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Improving Transient Stability of AC System by

Joint Use of HVDC

Joel Jose (14T070001) and Abhijith VS (133079010)
The paper analyses the impact of parallel AC-HVDC system in improving the transient stability of AC lines.
Equal area criterion is extended to the parallel system for determination of stability limits. A simple small signal
stability simulation is carried out to illustrate the possibilities of control of parallel HVDC line. Impact of predisturbance power transfer, machine inertia constants and DC power control methodology in improving the transient
stability is analyzed.
Index Terms
Transient stability, parallel AC-HVDC system, HVDC control strategies.

The increase in power system sizes and complex interconnections makes the stability of power system
a very interesting topic. HVDC systems have the capability for controlling the power transfer as an
independent entity as opposed to conventional AC systems where the power transferred between two
buses was a function of voltage magnitudes and angles. The possibility of controlling power transfer in
a rapid and independent manner enabled the use of parallel HVDC systems for stabilizing the system.
Even the conventional crude control of HVDC converters for power modulation can improve the transient
stability limits significantly[1]. Initial research in this area concentrated more on the impact of system
parameters and nature of disturbances in the stability limits. With the evolution of converter technology
and intelligent controls, it was possible to achieve better performance of the AC system by operating in
parallel with HVDC lines [2][3][4].
The small signal analysis example given in Section III demonstrates the possibility of FACTS devices
in improving stability of AC systems. In fact, these concepts are directly transferable to HVDC domain as
well because the modulation of effective line reactance can be simulated by appropriate control of HVDC
Equal area criterion[6] has been used as a convenient tool for analysis of large disturbance stability
in AC systems. In Section II-A, the methodology to extend this tool to parallel AC-HVDC system is
presented[1]. Section IV critically evaluates control of HVDC system and its impact as proposed in [1].
Equal area criterion for AC systems is explained first and how it can be modified for HVDC system
in parallel is demonstrated below. The criterion is limited by the fact that it can only be used for two
machine systems. Bigger systems have to be modeled by equivalent two machine systems. Hence in the
following analysis, the AC system represented behind the HVDC buses are assumed to be equivalent
representation of rest of the grid.
A. Equal Area Criterion
The equal area criterion is a very useful tool in transient stability analysis in multi-machine AC systems.
This concept can be extended to HVDC systems as well.
When a three phase fault occurs on one of the parallel transmission line, that line has to be isolated
from the system and the power should be carried by the remaining parallel lines. During the fault clearing

Fig. 1. Equal area criterion in AC system

time, generator may step out of synchronism. Equal area criterion can be applied during the fault and the
stability of the system can be analyzed.
Power angle characteristics of a double circuit line, in which a three phase short circuit occurred at an
end of one of the line, is shown in Figure 1.
Before the fault, the power which both the lines together can be transmitted:
Pe = Pmax sin


During the fault, the power which can be transmitted is reduced to r1 times than that before fault:
Pe = r1 Pmax sin


After clearing the fault, the power which can be transmitted is reduced to r2 times than that before
Pe = r2 Pmax sin
Here, the values ofr1 and r2 is in the range: 0 r1 < r2 < 1. The type of the fault determines the
value of r1 .
For the system to be stable,
A1 = A2
Now consider the same system with an additional parallel HVDC transmission line available. The power
transferred through the HVDC line can be smoothly controlled. So it is possible to use the DC power as
a countermeasure to overcome the disturbances during the fault condition. Fig. 2 shows the power angle
characteristics of such a parallel AC-DC system.
Using the equal area criterion, for the system to be stable:
A1 + B1 = A2 + B2


Comparing figures 1 and 2, it can be found that the value of 3 is smaller in the AC-DC system. This
value can be controlled by controlling the area B2 . i.e. transient stability of the system is improved by
controlling the area B2 .
B2 = (A1 + A2 ) B1


Let, Pg and Pg0 are the output of generator at normal and transient condition respectively, Pl and Pl0
are the power of the AC system at normal and transient condition respectively, Pd and Pd0 are the power
of the DC system at normal and transient condition respectively and Pm be the mechanical power.

Fig. 2. Equal area criterion for parallel AC-HVDC system (adapted from [1])

Equation 6 can be represented as,

Z 3

(Pd0 Pd )d =

Z 2

{(Pl Pl0 ) + (Pd Pd0 )}d

Z 3

(Pl0 Pl )d


At steady state,
Pm = P g


Pg0 = Pl0 + Pd0


At transient condition,
Using the above relations Equation 7 can be rearranged as:
Z 3

Pd0 d =

Z 3

Pm d

Z 2

Pg0 d

Z 3

Pl0 d


If the transient increment in the DC power is assumed to be constant, then


Z 2
Z 3
3 1

Pg d +
Pl0 d)
' Pm
3 2 3 2 1


The increment in the DC power required can be determined from equation 11. Since Pg0 and Pd0 are
nonlinear, they are determined experimentally.
Small signal stability analysis of a two bus system was carried out using eigenvalue analysis, by
the help of MATLAB tools. The example serves to illustrate the effect of power modulation in an AC

Fig. 3. Two bus system with variable reactance

A. System Model
A synchronous machine with internal voltage E = 1.0 pu and constant mechanical power input
Pm = 1.0 pu is connected to an infinite bus with Eb = 1.0 pu as shown in Fig. 3. Inertia constant
of the alternator H = 3.0 M J/M V A and B = 2 50 rad/s.
xv is the reactance of the variable reactance device connected in series with the transmission line.
x = 0.25 pu and xline = 0.3 pu are constant. The effective reactance of the line is then x = x0 +xline xv .
The equilibrium value of xv is 0.05 pu.
The variable reactance xv is varied in proportion to . The relation can be expressed using a controller
gain K such that xv = K.
B. Analysis and Simulation
For analysis of small disturbances of the system around its equilibrium point, we can linearize the
swing equations as below:
2H d
= Pe
B dt


Pe is give by
We can linearize the above equation with respect to and as
Pe =



EEb cos
EEb sin
= Pe =


eq , xeq
eq ,
Pe =




At equilibrium, we obtain eq = 30 and xeq = 0.5 pu. Choosing and as state variables, we can
write the state equations for the above system as



k1 B


k2 B



where k1 = 3 and k2 = 2K.

The small signal behaviour of the system around this equilibrium can be analyzed by obtaining the
eigenvalues of the system matrix. We consider the following cases:






Time (seconds)






Fig. 4. Oscillations in and with K = 0.0










Time (seconds)


Fig. 5. Oscillations in and with K = 0.005

1) K = 0.0, no control action: The eigenvalues for this case are = j9.5231. We see that the
oscillations in rotor angle and speed are undamped. Response for an initial condition of = 0.0
and = B is shown in Fig. 4.
2) K = 0.005 pu/(rad/s): When we introduce control in line reactance, the eigenvalues obtained have
a negative real part, = 0.2618 j9.5195. Oscillations in both and die down. See Fig. 5.
Further simulations showed that the damping increases with increase in K and the frequency of oscillation
comes down with higher values of inertia constant H.
The damping achieved by varying line reactance can be better obtained by using a HVDC line in
parallel. As power flow in the line is inversely proportional to the line reactance, the variation in line
reactance with speed can be replicated by controlling the power in the line. An HVDC link with proper
control presents a very attractive option to do the same. With this motivation, the following sections
looks into a crude, yet effective control of a parallel AC-HVDC link to achieve improvement in transient


A. Without DC Power Modulation
In this control scheme, the DC power transmitted is not changed during the fault time. The improvement
in the transient stability depends on the initial steady state DC power. This control scheme is trivial since
the generator may step out of synchronism.
If constant current control is used, the transient stability power limit can be improved.
B. With DC Power Modulation
During the fault clearing time, DC power transmitted can be incremented to support the AC lines. Fig.
2 shows the equal area criterion for the AC-DC system with this control scheme. Here the improvement
in transient stability depends on the increment of the DC power flow (Pd ). The phase angle variation
can be decreased by increasing the increment of DC power flow. If Pd is too large, over-damping of
dc system may occur. So there is maximum limit for this. This control scheme is suitable in the case of
large disturbances.
C. Hybrid Control
The combination of the aforementioned methods can be used according to the severity of the disturbances.
For small disturbances, control scheme with no DC power modulation or constant current can be used.
Here the improvement in the transient stability is small and depends on the initial steady state DC power
transferred. For large disturbances, control scheme with DC power modulation can be used. The increment
in DC power flow is used to improve the damping of internal phase angle.
This control scheme has the advantage of both schemes.
A simple control strategy for parallel AC-HVDC systems in the even of fault on AC side is presented
in Fig. 6.
The amount of increase in stability limits are dependent on AC and DC power levels before fault,
time taken for fault clearance, inertia constant of generator, amount of increase of DC power and
method of regulation of DC power.
The stability limit will be more if the initial DC steady state power transferred is large.
In the case of AC parallel system, as the re-closing time increases the damping of internal phase
angle will not be enough to maintain the stability. But in the case of parallel AC-HVDC system,
high damping is there even if the re-closing time is large.
The stability limit can be increased by increasing the rate of change of DC power injected. In HVDC
system, the power transfer can be controlled rapidly and hence the desired stability limit can be
The transient stability of the AC power system can be improved by using parallel HVDC lines. The
improvement in transient stability is greater for control scheme with rapid control to increase DC power
in the event of fault. Increase in DC power required is decided by the desired mode of operation damping
oscillations or prevent step-out of generator.
Studies conducted on existing HVDC systems have shown that the improvement in stability limits
shown by research is achievable in practice[7].
Improvement in digital protection technology combined with parallel HVDC systems can improve the
stability of the system even further. Research on simplifying and interfacing existing switch-gear with
parallel HVDC system is an interesting future direction[8]. The implications of faults on HVDC side and
how they interact with AC system is an interesting area of study.

Fig. 6. Control scheme (adapted from [1])

The improvement in converter technologies and control strategies can help to achieve many desirable
features in an embedded HVDC system. Transient stability is one such objective. It is possible to damp
power swings, improve voltage stability and control frequency variations in asynchronously connected
clear all;
K=0.01; % Controller gain. del(x_v)=K*del(w)

%Linearized Model: System Matrix (x1=delta x2=w)

A=[0 1;-k1*wB/(2*H) -k2*wB/(2*H)];
C1=[1 0];
C2=[0 1];
% [y1,t,x1]=initial(sys_del,x0);
% [y2,t,x2]=initial(sys_w,x0);
hold on;
hold off;
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