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~The Symptoms of Ascension Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila"~

We, the ensouling factor of this ship that humanity (along with all other kingdoms)
reside on, also known as Earth, recognize that much of the material written through
our channels is detailed and esoteric in nature. It is our channel's genetic lineage
(which is one of the spiritual elite of long ago who governed ascension in a region
that was once known as Lemuria) that causes her to be so detailed in her material.
For there are the records of over 300 biological ascensions in her ancestry, and each
occurred as the result of intense inner study and the consistent release of those
patterns necessary to be transcended in order to ascend.
We also recognize that not everyone will resonate with this material as it focuses on
more detail than perhaps the average human has interest in. So this article is written
for those who are ascending and perhaps who are not the mapmakers but are
ascending nonetheless and need to understand what is happening to their bodies and
their lives.
Ascension brings about the expansion of the auric field, the chakras, the subtle
bodies and the etheric body that surrounds the form. This ultimately translates down
to a physical expansion that follows suit. This expansion will be for all species,
including those in human form who choose to ascend. The expansion will also include
the global body of Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be
gradual enough to allow for humanity along with other species to move as needed as
the Earth body is reconstituted.
Why is expansion necessary to ascend? The expansion comes hand in hand with a new
biological and biochemical structure that holds a new vibration. This new cellular
structure not only holds a higher vibration but is larger in size, which ultimately
causes the entire body to grow in the process. It is not just the human form that will
increase in size but all species, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms
along with the dolphins and whales. This expansion will be roughly a twenty per cent
increase overall in size and weight.
At another time, the human species stood ten feet in height and was much larger in
bone structure and form. Over the last 10,000 years of human history, the human
genetic material declined, causing the human form to shrink in stature by many feet
and drop in lifespan and consciousness. This is also known as the 'fall of man' in
which mankind fell so low in vibration that he/she embodied fear rather than unity
consciousness and unconditional love. This has also been called the fall out of the
'Garden of Eden.'
Ascension brings about restitution in the genetic material and vibration that all forms
experience on Earth. For the human form, this restitution causes many new glands
and organs to grow in the form that allow for the new cellular structure to subsist and
results in a renewed level of joy and unity consciousness to prevail in the human
experience. Our channel is one of 5,000 mapmakers of the process of ascension in

human form and has detailed articles on the subject available free of charge on this
About six years ago, the first group of 100 humans embarked on the initiations to
restore the physical form to what is called the 'crystalline form' (of which our channel
is one). It was determined, after some planning, that it was not appropriate to restore
the human form to its original size and stature. For one thing, a ten foot tall human
would have a difficult time living in your current civilization. The second consideration
was simply an issue of chi or energy. Too much energy would be expended attempting
to restore the original height to the form that could be expended instead in the
process of resurrection and ascension.
You see, the loss of genetic material and consciousness has caused much of the
human form to decay over time. Even babies are born with over ten to fifteen per cent
decay already present that has become a part of the human genetic encoding. By the
time a human is fifteen years in age, they stop growing and begin to age. This occurs
as the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) ceases to be produced by the pituitary gland in
the brain. By the time an average human form reaches age thirty, the form has
decayed by thirty per cent. By the time the form reaches fifty, it is over fifty to sixty
per cent decayed. Decay is aging, which is also the result of molecules that have
ceased to vibrate in the energetic gridwork of the form.
In order to bring forth the first known cases of resurrection of the decay and the
growth of the crystalline cellular structure, the human growth hormone must be
activated. This hormone allows cells to be converted or transmuted to a new
biochemical structure that holds a higher vibration and allows those cells that have
decayed or scarred to be resurrected. HGH also brings forth an overall growth of the
form, not so much in height, but in size.
First and foremost, both the lungs and diaphragm grow to allow for the experience of
'conscious breath,' which is not to be confused with hyperventilation but rather with
the ability to collect oxygen and convert it into eight types of blood sugar. The blood
sugar feeds the crystalline cellular structure, which has a much higher metabolic rate,
so much higher in fact that you could not eat enough to sustain the crystalline form.
In order to collect oxygen for this purpose, the diaphragm grows over the ribs,
creating multiple pockets in which the oxygen can be collected as it passes from the
lungs to the circulatory system. This new crystalline diaphragm will cause the entire
ribcage to grow and expand with the organ itself protruding many inches outside of
the ribcage itself.
In addition to the diaphragm, there are four new organs that serve a unique purpose
to the crystalline form and the process of ascension that grow the further you ascend.
Two of these organs are utilized for the purpose of filtering decay from the form. As
you ascend, you move to a cellular structure that ceases to decay or die. In your
current structure, humanity experiences every cell in the form being renewed and
replaced every seven years. In the crystalline cellular structure, cellular renewal is
considered a waste of energy that is utilized instead for the purposes of ascension
and resurrection. As a result, the crystalline cell regenerates itself without needing to
be replaced. Those cells that do die, perhaps in the transmutation process (along with

other toxins unnecessary to the crystalline form) are filtered out by two of these four
new organs which grow slightly above the hipbone, expanding the size of the lower
The additional two new organs (which grow under the ribcage just above the kidneys
to the side and rear of the form) produce a new kind of cell that holds photon energy.
In ascension, photon energy is collected and distributed to every cell in the form,
allowing the form to become infused with light or soul. This occurs a little at a time
over a many year period causing a lightening up of the density of the form. These
glands (which allow the photon energy to be collected and distributed throughout the
form for this purpose) also increase the size of the mid-drift and waistline in
In addition to the changes in the lower part of the form, the head also expands,
making room for the growth of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland buds to have
1,000 separate petals, also known as the 1,000-petal lotus as described by Buddha.
Each bud in the pituitary produces a different chemical necessary to bring forth
biological ascension. These chemicals also alter the nervous system, and these
alterations often resemble experiences on drugs such as peyote, in which you are in a
conscious dream state that is connected to all of life and sitting in an expanded state
outside of time. However, this state is an ongoing manner in which you relate to the
world, which is most joyful, and allows for the heightened experience of unity and
It is not only the human form that expands in ascension. In a few short years, each of
you will see representations in all animal kingdoms of the same sort of expansion,
and it serves a parallel purpose. You see, all kingdoms are transcending on a
biological level to the next dimension, a little at a time, over the coming century. Each
species in turn will develop parallel organs that serve a parallel purpose in each
respective form.
Additionally, the form of the Earth herself will grow. This growth is also the result of
the crystalline cellular structure that will permeate all rocks, minerals, forests, oceans
and vegetation. Because the crystalline cellular structure holds a higher vibration,
global warming will continue and in time melt both polar caps of all ice. This increase
in your oceans will come hand in hand with an expansion of the form, and so the
oceans will not cover all land continents. However, some continents will indeed flood
and bring forth a cleansing to regions often overly populated with human form and
therefore very toxic.
There will also be a change in Earth's weather patterns, which will related to the
global warming and the cleansing necessary to allow for global ascension. Those
areas often devoid of water for many years or centuries of time will balance out,
allowing for water to flow in what is known as the many desert regions of Earth. The
balance of water flow is a reflection of the re-balancing of Earth's energy field, which
will provide equal chi or energy to all parts of her global body. Rain is one form of
transferring energy to a region that is in need, and those areas that have been
starved of rainfall have also been starved of the energy necessary to ascend. This will
change in the coming quarter century.


Earth is heating up, which is known as global warming. She will indeed continue to
heat up with many more eruptions of what you know as volcanoes in the centuries
ahead. The heating up and volcanic activity will cleanse the 'skin' of Earth in
preparation for ascension to the next dimension and cause the tectonic plates to
move which is often experienced as earthquakes. As you learn to tune into Earth
Mother and listen, you will know when it is time to move to avoid all natural disasters
in your life experience.
In a similar manner, those who are ascending will experience the resurgence of the
kundahlini energy system. The kundahlini is a recycling body energy that is hot, like
fire, and allows for the burning off of karma or contracts and agreements which are
necessary to be released in order to ascend. The kundahlini has often been associated
with sexuality, but sexuality is not necessary in order for the kundahlini to awaken.
As the kundahlini runs, the molecules of the form begin to excite and rotate at a
faster pace. This increased molecular pace creates a 'heat' inside the form, which can
go so far as to cause dripping sweat. This heating up is a part of ascension, and it is a
sign of regeneration and resurrection, not aging or menopause. The sweating allows
for the toxins to leave via the pores of the skin that are being cast off in the biological
transmutation process.
In a similar manner, Earth will continue to heat up as the molecular rotation increases
over time, allowing for a heightened vibration. This is what will cause the ice caps to
melt on both poles and eventually translate into more volcanic activity. The volcanic
activity will occur as the vibration continues to rise, 'melting' more and more rock at
the core of Earth. As the pressure inside increases, it will be released through the
birthing of new land. Some of this birthing will occur under the oceans and create new
continents in the centuries ahead. Some will occur on the land, cleansing what has
become overly polluted due to human activity. Again, we invite you to tune into Earth
to determine where to live as to not experience these natural disasters in the decades
ahead. View a map of the new earth
Ascension brings about change within one's life experience. Why is this so? Well, the
human species is transcending karma. It is karma or agreements that cause humans
to stay in a certain relationship with a spouse or family member, or to live in a
particular region of the planet, or to hold a particular job to sustain their livelihood.
As the karma is complete, change results. Sometimes such change means the end of a
long-term relationship, or the parting of family members, or the end of a long-term
occupation. The change however offers a new sense of freedom , which is also a part
of ascension.
We guide you to allow the change. The change will allow each ascending human to be
at the right place at the right time to continue to push forth and ascend. It is through
the change that each of such humans will avoid participating in natural disasters
because they have allowed themselves to move wherever they are so guided from
We also foresee new communities of ascending humans drawing together in remote
areas around the globe. These new communities will be constructed in safe pockets of

Earth's surface not destined to be drastically altered in the decades ahead. Such
communities will also allow for a new form of community and governance based upon
joy, unity, communion and unconditional love to become a living breathing reality. It
will be with great joy that I, Gaia, will watch such a transformation occur within my
human children.

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