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Case Study

Henry Schein, Inc.

Henry Schein ProRepair offers

value-added service for customers
Overview Furthermore, becoming a full-service company
Offering approximately 90,000 dental, medical, was necessary for increased customer retention.
and veterinary products, Henry Schein sought
proactive measures to expand services by creat- The Solution
ing an internal service to repair goods. In the early The Henry Schein ProRepair Team was first
1990s, a time when Henry Schein was mainly a developed in the early 1990s to repair dental
mail order company, ProRepair was made avail- handpieces. The Team grew to include manufac-
able as a key value-added service for Henry turer- trained technicians and highly trained cus-
Schein customers. Products were sent and tomer service representatives who had the ability
received by direct mail to be repaired internally by to repair medical, dental, and veterinary small
the Pro Repair team at the Company’s offices. equipment, as well as handpieces, intraoral cam-
eras and sterilizers. In addition to repairing prod-
The Challenge ucts sold by Henry Schein, the ProRepair team
Henry Schein was faced with the challenge of began repairing items purchased elsewhere. In
being able to repair handpieces and small equip-
ment when Henry Schein customers turned to the
Company with their service needs. The require-
ment for repair services increased dramatically in
1993 when reports were released about the need
to sterilize handpieces between each patient.
order to carry out their services, the ProRepair Canada and Europe. Since the beginning of 2008,
Team sent pre-paid mailer kits to customers ProRepair has solidified its infrastructure and
which were mailed back to the Company for increased repair margins and profits. Their hand-
repair. Items not repaired in house were forward- piece repair operation repairs over 400 pieces per
ed to the manufacturer or other third party day. Currently, many Henry Schein customers use
the ProRepair service. The ProRepair Team
ProRepair Customer Growth 2004-2007
seeks to expand its range of services in the near
future, and is always looking to expand its role
40% within Henry Schein’s value added category.
2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

providers and billed through Henry Schein.

ProRepair also determined the economic value of
repairing the product versus purchasing new. The
business implemented a trade-in program and an
Outlet Center as additional selling tools to sell
overstocked, reconditioned and demo products to
customers. Henry Schein’s ProRepair services
were promoted via sales flyers, catalogs, direct
mail, trade media and conventions.

The Result
Henry Schein ProRepair has exceeded expecta-
tions in sales. Today, there are seven ProRepair
locations in the United States and Puerto Rico,
employing 134 Team Schein Members. There are
also ProRepair operations providing services in

August 2008

Henry Schein, Inc., 135 Duryea Road, Melville NY 11747

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