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Amazing world of Electromagnetic waves and its application

in process Gas analyzer Instruments

The analysis of a gas is aimed at determining the concentration along with the chemical
symbol of that gas in a sample mixture.
The mixture may be a liquid or gas . A gas is said to be dissolved if it exists in the gas
phase within a liquid mixture.
Common units of concentration are:
- % by weight = weight of gas/ weight of sample x100%
- Mole % = no of moles gas / no of moles sample x 100%
- Parts per Million ( ppm) : Ratio by weight ( or volume) of
Gas : sample = 1: 10 6
- ppb
Beer- Lambert Law:
Absorbance = A = - Log T

Where T= Transmittance
A= abc
A= Absorbance
a= absorptivity
b= path length
c = concentration
I= IO Ke-abc


Transmittance is used to describe the ratio of the intensity of photon energy

transmitted by the sample to the intensity incident upon it.
Transmittance = Intensity Transmitted Radiation (I)
Intensity Incident Radiation (Io)

Quantitative analysis is based on the fact that the transmitted intensity ,I ,

decreases as the number of absorbing molecules increases.
With respect to Infrared absorption gases can be categorized into three groups:
1: Diatomicgases ( N2, H2,O2, Cl2) do not absorb infrared and thus can not be
measured by NDIR
2: Monoatomic gases ( He, Ne. Ar, Kr, etc) do not absorb infrared energy and thus
can not be measured by NDIR
3: Heteroatomic gases- these are molecules consisting of two or more different atoms.
Most heteroatomic molecules absorb infrared energy and can be measured by NDIR
Commonly measured heteroatomic gases are CO,CO2, SO2,CH4,NH3, N-Hexane
( Benzene),NO etc.

Basics of Infrared Analyser

Infrared analyzer consists of basically four parts and these are
1: Infrared source
2: Sample Cell
3: Optical Filter
4: Detector
Between Source and Sample Cell there is a device called Chopper
Molecules absorb energy at wavelengths determined by their molecular structure
Optical Filter transmits a narrow wavelength of energy received at component of interest
Detector measures amount of energy received at component of interest wavelength

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Ultra violet ( In the widest sense)
Vacuum Ultraviolet
Far Ultra violet

: 10 to 380 nm
: 10 to 190 nm
: 160 to 200nm

Normal Ultra violet

Near Infrared
Normal Infrared
Far Infrared
Infrared ( in the widest sense)

: 200 to 380 nm
: 380 to 780 nm
: 780 to 3500 nm
: 2500 to 16000 nm
: 16 to 1000 Micron
: 0- 78- 1000 Micron

Actually electromagnetic spectrum extends from long radio waves of 105 Cm

to short wave gamma rays of wave length of 10 -13 Cm.
One important relation between wave and quantum theory of light
propounded by Max Planck in 1900 is
E= h
Where = Frequency
h = Planck Constant
E = Energy of quanta
= c /y where c= velocity of light
y= wave length
Non Dispersive Infrared ( NDIR) Absorption Spectroscopy
Infra-red absorption corresponds to molecules vibration and rotational
energy. These fixed , discrete energies are unique to a particular substance.
Relationship between wavelength of ultraviolet, Infrared and visible
spectral regions.
The ultraviolet and especially the infrared regions are particularly valuable
because the colours or spectra of substances in these regions tend to have a
large number of narrow absorption bands which are often directly related to
the chemical structure of the substance and are often directly related to the
spectrum. Infrared, ultraviolet and visible spectra have been used for many
years by information they give about matter.
Origins of different kinds of spectra

An atom or molecule stores energy in many ways and when the energy levels
of these changes each gives rise to absorptions or emissions which are
distinct and each of which can be measured by appropriate kind of
Ultraviolet and visible spectra
In the ultraviolet and visible region of the spectrum emission and absorption
of light are caused by excitation of and changes in the orbital of outer or
valence electrons.
If transitions between energy levels of inner electrons of an atom or molecule
are involved the spectrum produced is a an X- Ray spectrum. The energy
changes need to produce x-ray spectra are very much greater than those
needed for ultraviolet or visible spectra.
Infrared Regions Vibration and rotational spectra
Changes in configuration of parts of the molecule eg wagging, bending,
twisting, stretching, vibrating and rotating of its parts give rise to infrared
spectra. Infrared spectra can be regarded as finger print of chemical
substances and ,as such , are most useful for identifying them.
Radio Frequency Region
Change of spin of a nucleus in a molecule gives rise to Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectra. Change of spin of an electron gives rise Electron Spin
Resonance Spectra .
Change in the orientation of a molecule gives rise to Microwave Spectra.

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