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Nationalism and Architectural Development

It has been popular to know that Ir. Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia, is a
nationalist, a great leader, and a major figure in the history of the Republic of Indonesia. He
would do everything for his country and he thought about many aspects that he could
develop to make it better. One of the aspects is architecture. Architecture is a physical form
of a nation. Room for living, working, and socializing is part thereof. Therefore, architectural
issues need some attentions, developments and it is as important as economic, quality of
human resources issues and so forth 1. But that is not the only reason. Renowned as an
aesthetic enthusiast, he began to design Indonesia to be shown to other nations.
Architecture is a part of politic for him. Ir. Soekarno planned to do the lighthouse
politics (politik mercusuar) which shows the power that Indonesia possessed trough the
tangible aspect, in architecture. Sukarno Lighthouse Project is the project of construction in
the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta in order to get attention from abroad with the aim to build
friendly relations with other countries. It was also meant to declare the existence of new
forces of Indonesia that are growing. Yuke Ardhiati, an expertise of Indonesian history said
that Jakarta is the runway for Soekarno to show off his works, during the field trip to
Monumen Nasional that History of Architecture 2 Class did with her previously.
According to Yuke (2013:9):
'Lighthouse Projects' at that moment was seen as a
unique event in Kebayoran Baru-Thamrin when Jakarta
was still relatively spacious. Line of high-rise buildings
through a variety of form / shape in the empty Jakarta
could resemble a "stage" that became a trending topic in
the neighborhood of Jakarta and also expanded
throughout the country. Given the breadth of events,
'Lighthouse Project' can be equated as an events-cities
(Tschumi: 1999:13). It is equivalent with Tschumis work
Parc de la Villette in Paris in 1992. The inheritance of
'Lighthouse Project' which has unfolds exceedingly 50
years, still, the uniqueness of the event has been tickling
the question: How does the process to present 'Project
Lighthouse' architectural works? 'Lighthouse Project'
took place as a command to beautify the city of Jakarta
as the front face of Indonesia (Sukarno: 1962), the event
was also to affirm Soekarnos power as a leader and the
composer of a nation.2

With Soekarnos engineering mind, he had also able to control the development and
brought the modern faces of architecture to Indonesia. He arranged monuments, grand
buildings, as will be explained further. He also went to 50 different cities that projected to be
metropolitan city in order to get inspired and knowledgeable.
In this essay, I am going to talk about the buildings that built in his era, how it
indicates the development of architecture in Indonesia, whether it considerable as
Indonesias representation, its impact, and what is happening right now. In the following, I
will explain about the architectural works that emerged, first.

Began with Monumen Nasional or

usually called Monas by the locals, Ir.
Soekarno planned. It is the zero-point
of Jakarta development. He wanted
Indonesia to have monument that is
representing the people, thus it is
shaped like Lingga and Yoni, (rice
mortar and rice pestle), symbolizing
harmony, balance, fertility, and so forth. It was built by the palace architect, R. M.
Monas today and Monas during construction in 1973. Photo
credited to Jakarta National Monument Office

Soedarsono; but then he told that the

name written in the batu penanda
supposed to be Ir. Soekarnos name

instead of his. It was due to his own consideration that he was only worked seemingly as a
draftsman, while ideas and directions coming from the President. The National Monument
was originally intended to be able to be seen from 20 meters far, from every angles of
Jakarta. But due to high development in the area, the monument was just stood that way
and hidden by the skyscrapers. Well, at that moment, it was impossible to build a monument
higher than Monas, since the technologies were still limited.

Gelora Bung Karno today and Gelora Bung Karno during construction
Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) in Senayan. It was meant to be the place to held The
Games of The New Emerging Forces (GANEFO). The construction only run for 2,5 years.
Soekarno wanted to make an international scaled stadium, but the one that has a retrieval
bracelet roof (shaping around the circular stadium and met at both ends, can be seen from
the picture above). The work of such architecture is considered something that is almost
impossible in the period, but he made it and Indonesia became one of few countries that
possess such structure. But then, in order to create this stadium, lots of Betawi families that
used to dwell in Senayan had to be relocated and got compensation in returns.

DPR MPR of Indonesian Republic building is also

one of the parts of his lighthouse politic. Shaped
uniquely with the rectilinear forms, it is initially
build to be the Conference of The New Emerging
Forces (CONEFO) building. This structure applies
the international style. It was built close to the
Gelora Senayan / Bung Karno Stadium. This large
building was built in a period of 17 months but
construction was also hampered because the
occurrence G30S/PKI.
Hotel Indonesia was built as an accommodation
for state guests that usually stayed in Bogor Palace. This modern structure was inaugurated
by Ir. Soekarno on August 5, 1962 to welcome the event GANEFO that will soon be held in
Jakarta. Designed by Abel Sorensen and his wife who came from the United States, Hotel
Indonesia is occupying an area of 25 082 square meters. This is also one of the first modern
buildings built in Jakarta.

Hotel Indonesia back then







Patung Selamat Datang. The 7-meter

Welcoming Statue in HI Roundabouts


statue stands facing the east or toward the Kemayoran airport that is now the highway to go
to Jakarta International Expo Jakarta Fair venue. The purpose of this statue is built to
welcome guests coming from Kemayoran airport, especially a GANEFO country. This statue is
unlike the reinassance statue that is smooth and polished, the shape and the face is more
likely rough. It was due to the sculptor, Edhi Soenarsos first time making a statue with
bronze material.

Patung Pancoran today, surrounded by high rise buildings, and Patung

Pancoran in the previous time which shows the scheme of Jakarta in old time

Patung Pancoran is actually named as Dirgantara Monument. Ir. Soekarno once told
the sculptor, Edhi Soenarso, Dhi, I want to make an Airborne Statue to commemorate and
honor Indonesian aviator heroes. You know that the United States, the Soviet nation, can be
proud of their aircraft industry. Indonesia, what can we be proud of? Our bravery. Well, this
sculpture was initially made as a commemoration for Indonesian aviator heroes due to their
bravery and succeeded in bombing the Dutch position in Semarang, Ambarawa, and
Salatiga. The design at first planned to hold an airplane in the right hand but it was

cancelled. Ir. Soekarno, unfortunately had no chance to inaugurate this monument because
he died before it had finished.
Masjid Istiqlal, namely with the Arabic word
of independence, is not only representing
the ideals of Islam but also Indonesians
value. The idea to build the national mosque
has been postponed few years because Ir.
Soekarno wanted this mosque to build with
strong materials. And then, they held a
Thamrin Area

competition to design this mosque and the

winner is Frederich Silaban, a Christian.
People believe this kind of thing is the way to

Masjid Istiqlal, applying international style

see Indonesias toleration towards another

belief. Still, our first president played a major role, for instance in determining the location.
According to Javanese Kraton and its Masjid Agung, this national heritage is located near
alun-alun. The mosque is also considered as the largest mosque in Southeast Asia started on
August 24, 1951, and was completed on February 22, 1953. The construction of the mosque
itself spends about U.S. $ 12 million (7 trillion rupiahs).

In my opinion, his works are not merely to show off to the outer nation, but also to
bring pride and erase the sense of inferiority that Indonesian people possessed at that
moment-as the result of colonized for hundreds of year. He was ambitious to transform
Jakarta from the colonial city to be the pride of the nation. For a new sovereign country,
Indonesia needs something to be proud of. Hence, he planned to build stadium, monuments,
hotels, mosque, things that can represent Indonesia well. Although there are social problems
that occurred such as September 30 th Movement (G30S/PKI), the spirit of improving fight
against it and later on produced great architecture. The intervened attitude of Soekarno in
the form of interventions and incorporate his sesnce of design has given color for
architectural work as it embodied. The sense and soul of Indonesia that Sukarno invested in
the elements of elegance, made Indonesias beauty have the opportunity to be held. No
doubt, Ir. Soekarno has succeeded on trying to make landmarks in Indonesia.
But turns out, this Lighthouse Project had gained many critics from every aspects.
Surely, it spent lots of money. And the bad effect was gained today. It was only a few of
Indonesian architects work that laid in Thamrin-Sudirman area, while, it is the stage of
Indonesia. We are, until today still seek about the characteristic of our own architecture,

because back at the time, the one that is shown was the modern style. I once had a
discussion with Ms. Herlily in one moment, and she asked me to think, if Indonesia, and
other countries, all of them use the modern style, or, at least the same style, and let
international brands like Mango, Zara, Topshop spread everywhere, then, what is the use of
going abroad?

These days, Indonesia has gone far from what so called colonized, as well as far from
Soekarnos influence in developing a new country. We shall reject colonialism in any way.
This nation ought to have characteristics. What about modernity? It is certainly fine, yet the
buildings to be developed shall pay attention to the vernacular and traditional, also. Be a
creative generation and no more plagiarism. The spirit that we have to learn is the
nationalism one, where we build for the nation pride and the willing to be different.
Indonesia needs its architecture, and who can bring it up? The young Indonesian architect.

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