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Trinity Grove Alban Hefin Summer Solstice 2009

Herald: Let us begin our work in peace for without peace can no work be.
3rd Bard:

May there be peace in the North

May there be peace in the South
May there be peace in the West
May there be peace in the East

All: May there be peace throughout the whole world.

North: With the blessing of Uriel of the dark and fertile earth, overshadowing Columba of Scotland
we call upon the powers of the north.
South: With the blessing of Michael of the red flame, overshadowing David of Wales we call upon
the powers of the south.
West: With the blessing of Gabriel of the blue water, overshadowing Patrick of Ireland we call upon
the powers of the west.
East: With the blessing of Raphael in his golden cloak, overshadowing George of England, we call
upon the powers of the east.
Chief cast circle with sword....
Herald: Let us contemplate the super-essential light of lights, the unconquerable sun of suns; the
unquenched flame with each one.
All: May we receive enlightenment from that great Source.
Herald: We are gathered in this place of light and have left outside all distracting thoughts. Let us
consecrate our every thought within this sacred place to the uplifting of humanity and to the
attainment of knowledge.
Chief: Universal Majesty, Verity and Love infinite; all reverence to the Holy One, the WorldEnlightener; all reverence to the fellowship of the elect, and to all that is noblest and best in

Placing hand upon oak sword: I make and renew every covenant that is made between heaven and
the life of earth. This I do in reverence to the spirit of Fatherhood. Laves forehead with water from
Chalice Well: This I do in reverence to the spirit of Motherhood. May we all be purified and
strengthened by the vibrations of health.
The water is aspersed as the Chief says: With this water we bless the land to fruitfulness.
Let us mediate on the rising of the sun within our souls and within the life of the world.....
Cascading Awens
Herald: Let the words of gold be heard.
1st Bard: In right submission and in humility there is the seed of Peace;
In peace and simplicity there is the flower of Love;
In joy and intelligence there is the light of Hope;
In hope and nobility there is the heart of Good;
and in good and sublimity there is the smile of the divine.
Herald: Let the Words of wisdom from the past be read.
1st Bard: The three desirable objectives, which all druids ever strive to uphold:
2nd Bard: the cultivation of expression, the preservation of our ancient wisdom, and the
enlightenment of the people.
1st Bard: The three concepts of Druidical instruction:
2nd Bard: The development of the mind, the cultivation of the intuition, and the engendering of true
1st Bard: The three essentials of good discipleship:
2nd Bard: Keen observation, retentive memory, and veneration of truth.
Chief: Let us unite in that prayer which is the the bond of all Druids:
Grant of Spirit Thy protection
and in protection strength
and in strength, understanding

and in understanding, knowledge

and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice
and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it
and in the love of it, the love of all existences
and in the love of all existences, the love of Spirit and all goodness. Amen.
1st Bard: Our ancestors discovered the existence of divine purpose within all that is. They found no
disorder or wrong within nature, which is the reflected majesty of the powers and of that almighty
power which lies beyond all. Within the divine purpose all is created, preserved and transformed
through mercy and love. From these Druidic forebears of ours came the great concept of divinity as
Universal Majesty, verity and Love Infinite that which dwells within the heart and life of all,
controlled by the wisdom and purpose of the Great designer, the Divinity composed of the Builder,
the Preserver and the Transformer the high Trinity, the wise servants of the All Wise. They knew
also of the guidance of the Masters, the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood who teach the
evolution of all things towards the better and the best.
Chief: On this day of greatest Light let us celebrate the inner light of Christ, the Eternal Word, the
Solar Logos, the living flame within each One:
O Living God, that bringest all to birth,
Thy power sheds its brightness on the earth;

And when the sun sets in the western skies,

All living things alike thy glory praise,

In peaceful sleep thy children close their eyes;

And trees and plants adorn the golden days.

The world is in thy hand as day departs,

Yet is thy habitation in our hearts.

The winter's cool and summer's heat fulfil

The purposes of thy almighty will;

O thou sole God, no other can possess

The sun in splendour shines upon our land,

Thy power to uphold our lives and bless:

And all is nourished by thy loving hand.

Majestic as the sun above us shines,

So excellent, O God, are thy designs.

The breath of life, to creatures high and low,

Thy everlasting bounty doth bestow;


To all thou givest freely of thy grace,

after Akhenaton, c. 1400 BCE

And makest one the members of our race.

Prayer around the circle (from the Carmina Gadelica)

I say the prayer from my mouth,

I say the prayer from my heart,

I say the prayer to Thee Thyself,

O Healing Hand, O son of the God of Salvation.
O Son of Mary the benign,
Together with Pater and Credo,
The Prayer of Mary thereafter,
And thine own Prayer, O Son of the God of Grace.
To magnify the greatness of heaven
to magnify the greatness of God,
Yo magnify Thine own greatness,
And Thy great glory, O Son of God of the Passion;
To give praise to Thee, Jesus,
Lord of sea and of land,
Lord of sun and moon,
Lord of the beautiful stars.
Fountain of life to the righteous,
Faithful brother of helpfulness, ...
Thou Lord God of the angels,
Spread over me Thy linen robe; ...
O glorious Master of the clouds,
O glorious Master of the skies,
O glorious Master of the heavens,
Blest by Thee has been every tribe and people. ...
O Master endeared.
O Master, bright, fragrant,
O Master beloved,
O Master bright, kindly, ...
O may I find rest everlasting
In the home of Thy Trinity,
In the Paradise of the godly,
In the Sun-garden of Thy love.

Chief: The eye of the great God,

The eye of the God of glory,

The eye of the King of hosts,

The eye of the King of the living
Pouring upon us at each time and season,
Pouring upon us gently and generously.
Glory to Thee, Thou glorious sun.
Glory to Thee, Thou Sun, face of the God of Life. ... (from the Carmina Gadelica)

2nd Bard: (a Greeting to the Summer Solstice)

Glory of the Day-Star, hail!
Lifter of the Light, Burnisher of the sky.
Gifts of love to earth and bringing,
Summer's shimmer, dew's delight.
Dancing be the heart within us,
Open be our souls to bliss,
Courage vanquish every shadow,
Greet midsummer with a kiss.
1st Bard: May the Ancient Wisdom of our Druid Heritage, that deep source of eternal truth, held
within our lands and our people, be warmed by the Inner Light of the Sun/Son, whose power on this
day we acknowledge. Let us together, united by a bond of love, radiate peace and harmony onto the
world; sending healing to this Earth, our Home, our Mother, for the sake of our children and all Life
A few moments of silent prayer sending out healing thoughts ....

Hymn (to the tune of Amazing Grace or any C.M.)

Walk in the light: so shalt thou know

his Spirit only can bestow,

that fellowship of love

who reigns in light above.

because that light has on thee shone

Walk in the light: and thou shalt find

in which is perfect day.

thy heart made truly his

who dwells in cloudless light enshrined,

Walk in the light: and thine shall be

in whom no darkness is.

no thornless path, but bright;

for God, by grace, shall dwell in thee,

Walk in the light: and thou shalt own

and God himself is Light.

thy darkness passed away,

Herald: Who will speak for Love that which flows from the heart, the centre of our Being?
All: We will speak for Love.
Herald: Who will speak for the land?
All: We will speak for the land.
Herald: Who will speak for the peoples of these lands?
All: we will speak for the people of these lands.
Herald: Who will speak for peace?
All: We will speak for peace.
Herald: On this day of greatest Light we stand in celebration, three in one: Love, the Land, and the
People, encircled by Peace. May the Sun/Son that is the Inspirer shine within our hearts that we
may go from this place knowing that we live as One People on the One earth that is our home. May
the world be filled with Peace and Love and Light.
All: May the world be filled with Radiance, Joy and Harmony.

All: (all hold hands in a ring and sing (to the tune of the National Anthem)):
Hail! Mystic Light divine,
May'st Thou ne'er cease to shine
Over this land.
Wisdom in Thee we find,
Beauty and strength combined
Druids are ever joined

In heart and hand.

North: We thank Uriel of the dark and fertile earth, overshadowing Columba of Scotland, and the
powers of the north.
West: We thank Gabriel of the blue water, overshadowing Patrick of Ireland and the powers of the
South: We thank Michael of the red flame, overshadowing David of Wales, and the powers of the
East: We thank Raphael in his golden cloak, overshadowing George of England, and the powers of
the east.
Chief: This Gorsedd ends in peace, as in peace it began. Let us withdraw in peace, and may there
be peace outward and inward until we meet again. ....
May you be aware of the holiness within-and touch the holiness in all who cross your path, and may
the Deep Peace of the Sun of Peace be with you, who swift as the wave and pervasive as the air,
quiet as the earth and shining like a star, breathes into us his peace and his spirit. Deep peace of the
Sun of Peace to you. Amen.

OBOD Alternative and Ancient rituals
Liberal Catholic Liturgy
Hymns of Faith and Freedom
The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic Alexander Carmichael

Celtic Devotional Caitlin Matthews

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