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Lesson Plan

NAME: Oprea Cosmina Elena

SCHOOL: Scoala nr.10
DATE: June 10,2015
TYPE OF LESSON: Revision- grammar (the verb to be, have got, some-any) and
vocabulary(food and animals)
SKILLS: reading,speaking and writing
AIDS: worksheets, notebooks, blackboard
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: dialogue, invividual work, pair work,game
Lesson aims:
-to check students knowledge about some important grammar issues
-to complete some exercises in pairs
-to use correctly the verb to be and have got
-to understand the difference between some and any
-to remember food and animals
Anticipated language problems:Pupils/students could become a bit noisy when working
in pairs; some of them(the dominant ones) may try to answer too often and exclude the
others. In some cases, pupils may not understand the task given by the teacher.
Possible solutions:the teacher may ask pupils simultaneously to speak; she may repeat
the task in order to be clear for everybody.

ACTIVITY 1. Homework checking

Teachers activity:
- Greeting the students
- T. Invites Ss to read the homework and correct them if necessary
Students activity: Ss read and correct the homework
Skills: reading and speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Time:5 min

ACTIVITY 2. Introducing the new lesson

Teachers activity:
- T. Tells the Ss that the new lesson is a revision
- T.asks a few questions to see how students remember their past lessons(Who
remembers the forms of to be?Can anybody tell me what is look like the
negative of have got? Etc)
- the worksheets to Ss and invite them to read the exercise A(if there are
some unknown words T. writes them on the blackboard
Students activity:
- Ss are asked to give examples using both verbs
- Ss have to read the text from exercise A and underline the forms of to be and
have got
Skills: reading and speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Class management: Whole class activity
Time:10 min
ACTIVITY 3. Exercises
Teachers activity:
- T.explains the Ss what they have to do at exercise B and C from the worksheet
and then asks Ss to solve the exercises
Students activity:
- Ss have to read and solve the exercises and then share their answers with the
Skills: reading,writing and speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss
Class management: Whole class activity, individual work
Time:15 min
ACTIVITY 4. Some and any
Teachers activity:
- T.asks Ss if they remember when we use some and when we use any(if nobody
knows the answer T.explains Ss the difference between the two forms)
- T.asks Ss to complete the exercise D from worksheet
Students activity:
- Ss are asked to give examples using both forms
- Ss have to read and solve the exercise and then share their answers with the
Skills: reading,writing and speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss

Class management: Whole class activity, individual work

Time:10 min
ACTIVITY 5. Homework and vocabulary game(food and animals)
Teachers activity:
- homework exercises E and F from worksheet
- T.invites student to play bingo in pairs until the end of lesson
- the bingo cards to Ss and explains the rules of the game
- T.will extract image cards ,one by one, and shows them to Ss
Students activity:
- Ss note their homework and prepare for the game
- Ss watch the extracted image cards and check if they have them on their bingo
- Everytime when Ss do a bingo they will receive a candy
Skills: speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss
Class management: pair work
Time:10 min

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