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True or False, Multiple Choice, and Matching

Adoption Law

1) Adoption laws are the same in every state and province. ________

2) State/Provincial law protects the rights of an expectant mother by

delaying signature of relinquishment after the adoptive child’s birth.

3) Most states and provinces require that a presumed/alleged expectant

father also delay signature until after the expectant mother delivers. -

4) If an expectant father suspects he has fathered a child, he may register

with the state/provincial paternity registry (if offered) to prevent his
parental rights from being terminated. _______

5) Usually a guardian ad litem will be appointed in a termination court

hearing to represent__
a) Unnamed and unidentified expectant fathers
b) The expectant mother
c) The birth child
d) Both a and b
e) Both a and c
f) Both b and c

6) Most states in the U.S. require the following documents for adoption
finalization: Consent to Adopt, Home Study and Post-Placement reports,
Decree of Termination of expectant parents’ rights, Social, Health,
Education and Genetic History Report from the expectant parents, and in
most states, adoptive parent’s criminal history and fingerprint cards.

7) Once all of the documents listed above are in, the adoption is final. -
8) Using a certified copy of the Final Decree of Adoption adoptive parents
may obtain a birth certificate naming themselves as parents and
changing the child’s name if desired. ________

9) Adoption attorneys are not needed in adopting a child. _______

10) Six out of every ten Americans have experienced adoption either
directly or indirectly.

Adoption Facts and Myths

1) Children reared by single expectant parents have better grades and are
less likely to drop out of school, more likely to attend college, are less
likely to become pregnant out-of-wedlock, less likely to engage in
delinquent behavior, experience lower rates of unemployment and are
less likely to depend on welfare. ________

2) Children develop best when they have warm, intimate, continuous, and
enduring relationships with both their fathers and mothers. ________

3) On an average, children of married parents experience better physical

and mental health, have lower rates of substance abuse, experience less
child abuse, and are less likely to commit suicide or engage in criminal
activity. ________

4) Children in adoptive families have better health, higher quality of home

environment than all other children. ________

5) Children who grow up adopted tend to have serious psychological

problems. ________

6) The expectant mother, the adopted child, and the adoptive parents
should never know anything about each other. ________

7) If an adoption is handled legally, a birth mother cannot reclaim her child

after adoption finalization. ________

8) An adoptive parent cannot love a child as much as the biological parent.


9) After adoption the birth mother can no longer communicate with the
adoptive parents regarding the birth child. ________

Adoptive Options
1) The two main adoption types that offer both infant and older children are
domestic adoption and intercountry adoption. ________

2) The domestic adoptions options include (1) infant, (2) foster care
adoption with accompanying subsidies, and (3) foster-adopt where the
adoptive parent becomes a licensed foster caregiver and adopts the
foster child if birth parent rights are terminated or relinquished. ________

3) Adoptions of older children, who have a history of multiple caretakers,

abuse, neglect, and parental substance abuse, are usually very
successful placements. ________

4) Vehicles of adoption include licensed private agency, state/provincial

public agency, and independent attorney services. ________
5) Closed traditional adoption is a widely used method today. ________

Match definition to adoption term:

______ Traditional adoptions A. an adoption facilitated through

a third party who knows the
adoptive couple and the birth
parents. But, the adoptive
couple and birth parents do not
know each other.

______ Designated adoptions B. an adoption arranged between

expectant parents and adoptive
parents with only the essential
involvement of an attorney or
agency. A third party does not
have legal right to the child.

______ Direct adoptions C. an adoption where confidential,

identifying information of
parties is withheld…
correspondence and interaction
is facilitated through the

______ Facilitated adoptions D. an adoption where state

agencies, private agencies, or
the court places a child directly
with an adoptive couple. Some
states do not regulate these
allowing anyone to act in the
adoption process.

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