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Journal reading

Diah Ayu Aryati
Divisi Respirologi & Penyakit Kritis Respirasi-RSHS

CHEST /143/2/Februari

Obesity-Associated Severe Asthma Represents a

Distinct Clinical Phenotype
Analysis of the British Tharacic Society Difficult Asthma Registry Patient
Cohort According to BMI
David Gibeon.MBChB;Kannangara Batuwita,PhD; Michelee Osmond,PhD; Liam G.
Haeney,MD;Chris E. Brightling,PhD,FCCP;Rob Niven,MD; Adel Mansur,PhD;Rekha
Chaundhuri,MBBS,MD;Christine E. Bucknall,MD; Anthony Rowe,PhD;Yike
Guo,PhD;Pankaj K Bhavsar,PhD;Kian Fan Chung,MD,DSc; and Andrew MenziesGow,PhD
Latar Belakang
Obesitas has emerged sebagai salah satu faktor resiko pada berkembangya kasus asma dan juga
mempengaruhi kontrol asma dan inflamasi saluran napas. Bagaimanapun, peranan obesitas pada
asama yang berat belum jelas. Oleh karena itu, studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana
hubungan antara obesitas (dilihat dari BMI) dengan asma yang berat.
Data dari The British Thoracic Society Difficult Asthma Registry dipergunakan untuk membandingkan
demografi pasien, karakteristik penyakit, penggunaan fasilitas kesehatan di antara tiga kategori BMI (
normal weight : 18,5-24,99; Overweigt : 25-29,99; Obese : 30) pada kelompok dewasa dengan asma
yang berat

Critical appraisal
1. Are the result of this individual study valid? Ya
a. Was the assignment of patient to treatment randomized? Ya
b. Was the randomized concealed ? Tidak ada keterangan
c. Were the group similar at the start of the trial? Ya
d. Was the follow up of patient sufficiently long and complete ? Ya
e. Were all patient analyzed in the group to which they were randomized ? Ya

Were patient, clinicians and study personel kept blind to treatment? Tidak ada keterangan

g. Were group treated equally, apart from the experimental therapy? Ya

2. Are the valid results of this individual study important?
a. What is the magnitude of the treatment effect?
Frekuensi eksaserbasi lebih rendah pada grup azitromisin dibandingkan dengan grup plasebo


Relative risk reduction

Absolute risk reduction

Number need to treat (NNT)





3. Are the valid important results of this individual study applicable to our patient?
a. Is our patient so different from those in the study that its results cannot apply? Tidak
b. Is the treatment feasible in our setting? Ya
c. What our patients potential benefits and harms from the therapy? Mengurangi frekuensi
eksaserbasi namun di sisi lain memiliki efek samping pada pendengaran dan dapat mengubah
pola resistensi kuman
d. What are our patients values and expectations of both the outcome we are trying to prevent
and the treatment we are offering?

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