father to do a lowly service to run an errand. The true
greatness of this youth is evident, not only in his visions but equally in his
eagerness to do whatever he was told to do. Joseph faithfully followed his
brethren in order to carry out his fathers assignment.
When Joseph appeared on the horizon, the brothers quickly conspired
against him. They had murderous intentions but Reuben talked them into
throwing him into a pit. He intended to secretly release him so that he
could return to his father. Joseph must have been surprised at the
wickedness of his brethren.
However, when company of Ishmaelite's approached, Judah evolved a plan
and secured its acceptance by all except Reuben to sell Joseph as a slave
and then let their father believe that a wild beast killed him. What a

callous attitude to torture the feelings of their aged father and thus send
him to an early grave.
If there is a brother God is using in peculiar way, let us not show envy at
his good fortune. Let us pray that God will add to his greatness and
usefulness. Jealousy is a terrible human trait while submission to the will of
God is a Christian virtue that will truly fill our lives and bring more grace to
us. If Josephs brethren had been spiritual, they would have realized that
God had chosen him for a special reason and task and would have
supported him.
Josephs faith in God made him to persist through all the difficulties he
encountered until all his dreams were fulfilled beyond expectation. From
the life of Joseph we see that a truly virtuous person is like gold metal; the
more he refined, the more he is approved.
As God was with Joseph so was he with Job. Job was a man of vast riches,
large family and security who was reduced to abject poverty. Satan put
him to test and everything including his best friends and beloved wife
deserted him. In all, Job was steadfast in his belief and confidence in God.
Because of his loyalty and devotion, he received a greater measure than
what he had previously. Surely, God is a rewarder to them who diligently
seek him. Joseph in his early life encountered a crushing setback,
apparently closing the future irrevocably to the hope of the past. However,
God made the obstacles encountered by Joseph serve his intended
purpose for him, the family and the nation of Israel.
Lesson: No matter what we are passing through today, if we remain
faithful and true to God, he will make all things work for our good.



Genesis 37:1-36
But without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6)

The detour in Josephs road to the fulfillment of his dreams should be of
concern to every believer because it is the only route to true greatness.
The cumulative effects of his repeated suffering, the constantly changing
sphere of his life from nomad to a slave and then to a prisoner is another
lesson to learn. It was not an easy school in which God was preparing him
for his destiny. Yet in all these circumstances of life, Joseph was learning
his lessons, expressing confidence in God, maintaining his integrity and
finding a place of service wherever he found himself and making progress
towards the realization of his God given dreams. As we conclude our study
of the portrait of Joseph. We can learn from the following two situations.
The Midianites had now sold Joseph to Portiphar who was a high-ranking
officer to King Pharaoh. It was not by chance that Joseph was placed so
near the throne. God was guiding his destiny and preparing for his work in
the future. Not long, he became a favored servant of the Egyptian officer.
Potiphar made him overseer of his entire household and all of his personal
possessions and enterprises, taking no account of Josephs stewardship,
but enjoying the benefits of his excellent management.
The prosperity of the Lord to Joseph in everything he undertook is a point
of note. The master notice Josephs beautiful character as he daily
manifested the praises of him that delivered him out of the hands of his
wicked brethren. A Sinner can tell whether a person is really serving God
or not. Joseph worked willingly and cheerfully. He faithfully served his
master to the best of his ability and proved that he could be trusted in
every detail.
There is a great lesson for us here. When someone employs us, we should
make our employer and superior feel our faithful and efficient service and
also that we are the most reliable persons in the organization. In this way,
others will see the great transformation that God has made in our lives and
will become acquainted with the marvelous power of the gospel of Christ.
How careful we should be as we live among the unsaved. Wherever we go,
people are watching us to see if we live up to the standard of the religion
that we profess to have. There is no place where our influence is not felt if

we are really in touch with God and heaven, and no place where our light
will not brighten the darkness, if the light of the lord is in our hearts.
Joseph was a faithful servant of God no matter where he found himself at
home with the parents in the field with his brothers, in the house of
Portiphar as a servant, in jail under an unjust sentence or on the throne as
governor of Egypt.
Whenever things are going on smoothly with us, we must watch diligently
lest the enemy of our soul lay a trap and ensnare us. Temptations will
come to everyone, therefore we must watch and pray.
The daily routine of Joseph in the house brought him in contact with the
wife of his master; she began to seduce him and insisted that he commit
adultery with her. On her earlier approaches, Joseph pointed out the
wickedness of such a betrayal of his masters trust and of such a
transgression of the law of God. But when argument did not prevail, he
simply ran away from temptation as fast as he could. Joseph feared and
loved God and did not want to do anything that would displease Him. His
conduct here is remarkably instructive; if there is no other way to escape
temptation, running away is a wise course. In a case of this kind, we must
not parley or confer with flesh and blood but to flee from every
appearance of evil.
Portiphars wife, having failed in her purpose, resorted to charging Joseph
with the crime she would have had him commit. She sought by this means
to obtain revenge against Joseph and also to save herself from every
embarrassment that might come. This wrongful accusation landed Joseph
in prison, but the Lord was still with him. Showed him mercy and gave him
favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
The problem of man is not in his troubles and difficulties but in the way he
respond to them. Every problem comes with opportunities (promotion or
demotion, success or failure) and what comes to man is a result of his
choice. In spite of the hatred and cruelty of Josephs brethren, he chose to
love them still, as a slave in a strange land; he chose to remain focused
upon God.
Though the opportunity to cheat his master and to commit adultery with
the wife was there but he chose to maintain his fear for God and to walk in
his integrity. Joseph did not grow weak in faith nor did he allow sentiments
settles in his heart.

Even in prison Josephs determination to take life squarely and to hold on

to his dreams caused him to anchor his hope on God. There he saw the
need to make himself useful, using his gift to alleviate the burden of
others. Then after two years the seed of kindness he sowed in the kings
butler became the key that brought him to victory and promotion (Prov.
18: 16). Had Joseph chose to leave God out and walk in the conceit of his
heart, he would have lost and his place in the history of man will be that of
a failure (Prov. 18:14-15; 1 Kings 2:1-3).
Josephs possession of a right attitude and spirit kept him abreast with
heaven. He never lost sleep because of his troubles nor did he grow lean in
statue. His wisdom and intelligence remained intact and when he finally
appeared before Pharaoh, it was easy to apply supernatural aptitude to
foster solutions to the troubles of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
If the believers of today will realize the workings of God and submit
themselves to his principles and leadership like Joseph did, then we can be
sure of bringing our destiny to a perfect conclusion and heaven will at last
say well done when our work here is over and we are called to account for
our lives and services (Matt. 25:4-30).

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