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agree with
I don't agree with him
estar de acuerdo No estoy de acuerdo con l

be about to
estar a punto de

We are about to leave here

Estamos a punto de salir de aqu

be back

I'll be back in a few minutes

Regresar en unos minutos

be out of
quedarse sin

They are out of work now

Ellos estn sin trabajo ahora

be over

In 48 hours, everything will be over!

Todo habr terminado en 48 horas

blow up

It's going to blow up!

Va a estallar!

call back
volver a llamar

I will call back in twenty minutes

Volver a llamar en 20 minutos

carry on

Let's carry on the discussion

Continuemos con la discusin

carry out

It is hard to carry out this plan

Es difcil cumplir este plan


clear up

Let's clear up this problem

Solucionemos este problema


come back

You must come back before nine o'clock

Debemos regresar antes de las nueve en punto


come in

Anyway, please come in

Como sea, por favor pasa


come on

Come on! I can't wait any more

VAmos! No puedo esperar ms


cut down on

Tom tried to cut down on his expenses

Tom trat de reducir sus gastos


cut off

He cut off a branch from the tree

El cort la rama del rbol


die out

Some think that the Condor might die out

Algunos creen que el Cndor podra extinguirse


do without
carecer de

I can do without this

Puedo vivir sin esto


get in

The door was locked, so I couldn't get in

La puerta estaba cerrada, as que no pude entrar


get off

Let's get off here

Vamos a bajarnos aqu


get on

We saw the child get on the bus

Vimos como los nios se suban al autobs


get up

When do you get up?

A qu hora de levantas?


give back

I have to give back the book before Saturday

Tengo que devolver el libro antes del sbado


give up

If I were in her place, I wouldn't give up yet

Si estuviera en su lugar, todava no me rendira


go ahead

Go ahead with your story

Siga con su historia


go away

Pick up your things and go away

Recoge tus cosas y vete


go back

Go back to your seat

Vuelve a tu sitio


go down

I heard him go down the stairs

Lo o bajar las escaleras


go out

I'm going to rest before I go out

Voy a descansar antes de salir


go up

You must go up the hill

Debes subir la colina


hang on

Hang on a minute. I'll call Laura

Espera un minuto, que llamo a Laura


hang up

Don't hang up yet, please

No cuelgues todava, por favor


let in
dejar entrar

I let in the cat

Dej entrar al gato


look after

I will look after your cat while you are away

Cuidar a tu gato mientras ests fuera


look for

We look for good luck, bad luck looks for us

Buscamos la buena suerte, la mala suerte nos busca a nosotros


put in

Tom was put in jail

Metieron preso a Tom


put on

Would you put on the air conditioning?

Puede encender el aire acondicionado?


take off

We will take off in a few minutes

Despegaremos en unos minutos


take out

I went to the bank to take out money

Fui al banco para sacar dinero


throw away

Don't throw away your chance

No desperdicies tu oportunidad


turn down
bajar volumen

Turn down the radio

Bjale a la radio


turn up
subir volumen

Turn up the TV
Sube el volumen al televisor


turn on

Turn on the light, please

Enciende la luz, por favor


turn out

Please turn out the lights when you leave

Por favor apaga las luces al salir


turn over
dar la vuelta

Please turn over the page

Por favor da la vuelta a la pgina


wait in
en casa

Would you like to wait in the room?

Te gustara esperar en el cuarto?


wake up
dejar de dormir

I wake up at the sound of the alarm

Despert con el sonido de la alarma


walk about

I walked about aimlessly on the street

Camin sin rumbo por la calle


walk across

We saw him walk across the street

Lo vimos cruzar la calle


walk around
dar la vuelta

You had better not walk around in such a place

Es mejor no dar la vuelta en este sitio


walk on
seguir andando

After dinner, I walk on the beach

Despus de cenar voy a seguir caminando por la playa

- Bring up mencionar algo. Dont bring up the problem we had last year.
Carry on go on que significa continuar. We have to carry on with our work.
Chase up encontrar. Ill chase up Carlos because I need his help with homework.
Come across encontrarse con alguien de manera inesperada. I went to the mall and
I came across Claudio. I hadnt seen him for ages.
Come up with cuando quieres expresar que alguien ha propuesto una buena idea o
plan. Brenda came up with a great solution.
- Fall apart desmoronarse, romperse The expensive toy we bought our son keeps
falling apart.
Get along tener una buena relacin con alguien. I dont get along with Howard. We
always argue.
Get away with evitar ser castigado por hacer algo o por romper reglas. He is not
going to prison? I cant believe he got away with that
Get back to cuando no puedes dar una respuesta inmediata asi que usas este verbo
para decirle que despues le respondes.So what did you tell John about the problem?Ill
get back to him later.
Get over Suparar I know it was hard to leave your country but you will get over
Get through conectar a la persona con quien quieras hablar por telefono. Sorry,
but I couldnt get through to her, Ill try in ten minutes
Give up rendirse, abandonar I gave up smoking because it was killing me.
Go on! lo mismo que carry on
Hold on! esperar. Comun en ingls hablado. Hold on Es como WAIT FOR ME.
Look after cuidar. I have to travel next week. Can you look after mu dog?
Look into investigar. Ill look into it right away and come back to you assoon as
Look up encontrar algo como en una agenda, en Internet o en algun catalogo. Can
you look up their address on the Net?
Make out Reconocer o distinguir detalles I just couldnt make out what she was
Point out sealar o hacer notar Braulio pointed out that their department hadnt
done early shifts for a good while
Pull over detenerse (tambin usado cuando estas en el carro y detienes el carro
llevandolo a un lado de la carretera) Can you pull over?. I think we hit a dog
Put down escribir, anotar Hold on, Ill put it down, let me just find a piece of
Put forward proponer una idea. Can I put forward something?
- Put off posponer o dejar para mas tarde I dont want to clean my house today,Ill
put it off till tomorrow
Put through transferir una llamada Can you put me through to the sales
department, please?
Run out of agotarse, acabarse We just ran out of milk, can you buy some more,

Run off imprimir copias de un de algo como un documento Can you run off a few
more survey sheets, please?
Set up fundar, establecer, instalar Ive always dreamt of setting up my own
Show off presumir Michael always likes showing off in front of girls, thats the
way he is!
Show up aparecer (como cuando llegas a una reunion y llegas tarde)Well, well,
look who decided to show up! or He showed up late, and the game had already started
without him.
Sort out resolver un problema Bill, please do something about the problem. OK,
Ok Ill sort it out
Stand for representar What does AWOL stand for? What does J.K. stand for in
J.K. Rowlings name?
Stand up for defender tus derechos. Ill definitely stand up for my rights to take
summer holidays this year as I havent had them for four years!
Stay on quedarse en algo o en algun lugar mas de lo esperado. Are you staying on
today as well?
Stick together estar juntos (cuando 2 o mas personas paran juntos) We should
stick together, you know, itll be much easier as everyone else seems to be on their
Take over asumir. When the president retires, Mr. Tanaka will take over.
Talk down to hablar con menosprecio haciendo a la otra persona que es es inferior.
He is his boss but he should talk down to Juan.
Turn down rechazar Ill never forget how she turned downmy invitation!
Turn up significa llegar o aparecer. Has Michael turned up today. I havent seen
Turn out cuando algo sale diferente a lo que esperado It turned out that I actually
knew that guy from my
Watch out! tener cuidado. Watch out! The floor is slipery. You might fall


add up to: alcanzar un total
add up: totalizar /aadir , sumar 2 cosas para juntarlos en una sola : you have 5 apples.
Lets add up the apples .explicar algo que suene verdadero(tenga sentido) o lgico
(her story didnt add up for me)
agree to/to consent to: consentir
agree on: acordar en
answer back: contestar de malos modos
answer for: responder de

ask about: preguntar por (un asunto)

ask after: preguntar por la salud
ask back: invitar a volver
ask down: invitar a bajar
ask for: pedir(Can I ask you for a favor?), buscar o provocar algo negativo (If you
date him, you're asking for trouble.) preguntar por (ask about)
ask in: invitar a entrar
ask out: invitar a salir
ask up to: pedir hasta (un precio)
ask up: invitar a subir
back away: retroceder lentamente/ romper una promesa o compromiso previo
back down: volverse atrs, ceder, rajarse
back out: volver atrs, retroceder( de la plaza de aparcar) /retirase, romper compromiso
o promesa.
back up: reforzar, dar apoyo/ cumplir la palabra o una amenaza/ dar pruebas para
probar una afirmacin/ hacer una copia
be about: estar por (un lugar)
be about to: estar a punto de
be away: estar fuera
be back: estar de vuelta, estar de regreso
be fed up/be tired: estar harto
be for: estar a favor de
be in: estar en casa
be off: irse, estar apagado
be on: estar encendido
be out: estar fuera
be out of: quedarse sin
be over: estar acabado, terminarse/ Inclinarse
be put off with: estar molesto/ enfadado con
be taken in/get taken in: ser engaado por una mentira de fraude
be up: estar levantado, estar despierto
belong to: estar conectado con algo alguien (This isn't my car, it belongs to my
bend down: agacharse (She bent down and picked up her scarf which had fallen on
the floor)
bend over: inclinarse (We have to bend over and touch our toes a lot in yoga class)
blow away: llevarse (el viento)
blow down: derrumbarse por el viento
blow off: dejar salir (el vapor)/ no hacerle caso a alguien, desairar
blow out: apagar (se) (una llama)/ reventar cuando se trata de la rueda/llanta de un
blow up: -llenar algo con aire o gas (I have to blow up the tires on my bike if I want

to ride it) /-*explotar/ponerse rabioso. *volar (con explosivos)( They blew up a

building, but luckily nobody was hurt) agrandar (Can you blow up the photo so
we can see it better?)
break away: soltarse
break down: *dejar de funcionar (Our car broke down while we were driving to the
supermarket) , *derruir (poner fin) (After days of negotiations, the talks broke
down.) * Derribarse, desmoronarse (The firemen had to break down the door to get
into the house.) * comenzar a llorar, sollozar, tener ataque de nervios (By Friday I
broke down and cried)
break in: irrumpir, interrumpir, entrar en un edificio sin permiso, estrenar/ darle
informacin a un empledo nuevo/usar una cosa nueva para hacerla mas sueve/flexible,
entrenar/ darle formacin a un empleado nuevo/ formar
break loose: escaparse, desprenderse
break off: romper (se) (relaciones)
break out: escapar de una edificio, crcel, estallar (una guerra)
break up: terminar una relacin (They broke up when she moved)/ romper en pedazos,
break through: atravesar, lograr entrar
bring about: acarrear, causar
bring along: traer (consigo); traer consigo ( cosa o persona)
bring away: traer, llevarse consigo al salir(de un lugar o un evento/una experiencia)
bring around: traer, convencerle a alguien( a hacer una cosa que antes no quera hacer)
bring back: devolver, traer/llevarse de regreso (de un lugar o de un evento, etc)// causar
la recuperacin de la conciencia/reanimar)
bring down: derribar, derrocar, abatir/ rebajar, bajar(una cosa)
bring in: hacer entrar/ traer, llevar a (algo o alguien a casa)
bring on: causar(brought on by=causado por)
bring out: hacer salir, hacer resaltar, publicar/ causarle una reaccin a alguien
bring over: traer/ llevar algo o alguien a cierto lugar(ej:casa)
bring through: traer/llevar por/ayudarle a alguien que pasa por un mal rato
bring up: criar(cuidar nios), educar(ensear)/ mencionar algo cuando estamos
hablando, plantear(un tema/una idea), subir (una cosa)
brun away: consumirse (el fuego)
brush off: quitar el polvo
burn down: derrumbarse (por el fuego)
burn out: consumirse (el fuego)
burn up: consumirse (por el fuego)
buy for: comprar por o para
buy over: sobornar
buy up: acaparar
call at(+lugar):ir, Hacer una visita, hacer escala(I called at her office but she was out)
call away: Seguir llamando

call back: devolver una llamada

call down: Llamar (a alguien) para que baje
call for: Pedir a voces,exigir/ir a buscar a alguien a su casa(Ill call for you tomorrow
call in: Llamar (a alguien) para que entre
call off: cancelar algo o evento/parar algo (decir a alguien que pare de molestar)
call on(+nombre o pronombre): Ir a ver (a alguien)/visitar ( I called on her)
call out: Gritar/clamar
call over: Pasar lista, enumerar
Call to: llamar a alguien a voces (Call to James, hes late for dinner)
call up: Te lefonear (Call him up on the pone)/ llamar a los reclutas para combatir
carry along: Persuadir
carry off: Llevarse a la fuerza
carry on: continuar haciendo lo que se esta haciendo,perseverar/hablar de una manera tonta.
carry out: llevar a cabo, cumplir/llevar comida a casa (con respecto a los restaurantes)

check back: preguntar ms adelante/preguntar en otra oportunidad

check in: presentarse
check into: entrar, ingresar, averiguar
check on : averiguar, averiguar el estado o el bienestar de otra persona
check out: examinar, revisar, echar un vistazo, averiguar
salir (por ejemplo, de un hospital o de un hotel)
check off: acabar con los artculos de una lista, puntear
check over: revisar/examinar con mucho cuidado
check with: hablar con (para preguntar o pedirle algo antes de hacer otra cosa)
por ej: Check with your doctor before taking this medicineclear away: Dispersar (se)
clean out: vaciar (como un despacho/una oficina cuando una persona deja su trabajo)
clean up: limpiar, lavarse, limpiar/poner en orden (por ejemplo, una casa despus de
una fiesta), dejar de usar/abusar las drogas o el alcohol
clear off: Marcharse/ quitar todas las cosas de encima( de una mesa o escritorio, etc)
clear out: Marcharse, salir, irse muy deprisa
clear up: Aclararse (el tiempo,un misterio)/despejarse(el cielo)
close down: Cerrar
come along:venr con otra(s)persona(s), acompaar
come after: seguir
come away: irse, venir para irse, salir
come back: volver, regresar( =go back)
come up:subir
come up with: alcanzar o conseguir algo que necesitamos/ inventar, tener una
come in: entrar(=go in) Como in!=Pasa, Pase!

come off: desprenderse (cuando debe pegarse)Come off it! = No digas eso, Parece
mentira, Deja de hacer eso!
come over/ come by: venir a algn lugar normalmente para encontrarse con alguien
come out: salir, asomarse, acudir, dejar de esconderse, revelarse como homosexual
come with: acompaar(=go with)
come through: atravesar, cumplir, cumplir la palabra
Come across: dar la impresin de tener un carcter particular/sonar exagerado/encontrar
o encontrarse con algo(alguien) por casualidad/dar con/cruzar , atravesar
Count in: contar con(alguien en una actividad) You can count me in for the party
Count on: contar con, confiar (you can count on me, Im your friend
crack down (on) - ser ms severo con, ser menos clemente con
crack open - rajarse
crack up - rerese o hacer rerse a otra persona; volverse loco
cut out - cortar una forma con tijeras/extraer/sacar con un cuchillo/un bistur
cut it out - dejar de hacer algo (que le disgusta a otra persona)
Cut it out! - Deja de hacer eso!
cut off - cortar, recortar, podar/desconectar (como la luz/electricidad)/parar, impedir
cut up - cortar en pedazos/portarse como un nio (i.e. jugar, decir cosas chistosas/hacer
cut down - criticar severamente/matar, esp. soldados con fuego de armas/derribar un
rbol cortndolo
cut down (on) - comer menos de una comida por razones de la salud/hacer una actividad
con menos frecuencia que antes.
do away with/to rid oneself of/to get rid of - deshacerse de
do in - causar la destruccin de (una persona o una cosa)
do up - abrocharse, atar los cordones de los zapatos (pases britnicos)
do up (one's hair) - arreglarse el pelo (EEUU)
do without - privarse de, conformarse con no tener lo que uno quisiera tener
draw up - hacer un dibujo/organizar (un plan)
draw out - sacar (como sangre de una persona)//causar/tentar a alguien a salir o
asomarse/dejar de esconderse
eat away: roer, carcomer, corroer, desgastar.
eat into: corroer, comerse.
eat out: comer fuera, cenar fuera.
eat up: comerse, consumir, tragar, devorar.
egg on: animar, incitar.

end in: acabar en, terminar con.

end off: acabar, terminar, ir a parar
face up to: afrontar, enfrentar, enfrentarse a.
fall about: troncharse, partirse (de risa).
fall apart: romperse, deshacerse, caerse a pedazos.
fall away: disminuir/desaparecer/desprenderse.
fall back on to: recurrir a, echar mano de, apoyarse en.
fall back: retroceder, retirarse.
fall behind with: retrasarse.
fall behind: retrasarse, quedarse atrs, rezagarse.
fall down: caer, caerse/ hundirse, derrumbarse, venirse abajo/fallar/ dejarse engaar por
fall in love: enamorarse de.
fall in with: encontrarse con, juntarse con/convenir en, aprobar, aceptar
fall in: desplomarse, venirse abajo/ alinearse, formar filas, ponerse en filas.
fall into: dividirse en, clasificarse en/ adquirir.
fall off: bajar, disminuir/ empeorar/ desprenderse, caerse.
fall on: incidir en, recaer en, tocar a/atacar, caer sobre.
fall out: reir/ pelearse /romper filas/ caerse.
fall over: caer, tropezar con/ caerse
fall through: fracasar, quedar en nada.
fall to: empezar a, ponerse a/ corresponder a, incumbir a, tocar a.
fall under: clasificarse en, estar incluido,-a en.
feel for: compadecer a, compadecerse de.
feel up to: sentirse con nimos para, sentirse con fuerzas para.
figure on: contar con, esperar.
figure out: comprender, explicarse/ resolver, calcular.
fill in for: sustituir a.
fill in: rellenar/poner al corriente.
fill out: engordar/rellenar.
fill up: llenar/ llenarse.
find out: preguntar, averiguar/ enterarse de/ calar, pillar, descubrir el juego/ informarse
get about: moverse, desplazarse, salir/ viajar/ difundirse.
get across: cruzar/ atravesar/ hacer comprender, hacer entender/ hacerse entender.
get ahead: adelantar, progresar.
get along with: llevarse (bieno mal) con/ marchar, ir con. (I dont get along very well
with my neighbor.
get along: arreglrselas, aparselas/ marcharse, irse.
get around to: encontrar tiempo para.
get around: moverse, desplazarse/ viajar/ difundirse/ evitar, sortear.
get at: alcanzar, llegar a/ insinuar/ criticar/ meterse con.
get away with: salir impune de.
get away: escaparse, irse/ alejar, quitar, sacar.
get back: volver, regresar/ moverse hacia atrs, retroceder/ recuperar.( We got back to
the hotel at 11 p.m)
get behind: atrasarse.
get by: arreglrselas/ pasar.( I dont know how they get by with three kids)

get down to: ponerse a.

get down: deprimir, desanimar/bajar/ apuntar, anotar/tragar/bajarse.
get in: llegar/entrar/subir a un automovil/ser elegido,-a/ meter/recoger, cosechar/
recoger/comprar/llamar.(Get in the car! Its raining!)
get into: llegar a, entrar en/ subir a.
get off with: ligar.
get off: quitarse/ bajarse de tren,autobs,etc/ bajarse/ salir/ comenzar/ escaparse.( When
he got off the train, he looked tired)
get on for: ser casi.
get on to: ponerse en contacto con, localizar/ empezar a hablar de, pasar a.
get on: subir a, subirse a, montar a/progresar, avanzar, ir. (The childrenare getting on the
school bus)
get out of:salir, bajar de un automvil, librarse de/ dejar, perder la costumbre. He got
out of the car and started running
get out: sacar/quitar/salir/bajar de, bajarse de.
get over with: acabar con.
get over: recuperarse de/ sobreponerse a.
get round to: encontrar tiempo para.
get round: salvar/ evitar, soslayar/ convencer, persuadir.
get through: llegar/ conseguir hablar.
get to: alcanzar, llegar ( he didnt get to school on time)
get together: reunirse, juntarse/juntar, reunir/ montar/ recoger, reunir.( Lets get together
and celebrate!
get up to: hacer/ llegar a
get up: levantarse/ subir/ levantarse de la cama/despertar/ disfrazarse.( I ussualy get up
at 7:30)
give away: distribuir, repartir/regular/entregar/delatar, traicionar.
give back: devolver.
give in to: ceder ante.
give in: darse por vencido,-a, rendirse/ceder/entregar.
give off: despedir, desprender, emitir.
give onto: dar a.
give out: distribuir, repartir/ anunciar/ acabarse, agotarse.
give over: entregar/ dedicar, asignar/ dejar de.
give up on: abandonar, desistir.
give up: dejar/ abandonar, renunciar a /ceder, renunciar.
go about: emprender, hacer/ continuar.
go after: perseguir, andar tras.
go against: ir en contra de/ser desfavorable a.
go ahead with: proceder.
go ahead: proceder.
go along with: estar de acuerdo con.
go along: pasar por/ progresar, ir/ ir.
go around: bastar, ser suficiente, haber/ correr, circular/ ir, andar.
go away: marcharse/ irse de un lugar(ordenes) Go away, Im busy
go back on: romper, no cumplir.
go back: volver, regresar a algn lugar que ya se conoce (He went back to his old
school) /datar de/ remontarse a.
go by: pasar/ atenerse a, seguir/ dejarse llevar por/ juzgar por.
go down with: coger, pillar.

go down: bajar, disminuir (The rents have gone down)/ deshincharse/ ponerse/ hundirse/
ser acogido,-a.
go for: atacar/ ir a buscar/ gustar/ valer para.
go in for: participar en, tomar parte en/ presentarse a/ dedicarse a.
go in: entrar.
go into: entrar en/ investigar/ chocar contra.
go off with: escaparse con.
go off: marcharse/ estallar/ sonar (My alarm clock didnt go off today)/ dispararse/
estropearse, pasarse.
go on: seguir, continuar (We couldnt go on talking)/ pasar, ocurrir, suceder ( Whats
going on here?
go out: salir (Would you like to go out for dinner?)/ apagarse.
go over to: pasarse a/ cambiar a, pasar a.
go over: revisar, repasar.
go round: dar vueltas, girar/ pasar por casa de, visitar.
go through with: llevar a cabo.
go through: pasar por, sufrir, padecer/ examinar.
go towards: destinar a, reservar para.
go under: hundirse/ fracasar.
go up: subir,aumentar (Prices have gone up)/ acercarse/ levantarse/ estallar.
go with: acompaar/ ir con, estar incluido,-a/ hacer juego con.
go without: pasar sin, prescindir de.
grow apart: distanciarse.
grow away from: distanciarse de.
grow into: convertirse en, hacerse.
grow on: llegar a gustar.
grow out of: perder, quitarse/ quedarle pequeo,-a a.
grow up: hacerse mayor/ criarse, crecer/ surgir, nacer, desarrollarse.
hand around: repartir, ofrecer, pasar.
hand back: devolver.
hand down: transmitir/ pasar/ dejar en herencia.
hand in: entregar/ presentar, notificar.
hand on: transmitir, heredar: (give) pasar, dar.
hand out: repartir, distribuir/ dar/ aplicar.
hand over: entregar/ ceder.
hang about / hang around: esperar/ perder el tiempo/ frecuentar.
hang back: quedarse atrs/ vacilar.
hang down: colgar, caer.
hang on: agarrarse/ esperar.
hang out: tender/ soler estar.
hang up: colgar/ colgar.
have on: llevar puesto,-a/ tomar el pelo a.
have out: sacarse/ operarse de.
hold back: retener/ ocultar/ contener/ reprimir.
hold down: dominar/ desempear.
hold forth: hablar largo y tendido (on/about, sobre).
hold off: mantener alejado,-a/ refrenarse.
hold on to: cogerse a, agarrarse a/ guardar.
hold on: agarrarse fuerte, agarrarse bien/ esperar/ no colgar.

hold out: tender, ofrecer/ durar/ resistir.

hold over: aplazar.
hold up: atracar, as altar/ retrasar/ aguantar, sostener/ aguantar, resistir.
hold with: estar de acuerdo con.
iron out: planchar/ resolver, solucionar.
jack in: dejar, colgar.
jack off: menersela/ masturbar.
jack up: levantar con gato/ subir.
jump at: aceptar sin pensarlo.
keep at: perseverar en algo/ no dejar en paz, machacar.
keep away: mantener a distancia
keep back: retener, guardar/ ocultar, no revelar/ estorbar, impedir/ mantener atrs,
keep down: oprimir, sujetar/ mantener bajo/ limitar, controlar.
keep from: abstenerse de, guardarse de.
keep in with: mantener buenas relaciones con.
keep in: no dejar salir/ hacer quedar/ contener/ costear, pagar.
keep off: mantenerse a distancia/ no llover/ no dejar entrar/ no tocar, no hablar de.
keep on about: insistir en, no parar de hablar de.
keep on: seguir, continuar/ no quitarse.
keep out of: no entrar en/ no meterse en.
keep out: no dejar entrar, no dejar pasar/ no entrar.
keep to: atenerse a, cumplir/ no dejar, no salir de.
keep together: mantenerse juntos,-as, no separarse.
keep under: tener subyugado.
keep up with: seguir/ mantenerse al corriente de/ mantener el contacto con.
keep up: mantener, seguir/ mantener despierto/ aguantar el ritmo/ mantenerse al da.
kick against something: protestar contra, reaccionar contra.
kick around: andar por ah/ dar vueltas a.
kick in: romper a patadas.
kick off: sacar, hacer el saque inicial/ empezar, comenzar/ empezar, comenzar, iniciar/
kick out: echar a uno.
knock about: rodar, recorrer/ andar con/ pegar, maltratar
knock back: beberse de un trago, rpidamente o en grandes cantidades.
knock down: derribar/ atropellar/ derribar/ rebajar/ adjudicar.
knock off: tirar, hacer caer/ birlar/liquidar/ descontar/ quitar.
knock out: dejar sin conocimiento/ poner fuera de combate
knock over: volcar, tirar/ atropellar.
knock together: hacer de prisa, hacer rpidamente/ entrechocarse.
knock up: despertar, llamar/ hacer de prisa, preparar/ dejar embarazada.
lay about: agredir.
lay aside: dejar a un lado/ dejar de lado.
lay before: presentar.
lay by: guarder/ ahorrar.

lay down: dejar, soltar/ entregar/ imponer, fijar/ sentar.

lay in: proveerse de.
lay into: atacar.
lay off: despedir/ dejar en paz, dejar de molestar/ parar.
lay on: facilitar, suministrar/ cargar.
lay out: tender, extender/ disponer, colocar/ presentar, exponer.
lay over: hacer una parada.
lay up: almacenar.
leave off: dejar de/ acabar, terminar.
leave out: omitir, excluir/ excluir.
let down: bajar/ alargar/ desinflar/ fallar, defraudar.
let in: dejar entrar.
let into: dejar entrar / incrustar en/ revelar.
let off: dejar/ hacer explotar/ hacer estallar/ perdonar/ dejar marcharse/ dejar en libertad.
let on: decir, descubrir/ hacer ver.
let out: dejar salir/ soltar (from, de)/ alquilar.
let through: dejar pasar.
let up on: dejar en paz.
let up: parar.
look after: ocuparse de, atender a/ cuidar (de).( Maria looked after my cats)
look ahead: mirar hacia adelante,pensar en el futuro,anticipar. (We need to look ahead to
make realistic plans)
Look around: mirar alrededor, buscar (We have started looking around for a new house)
look at: mirar, considerar, examinar/ mirar (The doctor needs to look at the wound)
look back: mirar atrs, mirar al pasado, recordar. (When I look back on my life)
look down on: despreciar (You shouldnt look down on your employees)
look for: buscar.( Im looking for my keys)
look forward to (something +ing): esperar (con ansia).( I look forward to seeing you
look in on: pasar (un momento) por.
look into: investigar.( The guard looked into the disturbance)
look like: parecerse a.
look on: considerer/observar.
look onto: dar a.
look out tener cuidado
look out for: esperar, estar al tanto, tener cuidado
look out: ir con cuidado, buscarse.
look over: mirar por encima.
look round: volver la cabeza/ mirar/ mirar/ visitar.
look through: revisar/ ojear.
look to: contar con/ centrarse en.
look up to: respetar,admirar (My little brother looks up to me)mi hno me admira
look up: mejorar/ consultar, buscar/ ir a ver.(Look up the word in the dictionary)
make after: seguir a, perseguir a.
make for: dirigirse hacia/ abalanzarse sobre/ contribuir a, crear, conducir a.
make into: convertir en, transformar en.
make of: pensar, opinar, parecer/ entender/ dar importancia a.
make off with / make away with: llevarse, escaparse con.

make off: escaparse, largarse, huir.

make out: hacer/ extender, hacer/ entender, comprender/ pretender.
make over: ceder, transferir, traspasar/convertir, transformar.
make up for: compensar.
make up to: halagar a/ congraciarse con/ recompensar, pagar.
make up: inventar/hacer/ montar/confeccionar, hacer/ maquillarse.
make with: dar, traer.
mark down: rebajar el precio de/ bajar la nota de/ apuntar.
mark off: separar, dividir, distinguir/ delimiter/ tachar.
mark out: marcar, delimiter/ marcar, trazar/ sealar, seleccionar.
mark up: subir (el precio de), aumentar (el precio de)/ subir la nota de.
mix up: mezclar bien/ preparar/ confundir/ desordenar, revolver, mezclar.
nod off: dormirse, dar cabezadas.
pan out: salir, resultar.
pass away: pasar a mejor vida.
pass by: pasar/ pasar de largo.
pass down: pasar/ transmitir.
pass for: pasar por.
pass off: pasar, transcurrir/ parar/ pasarse/ hacer pasar.
pass on: pasar, dar/ contagiar/ pasar a mejor vida.
pass out: desmayarse, perder el conocimiento/ graduarse/ repartir.
pass over: pasar por alto, dejar de lado, olvidar/ atravesar, cruzar.
pass through: estar de paso/ pasar por, atravesar.
pass up: dejar pasar, dejar escapar, desperdiciar/ rechazar.
pick at: tocar/ comer sin ganas.
pick off: matar uno a uno.
pick on: meterse con/ elegir, escoger.
pick out: elegir, escoger, seleccionar (He picked out a big ring for her)/ distinguir/
reconocer/ tocar de odo.
pick up on: hacer resea de/ volver a/ sealar.
pick up: levantar algo del piso,mesa, etc (Please, pick up the towels from the bathroom
floor)/ recoger, pasar a buscar a alguien o algo ( I have to pick my son up from schhol at
5)/ coger.
pitch (up) on: elegir, escoger/ encontrar, dar con.
pitch forward: caer de bruces, caer de cabeza.
pitch in: empezar/empezar a comer/ cooperar/ contribuir.
pitch into: emprender enrgicamente algo/ atacar, arremeter contra.
pitch off: quitar de encima, sacudir/ caer.
pitch out: tirar/ echar, expulsar, poner de patitas en la calle.
pitch over: tirar/ volcarse.
pull about: manosear, estropear.
pull along: arrastrar/arrastrarse.
pull apart: romper, partir en dos/ desmontar/ criticar duramente.
pull away: arrancar/ quitar arrancando/ apartarse bruscamente de uno.
pull back: retirar/ retener, tirar hacia atrs/ tirar hacia s.
pull down: bajar, tirar hacia abajo, rebajar, hacer caer, tumbar.
pull in: tirar hacia s/ recoger/ cobrar.
pull off: arrancar, separar/ quitar de un tirn/quitarse de prisa.

pull on: ponerse (de prisa)/ tirar de.

pull out: sacar, extraer/ tirar hacia fuera.
pull over: acercar tirando/ derribar, volcar/ hacerse a un lado.
pull round: ayudar a uno a reponerse/ reponerse.
pull through: sacar a uno de un apuro o de una enfermedad/ reponerse, recobrar la
pull together: recuperar/ sobreponerse, serenarse, recuperar la calma.
pull up: alzar, levantar, tirar hacia arriba/ alzar.
put across: comunicar/ hacer entender/ hacer aceptar.
put apart: separar a alguien de otras personas.
put aside: rechazar, desechar, dejar, poner a un lado.
put back: devolver a su lugar/ restituir, volver a poner/ guardar.
put by: ahorrar, tener dinero ahorrado= (to) put away.
put down: poner en tierra/ poner en el suelo/ depositar/ bajar/ soltar.
put forth: alargar/ tender/ extender/ echar/ emplear, desplegar.
put forward: nombrar, presentar, proponer/ hacer.
put in: meter, introducir/ insertar/ interponer/ presentar, aducir.
put off: aplazar, postponer, dejar para despus/ disuadir.
put off: posponer
put on: ganar peso
put on: ponerse/ aplicar/ acelerar, cobrar velocidad/ asumir .
put one over on: ganar por la mano a alguin, engaar a alguien.
put out: apagar un fuego
put out: sacar, poner fuera, mandar a pasearse, echar, expulsar.
put through: cerrar/ despachar/ hacer aprobar/ someter a uno a una prueba.
put together: poner juntos, juntar, reunir.
put up with: aguantar, resignarse a, conformarse con.
put up: alzar, levantar, poner en alto, levantar, abrir, alzar.
put upon: molestar a, incomodar a, pedirle mucho a, abusar de la amabilidad de.
ride about, (to) ride around: pasearse a caballo, en coche, en bicicleta.
ride away: alejarse, irse, partir.
ride back: volver a caballo, en bicicleta, etc.
ride on: depender de.
ride out: aguantar hasta el final de.
rip off: arrancar/ timar.
rip up: romper, hacer pedazos.
round down: redondear (a la baja).
round off: completar, acabar.
round on: volverse contra.
round up: redondear (al alza)/ acorralar/ reunir, juntar.
run across: cruzar corriendo/ encontrar, tropezar con.
run after: perseguir
run after: perseguir.
run along: irse.
run away with: escaparse con/ no te vayas a creer que/ te dejas llevar por.
run away: escapar
run away: irse corriendo, escaparse.
run down: atropellar/ criticar/ agotar/ bajar corriendo/ agotarse/ pararse.
run in: rodar/ detener/ entrar corriendo.

run into: entrar corriendo en/ chocar con/ tropezar con.

run off with: escaparse con, llevarse.
run off: imprimir/ irse corriendo.
run out of: quedarse sin (gasolina, agua, sal)
run out: salir corriendo/ acabarse/ agotarse/ caducar.
run over: atropellar/ rebosar/ derramar.
run through: ensayar/ repasar/ echar un vistazo a.
run up: subir corriendo/ acumular/ izar/ subir corriendo.
set about: empezar a, ponerse a/ atacar, agredir.
set against: enemistar con, poner en contra de/ contraponer, sopesar.
set apart: distinguir, hacer diferente.
set aside: guardar, ahorrar/ dejar/ reservar/ dejar de lado/ anular.
set back: apartar, retirar/ retrasar, atrasar/ costar.
set down: poner por escrito, escribir/ dejar/ establecer, fijar.
set forth: emprender marcha, partir.
set in: empezar, comenzar/ surgir/ declararse.
set off: salir, ponerse en camino/ hacer estallar, hacer explotar/ realzar.
set on: echar/ atacar, agredir.
set out: partir, salir/ proponerse, tener la intencin de, querer.
set to: ponerse a, empezar a.
set up: levantar, erigir/ colocar/ montar/ montar, armar.
show around: mostrar un lugar (Let me show you around the office)
show off: fardar, fanfarronear, presumir, lucirse (Shes a good student, but shes always
showing off in front of everybody)/ hacerse el gracioso
show up: llegar a donde te esperan, aparecer (He didnt show up for the party)/hacer
resaltar, hacer destacar/ revelar, sacar a la luz.
slip away: pasar, irse/ irse.
slip by: pasar, transcurrir.
slip into: ponerse.
slip off: quitarse.
slip on: ponerse.
slip out of: quitarse.
slip out: escaparse.
slip up: equivocarse, cometer un error/ cometer un desliz, meter la pata.
stand aside: apartarse, quitarse de en medio/ no tomar parte, mantenerse al margen.
stand back: apartarse, echarse hacia atrs, alejarse/ distanciarse.
stand by: cruzarse de brazos, quedarse sin hacer nada/ estar preparado.
stand down: retirarse/ dimitir/ retirarse, abandonar el estrado.
stand for: significar, querer decir/ representar/ defender, apoyar.
stand in for: sustituir, suplir.
stand out: destacar, sobresalir/ destacarse, sobresalir/ oponerse ((against, a)).
stand over: vigilar a, velar a.
stand to: estar en estado de alerta/ poner en estado de alerta.
stand up for: defender/ apoyar.
stand up to: hacer frente a, resistir a.
stand up: ponerse de pie, levantarse/ estar de pie.

take after: parecerse a.
take apart: desmontar, deshacer/ echar por tierra.
take aside: llevar a un lado.
take away: llevarse, quitar/ restar/ llevar.
take back: recibir otra vez, aceptar algo devuelto/ readmitir.
take down: quitar, bajar/ desmontar/ apuntar/ humillar.
take for: tomar por.
take in: dar cobijo a, alojar, recoger/ engaar/ asimilar.
take off: quitarse/ quitar, sacar/ llevar/ tomarse/ imitar.
take on: hacerse cargo de, encargarse de, aceptar/ asumir.
take out on: tomarla con, desquitarse con, descargarse.
take out: sacar, quitar/ invitar a salir/ llevar de paseo.
take over from: relevar, sustituir.
take over: tomar (posesin de), apoderarse de/ ocupar.
take to: tomar cario a/ darse a/ empezar a, aficionarse a.
take up on: hacer puntualizaciones sobre/ aceptar (una oferta).
take up with: empezar a salir con, entrar en relaciones con/ hablar de.
take up: ocupar/ llevar, subir/ quitar, levantar.
take upon: encargarse de.
tell against: obrar en contra de.
tell apart: distinguir.
tell off: regaar, reir/ destacar.
tell on: chivarse de.
throw away: tirar/ desaprovechar, perder/ malgastar, derrochar/ lanzar al aire.
throw back on: obligar a recurrir a.
throw back: devolver/ echar atrs.
throw in: incluir gratis/ sacar de banda.
throw off: deshacerse de, librarse de/ despistar/quitarse.
throw on: ponerse.
throw out: echar, expulsar/ rechazar/ tirar, tirar a la basura.
throw up: vomitar, devolver/ abandonar, renunciar a.
tick away: transcurrir.
tick off: marcar, sealar/ regaar, reir/ fastidiar, dar rabia.
tick over: marchar al ralent, estar en marcha/ ir tirando.
try for: tratar de obtener.
try on: probarse.
try out: probar, ensayar.
turn against: poner en contra/ ponerse en contra de.
turn around / turn round: volverse, darse la vuelta/ volver, darle la vuelta a.
turn away: no dejar entrar/ volver la cabeza, volver la espalda.
turn back: hacer retroceder, hacer volver/ retrasar/ volverse atrs.
turn down: rechazar, no aceptar/ denegar/ bajar/ doblar.
turn in: entregar a la polica/ acostarse.
turn off: desconectar/ apagar/ cerrar/ repugnar, dar asco a.
turn on: conectar/ encender/ abrir/ poner en marcha, encender.
turn out: apagar/ producir, fabricar/ vaciar/ desmoldar.
turn over: dar la vuelta a, volver, poner al revs.
turn to: acudir a, recorrer a, recurrir a/ buscar, pasar a.

turn up: llegar, presentarse/ aparecer/ doblar hacia arriba, levantar.

*Whatdo you call this in English?

*How do you say cocina in English?
wait about, (to) wait around: esperar, perder el tiempo.
wait behind: quedarse, quedarse para esperar a uno.
wait in: estar en casa esperando a uno.
wait on, wait upon: servir a uno, desvivirse por mimar a uno.
wait out: quedarse hasta el final de, esperar ms que uno.
wait up: velar, no acostarse, seguir sin acostarse.
wait upon: cumplimentar a uno, presentar sus respetos a uno.
walk about: pasearse, ir y venir.
walk across: cruzar.
walk around: dar una vuelta, pasearse.
walk away with: llevarse, copar, largarse con, robar.
walk away: irse, alejarse, negarse a, evadirse de.
walk back: volver a pie, regresar andando.
walk down: bajar a pie.
walk in: entrar, entrar sin llamar/ interrumpir a alguien.
walk into: entrar/ caer en una trampa/ ser embaucado.
walk off: quitarse un dolor de encima dando un paseo.
walk on: seguir andando o caminando/ salir de figurante.
walk out: salir, retirarse/ declararse en huelga/ marcharse.
walk over: atropellar a, tratar a alguien a coces/ ganar.
walk through: ensayar por primera vez.
walk up: subir a pie
Work out: *encontrar las respuesta o solucin (arreglrselas): Ive worked the
problem out= Ive worked out the problem
*hacer ejercicio

add up
ask (someone)out

invitar a salir

back off


back(someone) up

apoyar, respaldar

back up(something)

hacer un copia

break down(something)

dejar de trabajar,
estropearse, averiarse

The waiter added up the bill.

Steve asked me out last night.
I would back off if I were
you, I don't think she likes
You were with me, you
can back me up, right?
Don't forget to back up all of
your files.
Our car broke down while
we were driving to the

break down(someone)

blow up
break into
break up
bring(somebody) up
bring(something) up
call back
call off
call on
calm down
carry on
carry on
catch up
check in
check out
check out
check up
cheer up

It was the most stressful
venirse abajo
week. By Friday I broke
down and cried.
We had to break down the
derribar, desmontar
stage to prepare for the next
They blew up a building, but
luckily nobody was hurt.
Someone broke into my
forzando la entrada para
apartment while I was on
I can't believe it, Dan broke
separarse, romperse
up with me last night!
I was brought up by my
criar y educar
I hate him. Don't ever bring
sacar, mencionar
his name up again!
He was busy when I called,
volver a llamar
but he said he would call me
back tonight.
Did you hear? Brenda called
suspender, cancelar
off the wedding!
The teacher called on me in
class to answer the question.
Calm down, everything is
tranquilizarse, calmarse
going to be ok.
Carry on! You are doing
seguir haciendo algo
very well.
She must have loved Spain,
seguir haciendo algo
she was carrying on about it
for days after she returned.
Call me, we need to catch
ponerse al da
What time can we check in to
registrarse (en)
the hotel?
They checked out on
pagar y marcharse
He's checking you out! /
quedarse con, mirar
Let's check out that new bar.
I know you have been sick, so
hacer averiguaciones
I was calling to check upon
Sarah is depressed; we have
animar(se) a alguien
to cheer her up.

close down

cerrar o terminar una


come back

regresar, volver

come by

pasarse por

come down with


come from


count on

contar con

cut back on


cut off


cut out

parar de hacer algo

drop by/in


drop off

llevar a, dejar

drop out


end up

acabar + infinitivo

fall apart(something)


fall apart(someone)


fall behind

quedarse atrs

fall out


fight back


figure out


fill in/out


fill up


The factory was closed

down last month.
We are coming back next
Come by my office and we
can talk.
My son came down with the
flu last week.
His love of music comes
from his father.
Don't worry, you can count
on me!
With the crisis we have had
to cut back on expenses.
I don't mean to cut you off,
but I have to go now.
Cut it out! Leave your sister
I was just dropping by/in to
say "hi".
She dropped off the kids at
school before going to work.
He dropped out of school
because he was failing all his
There was no food at home so
we ended up going out.
The sweater fell apart after
so many washings.
She fell apart when she
heard the news.
Hurry up or you will fall
I think my wallet fell out of
my purse.
If you don't fight back, they
will never stop bullying you.
I can't figure out why this
isn't working.
You must fill in/out the forms
I need to stop at the gas
station and fill up the gas

find out


fit in

encajar, integrarse

get across

comunicar una idea

get along/on

llevarse bien

get around

desplazarse, circular
cogerse un

get away
get away with

salir impune

get back

regresar, volver



get back at

vengarse de

get by


get on


get on


get out of

irse, salir, marcharse

get over


get through

superar, acabar

get together

quedar, reunir

get up


give away


give back


If the teacher doesn't know

the answer, she will find it
Despite her efforts, she
never fit in with the other
He tried everything to get his
ideas across, but his boss
didn't understand.
I'm so lucky, my father and
my husband get
along/onreally well.
News really gets around fast!
Work has been so stressful, I
need to get away!
She stole my idea, but she
won't get away with it.
They get back from vacation
on Thursday.
I have to get these books
back to the library today.
I'll get back at her for
stealing my idea!
We don't have a lot of money
right now, but we'll get by.
He got on the bus for the
My husband and I have
separated, but I must get
onwith my life.
It's too smoky in here, I have
to get out of here.
I'm so upset, I can't get
over failing my test.
I'm never going to get
through this book with all of
these distractions!
We are getting together for
dinner tomorrow at 8.
What time did you get up this
The millionaire gave
away all his money just
before he died.
Can you give me back my

give in/up

ceder, rendirse

give out

repartir, distribuir

give up

rendirse, abandonar

go ahead

ir delante

go back

regresar, volver

go out


go out with(someone)

salir con

go over


go through


go through

sufrir, soportar

grow up

crecer, criarse

hand in

presentar, entregar

hand out


hang on


hang out

pasar tiempo con

hang up

colgar el telfono

hit on

flirtear, coquetear con

hold back


hold on
hurry up

darse prisa

keep on


book when you have finished

reading it?
Be strong! Don't give in to
They are giving out free
samples at the store.
Ok, I give up. What's the
Go ahead, I'll meet you there.
I'm so embarassed. I can
never go back to that
Let's go out for a drink.
I hear Michael is going out
with Jane.
Before you submit your thesis,
I think we should go over it
You need to go through the
Lincoln Tunnel to get to New
I can't believe what
you are going through!
Alex grew up in France but
now he lives in Italy.
All homework must
be handed in by the end of
the day.
The teacher will hand out the
assignments this afternoon.
Hang on, I'm coming.
Her favorite thing to do
is hang out with her friends.
I was so angry I hung up on
Look at how that guy
is hitting on Debbie.
She tried, but she
couldn't hold back the tears
any longer.
Hold on, I'm coming.
Hurry up or we will be late.
She kept on asking me the
same questions.

lay (somebody)off

let (somebody)down

look forward to
look out
look up
look up to(somebody)
make(something) up
make up(somebody)
pick on(somebody)
put(something) off
rely on
slow down
speak up
take after(somebody)
take over
take off
take up
tell (somebody)off
throw out

With the crises, we have been

forced to lay off some staff.
I don't want to let you down,
but I don't think I can come
defraudar, decepcionar
with you to the party
We are really looking
tener ganas de
forward to your visit!
prestar atencin, tener
Look out! That car almost hit
You will need to look
buscar, consultar
up some words in the
She's so brave, I have
admirar a alguien
always looked up to her.
I don't believe you.
inventar algo
You're making that up!
Our parents had an argument
last night, but they made
up this morning.
When I was young, my
fastidiar, burlar
brother always picked on me.
You must not want to do it,
posponer, atrasar
you keep putting it off.
I hope I can rely on you to be
contar con, confiar en
Slow down please, you are
reducir la velocidad
driving too fast!
hablar ms alto, subir la Can you please speak up, I
can't understand you.
With that bad temper, he
must take after his father.
sustituir, hacerse con el If you are tired of driving, I
can take over for a while.
The plane will take off in 5
ocupar, empezar una
He has taken up tennis in his
free time.
She told him off after he was
echar la bronca, regaar
late again.
They should throw that
guy out, he's really drunk.

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