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Selenium Course

Module 1: Selenium Introduction

Selenium Introduction
What is Selenium and Why Selenium
Selenium Components
Introduction of selenium Components
Java in Selenium?
Module 2: OOPs concepts and Core java Introduction
OOPs concepts
Setup Java environment Download JDK and Setup eclipse
Java programming concepts
Class, Object ,variables, methods, Packages
Conditions and loops
Access and non access modifiers
Advanced Java Programming
Interfaces, Inheritance
Collections, Exceptions
Module 3: Selenium IDE and RC Introduction
Installing Selenium IDE
Selenese Selenium Commands
Developing Test Cases & Test Suites With Selenium-IDE
Introduction to Selenium RC
Module 4: Selenium WebDriver Introduction
Selenium WebDriver Introduction
WebDriver Vs RC
Download and Configure WebDriver with Eclipse
Simple Testcase
Open and Close Browser
Cross Browser Testing Firefox, IE ,Chrome, HtmlUnitDriver
UI elements ,Locators
Identifying WebElement using id, name, link text, class, xpath, css
Handling various WebElement using WebDriver

Handling Mouse movements and keyboard Events

Module 5: Testing Framework and Tools
Introduction of Testing framework
Types of frameworks
Tools for developing Test Framework
TestNG introduction and Configuration with eclipse
TestNG Annotations and Data Providers
Creating Test Suite with TestNG
Module 6: Develop Hybrid Framework
Developing Hybrid Framework for Web Application using WebDriver /TestNG
Use external Data for Testing (Excel sheet , xml files, Property file )
Reading and understanding reports
Module 7: Appium for Android application
1 : What Is And Why Need Appium? Limitations Of Appium
2 : Download And Install Java(JDK) In Windows
3 : Download And Install Android SDK In Windows
4 : Set Path Environment Variables For SDK In Windows
5 : Steps To Install ADT Plugin To Use SDK In Eclipse
6 : Install Other Supporting Software For Appium
7 : Steps To Download And Install Appium In Windows
8 : Connect Android Device With PC In USB Debugging Mode
9 : Locating App Elements Using UI Automator Viewer
10 : Get App Element's XPath, ID, Name And className
11 : Find APK Package And Launcher Activity Name
12 : Configure Project In Eclipse For Appium
13 : Running First Android Automation Test Using Appium
14 : Create And Start An Android Virtual Device(Emulator)
15 : Install/Uninstall App In Android Emulator (AVD)
Module 8: Appium for Android application
16 : Find Launcher Activity And Package Name Of Android App
17 : Run Appium Android Automation Test In Emulator
18 : Android Test Using Different Element Locators
19 : Perform Drag And Drop In Android App
20 : How To Swipe Vertical And Horizontal In Android
21 : Swipe Element Using TouchAction Class In Android
22 : Appium Android Example On How To Scroll Down To Text

23 : Appium - How To Scroll Horizontal Tabs

24 : Perform MultiTouch Action Using Appium In Android App

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