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| 7s KJMC CORPORATE ADVISORS (INDIA) LTD. Feoeiy HME ra i KJMC ion No: MBMINIAO00002509 ADVICE MATTERS. YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014. (tin lacs Half year ended ar ended p13 | _ 31-Mar-14 UNAUDITED STANDALONE FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND HALE ae er ended mesa pd jul opis _| 30-Sep-14 “sadited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaucited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Audited) ie from operations et Suey] Income from operations 1296 Saas To 38s 23658 32656 ther Operating income Dot 058, 004 119 102 142, ‘income from operations (net) 1357 35.86 cd 39.03 287.96 32838 ployee benelits expense 2430 25.45 S08 Depreciation and amortisation expense 3a 1.63 321 Tony (Profit) on sale of Investment 105 78 87 Professional fees 32 376 253 ‘Other Expenses 237 18.82 4698 expenses SE i 38.40 136 Tie{Lass) from operations before other sme, finance cos and exceptional 6 (12) her income Fi foss) from ordinary activites fore finance corte and exceptional items 4 ‘ficou from ordinary activities after ance costs but before exceptional items 6) piional ens oft] (Lon) fom ordinary activities afer nance cost but before a 38) jet Profit] (Lon) from ordinary activities fer tax (9410) Sraordinary ems (net of tx expense) INet Profiy{Lon) for the period (11412) [Pad up equity share capital Tice value of the share Rs, 07> each Tully pa 3B Reserve ocluding Revaluation Reserves 107.32 wy Regd. office :~ 162, 16th Floor, Attanta, 209, Nariman Point, Mumbai = 400 O71. | Jel +91-22-2988 5201-2, 4094 5500 @ Fax: 491-22-2285 2892 @ Emall:info@kime-com © Website: Cm; L67120MHT99BPLC1 13888 ¥ Continuation Sheet No. rN / KJMC ovice MATTERS & Peciodlon ‘Quarter ended Taf yer ended Yesr ended No. BSep14 | 30Junt4 [30Sep13 | 30Sep14 | 30Sepi3 | 31-Marla (Unaudited) | (Usaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Unaudited) | (Audited) Tai [Baring per share (efor extraordinary tems) (of Rs. 10 each) (not ann (a) Basie 730) ow, re im) 3a oa ib) Dilaed 150) 039 035 (2) 3a Oot [Earning per share (after extraordinary gems) (of Rs. 10/- each) (not annus (a) Basie oe) O38 O35 Ty 3a oa (6) Diluted (50) 039 055 (1.22 340) 0.8 Pat [x _ [PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING T[Public Sharsholding | Number of shares 1asaae | 1aeate | 1ace.907 | ies ne | Lacopor | _1aeaaa Percentage of sharcholding 6.5655 46.6690] 46.8705] de.66te] 46.875 46.668 [Promoters and Promoter Group Sharehold a) Pledged/Encumsbered ‘Number of shares Ni Nil Ni Na Ni Ni Percentage of share(ai a of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter 2700p) Ni Ni Nil i Nil Ni ~ Percentage of shares(ai a of the total share capital ofthe company) Nit Nil Nit Nil Ni Nil lb) Non encumbered = Number of shares 1.673994 | i,e7a9ea | 166Gu43 | 1evape4| 1.60643 | 1.672.998 Percentage of shareias a0 of the toa) shareholding of promoter and promoter roup) 00.00%] 700.00%%] 160-0083] on ose] 1000 100.008 Percentage of shares(as ab of the total share capital ofthe company Tae Suzie] 531300] sao] S100 wai Particulars ‘Three months ended 30-Sep-2014 [B__|INVESTOR COMPLAINTS Pending atthe beginning of dhe quarter NI. Received ducing the quarer NIL. [Resolved during the quarter NIL [Remaining unresolved st the end of the quarter NIL Notes 1] he above unaudiced financial results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and thereafter approved and taken on record atthe meeting of the Board of Dinectors held on 10th November, 2014 2[The Statutory Auditors of the company have caried outa limited review of the results for the quarter ended 30th September 2014. 3/The Company is SEBI registered Merchant Banker and engaged in NonFund based activities, and as such there are no separate segments as specified in the Accounting Standard -17 "Segment Reporting’ issued by The Insitute of Chartered Accountants of India, which needs to be reported 4fSince the nature of activities caried out By the company is such that prolits/ Tosca from certain Wansactions do not necesally ceric evenly over the yea, results of a quarter may not be representative of profits / losses for the year [The company has charged deprecation based onthe remaining useful ie of the ases as per the requirement of Nove 7 (@) af Shade of te Companies AS, [2013 . sa result, the depreciation charg for the quarter is higher by Re.1.64 Lace forthe Half Year ended is higher by Rs. 384 Lacs as compared to the [deprecation required to be charged under Companies Act, 1986. The earring value of aes amounting to Rs. 4.11 Lacs of which the remaining wef life ic INIL as at Ist April 2014 is adjusted to the opening balance of Retained Earnings. [Figures for the previous quarter/year to date have been regrouped) reclassified wherever necessary to Conform the cumrent [quarter/yeae's presentation B Continuation Sheet No. vS / / 7 KJMC ADVICE MATTERS 7[Statement of Assets and Liabilities (Fin lacs) ‘As at ‘As at Particulars 30-Sep-14 [31-Mar-14 Unaudited Audited [A__|EQUITY AND LIABILITIES |Shareholders' funds {a) Share Capital 313.64 313.64 (b) Reserves and Surplus 1,768.21 1,807.32 Sub-total - Shareholders’ funds| 2,081.85, 2,120.96 2|Non-current liabilities (@) Long-term Borrowings 102.58 10465 Sub-total- Non-current liabilities 102.58 104.65 3[Current liabilities (@) Short-term Borrowings 66.38 4045 (b) Trade payables 2.13 131 (©) Other current liabilities 31.49 34.79 Sub-total- current liabilities 100.01 76.55 |TOTAL-EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2,284.44 2,302.16 B__ [ASSETS 1|Non-current assets (a) Fixed Assets 21.57 3241 (b) Non-current Investments 2,016.30) 2,005.62, (©) Deferred tax assets (net) 14.08 1241 (a) Longiterm loans and advances 161.37 147.62 Sub-total-Non-current assets) 2,213.33, 2,198.06 2|Current assets (a) Current Tavestments 26.96 28.63 (b) Trade receivables 21.01 53.84 (©) Cash and Bank Balances 891 1199 (a) Short-term Loans and Advances, 12.32 723 (e) Other Current Assets 191 191 Sub-total - Current assets| TAAL 104.10 |TOTAL-ASSETS 2,284.44 2,302.16 For and on behalf of Board KJMC CORPORATE ADVISORS (INDIA) LIMITED Place : Mumbai. IC JAINY Date : 10th November, 2014. CHAIRM: K. S. AIYAR & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ET Laxmi Mills Shakui Mills Lane (OFF Dr E Moses Re) ‘Mahala Mumbai 400001 India “Tel - 91 22 2493 2502 / 6635 1770 Fax: 91 226655 1774 Grams : VERIFY wok SAipatcom Mall@KSAiyarcom To, The Board of Directors, KJMC Corporate Advisors (India) Limited Mumbai 400 021. Re: Limited Review of the unaudited financial results for the period ended September 30, 2014. 1. Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of KIMC Corporate Advisors (India) Limited (‘the Company’) for the quarter ended on September 30, 2014 except for the disclosures regarding public shareholding and Promoter and Promoter Group shareholding which have been traced from disclosures made by the management, but have neither been reviewed nor been audited by us. This Statement is the responsibility of the Company’s management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial results based on our review 2. Scope of Review We conducted our review in accordance with Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether this Statement is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inguities of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit, We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion Offices alse at Chennai Kolkata Gow Bangalore Coimbatore 3. K. S. AIYAR & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Conclusion Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards notified under section 133 of the Companies Act 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 and other recognised accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement For K. S. Aiyar & Co, Chartered Accountants ICAI Firm Registration No. 100186W Sabu. A Neparth Sachin A, Negandhi Place: Mumbai Partner Date: November 10, 2014 Membership No: 112888

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