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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Extrude and Revolve Features

Solid features can be created using a variety of techniques. The most common solid features are
Extrude and Revolve. These features are created by sketching the shape on an existing planar
surface. Extruded features are created normal to the sketch plane. Revolved features are
revolved about a sketched centerline.
When creating a new part, the template includes three Datum Planes that are used as a
foundation for the model. The first solid feature is sketched and oriented using these datum
planes. Subsequent features can also be sketched on the datum planes or on solid surfaces of the
Examples of Extrude and Revolve features are shown below.




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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Dashboard Tools
The system uses dashboard tools for defining the various elements of the feature. Extruded
features are created using the Extrude Tool as shown below. These tools includes right mouse
button popup menus for shortcuts to common elements of the feature being created.
Variable Section Sweep
Blended Surface

The Extrude Tool is used for creating

all types of extruded features

Each tool includes

a right mouse
button popup
menu for shortcuts

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

The Extrude Tool

The Extrude Tool is used to create all extruded features including solid protrusions and cuts,
thin protrusions and cuts, and extruded surfaces. The Extrude Tool is shown below.

Set the Depth element in the Options panel

For extruded surfaces, cap the ends here
Enter a name for the feature here
Pick here for
Direction from sketch plane
Protrusion or Cut
Solid or Thin
Material Side for cuts



Depth value

Thickness of
thin features


Solid or Surface
Define the Sketch
plane, Reference
plane, Sketch, and
View direction for
the feature here

Symmetrical Blind
Thru Next
Thru All
Thru Until

Use the
right mouse
menu for

Up To Entity


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Internal Vs External Sections

Traditional Pro/ENGINEER features use an internal section; the section (or sketch) is part of the
Pro/ENGINEER allows the use of existing
datum curves to define the shape of new
features. When this is done, the section is
considered external. External sections are
copied from the selected datum curve, and
become independent of the curve, meaning if
the curve is modified, the copied section does
not update.
To create an extruded feature with an internal section, pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool
as shown below. The Section dialog box is used to control the elements of the internal section.
When creating a feature, pick here
to create an internal section
- orPick an existing datum curve
for a copied external section

The Section dialog box control the

elements of internal sections
Pick here to select the sketching
Pick here to use the previous
sketching plane
Flip the direction of viewing the
sketch plane here
Pick here to select the reference plane
Set the orientation of the reference
plane here
Pick here to sketch the section

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Sketch Plane and Reference Plane

The Sketch plane is the plane you sketch on. The Reference plane is another plane used to
rotationally orient the Sketch plane. The system usually selects a reference plane for you, and
you can accept it or select a different one before sketching the section.
The Section dialog box controls the Sketch plane, the viewing direction, the Reference plane,
and the orientation of the Reference plane relative to the monitor. The Section dialog box is
shown below.

Pick here to select the

Sketch plane
Pick here to Flip the
viewing direction
Pick here to select the
Reference plane
Set the orientation of the
Reference plane here
Pick Sketch to
draw the sketch


The default datum planes are

used for the Sketch plane
and the Reference plane of
the first solid feature



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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Protrusion Vs Cut
A Protrusion adds material to the model. A Cut removes material from the model. Both
extruded protrusions and extruded cuts can be created using the Extrude Tool as shown below.
The system defaults to Protrusion, pick as shown below to create a Cut.
Pick here to toggle
between Protrusion and Cut

Creating an Extruded Protrusion

Creating an Extruded Cut

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Extrude Direction
The Direction of the extruded feature can be flipped on the model or in the Extrude Tool as
shown below.
Pick here to flip the direction
of extruded features

When you want to extrude in both directions from the sketching plane, use the Options panel of
the Extrude Tool as shown below.

Set the depth for each

direction in the Options
panel of the Extrude Tool

Extrude on One Side

Direction to the Left


Extrude on Both Sides

Extrude on One Side

Direction to the Right

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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Material Side
Extruded features that remove material from the model are called Cuts. The Material Side arrow
controls on which side of the sketch the system removes the material.
The Material Side arrow points toward the material to be removed as shown below.
Pick here to remove
(cut) material

Pick here to flip the material

side of extruded cuts

The Material Side Arrow

Points Toward the Material to
be Removed from the Model

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Extruded Depth Options

When creating extruded features, many options are available to define the depth of the feature.
Each of the depth options are described below, and the icons are shown at the bottom of the page.

Depth is controlled by a dimension on one side of the sketch plane.

Symmetrical Blind Depth is controlled by a single dimension symmetrical on both sides of the
sketch plane.
Thru Next

Depth is controlled by the next part surface the feature completely

intersects. In other words, the surface must be bigger than the feature being

Thru All

Go all the way through the part.

Thru Until

Depth is controlled by selecting a part surface the feature completely

intersects. In other words, the surface must be bigger than the feature being

Up To Entity

Depth is controlled by a datum point, or a vertex, or a datum curve, or a

part surface, or a datum plane. The feature does not have to completely
intersect the surface.

Symmetrical Blind
Thru Next
Thru All
Thru Until
Up To Entity
Extruded Feature Depth Options


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Creating Extruded Features

The process of creating extruded features is complex. Use this page as a guide to creating
extruded features.
Start by picking the Extrude Tool icon (1) then
pick the Internal Sketch button (2) in the Extrude
Tool. After selecting the sketch plane pick the
Sketch button (3) in the Section dialog box. After
completing the sketch, pick the Done icon (4).

In the Extrude Tool, set the Class (5) to Solid or Surface,

set the Depth (6), Set the Type (7) to Protrusion or Cut.



In the graphics window, pick the arrows if necessary to flip

the direction arrow (8) and material side arrow (9).
Drag the depth handle (10) to the desired depth
or double pick the dimension to enter a value.
Pick the checkmark (11) or click the middle
mouse button to complete the feature.


Use one of the options shown below to

control the grid snap of the drag handles.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Thin Features
A Thin is a constant thickness feature created by sketching one side of the material. Pick as
shown below to create an extruded thin feature.
Pick here to create a
Thin extruded feature

Enter the thickness

of the Thin here

Creating an Extruded Thin Feature


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

The Revolve Tool

The Revolve Tool is used to create all revolved features including solid protrusions and cuts, thin
protrusions and cuts, and revolved surfaces. This tool is very similar to the Extrude Tool. The
Revolve Tool is shown below.
Set the Angle element in the Options panel
For revolved surfaces, cap the ends here
Enter a name for the feature here
Pick here for
Direction from sketch plane
Protrusion or Cut
Solid or Thin
Material Side for cuts



Revolve angle

Solid or Surface
Define the Sketch
plane, Reference
plane, Sketch, and
View direction for
the feature here

Thickness of
thin features


Symmetrical Blind
Up To Surface

Use the right mouse button

popup menu for shortcuts
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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1


The goal of this exercise is to become familiar with creating extruded and
revolved solid features.

Task 1:

Create a new part. This is the connector part for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-001 > for the name (dont enter the < > symbols)

Pick OK in the dialog box

Read the message in the message area and notice the datum planes

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the RIGHT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box as shown below

Pick Sketch

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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Rectangle icon

Align the rectangle to the FRONT and TOP datums, be sure to draw the rectangle in
the upper left quadrant as shown below

and sketch a rectangle as shown below






Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and modify the value as shown above

Pick the Done icon

In the Extrude Tool, set the depth to Symmetrical Blind as shown below

Use this depth option

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Enter < 21.5 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Read the messages in the message area

The part is shown here

Pick File, Close Window

Task 2:

Create another new part. This is the LCD part for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-002 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the RIGHT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick Top in the Orientation pull-down menu in the Section dialog box as shown

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box as shown below

Pick Top here

Pick Sketch


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
FRONT datum plane as shown below

Pick the Rectangle icon

Align the bottom of the rectangle to the TOP datum plane as shown below

and sketch a symmetrical rectangle as shown below


Add the centerline aligned

with the FRONT datum plane



Add the Symmetry constraint if necessary using the Constraints icon

Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and modify the value as shown above

Pick the Done icon

In the Extrude Tool, set the depth to Symmetrical Blind as shown below

Use this depth option

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Enter < 25 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to

complete the feature

Read the message in the message area

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

The part is shown here

Task 3:

Create an extruded cut feature.

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Remove Material icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here to remove material

Then pick here
to sketch

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown above

Pick this end surface of the model for the sketch plane


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick Top in the Orientation pull-down menu in the Section dialog box as shown

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box as shown below

Pick Top here

Pick Sketch

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Add two additional references by selecting the model edges as shown below
Specify these two surfaces of the part
as additional references




Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Line icon

Pick the Dimension icon

Page 104

and draw two lines as shown in bold above

and add the two dimensions as shown above


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and modify the value as shown in the previous figure

Pick the Done icon

In the Extrude Tool, set the depth to Thru All as shown below

Use this depth option

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Read the messages in the message area

The part is shown below

Pick File, Close Window


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Section 1

Task 4:

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Create another new part. This is the battery for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-003 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Revolve icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Revolve Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the RIGHT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick Top in the Orientation pull-down menu in the Section dialog box as shown

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box as shown below

Pick Top here

Pick Sketch

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
FRONT datum plane as shown below

Sketch, constrain, and dimension the geometry as shown below

Add a vertical centerline
aligned to the FRONT
datum plane




Align to TOP





To create this dimension, pick the centerline

first, then pick the vertical sketch line, then
pick the centerline again, then use the middle
mouse button to place the dimension

Pick the Select Mode icon

Drag a box around all the dimensions using the left mouse button

Pick the Modify icon

Remove the checkmark next to Regenerate in the Modify dialog box

Modify the value of each dimension as shown above

Pick the green checkmark in the Modify dialog box

Pick the Done icon

Pick the checkmark in the Revolve Tool to complete the feature


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Read the messages in the message area

The part is shown here

Pick File, Close Window

Task 5:

Create another new part.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-004 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the TOP datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick Sketch, Data from File

Pick sketch-6.sec from the list then pick Open

The part does not reference the original sketch and it is not associative to
the sketch-6.sec file

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Enter < 1 > for the Scale in the small dialog box, press enter but do not pick the
green checkmark yet

Pick the center of the red section and move it as shown below


Move the section by

picking inside this circle



Place the center of

the lower arc at the
center of the two
datum planes



Place the sketch as shown above then pick the checkmark in the Scale Rotate dialog

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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Modify the dimension values as shown in the previous figure if necessary

Pick the Done icon

Enter < 9.25 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

The part is shown here

Task 6:

Create a copy of the part.

Pick File, Save a Copy

Enter < 4455-005 > for the new name then pick OK in the dialog box

Read the message in the message area

Remember that after using the File, Save a Copy command, the current
object is the original object, not the new object.

Task 7:

Continue working in 4455-004. Create an extruded cut.

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Remove Material icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here to remove material

Then pick here
to sketch

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown in the previous figure

Select the top part surface for the sketching plane as shown below
Sketch on this
part surface

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the offset edge icon

Pick Loop in the small dialog box then pick the surface of the part as shown below

in the sketcher toolbar

Pick Loop
Then pick this
part surface

Enter < - 4.5 > to offset in the opposite direction of the arrow

Pick Close in the small dialog box shown above

The offset edge command creates sketch entities offset from the existing
edges of the model. If the original edges are changed, the offset edges
update automatically.


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Add two horizontal lines and two vertical dimensions as shown below

Add these two horizontal lines


Create these
two dimensions



- 4.50

Pick the Select Mode icon

Modify the dimension values as shown above

Pick the Dynamic Trim icon

Pick the entities that you want to delete so the

sketch looks as shown here

Pick File, Save a Copy

Enter < cover > for the name then pick OK

When using the sketcher, the Save and
Save a Copy commands only save the
sketch and not the part itself.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Pick the Done icon

Enter < 2.55 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

The part is shown below

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Pick File, Close Window

Task 8:

Create an extruded cut feature in 4455-005.

Pick the Open icon

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Remove Material icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

then double pick 4455-005.prt

on the right side toolbar

Pick here to remove material

Then pick here
to sketch


Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown above

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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick the surface of the model as shown below for the sketch plane

Sketch on this
part surface

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
RIGHT datum plane as shown below

Pick the Rectangle icon

and sketch a symmetrical rectangle as shown below


Vertical centerline
aligned with the
RIGHT datum plane





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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Add the Symmetry constraint if necessary using the Constraints icon

Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and modify the value as shown in the previous figure

Pick the Done icon

In the Extrude Tool, set the depth to Thru All as shown below

Use this depth option

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Read the messages in the message area

The part is shown below

Pick File, Close Window


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Section 1

Task 9:

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Create a new part. This is the lens part for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-006 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the FRONT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
RIGHT datum plane as shown below

Pick the Line icon

TOP datum plane

Add two vertical lines as shown below

Pick the 3 Point Arc icon

Add the Symmetry constraint if necessary using the Constraints icon

and sketch a symmetrical horizontal line aligned with the

and add the arc as shown below


Align a vertical centerline to

the RIGHT datum plane

Align this line to the

TOP datum plane


R 50.00



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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Pick the Select Mode icon

Drag a box around all the dimensions using the left mouse button

Pick the Modify icon

Remove the checkmark next to Regenerate in the Modify dialog box

Modify the value of each dimension as shown in the previous figure

Pick the green checkmark in the Modify dialog box

Pick the Done icon

In the Extrude Tool, set the depth to Symmetrical Blind as shown below

Use this depth option

Enter < 20 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

The part is shown below


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Task 10: Create another extruded protrusion.

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the TOP datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Centerline icon

RIGHT datum plane

Pick the offset edge icon

Pick Loop in the small dialog box then pick the surface of the part as shown below

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the

in the sketcher toolbar

Pick Loop
Then pick this
part surface

Enter < -0.5 > to offset in the opposite direction of the red arrow

Pick Close in the small dialog box shown above

The offset edge command creates sketch entities offset from the existing
edges of the model. If the original edges are changed, the offset edges
update automatically.

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Add two symmetrical rectangles to the sketch as shown below



Trim the sketch using


Add the dimensions and modify the values as shown below

to remove the unwanted entities (the result is shown




Vertical centerline
aligned to the
RIGHT datum plane




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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick the Done icon

Enter < 0.5 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Read the messages in the message area

The part is shown here

Pick File, Close Window

Task 11: Create another new part. This is the battery cover for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-007 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the TOP datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick Sketch, Data from File

Pick cover.sec from the list then pick Open (this sketch was created on page 112)

The part does not reference the original sketch and it is not associative to
the cover.sec file

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Enter < 1 > for the Scale in the small dialog box, press enter but do not pick the
green checkmark yet

Place the section as shown below then pick the

checkmark in the Scale Rotate dialog box

Add a vertical centerline as shown below

Add the symmetry constraint as necessary

Add the dimensions as shown below


Align a vertical
centerline to the
RIGHT datum plane


Move the section by

picking inside this circle

Align the center of the

lower arc to the two
datum planes



R 15.50

Modify the dimension values as shown above

Pick the Done icon

Enter < 2 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

The part is shown below

Pick File, Close Window

Task 12: Create another new part. This is the button part for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-008 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the TOP datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

The system selects two references for you and they are displayed as dashed lines

Pick Close in the References dialog box

Add a vertical centerline aligned with the RIGHT datum plane

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Sketch, dimension, and constrain the geometry as shown below






Vertical centerline aligned

to the RIGHT datum


Add the symmetry constraint if necessary using

After completing the sketch, pick the Done icon

Enter < 1.45 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

The result is shown below


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Task 13: Create a revolved protrusion in 4455-008.

Pick the Revolve icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Revolve Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the RIGHT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick Sketch in the Section dialog box, then pick Close in the References dialog box

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
FRONT datum plane as shown below

Sketch the geometry shown in bold below


Add a vertical centerline

aligned to the
FRONT datum plane




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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

Add the dimensions as shown in the previous figure

Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and enter the appropriate value

Pick the Done icon

Pick the checkmark in the Revolve Tool to complete the feature

Pick View, Orientation, Standard Orientation

The part is shown below

Task 14: Create a revolved cut in 4455-008.

Pick the Revolve icon

Pick the Remove Material icon in the Revolve Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here to remove material

Then pick here
to sketch

Pick the Sketch icon in the Revolve Tool as shown above

Pick the RIGHT datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick Sketch in the Section dialog box

Pick Close in the References dialog box


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Pick the Centerline icon

and sketch a vertical centerline aligned with the
FRONT datum plane as shown below

Sketch the geometry shown in bold below


Add a vertical centerline

aligned to the
FRONT datum plane






Add the dimensions as shown above

Pick the Select Mode icon

Double pick each dimension and enter the appropriate value

Pick the Done icon

Pick the checkmark in the Revolve Tool to complete the feature

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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Section 1

The result is shown below

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

Close the window

Task 15: Create another new part. This is the printed circuit board for the project.

Pick File, New or pick the New icon

Enter < 4455-009 > for the name of the new part then pick OK in the dialog box

Pick the Extrude icon

Pick the Sketch icon in the Extrude Tool as shown below

on the right side toolbar

Pick here

Pick the TOP datum plane for the sketch plane

Pick the Sketch button in the Section dialog box

Pick Close in the References dialog box


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Section 1

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Design

Add a vertical centerline aligned with the RIGHT datum plane as shown below

Sketch, dimension, and constrain the geometry as shown below




V L1




Vertical centerline
aligned to the
RIGHT datum


Align the small arc centers to the RIGHT datum plane

Add the symmetry constraint if necessary

After completing the sketch, pick the Done icon

Enter < 0.76 > for the depth in the Extrude Tool

Pick the checkmark in the Extrude Tool to complete the feature

Pick File, Save then click the middle mouse button

The part is shown below

Pick File, Close Window

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