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United States Patent O??


Fatented July 11, 1961

tion. Obviously, those compositions which are initiated


by the weight falling short distances, e.g., about 10 inches

Hartwell H. Fassnacht, Oak Valley, Robert W. Felch,
Wenonah, and Charles D. Forrest, Westville, N..l., as
signors to
I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,
Wilmington, Deh, a corporation of Delaware
No Drawing. Filed Nov. '3, 1959, Ser. No. 850,546
'7 Claims. (Cl. 52-13)

or less, are of high impact sensitiveness, whereas those

initiated only when the weight falls considerable distances,
e.g., 40 to 56 inches, are of low impact sensitiveness. In
some cases detonation cannot be effected even when the

weight falls the maximum distance, i.e., 56 inches, and

in these cases the explosive generally is termed impact
insensitive. At times, the drop test is modi?ed to render
it more severe by applying grit to the explosive. The

The present invention relates to an explosive composi

tion. More particularly, the present invention relates to

presence of grit causes greater sensitiveness because of in

a ?exible self-supporting explosive composition containing

pentaerythritol tetranitrate of speci?c particle size and

creased friction. Thus, this modi?ed drop test re?ects

not only the impact but also the friction sensitiveness of

to a method of fabricating the composition. This appli

the composition.
In addition to the explosive properties prerequisites,

cation is a continuation-in-part of our application, Serial 15

some of which were afore-described, the self-supporting

-No. 763,182, ?led September 25, 1958, now abandoned,

and assigned to the present assignee.

explosive composition must possess certain characteristics

with respect to physical form. Its nature must be such
that it can be readily formed into the necessary con?gura
talline high-velocity detonating explosive, such as penta
erythritol tetranitrate (PETN), in the form of a coherent 20 tions, for example sheets, cords, tapes, or contoured bodies
For many applications of explosives, the use of a crys

of essentially uniform density. These con?gurations must

layer rather than as crystals or granules would be highly

desirable. For example, for the method of joining metal
lic objects described in US. Patent 2,367,206 (C. 0.
Davis, to Du Pont, January 16, 1945), sleeves of explo

retain the desired form under conditions of handling,

transport, and storage. That is, the con?gurationsmust

not lose their dimensional stability, i.e., they must not

sives are provided by containing the charge of granular

25 stretch or shrink, under these conditions, inasmuch as

high explosive in a rigid annular container made of paper

or the like. These containers must be slipped over the
metallic element and a metal sleeve and, thus, are sub

such changes in dimension would result in undesirable

variations in weight of explosive per unit of area in the
con?guration, nor should the con?gurations be so soft or

friable, i.e., clay-like, that their dimensions, i.e., thick

jected to considerable stress which, in many cases, causes

rupture of the necessarily rigid but light weight container.

Moreover, because of their rigidity, many of these explo

30 ness, length, or width, are easily altered during handling

sive units are broken during storage and transport. Obvi

ously, elimination of this container and provision of a

to preclude uniformity of explosive per unit of area. The

units formed from the composition should be tough, i.e.,
strong or ?rm in texture but ?exible and not brittle, to

provide the proper adaptability to a given application.

tough self-supporting unit would be very advantageous.
Moreover, the desirability of using tough sheets of explo 35 The composition must also be water-resistant, inasmuch
as the operations complicating the storage, handling, and
sive which are cohesive enough to be cut, molded, or
otherwise deformed to metal as in the method of work

use of compositions and units which are not water-resist

ant make such compositions valueless.

hardening described in detail in US. Patent 2,703,297
Lastly, but not least importantly, the explosive compo
(N. A. MacLeod, March 1, 1955) is expressed in this
patent. In shaped-charge perforators, the substitution of 40 sion must be easily and safely fabricated, as a complex

cohesive, self-supporting contoured shapes of explosive

for the presently used charges vof explosive which are
pressed into a casing would'facilitate the preparation of

such perforators. Further, an explosive composition capa

ble of being extruded into cords represents a long-felt 45
need. Such extruded cords are suitable for use in the
mining and quarrying industries as fuses or initiators in
the manner of the well-known Primacord and addi

and hazardous manufacturing operation obviates to an

appreciable extent any advantageous features of explosive

or physical properties of a given self-supporting explosive

Accordingly, an object of the present invention is the

provision of a self~supporting explosive composition which

is easily and safely manufactured and readily formed into
any desired con?guration. Another object of the present

invention is the provision of a water-resistant self-support

tionally in various special applications, such as release
50 ing explosive composition which retains its initial plasti
devices, alarm systems, and the like.
city and explosive characteristics after prolonged expo
Various factors and requirements are involved in the
sure to adverse conditions. A still further object is the
fabrication of a satisfactory self-supporting explosive
provision of a self-supporting composition in the form of
composition. Naturally, the composition must have ac
sheets, cords, tapes, contoured shapes and the like, which
ceptable explosive properties. Namely, it must be capa
con?gurations possess desirable physical properties. An
ble of propagating reliably the detonation at high velocity,
additional object is to provide a ?exible explosive com
position which contains an improved additive which im
parts higlrly desirable features thereto. Other objects will
become apparent as the invention is further described.
tion, that is, the composition must be initiable by the
We have found that the foregoing objects are achieved
customary initiation means, for example the standard 60
when we provide an explosive composition comprising at
blasting caps, preferably by those caps having low-weight
least 44% by weight of PETN of particles having a maxi
base charges and thus producing weak initiation stimuli.
mum dimension in the range of 0.1 to 10 microns, the
This property of an explosive composition conventionally
average maximum dimension being in the range of 0.1
is termed its cap sensitiveness. In contrast to the high
cap-sensitiveness desired in an explosive composition, its 65 to 2 microns, 6.5 to 14% by weight of soluble nitro
cellulose having a degree of polymerization of 2000 to
impact sensitiveness desirably is low. Impact sensitive
3000, and 15 to 35% by weight of a trialkyl ester of 2
ness, which indicates the sensitivity of the explosive to
acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid wherein each
mechanical shocks, usually is determined by trial and error
alkyl group contains from 2 to 8 carbon atoms. Tributyl
in the drop test, in which a weight, usually of S-kilo
grams, is dropped upon the explosive from various heights. 70 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate represents a pre
Drop test results are reported in inches, which correspond
ferred specie. This compound has a molecular weight
to the distance which the Weight must fall to effect initia
of 402.5, a ?ash point of 204 C., and a liquid range of
i.e., at a rate of the order of 5000 or more meters per

second, even when the explosive loading is low. Second

ly, it must have adequate sensitivity with respect to initia


cover an additive for nitrocellulose which would allow

and a degree of polymerization of about 3000. All the

drop test results reported in the examples were obtained
by using a modi?cation of the drop-test apparatus de
scribed in Bureau of Mines Bulletin 346 [Munroe and
Tiffany, p. 72 (1931)]. In the modi?ed apparatus a S-kg.
weight is used, the maximum height from which the
weight falls being 56 inches. The sample is placed in a

the fabrication of a plastic-type explosive having satis

small brass cup rather than directly on the anvil.

75 F. to about 285 F. Although we do not pro

pose to limit ourselves by theoretical considerations, it is
believed that the acetoxy group of the molecule contrib
utes in some manner to the stability of the composition,

particularly on prolonged storage.

Numerous attempts have been made in the past to dis

factory sensitivity, safety properties, ?exibility, water and

weather resistance, and other properties ideally desirable

Example 1

for a plastic explosive composition. Undoubtedly, the

most often employed additive for nitrocellulose has been
nitroglycerin, which when added to nitrocellulose results

Water-wet PETN in the amount of 113 parts (dry

headache producing property imparted by the nitroglycer

atin. Consequently workers in the art have turned to the

about two minutes, the elevated temperature being main

tained, and the water separating rapidly from the mixture.
At the end of this time, the water vwas decanted, leaving
an essentially uniform blend of the crystalline PETN and

replacement of the nitroglycerin, which in blasting gelatin

20 the tricarboxylate. . Then, alcohol-wet nitrocellulose in

basis) was introduced into a mixer and brought to a tem

perature of about 130~135 P. Then 70 parts of tributyl
2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate was added to the
in a jelly-like mass known in the art as blasting gelatin.
The high sensitivity of such compositions, as well as the 15 heated PETN. The resultant mixture was mixed for

in, or other liquid nitric esters used as freezing point de

pressants constitute serious disadvantages of blasting gel

the amount of 17 parts (dry basis) was added to the mixer,

and mixing was continued at the elevated temperature for
en crystalline, high explosives or combinations of oxidiz
an additional 10-15 minutes until a uniform blend was ob
ing agents and a fuel therefor, e.g., ammonium nitrate
tained, the alcohol evaporating rapidly during the mix
and a carbonaceous fuel, tetryl, or PETN. Hence, when
the nitroglycerin is eliminated, it becomes necessary to 25 ing. Thereafter, the formulation was removed from the
substitute other materials in order to achieve the desired

functions as the primary explosive, by less hazardous, oft


Heretofore, the need for an entirely satis

The resultant composition while hot resembled soft clay

factory additive for nitrocellulose-based plastic explosives

and upon cooling became somewhat tougher and more

has never been satis?ed. Among the hundreds of mate

rials which have been employed for this purpose are in

like rubber. A portion of the material was passed

through aluminum rollers until a sheet of uniform thick

eluded camphor, dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, tri

ness was obtained. In appearance, the sheet resembled

an oversized stick of chewing gum and was about 40 mils
thick. The sheet detonated at a velocity of 6400 meters
per second when initiated by a blasting cap having a base

butyl phosphate, aromatic nitro compounds, i.e., nitro

benzenes and toluenes, as well as countless others.

Naturally, these various agents have met with varying

degrees of success; however none has been entirely satis 35 charge of 1.5 grains of PETN.
The sheet had a uniform density of 1.5 grams per cubic
factory for the fabrication of an easily formable, yet self
centimeter and failed to be initiated in the before-mew
supporting explosive composition. Some of these mate
tioned drop test by the drop of a 5 kg. weight from a
rials are incompatible with the other ingredients of the
height of 56 inches. In physical characteristics, the sheet
explosive composition, and after a short time may bleed,
volatilize, or otherwise separate out leaving only a hard, 40 was tough, and essentially nonresilient. Normal handling
of the sheet resulted in no alterations in its dimensions.
brittle mass of explosive. Other agents, while apparently
Its dimensional stability (absence of stretching or shrink
compatible with the explosive materials, after prolonged
ing) and ?exibility were very good after storage at 10
storage or exposure to severe weather conditions may
become degraded to such an extent that the composition

is rendered completely insensitive. Thus, the selection of

an additive for explosive compositions having a nitrocel~
lulose binder which is non-headache producing, complete
ly compatible with the other explosive components, and

and +160 F. for several months. The appearance and

cap-sensitiveness of the sheet were not altered by extended,

i.e., 6 months, storage under water.

Example 2

stable on prolonged storage under extreme conditions rep

A composition containing 72% PETN of the speci?ed
resents an essential aspect of this invention in addition 50 particle size, 6.5% nitrocellulose and 21.5% of tri(2

to the highly advantageous properties of the self-support

ing plastic composition made possible thereby.

In accordance with the present invention, water-wet
PETN of the speci?ed particle size is mixed with the
speci?ed tricarboxylic acid ester. This mixing may be
accomplished at room temperature for some examples

given, but it is preferred that the mixing temperature be

in the range of l30l35 F. The resultant mixture is

blended for a few minutes, water, which is incompatible

with the mixture, being displaced from the mixture and

ethylhexyl) Z-acetoxy-l,2,3-propanetricarboxylate was

prepared according to the method described in Example l.
:The composition at room temperature was readily mold
able and was easily rolled into self-supporting sheets.
Sheets of the material stored at 10 F., at room tem
perature, and at 140 F. for 6 weeks displayed no loss in
?exibility or in case of initiation.

When initiated by a

1.5 grain PETN cap, they detonated at a velocity of 6900

meters per second. Sheets prepared, however, from a

similar composition containing only 5 %nitrocellulose and

thereafter decanted from the mass. After removal of the 60 73.5% PETN and 21.5% of the tri(2-ethylhexyl) ester
water, the nitrocellulose which is wet with alcohol or
were easily deformed by handling, had little strength, and
water is added and mixed in until good incorporation is
were not self-supporting.
achieved, the mixture preferably being maintained at the
elevated temperature.

The following examples serve to illustrate speci?c em 65

bodiments and advantageous features of the explosive

composition of the present invention.

However, they

will be understood to be illustrative only and not as limit

ing the invention in any manner. Parts given in the ex

Example 3
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated with the ex

ception that 30 parts of the tributyl 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-pro

panetricarboxylate was used and 34 parts of dinitrotolu
ene was added to the PETN prior to addition of the tricar

amples are parts by weight unless otherwise speci?ed. In 70 boxylate. Sheets formed from the resultant composition
had a density of 1.55 gram per cubic centimeter and det
all exempli?ed mixes, the PETN particles had a maximum
dimension within the range of 0.1 to 10 microns, the av
erage thereof being 0.1 to 2 microns, and the nitrocellu
lose was a standard dynamite grade material of the

onated at a velocity of 6700 meters per second. Sheets

of this composition were equivalent to those of the Ex

ample 1 formulation in cap and impact sensitiveness, det

soluble type having a nitrogen content of 12.3:0.3% 75 onation propagation, and in appearance.

Example 4
In accordance with the procedure of Example 3, a
formulation was prepared containing 60% PETN, 8.5%

nitrocellulose, 24% tributyl Z-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricar

boxylate, and 7.5% of an equiweight mixture of dinitro
toluene and trinitrotoluene. Sheets prepared from this
formulation were initiated by a 1.5-grain PETNblasting
cap and detonated at a velocity of 6700 meters per sec

Lesser quantities of nitrocellulose, as illustrated by Ex

ample 2, give a cohesive but soft clay-like mixture form
ing sheets which are not tough but are ?imsy and clay
like in consistency, and thus essentially useless for the
afore-described explosive applications. Inasmuch as the
explosive properties of the composition, i.e., its cap
sensitiveness and capacity to detonate reliably, are dele
teriously affected by the inclusion of more than about

14% of the nitrocellulose, the incorporation of more than

ond. The ?exibility of the sheet at 10 F., room tem
perature, and +120 F. was excellent, and a sheet of 30 10 14% nitrocellulose in the formulation is undesirable.
Furthermore, more than 14% nitrocellulose can be in
mils thickness and having an explosive loading of only
corporated only with great di?iculty if at all. However,
about 0.7 gram per square inch detonated consistently, at
since the use of 65-14% of the nitrocellulose gives a
a uniform rate when initiatedby a standard No. 6 blasting
composition of very satisfactory physical properties, the
15 upper limitation on nitrocellulose content imposed by the
Example 5.

A quantity of the composition prepared in Example 1

requirements of explosive activity and ease of mixing con

stitutes no drawback.

Was placed in a conventional ram-type extruder of 4

We have found that the PETN used in the composition
pound capacity. The composition was maintained at a
must be of special, highly sensitive type, to compensate
temperature of about 130 F. during extrusion. Flexible 20 for the desensitization effected by inclusion of suf?cient
uniform cords -%6 inch in diameter were obtained. These
nitrocellulose to provide the desired physical properties.
cords having an explosive loading of about 20 grains per
That is, the PETN particles must be of such size that
foot were detonated reliably by a standard No. 8 seismo
their maximum dimension is within the range of 0.1 to
graph cap, even when exposed to hydrostatic pressures of
10 microns, the average maximum particle dimension
10,000 pounds per square inch. The detonation velocity 25 being within the range of 0.1 and 2 microns. When other
of the cords was over 6400 meters per second.

Example 6

grades of PETN, for example that standard granulation

termed in the art cap-grade PETN, are substituted for

the afore~speci?ed material, the cap sensitiveness of the

The die of the extrusion apparatus of Example 5 was
composition is decreased to such an extent that the com
modi?ed in order to extrude the cords in 1A inch diameter 30
position is of no value. The PETN must be incorporated
and with a continuous V-shapednotch in their surface.
in the amount of at least 44% to insure adequate sensi
The cords thus obtained were identicalto the sheet of Ex
tivity, the upper limit in general being set by the limita
ample 1 in explosive characteristics. By taking advantage
tions on the proportions of the other components.
of the Munroe effect, the V-shaped cords were used to
The function of the nitrocellulose constitutent of the
sever or cut thin sheet metal and similar materials. Sim 35
composition is to provide in it the desired physical prop
ilarly, explosive cords in the form of seamless hollow
erties and form, its contribution to the explosive properties
tubing were prepared.
of the sheet being secondary. Therefore, the require
The following examples are intended for a comparison

between the properties of the plastic composition prepared

according to our invention and those of compositions pre

pared by using conventional nitrocellulose additives.

Example 7

ments of the nitrocellulose are based upon its activity as

a binding agent rather than as an explosive. For this

40 reason, the criticality with respect to the type of nitro

cellulose used resides in its solubility characteristics and

viscosity rather than in its nitrogen content. Suitable
nitrocellulose is of the soluble type, the term conven

To 76.63 grams of PETN heated to 130 F. was added

tionally used in the art to differentiate between those
a molten blend containing 16.64 grams of dinitrotoluene
and 5.55 grams of trinitrotoluene. Nitrocellulose in the 45 nitrocelluloses having a nitrogen content of about 7% up
to about 13% and relatively soluble in an alcohol-ether
amount of 1.18 grams was added to the heated mixture and
m'uring was continued for 20 minutes.

The warm com

medium and those nitrocelluloses, generally termed-gun

cottons, having a nitrogen content of 13% and greater

and insoluble in the alcohol-ether medium. Throughout
however, the composition set up to a hard composition 50 the speci?cation and claims, the term soluble nitro
cellulose is used in accordance with the previously de
resembling chalk or baked clay.
scribed conventional meaning of the term.
Example 8
Moreover, the nitrocellulose must be of the high
viscosity type. Because of the interrelationship between
A composition similar to that of Example 7 was pre
pared except that 15 parts of dibutyl phthalate was used 55 viscosity and degree of polymerization, i.e., the average
number of anhydroglucose units in the chain, or mole
in place of the blend of aromatic nitro compounds. The
cule, and because of the ease of de?nition inherent to the
resulting composition, while initially moldable and ?ex
use of the term degree of polymerization rather than
ible at room temperature, became brittle and friable after
intrinsic viscosity, we choose to express the viscosity of the
storage at 140 F. for a period of six weeks.
As shown by the foregoing examples, a water-resistant 60 nitrocelluloses in terms of its degree of polymerizations.
Those nitrocelluloses which may be employed in the pres
self-supporting explosive composition, which is readily
ent formulation have an average degree of polymerization
transformed into shaped units, for examples, sheets, cords,
within the range of 2000 and 3000. In other words, the
or tubes, which are tough and essentially nonresilient, can
molecules of the nitrocellulose used contain on an average
be easily prepared in accordance with the present inven
tion. The composition, in addition to having its requisite 65 2000-3000 anhydroglucose units. The high viscosity ni
trocellulose may be obtained by using one grade ofnitro
physical properties, has excellent explosive properties.
cellulose having a degree of polymerization of 2000-3000
That is, it is readily initiated by blasting caps of low
or by blending several grades of nitrocellulose of varying
strength, it is of low impact sensitiveness, and it propa
degrees of polymerization in such proportions to achieve
gates the detonation reliably. No alternations in either
physical properties or cap-sensitiveness of the units of this 70 an average degree of polymerization within the speci?ed
range. As stated before, the nitrogen content of' the
composition are brought about by prolonged exposure to
nitrocellulose, except. as solubility is related to nitrogen
content, is not a critical feature of the presentinvention.
We have found that in order to obtain sheets of the
Obviously, those nitrocelluloses having a nitrogen content
necessary physical properties, at least 6.5% of nitro
cellulose must be incorporated into the formulation. 75 of 13% or more are of the insoluble type and thus are

position when removed from the mixer was weakly co

hesive and somewhat moldable. At room temperature,


portions, permitting its use in -a variety of applications

outside the scope of the present invention. However, any

nitrocellulose of the soluble type, whether it be the so
called industrial nitrocellulose or the so-called pyrocotton,

of explosives.

The present invention has been described in detail in

the foregoing. However, it will be apparent to those
skilled in the art that many variations are possible with
out departure from the scope of the invention. There
fore, we intend to be limited only by the following claims.
We claim:

or explosive material, and having the necessary high'in

trinsic viscosity gives satisfactory formulations and, thus,
is within the scope of the present invention. Because of

its ready availabilty and high intrinsic viscosity,

dynamite-grade nitrocellulose having a nitrogen con

1. A self-supporting explosive composition of high
tent of 12.0 to 12.6% is preferred.
Although we have found tributyl 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-pro 10 cap~sensitiveness and low impact-sensitiveness consisting

essentially of at least 44% by weight of pentaerythritol

panetricarboxylate to be the preferred additive, other tri

alkyl esters of 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid

tetranitrate having a maximum particle dimension within

the range of 0.1 and 10 microns, the average maximum
particle dimension being within the range of 0.1 and 2

wherein each alkyl group contains 2 to 8 carbons are suit

able. For example, the triethyl, tripropyl, tripentyl, tri

hexyl, triheptyl esters and their isomers, as well as the 15 microns, 65-14% by Weight of soluble nitrocellulose
having an average degree of polymerization within the
exempli?ed tri(2-ethylhexyl) esters, will provide an en
range of 2000 and 3000, and 15-35% by weight of a
tirely satisfactory composition. The higher alkyl esters
trialkyl ester of 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid
do not function satisfactorily owing to their reduced
wherein each alkyl group contains 2 to 8 carbon atoms.
activity toward the nitrocellulose which makes them in

capable of producing explosive compositions having the

required physical properties.


If desired, an aromatic nitro compound or mixtures

thereof may be added to the mix in order to impart in

2. An explosive composition according to claim 1,

wherein said ester of 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarbox
ylic acid is the tributyl ester.

3. A self-supporting explosive composition in sheet

form of high cap-sensitiveness and low impact-sensitive

creased ?uidity and thus aid in ingredient incorporation.
Naturally, these components will be added in the liquid 25 ness consisting essentially of at least 44% by weight of
pentaerythritol tetranitrate having a maximum particle di
state. It is to be understood, however, that the addition
of the aromatic nitro compound merely represents a man
ufacturing expedient, its presence being in no manner

mension within the range of 0.1 and 10 microns, the aver

age maximum dimension being within the range of 0.1

and 2 microns, 65-14% by Weight of soluble nitrocellu

critical to the composition.
As has already been stated, the mixing procedure pref 30 lose having an average degree of polymerization within

the range of 2000 and 3000, and 15-35% by weight of a

trialkyl ester of 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic
perature above 100 F. The PETN preferably is used
acid wherein each alkyl group contains 2 to 8 carbon
in water-wet state to decrease safety hazards. It and
the 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylic acid ester are
4. An explosive composition in the form of extruded
mixed together until a uniform blend is obtained, the 35

erably is effected at elevated temperature, i.e., at a tem

water added with the PETN separating during the mixing

and thereafter being removed, e.g. by decantation or suc
tion. Then, nitrocellulose, which is wet with a solvent
such as alcohol or water in accordance with conventional
safety precautions, is added to the PETN blend at the 40

elevated temperature and mixing is continued at such

temperature until a uniform blend is apparent, the solvent

evaporating o? in major part during the mixing, slight

cords of high cap-sensitiveness and low impact-sensitive

ness consisting essentially of at least 44% by weight of

pentaerythritol tetranitrate having a maximum particle

dimension within the range of 0.1 and 10 microns, the
average maximum dimension being within the range of
0.1 and 2 microns, 65-14% by weight of soluble nitro
cellulose having an average degree of polymerization

within the range of 2000 and 3000, and 15-35% by

weight of a trialkyl ester of 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetri

quantities of residual alcohol or Water not being dele
terious to the sheet. Because the addition of water 45 carboxylic acid wherein each alkyl group contains 2 to 8
carbon atoms.
and alcohol to the system thus constitutes no drawback,
5. An explosive composition according to claim 4,
the composition may be prepared in a very safe manner.

wherein said extruded cords contain a V-shaped indenta

The formulation then is removed from the mixer and
can be readily formed into the desired con?gurations.
6. A method for the preparation of a self-supporting
As has been exempli?ed, the composition may be passed 50
explosive composition of high cap-sensitivity and low
through rollers to give sheets or tapes of the desired thick

With certain formulations, the use of heated roll

impact-sensitivity which comprises mixing at least 44%

by weight on dry basis of water-wet pentaerythritol tetra

ers is desirable to facilitate the rolling operation. Of
having a maximum particle dimension within the
course,ithe composition may be formed into other con
?gurations such as contoured bodies by operations such 55 range of 0.1 and 10 microns, the average maximum par
ticle dimension being within the range of 0.1 and 2 mi
as molding and by extruding into tubes or cords, as ex
crons, with 15-35% by weight of a trialkyl ester of 2
empli?ed. Moreover, sheets may also be prepared by
acetoxy-l,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid wherein each
methods other than rolling, i.e., by slicing, cutting, or ex
alkyl group contains 2 to 8 carbon atoms, adding
truding the mass.
65-14% by weight on dry basis of solvent-wet soluble
The density of the composition of the present invention 60 nitrocellulose having an average degree ofvpolymeriza
generally is high, i.e. about 1.5 grams per cubic cen
tion within the range of 2000 and 3000, admixing said
timeter. The explosive loading of the sheet, that is the
nitrocellulose with the blend of said pentaerythritol tetra
weight of composition per unit area, is controlled by the
nitrate and said trialkyl ester, and thereafter rolling the
thickness of the sheet. For certain applications, a sheet
mixture into sheets.
having a relatively low explosive loading may be desired 65
'7. A method according to claim 6, wherein said penta
and, thus, thin sheets will be prepared. On the other
erythritol tetranitrate and said trialkyl ester are admixed
hand, for some appications heavy loadings are preferable
in the presence of up to 25% by weight of at least one
and thick sheets will be used. As illustrated, the mini
aromatic nitro compound selected from the group con
mum thickness of sheet required to support the detonna 70 sisting of dinitrotoluene and trinitrotoluene.
tion will vary as the exact proportions of components
within the speci?ed ranges vary, as will the density, cap
References Cited in the ?le of this patent
sensitivity, and detonation velocity to some extent.
Thereby, a certain versatility in the properties of the

sheet is possible by proper selection of ingredient pro


Canada _____________ __ Feb. 19, 1952

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