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Hiq 9{iur OftKUmi b

JhfJP OptjCafiliccL T^c^jium

JULY 1990


KEA-, HER MOTHER HAD made a flowered archway and rolled out the red

runner. The church had recently been painted and windows washed. Now,
all things were ready...for the wedding. Natalie Boonaerts was to join
her life with Bart Put and everyone was excited getting ready for the

big day. The Simday before, Natalie decided to make a public choice in
following Christ and was immersed. What better way to prepare for her

Henki made the necessary preperations and had practice with the couple
and organist then came July 7th. It was exactly one year since the

first Boonaerts grandchild

had married and. twenty-two years and one

day after Henki and itfary Esther *s ^^^edding.

Several non-Christians

present, including the grooms parents, were quite impressed with the

"mass" as the Catholics call it, held in the church of Christ building.

The crowning touch was a trio by the three Boonaerts sisters, since
Kina was also able to join the festavities from Peachtree City, Gao
The weather was awful since it rained off and on ctII day, but the
wedding and feast that evening were perfect,

MAY THE THIRD BROUGHT some unusual guests to our home. You may remember
back in 198? we'd reported about r.iarco Iif?ndazabal coming to live with

us from Columbia.
from his since.

He'd left shortly before Christmas and we'd not heard

Now, here he was back, with his fience Ulla Iversen

from Denmark. -They had met in Germany and planned to get married on
L4ay 12 'in her home town, with wedding invitations almost ready to mail

and all other preperations made for their big day.

Then they" discovered

Marco's passport had expired and he had to leave the country immediatly.

They came to Belgium to try and get married here, but try as we might,
in neither Belgium or Holland could it be done sim.ply or quickly,
'//hen they left our home more than a month later, they'd gotten infor
mation of a pla.ce in Scotland where they could be married but we've

had no news yet confirming that. V/hat a shame tha.t young people wanting
to get married have such a time of it, in a time v;hen so many just

start living together, like is done so much here in Europe.

We certainly

hope youll pray for IViarco and Ulia's future together and especially

that what she experienced with us 'may help lead her to a saving rela
tion wi-ch Jesus as ferco trys to teach and lead her in the Scriptures.
OP COURSE ALL GOOD THINGS come in 'threes, and there's one more marriage

to report a.bout,

Since John Mark ha.s finished his military service

^d found at least temporary work,, his thoughts have also turned to

joining his life with Sohia.

He proposed the first of July and they

have set the date for September 2 before school starts.

Sonia has

found a University in Hasselt where she can continue her nursary

teachers training so they're searching for a home in the area. John

Mark hopes his job will turn into a permanent one as it is not far
from Hasselt.

So many doors have closed for them',and they've really had a lot of
disapointments and set-backs the past few months while trying to find

God's leading for their lives together. (The factory where John Maxk
v;orked and hoped maybe Sonia could get office work at, as well as him
a permanent job had a fire burning his depaj:'tment to the ground ... just

to mention ONE!!)

It's of course v/ith great joy that we fina.lly can

share news of their plans but you'll probably be hearing more details

later date

THE JOINING OP LIPES together in marriage is referred to in the writings

of Paul as a "profound mystery" to be compared to Christ's care for
his body the church. We hope your prayers will be v^ith these three
young couples, so different in many ways, yet alike in that they have

chosen FOR MARRIAGE and not the world's alternative.

Our prayer is

that each of you that is married may also enjoy the blessings intended
by our loving and caring Father for,his married children and you Gair'
come to a greater understanding of this great mystery."


^^Husbands, love your wives, just as

Christ loved the church and gave himself

up for her ^^to make her holy, clearising''
her by the washing with water through
the word,

(q present her to himself

as a radiant church, without stain or wrin

kle or any other blemish, but holy and

this same way, husbands
ought to love their wives as their own
bodies. He who loves his wife loves him
self. 2'Afterall, no one ever hated his own

body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as

Christ does the church- 30for we are
members of his body. ^'"For this reason a
man will leave his father and mother and
be united to his wife, and the two will

become one flesh."' ^^This is a profound

mystery-but I am talking about Christ
and the church. 33|-{owever, each one of
you also must love his wife as he loves

himself, and the wife must respect her


MARCO trimming Ulla's hair while

, in Opglabbeek

to the


This issue of our

news report is de
dicated to the
memory of


iHaJii 'Boonaew



October 10, 1923 August 7f 1990

JitiSO Ofy^6eeL 9<^ium



FOR MANY OP YOU this will be the first news of Melvin's goin^? home to be with
our Lord, We realize some of you iaiow about it even before we did, but v/e
want to take this opportunity to share .some news and thoughts on our dear
brother and partner in the mission work.

When v/e first heard the news on the

phone from Louella she was so calm. It was evident God had graciously

strengthened her in this hard time through the ministering of many friends
ana lar.iiy.

Certainly many of you were also included.

For this we rejoice


fcom reports we discovered Melvin had been ill for about b. month. We got

fcelvin's plnjined surery the Monday he was to be in Lafayette.

Buoh pressure, Louella faithfully vorote about it the day after
Rn rnnoL
lieart surgery and fatal heart attack. She stated
Bnrt 1? ,vaii miss him very much.
a wonderful husband and a very faithful Christian

KELVIN K. ROLLER, b. former all his life and active as chairman aiid director

Burnettsville, Indieiia.

He lived

County since
1943 nndThey
Gay ofBrockway
December 25. IQ49
in St. IPetersburg,
are the
two children,
responded to our plea for fowaxding agents they

over 1^76)
30 miles
pno worship.
us then"(in
that for'
continually involved in youth sind mission proArcms, teaching Sundoy
bchool classes and were generally re-^^dy to serve whenever asked, Helvln was'

Doxn cecon and elder curing their years with the r.'.edaryville church, i'hey
have proven to be everything and more then friends assured us they would be
as the vital link between the U.S. supporters and the mission work in Belgium.
can confidently say their efficiency and conscientious, considerate Christ
ian chsracter has been nothing but an asset to God's kingdom. r.:elvin's
partnership in a h\imble, dynan.ic, o.uiet manner stands out: partnership with
God, his wife and family, with local and fellow Christians, and with us as

lar renoved missionaries , Their encouragement and attentativeness to small

ana large things alike, counsel and constructive ideas have been life savers

on more than one occasion. Careful, thought-out decisions after inquerv

ana prp.yer anc much patience have all added to our mission efforts in many
ways. Growing and deepening involvement while involving others in the

great'mission of, Christ's church have also been evident throughout the years.

MELVIK AND LOUELLA have hurt with us so m^ny times, and now we feel pjid share--

Rftot? f3railys hurt in hoving to be seperated from Melvin in this way.


For the last ye^rs before Kelvin's death he and Louella

attended the church in Burnettsville als6 having an active p?>rt in church and
community. We taiow you will rejoice with us and be glad in Louella's decision
to continue at least a year as our fowarding agent, ^She.jfelt: "I will need
something to keep me busy at times and whit better vty to use your time than
serving the Lord," In the sacrificial silirit of Christ whom MeIvin served and
lived for we look foward to another yenr of partnership with louella.

Because of his love and deep concern for j^ouls being won to and nurtured in

Christ, Louella felt it would be appropriate to include some of Henki's most

recent witnessing opportunities as part 6f our memorial to Felvin.

involvement in the mission has helped make our work possible,


There's a lot of turn over of shops ih the shopping center where Henki
had hifl office. Because of this, Menki has had a lot of opportunities
as owner and member of the united merchants association of the build

ing to meet a lot of people. About 6 months ago a new realtors office
was opened, Henki made friends with tlie three young owners: Jos, Ludo
and Gene, Sometimes when he'd go into| [their office, especially Gene
would joke and make fun of Henki for being a Christian, Henki didn't
mind, in fact found it good I He'd givp an answer to their (jesting and
i t would turn around

into a discussion and they'd start asking questions

and become serious!

Henki also had several opportunities tp talk with Ludo, and found out
he'd had some bad experiences with (Peptecostal) Christians in his home
town, as well as in a buisness deal since their move to Genk,

He'd also

worked 3 years for a Pentecostal tha.t didn't make him.very positive when
Henki tried to talk Spiritual matters, Henki pointed out not all Christ

ians are that way, and we all sin and ihake misteaks, and probably the man

meant well telling what he knew,

Then on one occasion Ludo and Henki weijit to eat together, A few months
before someone Henki had talked to on -(ihe phone and knew only from a

few meetinfis in Eindhoven (Holland) di^d suddenly. He realized he'd not

taken the opportunity to witness to that man, so now thought maybe he

wouldn't have a chance again.

He shared the gospel with Ludo,



really had a good, long talk explaining to him that Jesus died for our.
sins and that v/e need a Savior and other matters found in the Bible ,

Henki was convinced Ludo was seriourly Inarching,

Then about 14 days later Ludo and Gene [were in a terrible traffic ac
cident, About a week later when Henki heard about it, he.went to visit
Ludo who'd been hurt the worst, and wagn't expected to live. He was
still in intensive care and the nurse Wjirned sometimes he was saying

things he didn't mean because he was confused from the accident, but
he recoganized Henki right away, Hcnkil wasn't able to stay.very long
because of his serious condition but they did again talk about the

importance of asking Jesus to help evei^ now,

Ludo and Gene's experience impresses upon us so clearly the uncertain
ties of life and how important it is always' to be ready to share the
gospel,,,, and be ready to meet our makw since we don't know when it our last moment on earth, or someone elses,


three men in your URGENT PRAYERS end wejll try to share more of Henki's
experiences with them as God works in their lives,

AS WE LOOK BACK over Kelvin's fruitful lif^e on earth we c?Ji but look to fruitfulness in the vast vineyard of His kingdom present and future as well.


each of us labors let's remember the words recorded in John 6:27,40, 51, "Do
not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which
the Son 'of Man will give you. For my Father's will is that everyone who looks
to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him

up at the last day, I am the living brendl tha.t. came down from heaven.
anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever,"

If. *

May Melvin's memory end kind continue to inhabit the earth until Jesus returns!

Thanking you fo:jr your partnership in His vineyard,

IfHILE GETTING'-READY to send Jajnes off to school

01. a morning,, a heavy mist obaoures the large

walnut, tree in our back yard.

Mist is typical

in Belgium most any time of tho year^

This is very typical for the month of September.

day of the summer.



Here end

there spider webs are visible with droplets of

water from the dew and mist accentuating them.
Sometime between July 4 and 18




the longest

It wasn't unusual then for the sun to be up byVjOO and not set

until around 10 so there v^ere many day light hours for all ones activities.


winter time it isn't unusual for school children to leave and arrive home in semi-

darkness as days shorten,

ffe can already see these days well on their v/ay as typ

ical for September, it's still dark around 7 in the morninf; and again by 8 in the


But in many ways this year has been anything but typical.

We had "a~warin, dry-spring

and early summer that^lasted long and was very hot and dry, ,Fortunately there were
Occasional showers and cooler periods but crops have suffered due to draught so
prices are unusually high. The Golf crisis has caused, the dollar to take a.plimge "

in exchange rates while oil prices have gone up several times already.

But there^

are other news worthy things we'd like to sharo at this time, usual and imusual.^Ha.
HEKKI WAS ABLE TO VISIT LUDO again in the hospital. The pins in his dislocated shoulder were "to be removed as it was healing well. Something was

done to his skull to remove fluids, but that was looking better according ,
to Henki. One leg wasn't healing as well though, so pins were still in


He also has some serious back damage.

end not on the critical list any more.

But he was out of intensive care"^^^

He voguely remembered Henki having come and

commented he was really a mess then.

Before long the conversation"turned to spiritual matters and he showed magazines a

friend had brought to encourage deeper spiritual things. Henki pointed out the lead
er of the group was given far more honor than Jesus, end thfjt all to often claimed
healings were fake.

He encouraged lu(3o to read the Bible and search there for the


At one point in their conversation Ludo -commented, "It's hnxd just to up and believe

isn't it?

Believe that Jesus went to heaven?"

Henki a^eed, but suggested if he'd

read the witnesses accounts, and carefully consider what was written, it would stir
up faith in his heart.

I t ' s natural that he cannot believe since he's not read

what the eye witnesses have to tell, but he's only heard .-differing things from
people. Henki challenged him to investigate it himself to see if it is reasonable.
Ludo agreed to have someone bring a Bible he has at home so he can begin!

GENE, LUDO'S PARTNER WHO was also in the accident, was also still in the hospital
so must have been injured worse than first suspected. He called Ludo while Henki
was visiting, since they are in different hospitals and had buisness to discuss.
With them both being incapacitated the third partner is keeping awfully busy so
prayers on their behalf would be appropriate.
THERE HAS BEEN ANOTHER IMMERSION in the Genk church and Hilda was also married

shortly thereafter. Natalie (re Boonaerts reported about in "love Birds") has

been able to bring her husband to several services.

Hilda has been, coming again

since her honeymoon. Since neither husbands a|re Christians both brides will need

lots of strength to remain faithful, so keep them in your prs^ers, won't you?!?

ROBERT, THB FIRST YOUNG KAN that came to our home from Ghana, has been

hard and waiting so patiently -^o get necessar^ papers to be adopted. ...This seems
the only way to keep him from being returned to Ghana, wrtiere he would .probably be
put in jail and executed. One of the Christi^ families that used to attend services
in otjur home here in Opglabbeek has agreed to do this legal formality. Ve have
been involved in helping get the neicessery documents translated, etc. and

' encourage him thrpu^ the whole ojrdeal.

He*8 gone to the lawyer with

the last papers'* She thinks it shouldn't take more than 6. months now!
Fray that the Lord will work out all things according to ^s will as
Robert re^^Hy seems to be a Gofl-fearing, faithful young man who has
already suffered so much.
AT LONG LAST WB HAVE FINALLY had news from Abbas, one of the irien that

was in our home from Iran.

feared.for his life.

We hadn't'^eerd from him in.about a year and had

He called recently that he is in Brussels*

Hopefully we'll be

able to make contact with him and*renew frien^iships and see if God*a planted word

has made any headway in his-life.

SEPTEMBER IS TRADITIONALLY the month that schools begin again in Belgium . ' Since James

didn't pass his repeat exams he's flunked the| 'freshman year" jj^ain. We'via decided

to send him to another school. It's the first time in 4 years he comes home from
school enjoying his classes and he seems to be .adjusting to new teachers and classiology, health and hygiene
mates. There's a larger variety of subjects \ icluding Diol

with first aid, art and music in which he excells better end has more interest, in than

his math major last year.


OP COURSE HAVING OUR FIRST CHILD get married i^n't on everyday experience

The civil ceremony Sept.1 in the City Hall in Tienen was different.
There were three
parties seated behind eachother and ours was the .
last..Mln a matter of 10 minutes John Mark and Sonia were pronounced-iiusband

and wife and signed .all the necessary, docmenxk. It was a rainy, drearyr day but
that didn't dampen our joy for the happy;.occasfon* The closest-family and'witnesses
enjoyed a Chinese meal in a nearby restaxurant#,! Then bright and early ..Sunday morning

(Sept. 2) with lots better weather, we gather^^ in the Culturfrl Center in Leuven for

the church service. Probably over 250 guests came in tKe course of the.vday to con
gratulate them and share in the festavities* Ipost were present.for the church ser

vice high lighting the Lord's supper. Then a Short.message by a missionary of

Hollaitd, exchange of vows and asking God's blessings concludea that gathering. A

lijf^t salad-sandwich meal with wedding cake refreshments were served while God's love

and the: gospel were witnessed by all presents All in all it was a unique wedding ^d

we're glad it was documented on video so maybe' somedajr we. can share some* with
our supporters and U.S. Christians!

SOMEONE CAME TO LOOK AT THE water heater in-Jolto and Sonia'.s home., Ht said it could

not be fixed, didn't tell what was wrong withh^t, then charged several dollars for
the trip. Henki happened to ask the/advice of, a bike repairman who said a small
part that

cost .but about 1/2 of the first man's charges would put the heater

back in working condition, and it did.

It is *eally upsetting to be continually

confronted with the meanness and dishonesty oi^^ sees around you everywhere.^ Not ,

unusual, 'just disheartening. Henki has also had some simillar experiences in buis-

ness deals that caused much hardship and pain because of lying and dieating recently#

The ways of the world and those living in dcfflmess must be reminders- to us that we _
must let our lights shine so men will be convQirted and praise God#. How herd it is

sometimes to honor James li'27b to "keep oneseXx from being poluted by the^.world.

That's why wB are so thankful for your unusualj.iand indespensabla.partnership in our*,

efforts in Belgium and want to express this tl^ipks to you once again.p praying for us,

; h-



Europe Temperatures have

been running in the 80*s for
several days.most unusual

for Belgium, but we're en

joying i t to the full. Pall
was oficially ushered in on


September 21st and the time has been changed back

to ".winter" or "normal" time. God is changing
everything into the colors and combinations only
He can as it is very obviously autumn once again

all aroimd us

Our landlord has given us notice

of rent termination so the house has to be ev-





industriously making big changes in the

? house
a bulldozer,
for usintoGenk
still needsastoifbehedone
our home
almost5 scooping
us out.with

we look to God for strength and all necessary to make the move in the allotted


We hope the upheaval won't hiave any adverse effectsJames

has^ready brought home a report card with 75^ for which we

really praise the Lord.

HENKI HAS BEEN HAVING TO TRAVEL quite a bit lately. He took

Pino along for company a few times. Pino is someone Henki_
has known since Jr. High days and who accompanied him to
c.amp shortly before Henki and "Kina went to the States
for Bible college training. Once he told Henki.that was
the best yveek in his life. It was with Pino we had the


car accident when Maria was living with us^in Eisdenway back

in the

70 s.

Pino comes from a large SicxHan family v/ith almost a dozen chil-

first wife abandoned him and.>is two sons who were then brought up
children's homes and with foster families. As a young man Henki rememb^s
Pino was imusually' strong physically but has been mentally handicapped to some
degree being under dokters care for this on many occasions. He's \)een called

"Crazy Pino" by many but we've been trying to find the inroads into his spiritual
life these many years. Often he's come to'us Jjegging for help. We've felt so

helpless? almost handicapped ourselves in his situtation. Now it seems there's

a little ray of hope in guiding him through the confusing maze of his life to
find Jesus the Way and salvation.
As they were driving along to Antwerp suddenly Pino asked Henki to teach him to

pray. Henki explained that you pray by talking to God like he was talking to
Henki, to confess your sins and ask for God's help. Then and there Pino began
what he thou^t was prayer; "Hail Mary, full of grace..." Henki stopped him and
pointed out that that was a greeting, not a prayer. (In iHitch it's more obvious
as It begins, "Be greeted...") So Pino began again: "Our Father, which art in
heaven..." and Henki joined him praying the "L^d's prayer"'together. Then Pino
poured out his heart in such a way that-Henki"was i^Hy-touched. He prayed to

be a good example to his children, and for advice concerning a problem he'd also
talked with Henki about previously. He prayed that others wouldn't laugh at him,
and that he could become steadfast enough to convince friends and others to be

brought to God also!

It may not seem like much, but we hope you realize with us that this is a GREAT

VICTORY. Keep Pino and his present wife Illianne in your prayers.

0, that God

may indeed grant his requests and bring the healing Pino so desperately needs
and is searching for.

E HAVE ALSO RECENTLY HAD CONTACT with Antoinette again. She's the young lady who

lived v/ith us in over apartment in Genk for a while. She had K.S. seemingly
in an arrested stage, but it is getting worse lately. She had been

in the hospital (not in connection with her M.S.) and had sotae

questions Qho\xt "commimion,"

She complained about always being

accused of being a Jehovah's ^Vitness as most Catholics brand every-

thing besids their faith as that. Antoinette is also a bit simple


minded so we're never to svoce how much she is understanding about

spiritual matters, even confusing things in daily life we are


She was quite proud to announce to her husband that she

now understood it better.

Laiirent had been out of the room during

the careful and simple explination of remembering Christ's death and forgiveness

through His blood. Since he's not a Christisn and doesn't support her much in her
faith, she has a weak spiritual life- Yet we're convinced God knows her heart and
is working with her as well.

I)hishugfe barns. But. afterthe wind cameaheavyrain

THE INFLUENCE OP FELLOW CHRISTIAHS must never be imaerestima.ted.

The following

is a translation of an article appearing recently in a l>utch church paper that had

impact on us.

It's worth sharing at this time of year especially.

^ ^

"Then Jesus said to his disciples: 'The harvest is indeed great but the worker:

are few,'"

The farmer looked around and sa.w tha.t his fields, several acres l?rge, were

ready to harvest. There were large, ripe heads of grpin everywhere. The
farmer looked also at his large barns that he had built, and was content.


opened the large iron doors and thanked God, his Father for everything he had

received: also for the ripened grain that could be harvested.

For several days he prayed and looked joyfully at his beautiful barns. He
began to sing cheerfully, glorifying God and praising Him for the beautiful
Each sons was more
m^^^ beautiful
than the other. He even had faith lirm
3t rotted..,no harvest.

Iviaybe your life is filled with prayer and that is really


But it is not enough to bring-in the harvest.


Large portion of your life includes praising and singing

Dry to God to honor and extol Him.

Not a single grain of

3at will be reaped thereby I! Kaybe we have such a great

Lth that we believe with God everything is possible, but
at alone is not enough to save people, bringing them to
3 cross of Jesus. In order to accomplish that we need to

inp people into His kingdom.

For tha.t, workers are

cessary. Many workers. Even if the farmer had begun to

ap his harvest he wouldn't have succeeded because there
re faT to many acres for him to harvest alone.

THIS SHORT, WISE SAYING IS TUCKED away in Proverbs 27:17:

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. You
know the effect of a bouquet of roses on a sick friend,
ave you ever noticed how depressing clouds and rain can

(By the time you read this we'll probably have had
enty again in Belgium! Weather has a way of ch^ging

st before you can say, "It's a nice day today,")

Every method and opportunity within our reach must be used to

the ultimate influence: that of coming under the influence of


this report will help, you be more effective prayer warriors . The spiritual
harvest is" truly great and more workers could always be used in the fields of
Belgium. Also we thank you again for your every support as we rely on your
encouragement in our labors here. We hope you'll keep up this good influence.


' 3600


'A-i IV..'


^'y* children,
my instruction?

s-nd gain understanding,
^ give you sound .learning so do not

forsake my teaching.

(Adopted from

Proverbs 4:1,2)


discerning get guidance

" Tq

r.Si"a ss"%s.frrr'*1j"'. "iK

to drthe?e



work-she is able




"" '"'iS 2!s8s.5rsij';ass" fs?

pisfji5S5'.h?EfcS's'T" s*
from the quarterly school pauer sent ma-iniv +

experiences at scLol toi?|^the yeLT



following news is gleaned

supporters in Hollaiia, and he?

(no) but he had studied from kinderearden throiJrr^

aer living
? +S*' 5 Russian
word: i

the Bible and knew Dutch. His "grafStioJ^^^S sixth^ade at the School wife

keep uptothis
language. With
from toGenesis
tL upcomiS^pe^st^oiki

presented itself, for Michel to vifii+ +\-,c.


Russia the possibility

and mailing contact with the former principal^^hi^dre^ childhood. Saving up funds,

summer he came with his wife. With the

reality. This

members of a missionary family he'd Sow5

principal, the present principal,
old and new. school buildings. What a time of ie^riesT

to keep
up his languase abilitv Ho via/^ ^+Son^tLou^
4 ^^ough his reading the

Dutch reading mateSafI even placing adverwlLent""?^^^'"'

result. Now he knows whyT cSd was teaohi^ h?
Word that he had taken Si^h him to

=f =

Dutch Bible

of o?hS

but without
' satisfied with one boSk, His

ever be

importance of ChristiL edLatLn Gol'fword

S^fti?ned? What a blessin/to sharriS thP
that Living Word in lives around the world in the 20th Ce^Sryl'*'^^

impact of

she se/to ref?o^s?mewhI???Thlnshe?ea?itedir''^ir


known two
of the
school but^it^wS^t
Children to so their
l^^Al '(Tortrrlt^h'^sltlol.

9^."^^ children
came home rather
^Protestant discrimination'
in a predominant
the LSLt

with the Bible's nursery teachers lived a few streets farther Ld she waf

approached to taJce these two children along to school. That worked for a while
Por a while a truck was used to pick up children for the school until another
solution could be found. In the mornings the nursery teacher's husband could
drive, but who could drive the children back home in the evenings? Since her
husband was a mine worker who worked the shift that finished at 3 pm he was able
to drive the vehicle. By then the first second hand "school bus" had been


As time passed more and more children went to the school by bus, since we all know
that once the Lord begins a work. He just keeps on. And so it is that now 7 busses
are bringing around 300 students to schooland Eva Boonaerts (Henki's vounffest
sister) drives one of those busses and is the teacher at the school where Miss
and most
of their pandchildren have since attended this school. Isn't
it a great
and privilege to be a living part of the bus ministry that began so ILSe Ind ^
sm^l and has grown to bring children from such a far flung area around Genk? We

join in and are part of the enthusiasm that 11a Boonaerts shared with the nrinci-nai

ILI ^tSlcf^o%hffu?gref


A3 MENTIONED EARLIER THERE ARE BUT four such schools in Dutch speaking Belgium.
Here is another area where we can see that the Lord is at work as more and more

Evangelical Christians and congregations are being born and growing rapidlv The
need is being felt over and over for education that is grounded in theorv and

practices of principles set forth in the Bible. The constitution and articles for
pother such school have already been drawn up this spring. Kaxy Esther is one of

the board members. It has been exciting how one hurdle after another has been over
come as God opens-doors and leads the way. Last school year one bus brought chil

dren from the prospective area of the new Korth-Limburg School with the Bible

They are temporarily part of the Genk school until students, personnel and facil

ities can be realized for the new, school. A second bus has been purchased and is
helping bring the more than 40 children for this school year! Families are really
exerting.themselves, sacrificing and praying to help see such a school in their
area become a reality.

One of the mothers has been coming to Genk to help in the office ^ekly. She was
very active in helping recruit children for the second bus-. It is with great sadness that we came to hear that she and her family will be returning to Eindhoven.
Holland where her husband works. Her help in Genk will be missed, but God used Aer
the short while she was in Belgiumand so God uses all who are willing to put their
work...and we all bask in the glory of His success.
And you know

Calls have been made asking how can we start a School with the Bible in...

Tongeren, V/ervink, and West Flanders...? The present principal, Miss Vanpoecke is
hopes to help in this area since her experience
" "


"both teacher and principal can be helpful.

Presently she is helping "break in" the new

principal Luc Borkes.

He has been a nursery

teacher at the Genk school several years and

together v/ith Miss Vanpoecke was resuonsible
for spearheading the North Limburg school

Doesn't it sound like there's more

of it:

past, present and hopefully future...

work to be done and that God has some big pl^ns

for the future? We're just so glad to be part

^ and TPIAKK YOU AGAIN for all your support in

the varying efforts we find ourselves involved

in v/hile serving and ministering in Belgium.

R.ay the instruction and learning of each of

our childhoods become more valuable to us as

we strive to pass on understanding and wisdom

of God's Word to all around us.

J Kichel and his wife (:right) in Genk after 40 years

joy to the

^""- fin Tr'h ViiVii TtViii ffiiii1^
ji p'jit j









to come to a close

to about
you up tothedate
the fh4
things like
year.on Wesome
off by explaining Henkis method of studying with the helo

-'3600 "

Wn rS.L?-uS s/asss gJ JLIL.

he already had. What he learned helped him especially with

with Satan's kingdom, usuallyfrora"le!qian'w^
in verv slv and hanUha

confront about 30 different LoSl^in til f?n f

God'.s Word and plan of salvatlm

- --

folks have
study was a real^hese

approaches. Henki was able to

n? fh ^

Paul in a way we'd not expected

aS Rnna nn!
them are expLtId tS deminisS in the future Tania
there's a possibality of her returning to Portuaal as well

which he participated with

opportunity to witness to
'="tacts with
n,.r 9"9'^9ation in Antwerp but

were fruitful and a mutual blessing! We wish them Gnri ^hppA =nH fn ^'^P^'^iences with them

the opportunity to work together some w^ fo? Sis kingdom

ShM^areaf %airnaSn" ri

friendship with three teenage boys of



mother stayed away for several years. We've still to meet Hilda's husband, but hope even
more one day he may be introduced to Jesus, the lover of souls.
John Mark and Sonla have settled in well to their new home and lives together. Her studies
to be nursary teacher demand lots of time and exertion so John helps with those preDerations

plus housework while working full time in nearby Houthalen. His factory is to be movind to
Beringen (where Dennis and Linda Messimer lived before going to South Africa! r)-so thev are
for;,a;home there,
to his'work^ahd
her school'inwhoLeuveh.-'
They 3ls^^^
take, closer
to thank":everyonfe
their^iwedding.^; Wi^'the-complicatibns of cashing dollar checks in Belgium iVs taking some
longer, but they appreciate every gift.

LOUELLA IS RELIEVED TO REPORT that their crops were successfully harvested..

"luch harder and missing Melvin's help.

She's.been able to share ~

with the Treaty Christians in Wabash, Indiana several times, and keeps busy babysitting
granddaughters. We continue to benefit from her expertise as our fowarding agent and praise

God for all her wonderful help, advi e and concern,

IT'S A REAL DELIGHT to see how James is developing and doing so much better

since his change to-another school.

We're so grateful to God that we were

lead to this school and James is applyi/ig his talents -fruitfully. He helped lots with our
move to Genk, staying home one day from school, but we've all worked hard and long packinq,
sorting and loading to make it a reality. Now we can say: YES, WE HAVE MOVED!! We
finally live in Genk so our new address is PEPERHOFSTRAAT 75
and we have a telephone, number Oil 841333.


Genk, Belgium

NEWS ON HENKI'S EVANGELISTIC efforts are that Ludo and Gene

are finally out of the hospital.

Ludo comes to their office_/^^5^'t^V]flr

once a week on crutches but isn't working full time yet. With the
pressures of our move, Henki hasn't been able to study with them

recently, so we're hoping things get settled again so Henki can

converse with them further about the health of their souls.

SINCE HENKI'S TRAVEL WITH PINO'this fall, Pino-has-been in and 7

out of the hospital for further psychiatriac treatment." It has been
especially hard on Illianne seeing him suffer so much. How our hearts go out to'them

that they may experience freedom from the bondage Satan has:caused. Continue to keep them

in your, prayers as we try to continue to cultivate and water the seed planted in their

IN CLOSING WE HOPE you will again be assured of our gratefulness for your


Your prayers and support are used of God to help make us more
powerful and effective in His mission in Belgium. Accept our family
picture as a small token of our thanks. May our cheerful looks bring joy
to your hearts and the good news of the advance of His kingdom give health
to your bones (Prov. 15:30) as you read of it now and continue to uphold
us into.the coming year.




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