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ASHOK nett on yr nh 8 24 sane aeons = areas Pree iis | nn | on ant [crm | ae ra a tevmes Fans ene vin] a TEST son wo] 8 Pena noncrine ome ve a $m ‘e] Fir ‘m) os Neral mater are | oe ast a) 's ome ona | meme am) 38 et fo Opetie doe hr seve] se rena cans -| 4 Po am te oe Fe vom] a0 Pon nen ct tT vest nnene a | om aie “|g eS Fie cu 68 si ‘ml ti Pa acne Saini Foca mira -| aa aor sic wsonnaen we] om [PNot Annuasec) MORARJEE TEXTILES LTD. By ASHOK PIRAMAL GROUP Unaudited Financial Result forthe Quarter/ Half year ended 39.08.2014 PARTICULARS art Particuas of Sharehleing 1) Pable Sharehoidng Number af snares + Percentage of shareholding 2. Promoters and Promcter group Sharehotuing 4 Plodged/ Ereumbered Nurber of shares = Percentage of shares (a5 % of total ‘harehouing of premotor and promote group) - Percentage of shares (28 % of ttal share captalo he compary) Non eneumberes “Numer of snares = Percentage of shares (as a % of ttal sharohoing of promoter and promoter group) Percantage of shares (asa % of total share captal ol the compary) ‘30.09.2004 (Unauaited 13128599 35 13% na 23208687] 00.00% eaarx| 30.08.2014 (Unauaitee) rsza7ie| ‘36.12% val nl ul 23207835] 100.00%| ene84| 30.09.2013, (uravcrtee) 13126714} 36.124 nf nil nf nf 23207835] 00.00% 52.08% 2. investor Compliants ~ Pending a the bagining ofthe quarter = Received during the quarter MORARJEE TEXTILES LTD. Sena Bopat or of Assets and Liabilities as at 30th September, ASHOK 2014 (Standalone CxS)" Rs in lacs Particulars I. EQUITIES AND LIABILITIES 1, Shareholders’ Funds a) Share Capital b) Reserves and Surplus Non Current Liabilities a) Long Term Borrowings b) Deferred Tax Liability (Net) ¢) Other Long Term Liabilities d) Long Term Provisions . Current Liabilities a) Short Term Borrowings b) Trade Payables ¢) Other Current Liabitties 4d) Short Term Provisions As at 30.09.2014 (Unaudited) Asat 31.03.2014 (Audited) Il. ASSETS 1. Non Current Assets a) Fixed Assets b) Non Current Investments ¢) Long Term Loans and Advances ¢) Other Non Current Assets 2. Current Assets a) Current Investments b) Inventories ©) Trade Receivable d) Cash and Bank Balances ©) Short Term Loans & Advances f) Other Current Asset == MORARJEE TEXTILES LTD ASHOK PIRAMAL ‘cROUP Note 1. The above unaudited financial result for the quarter / Half year ended 30" September, 2014 have been reviewed by the audit committee and approved by the Board of Directors respectively at their meeting held on 3° November, 2014. The statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out a Limited Review. 2. The Company has only one reportable segment — Textile Product. 3. Effective April 1, 2014, pursuant to and in line with the requirements of Schedule Il to the Companies Act, 2013, the company has reviewed and revised the useful lives of fixed assets and effected the following changes with respect to provision of depreciation: i) In respect of assets where the remaining useful life as on April 1, 2014, is ‘Nil, their carrying amounts has been adjusted against the opening balance of retained earnings as on that date. ii) In respect of other assets, the carrying amounts are depreciated by charging the same over their remaining useful lives. 4. Corresponding figures of the previous periods have been regrouped wherever necessary. Mumbai, 3° November, 2014 MORARJEE TEXTILES LTD das, Tel 1091-22 SHAH & CO. Te NEW Mae Nick, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Ox Se AO a i Tox S138 seis (1-22) 22037938 Email: osshaheo in To ‘The Board of Directors of MORARJEE TEXTILES LIMITED LIMITED REVIEW REPORT OF THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL, RESULTS OF MORARJEE TEXTILES LIMITED FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30” September, 2014. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of “Unaudited financial results for the quarter/haif year ended 30” September, 2014 (the statement) of Morarjee Textiles Limited, (the Company) 2, Peninsula Spente, Mathurdas Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013,except for the disclosures regarding ‘Public Shareholding’ ,' ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding’ and ‘number of investor complaints’ which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been audited by us. This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been . approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial results based on our review We have conducted our review of the statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements 2410 “Review of interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity*, issued by the Institute of Chartered accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the statement is free of material misstatements. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed audit and accordingly we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard (AS) 25 Interim Financial Reporting issued pursuant to the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 which continue to apply under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with stock exchanges including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any Material misstatement. For SHAH & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN 109430W 7. Mumbai, November 3, 2014 ISH SHAH PARTNER. Membership No:103750

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