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Bioremediation & Biodegradation

EI-Sheekh, et al. J Bioremed Biodegrad 2012, 3:1



Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some

Algae and Cyanobacteria
Mostafa M El-Sheekh1*, MM Ghareib2 and GW Abou-EL-Souod2

Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt

In this work, the oxidation of phenolic compounds was accompanied by shift in the wavelength and change in
the colour such as the oxidation of phenol to catechol by Volvox aureus, Nostoc Linckia and Oscillatoria rubescens.
The oxidation of -naphthol by Volvox aureus, Lyngbya lagerlerimi and Nostoc linckia, and the oxidation of catechol
by Chlorella vulgaris and V. aureus were suggested. The degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by
different algae seems to be related to the molecular structures of the compound and physiological metabolism of
the algae. The highest percentage of degradation of naphthalene by N. linckia after 7 days was 47.71%, while the
highest percentage of degradation of anthracene by E. viridis after 7 days was 92.28%. The highest percentage of
degradation of 2-methythie 3-phenyl quinazlin-4- 3H (one) by V. aureus after 7 days was 83.39%, and the highest
percentage of degradation of 2- phenyl 3,1benzexazin-4 one by E. viridis after 7 days was 79.74%. The obtained
results suggest that microbial biodegradation of pollutants can be used to clean up contaminated environments.
Biotreatment of wastes using living organisms is an environmentally friendly, relatively simple and cost-effective
alternative to physico-chemical processes.

Keywords: Algae; Biodegradation; Phenols; Polycyclic aromatic

catabolism as it is directly incorporated into the aromatic ring structure



Algae can convert benzo pyrene to peroxides, dihdrodiols and

oxides [10,11]. When benzo pyrene was incubated with algae, a greater
percentage of the benzo pyrene was first degraded and mineralized
(broken down to carbon dioxide and water). These findings that algae
in conjunction with bacteria may lead to more complete degradation of
large PAHs like benzo pyrene [12].


Some algae that exist in polluted water are being used as indicators of
pollution, and some of the selective types of algae make or play the role
in the degradation of industrial pollutants. Cyanobacteria (blue green
algae) and eukaryotic micro algae were capable of biotransforming
naphthalene to more water soluble phenol, 1-naphthol [1]. Scendesmus
obliques is able to utilize naphthalene sulphonic acids as a sulfur source
for their biomass with releasing the carbon ring into the medium.
The algae could use nitro and amino- substituents, from amino
naphthalenes, and amino- and nitrobenzoates as nitrogen sources,
and chlorobenzoates could be dehalogenated and the chloride being
accumulated by the cells [2]. Phenol removal levels of Synechocystis sp.
was investigated in BG11 medium with 10 mg/L triacontanol (TRIA)
and without it to test whether the hormone could increase the removal
efficiency by increasing biomass [3].
Metabolism of phenolics by Ochromonas danica was obligatorily
aerobic. There was no phenol turn over under anaerobic condition (O2free nitrogen) until air was admitted when phenol removal commenced
[4]. There are few examples of algae degrading aromatic compounds [5,6]
examined the effects of the chlorophyte alga, Selenstrum capriconutum,
on benzo pyrene. They found that algae used a dioxygenase system to
oxidize the compound to cis dihydrodiols which were then converted
to sulfate ester and glucoside conjugates.
The anaerobic pathway for breakdown of the aromatic ring was
different and quite distinct from the aerobic pathway [7]. Anaerobic
biodegradation of 11 simple aromatic lignin derivatives to methane was
investigated, suggesting that more half of the carbon associated with the
11 aromatic compounds could be potentially converted to methane gas
[8]. Benzene undergoes an initial ring reduction followed by hydrolytic
ring cleavage to yield aliphatic acids for cell growth. Microorganisms,
however, can utilize a remarkable biochemical pathway of initial ring
reduction followed by ring disruption to initiate biotransformation of
aromatic hydrocarbons. Molecular oxygen is necessary for aromatic
J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Recently, [13-16] studied the ability of some algae for

biodegradation of phenolic compounds in the light and dark. The
aim of this investigation was to study the ability of some algae isolated
from different polluted sites, on the degradation of different phenolic
compounds, polycyclic and heterocyclic aromatic compounds.

Materials and Methods

Algae and growth conditions
The following algae are isolated from different polluted sites and
purified in axenic cultures (bacterial free) and used in this investigation
[17]. The green algae are Chlorella vulgaris, Elkatothrix viridis and
Volvox aureus and the blue green algae are Lyngbya lagerlerimi, Nostoc
linckia, Oscillatoria rubescens. The green algae were cultured in flasks
containing a sterile Bolds Basal medium [18]. Inoculated flasks were
kept in a culture room at a temperature of 25 1C (pH 7.0) under
*Corresponding author: Mostafa M. El-Sheekh, Botany Department, Faculty
of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt, Fax: 20-40-3350804; E-mail:
Received November 23, 2011; Accepted November 19, 2011; Published
November 21, 2011
Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM, EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of
Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae and Cyanobacteria.
J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133
Copyright: 2012 EI-Sheekh MM, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 2 of 9

Figure 1: Absorption spectra of filterate of Lyngbya lagerlerimi grown on 25 mg.L-1 -naphthol (A), 166 mg.L-1 phenol (B), 60 mg.L-1catechol (C). ( _______ ) Standard
(---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

continuous light with intensity of 5000 lux. Cyanobacteria were

maintained on Allen medium [19] with the same previous conditions
except the light intensity was 3000 lux.

Degradation of the pollutants by the isolated algae

Preliminary experimentations were carried out to show the
interaction of the tested pollutants with the media. In 120 ml of the
sterile medium was previously introduced into clean sterilized 250 ml
Erlenmeyer flask. The following pollutants were added, a- naphthol
(25 mg.L-1), b-napthol (25 mg.L-1), phenol (166 mg.L-1), catechol (60
mg.L-1), anthracene (60 mg.L-1), Naphthalene (40 mg.L-1), 2 methyl
thie- 3 phenyl quinazlin 4 (3H) one add (20 mg.L-1), and 2 phenyl
3,1 benzexazin 4 (one) 20 mg.L-1. The proper experimental period
was found to be seven days, to observe the change in the peak. Stock
cultures of each organism were prepared by inoculating 90 ml of the
sterile medium in sterilized 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. (103 cells /
ml) of algae were introduced separately into the flasks containing the
pollutants with different concentration. The tested pollutants were
added to the algal cultures to acclimate the algae. Inoculated flasks were
kept in a culture room at temperature of 25 +1C pH (7.5) and with a
daily photoperiod of 16 hr light (5000 +200 Lux) and 8 hr darkness for
green algae and 300 Lux for cyanobacteria.
J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Spectroscopic analysis
The culture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 15min. The supernatant
was evaluated via light absorption method and percentage reduction
rates were calculated. Some of the suspension was assayed with the
a-naphthol 3



Degradation %
Oscillatoria Chlorella
rubescens vulgaris



b-naphthol 3






Means that the alga oxidized phenolic compounds, and this is accompanied by
shift in the Wavelength, and change in the colour. ND not detected.
Table 1: Degradation of different Phenolic compounds by the different isolated

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 3 of 9

Figure 2: Absorption spectra of filterate of Nostoc linckia grown on 25 mg.L-1 -naphthol (A), 60 mg.L-1 catechol (B). ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days of

(UV-Visible-Unvisible spectrum method) using [U.V] Perkin-Elmer

Lambda 4B. Accessory interface U.V vis. Spectrophotometer.

Degradation of different phenolic compounds by Oscillatoria


Infrared measurements


The results presented in table 1 and show the degradation of

a-naphthol by at wavelength 301 nm. The degradation ratio was
44.41% - 59.5%, during the incubation period. Table 1 also shows that
b-naphthol was degraded by O. rubescens at wavelength 322 nm after
7 days and the percentage of degradation was 3.04%. The oxidation of
phenol by O. rubescens is accompanied by shift in the wavelength at 386
nm which fit to the wavelength of catechol, and this also accompanied
by change in colour and high absorbance. Catechol was degraded by
O. rubescens at wavelength 386 nm, and the percentage of degradation
after 7 days was 2.11%.

Degradation of different Phenolic compounds by Lyngbya


Degradation of different phenolic compounds by Chlorella


According to table 1 and figure 1A-1C the degradation of anaphthol by Lyngbya lagerlerimi at wavelength 301nm was 36.6% after
5days of incubation. The oxidation of b-naphthol by L. lagerlerimi at
wavelength 322nm is accompanied by shift in wavelength at 387nm,
high absorbance and change in colour. The percentage degradation
of phenol by L. lagerlerimi was 64.4% after 3 days. The two peaks at
wavelengthes 268 and 203 nm were disappeared while one peak was
appeared at wavelength 388 nm. The degradation of catechol by L.
lagerlerimi was 23.8% after 5 days of incubation.

The percentage of a-naphthol degradation by Chlorella vulgaris at

wavelength 301 nm after 3 days was 68.68%, 5 days was 71.19% and
after 7 days it was 71.20%. The degradation of b-naphthol by C. vulgaris
at wavelength 322 nm was 52.80%, during 7 days of incubation. The

Infrared analysis was introduced to identify the structural variation

using [Perkin-Elmer] infrared data station [1430 Ratio-Recording
Infrared spectrophotometer]. The infrared analysis for the biomass
of algae before and after treatment of chemical compounds was done.
The infrared analysis was also done to the supernatant to observe the
change of the intensity peak of the compound.

Degradation of different phenolic compounds by Nostoc

The degradation of a- naphthol by Nostoc linckia at wavelength
301nm after 3 days was 40.56% and this ratio was constant during the
incubation period. The oxidation of phenol by N. linckia is accompanied
by shift in the wavelength at 386 nm which represent the wavelength
of catechol and this accompanied by change in colour. The catechol
was degraded by N. linckia at wavelength 386 nm, and the percentage
of degradation after 3 days was 56.36%, and after 5 days it was almost
constant being 56.38%, as compared with the control as shown in table
1 and (Figure 2A,2B).
J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Figure 3: Absorption spectra of filterate of Oscillatoria rubescens grown on 25

mg.L-1 -naphthol. ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 4 of 9

Figure 4: Absorption spectra of filterate of Chlorella vulgaris grown on 25 mg.L-1 -naphthol (A), 25 mg.L-1-naphthol (B), 166 mg.L-1phenol (C). ( _______ ) Standard
(---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

percentage of degradation of phenol by C. vulgaris at wavelength 388

nm after 7 days was 9.05% as shown in table 1 and (Figure 4A-4C).

Degradation of different phenolic compounds by Elkatothrix

According to table 1 and figure 5A-5C the degradation of a-naphthol
by Elkatothrix viridis at wavelength 301 nm was 6.47%, 8.10% after 3
and 7days of incubation, respectively. The percentage degradation of
b-naphthol by E. viridis was 6.11%, after 7 days of incubation. The
percentage degradation of phenol by E. viridis was 5.05 % after 7 days.
The degradation of catechol by E. viridis at wavelength 386 nm, after
3 days was 52.50%, and this ratio was constant after 5 and 7 days of

Degradation of different phenolic compounds by Volvox

The results presented in table 1 and figure 6A, 6B show the
degradation of a-naphthol by V. aureus at wavelength 301 nm. The
percentage of degradation after 3 days was 2.11%, and this ratio remained
constant till the end of incubation period and was accompanied by
shift in the wavelength. The oxidation of b-naphthol by V. aureus at
wavelength 301 nm was accompanied by shift in the wavelength at

J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

387 nm, and this is accompanied by high absorbance and change in

at wavelength 388 nm after
colour. The oxidation of phenol by
3 and 5 days was accompanied by shift in the wavelength at 386 nm
which represent the wavelength of catechol, and this is accompanied
by high absorbance and change in colour. The oxidation of catechol
by V. aureus at wavelength 386 nm after 3 and 5 days was also shown
by shift in the wavelength at 391 nm, and this is accompanied by high
absorbance and change in colour.

Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by different

According to table 2 the degradation of naphthalene by Lyngbya
lagerlerimi at wavelength 388 nm after 3 days of incubation was
14.94% and 22.69% after 7 days. The percentages of degradation of
anthracene by L. lagerlerimi were 22.71%, 26.27%, and 26.29%. There
was no significant degradation of naphthalene evident by N. linckia
at wavelength 388 nm, while as the percentage of degradation of
anthracene was slightly detected after 7 days of incubation. O. rubescens,
at wavelength 388 nm also showed as low percentage of degradation as
2.13% after 7 days of incubation. The degradation of anthracene by O.
rubescens at wavelength 392 nm were 57.43%, 76.45% and 76.47% after
3, 5 and 7 days of incubation respectively (Table 2) (Figure 7).

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 5 of 9

Figure 5: Absorption spectra of filterate of Elkatothrix viridis grown on 25 mg.L-1-naphthol (A), 166 mg.L-1phenol (B), 60 mg.L-1catechol (C). ( _______ ) Standard
(---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

Figure 6: Absorption spectra of filterate of Volvox aureus grown on 25 mg.L-1-naphthol (A), 166 mg.L-1 phenol (B). ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days
of incubation.

Degradation of heterocyclic aromatic compounds by different


Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by different


Table 2 shows the degradation of 2-methyl thie-3-phenyl quinazlin

4-(3H) one by L. lagerlerimi at wavelength 260 nm. The percentage of
degradation after 3, 5, 7 days of algal growth were 67.29%, 77.10% and
77.11% respectively. The percentage of degradation of 2-phenyl 3, 1
benzexian-4 one by L. lagerlerimi were 22.13%, 33.39% and 33.40% after
3, 5 and 7 days of incubation, respectively. The degradation of 2-methyl
thie-3 phenyl quinazlin- 4 (3H) one by N. linckia at wavelength 260 nm
were 27.56% and 54.20% after 3, 5 days respectively. The percentages of
degradation of 2-phenyl-3,1 benzexian- 4 one by N. linckia were 35.3%,
46.46% and 46.47% after 3, 5 and 7 days of incubation, respectively.

From the results in table 2 and figure 8A-8D it is evident that the
percentage of degradation of anthracene by C. vulgris at wavelength 392
nm was 75.47%, 83.30% and 83.37% after 3, 5 and 7 days respectively.
The degradation of naphthalene by C. vulgris at wavelength 388 nm
after 7 days was 28.62%. The degradation of anthracene by E. viridis

The degradation of 2-methyl thie-3 phenyl quinazlin-4 (3H) one

by O. rubescens at wavelength 260 nm. The percentage of degradation
seemed not changed over the incubation period. However, the
percentage of degradation of 2-phenyl-3,1 benzexian- 4 one by O.
rubescens after 3 days was 53.24%, increased to 71.42% after 5 days
(Table 2).
J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Degradation %
ElkatoAge/ Lyngbya
Nostoc Oscillatoria Chlorella
day lagerleritmi linckia rubescens vulgaris thrix





57. 66






92. 27






92. 28




















Table 2: Degradation of different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by different


Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 6 of 9

at wavelength 392 nm after 3 was 57.66% and 92.28% after 7 days of

incubation. The degradation of naphthalene by E. viridis at wavelength
388 nm after 3, 5 and 7 days was more or less the same and its percentage
was 12.89%. Table 2 and figure 9 show that the degradation of
anthracene by V. aureus at wavelength 392 nm was 40.82% after 7 days
of incubation. However, the percentage of degradation of naphthalene
by V. aureus was 3.04% after 7 days of incubation.

Degradation of heterocyclic aromatic compounds by different


Figure 7: Absorption spectra of filterate of Oscillatoria rubescens grown on 60

mg.L-1of anthracene ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

The percentages of degradation of 2-methyl thie 3 phenyl quinazlin

4-(3H) one by Chlorella vulgaris at wavelength 260 nm were 38.52%,
and 40.51% after 3, and 7 days respectively. There was no significant
changes in the degradation of 2-phenyl 3,1 benzexazin 4-one evident
by C. vulgris at wavelength 2e84 nm. The degradation of 2-methyl thie
3 phenyl quinazlin 4-(3H) one at wavelength 260 nm by E. viridis was
67.24% and 71.23% after 5 and 7 days respectively. The percentage of
degradation of 2-phenyl 3,1 benzexazin 4-one by E. viridis at wavelength
284 nm after 3 days was 67.20%, and after 5 days of incubation was
79.73%. The degradation of 2-methyl thie 3 phenyl quinazlin-4(3H)
one by Volvox aureus at wavelength 260 nm were 76.45%, 83.38%

Figure 8: Absorption spectra of filterate of Chlorella vulgaris grown on 60 mg.L-1 of anthracene (A), 40 mg.L-1 of naphthalene (B), Elkatothrix viridis 60 mg.L-1of anthracene (C), 40 mg.L-1 of naphthalene (D) ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.

J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 7 of 9

oxidized by different isolated algae and make shift in the wavelength at

386 which similar to the wavelength of catechol, involving a putative
phenol hydroxylase could not be found in cell-free extracts. Aromatic
rings can be ring - opened by either ortho cleavage or meta cleavage
after the formation of a dihydroxybenzoidal moiety. Enzymes of both
ortho-and meta cleavage pathways were commonly found in bacteria
using extracts of phenol-induced cells [22]. The algae were found to
cleave catechol in the 2-3 position resulting in the formation of 2hydroxymuconic semialdehyde. Inhibition studies using 4- isopropyl
catechol [23] and 3- chlorocatechol gave results correspond to those
of bacterial studies, showing irreversible and suicide inhibitions,
respectively. Specific activities in algae extracts for catechol 1.2dioxygenase (catechol: oxygen 1.2 oxidoreductase were found to be
negligible [24].

Figure 9: Absorption spectra of filterate of Volvox aureus grown on 60 mg.L-1of

anthracene. ( _______ ) Standard (---------- ) after 3 days of incubation.



Degradation %
Nostoc latoria
lagerllinckia rubeserimi


2- Methylthie.3
phenyl quinazlin
(4- 3H) one


67. 29
77. 10
77. 11

27. 56
54. 20
54. 21


38. 52
40. 50
40. 51

67. 24 76. 45
71. 23 83. 38
71. 23 83. 39

2- phenyl 3,1
4- one


33. 39

35. 3

53. 24
71. 42
71. 44

72. 36
73. 01
73. 03

67. 20 50. 3
79.73 53. 23
79.74 53. 24

Table 3: Degradation of different heterocyclic aromatic compounds by different


Figure 10: Infrared of anthracene before (lower curve) and after incubation with
Elkatothrix viridis (upper curve).

and 83.40% after 3, 5 and 7 days. The percentage of degradation of

2-phenyl 3,1 benzexazin 4-one by V. aureus at wavelength 284 nm was
50.3% after 3 days, 53.23% and 53.24% after 5 and 7 days of incubation,
respectively (Table 3).

The microbial degradation of phenols, mainly by bacteria and fungi,
has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically,
but only relatively recently the capabilities of some algae for phenols
biodegradation gained interest [20]. The enzmology of the degradation
of phenol by Ochromonas danica was previously investigated by [21].
Specific activities for the hydroxylation of phenol to catechol which was
J Bioremed Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Biodegradative processes may be carried out by a single microbial

species in pure culture or, more often may require the efforts of a mixture
of microbes, termed a consortium. The results of this investigation
confirm the results of the oxidation of phenol by different isolated algae
and resulted in shift in the wavelength at 386 nm which represent the
wavelength of catechol.
The present results suggest also that the degradation of polycyclic
and heterocyclic aromatic compounds by algae seems to be related to
the molecular structure of the compound. The compound degradation
is related to the physiological metabolism of the algae.
The catalytic activity of some oxidoreductases in the transformation
of PAHs was studied in preliminary investigations, where benzo pyrene
was exposed to some enzymes and enzyme preparations. In the presence
of this enzyme the rate of degradation of the target carcinogen was
essentially increased [10,25]. The results of this investigation showed
that the degradation of naphthalene and anthracene was increased by
incubation with algae.
Vogel and Grbic-Galic [26] suggested that benzene derivatives
could be metabolized under anaerobic conditions through an
oxidation pathway rather than a reduction pathway. The initial step
of ring oxidation instead of ring reduction appeared to contradict
reductive pathway theory [9]. Vogel and Grbic-Galic [26] argued that
the anaerobic transformation of benzene and toluene to CO2 and CH4
was preceded by a hydroxylation reaction. Phenol and cresol were
identified as intermediates from benzen and toulene, respectively. Vogel
et al. [27] published the reductive pathway for anaerobic metabolism
of aromatic compounds. This pathway was believed to be common
in all microorganisms involved in aromatic metabolism, including
denitrifers, sulfate reducers, and fermenters. The results of this
investigation in agreement with the previous results in the manner that
the degradation was occurred by different ways such as the oxidation of
phenol by algae.
Erickson and Fan [28] have summarized information on anaerobic
biodegradation of a number of aromatic compounds by means of
photometabolism, anaerobic respiration using nitrate or sulfate,
and methanogenic fermentation [29,30], however, they proposed
hydroxylation as the initial step in naphthalene biotransformation
under sulfate- reducing conditions. Bauer JE and Capone DG [31]
performed a laboratory study on the degradation of anthracene and
naphthalene by the microbiota. The results of this investigation are in
accordance with the degradation of naphthalene and anthracene by
different algae. Bauer and Capone [32] evaluated the effects of four
aromatic compounds including two PAH, anthracene and naphthalene,
on two microbial activities common in oxic and anoxic coastal marine

Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

Page 8 of 9

The obtained results showed that aromatic hydrocarbons were

efficiently removed by the biological treatment. Biodegradation
achieved a high degree of purification of the polluted water in the axenic
cultures. It can be concluded that the degradation of different polycyclic
and heterocyclic aromatic compounds by different algae depend on the
molecular structure of the compound and physiological metabolism of
the alga. The results of this investigation also indicated that when the
ratio of degradation was low the compound might be consumed by cells
and or absorbed on the wall, and the remainder was degraded by algae.
There was also a difference in the IR peaks of the biomass of L.
lagerlerimi before and after treatment by anthracene. There was low
ratio reached 26.29% after 7 days and this may be due to the ability
of the algae to consume some of anthracene in the biomass and the
remainder was degraded, and these results are in agreements with the
results obtained by [33]. The infrared absorption regions of polynuclear
hydrocarbons include many of those characteristic of the benzene
compounds. The bands for C=C are 1625-1600 cm-1, 1590-1575 cm-1
and 1525-1474 cm-1.
The infrared spectrum of anthracene before and after growing E.
viridis on medium containing anthracene recorded stretching vibration
of anthracene at 1620 cm-1. It is also evident that the intensity of the
peak at 1620 cm-1 after treatment by E. viridis was diminshed than that
before treatment. This might be due to the decrease of the concentration
of anthracene after treatment by E. viridis as a result of degradation. The
infrared absorption regions of polynuclear hydrocarbons include many
of those characteristic of the benzene compounds. The bands for C=C
(in-plane vibration) are 1625-1600 cm-11590-1575 cm-1 (v) and 15251474 cm-1 (v). There is region 1000-650 cm-1, and strong band at 750
cm-1. This is due to four adjacent hydrogens (terminal benzene rings),
on the other hand, the three peaks also show a strong band at 900 cm-1,
which is due to para-hydrogen atoms (Figure 10).
In conclusion this work was an attempt to exploit algae to degrade
or discolourize phenolic compounds, polycyclic and heterocyclic
aromatic compounds. The results showed the ability of algae to degrade
or discolourize high amounts of these pollutants via different ways,
either by reduction, oxidation or by induction of some enzymes that
degrade these toxic compounds. More work should be done in order to
further understand the mechanism(s) of degradation and the enzyme
system(s) that algae use to degrade such pollutants.

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Volume 3 Issue 1 1000133

Citation: EI-Sheekh MM, Ghareib MM and EL-Souod GW A (2012) Biodegradation of Phenolic and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds by Some Algae
and Cyanobacteria. J Bioremed Biodegrad 3:133. doi:10.4172/2155-6199.1000133

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