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PONNI SUGARS (ERODE) LIMITED CIN : L15422 TN1996 PLC037200 J Regd. Office: ESVIN House, No.13, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) 001/14001 Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. CERTIFIED Phone : 044 - 39279300 Fax : 044 - 24960156 E-mail : Website : www. ISO PEL/SH/21 February 5, 2016 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd BSE Ltd Exchange plaza Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers 5" Floor, Flat No.C / 1 G Block | Dalal Street, Fort Bandra-Kurla Complex Mumbai 400001 Bandra East, Mumbai 400 051 Fax No.022 22723121 Fax No.022 26598237 / 26598238 | Attention: Listing Department Dear Sirs, Sub: Audited Financial Results — Quarter Ended 31.12.2015, Pursuant to the new Listing Regulations we send herewith the following: () Audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended 31% December 2015 which was approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on Friday, the 5" February 2016 and signed by the Managing Director (ii) Auditors’ Report on Quarterly Financial Results. Please take the above on record and confirm. For Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd N Ramanathan Managing Director Encl: As above PONNI SUGARS (ERODE) LIMITED CIN = L15622 TN1996 PLCO37200 Regd, Office: ESVIN House, No-13, Rajiv Gandhi Salal (OMR) erungusl, Chennai 600 098, Phone : O44 = 30279300 Fax : 084 . 24960156 Ermai: Webeie : www Investor Grievance ae Statement of Audited Financial Results Yor the Quarter and Nine Months Ended 31-13-2005 pas 3 months ended 9 months ended Year ended Sains] ses) shin) sianas) scien] sian (ousted)| _(Austes)| _(Auctec)| uit} _(auites)|__ (aut) 1 income from Operations a) net sales/ income rom Operations 4076} sox] 101 assu] 13682] 15787 (Net of excise duty) lo) other operating income 13 y 35) 53 C «| [Total income from operations (Net) 4099 sso] 3136 area] israel 15876 2 |expenses (2) Cost of materials consumed rss] aos sn 6903] 47s] sar (o) changes in inventories of irshed goods 35] gain] 258 3097} 3433 sa] and workin progress (e) vaties s 203 4s ses] 257 2017 (a) employe tenets expense 3u| su saul 964] ay 1327] fe) Deprecation and amortisation expense sa] 14 va) aaa as 66 to omer expenses 102] aa] 199 600] rl 133 Total Expenses s1ao] son] 3931 12976] ss] 600 3. |rofie/(Loss) from operations before ‘other income, finance costs and exceptional items (1-2) 0) 175] (35) aaa) 63] ans) 4 fotner income 9 x 3 84 139 191 Profit/(Loss from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional tems (3+4) o) 23] 32) 2} an} 6 [Finance costs 145) 160 129 460) se si] Proft/(Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but before exceptional items (5-6) 336) 3} en ass] 659] s89) 8 |exceptona toms o (| q ) 13] (ss Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before tax (7-8) 436) | en ass] ox] a] 10 fravegense co) | au) an] sn 79) 11 |NetPront / (Loss) forthe period (9-10) cass) Cr) asso} an] 385) 12 |radiup equty share Captal (ace value € 10 per share) 260] 8 2] 860] 86 69 13, |Reseresexcutng Revalitaion Reseve 10001] ro113} 10875 10001} 10875] sna 14 |Earings Per share (®) Basic and Diluted (nt annualised) aan|__oss|_sa|__aaan|_as]_20) PONNI SUGARS (ERODE) LIMITED Co t1gt22Tr666 pLon87209 Iso. ood Oftce ESVIN House, No 19, Ra Gandhi Sali (OMR) aioe Praca Channn 60658, ce J Fe errr Ses Poe: ou4 24eorse DER Sorceress rapcmtagtcon (tats) Seqmantwise Revenue Results and Capital EmpToyed eee 3 nth cae Sethe | Yee | es deg] stan] “ted| | utes cil fee aa so soes| sa] so] ataro] aso] bs couenerson Po es ee sat ass] esa] sam) asro] esse] estnereamet Reverve so] as] as] att] sa ie sea tncome From Operations oes] ssa] se], aassa| ste] se 2 [eugene amas pots bet Toxan eet rm exch serene soe ass] cae) ca] aso] con] b)cogereton axa] se] a] ee so nl an) we] aaa] ou] ces Roane casts tes] a] as] ww) [ther unscate eperte come) we] os] ai] us) |Total Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (196)| 93] (912)| (1697)| (992)] (543)| 3 | Capital Employed |(Segment Assets- Segment Liabilities) sins ermal 77) caa]_— sts] copenerton avma| sos] ssal’——arsa]_— zs] ratte ses es Lies (ase) 575) orm) case0)] can] aon rota capa employed roses] room] ras] sages] srs] zn 11 Sugar production being seasonal, performance of one quarter i nt indicative ofthe trend forthe whole year, 2 Sugar pices have started recovering from their rock bottom levels on the strength of improved fundamentals, though stil ruling below cost of production. 3 The above resuits were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors a the respective meetings hele on 05-02-2016, henna 05.02.2016, For Poni Sugers Exod) td ‘Ramanathan Menaging Director Mis Maharaj N R Suresh And Co M/s R Subramanian And Company Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Auditor's Report on Quarterly Financial Results of Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd [Pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015] To Board of Directors Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd ESVIN House 43 Old Mahabalipuram Road Perungudi, Chennai 600 096 Dear Sirs We have audited the Quarterly Financial Results of Ponni Sugars (Erode) Limited for the Quarter ended 31% December 2015 and the year to date results for the period 01.04.2015 to 31.12.2015 attached herewith, being submitted by the company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. These quarterly financial results as well as the year to date financial results have been prepared on the basis of the interim financial statements, which are the responsibility of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard (AS) 25/ Ind AS 34 prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder or by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial results are free of material misstatement(s). An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed as financial results. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. M/s Maharaj N R Suresh And Co Mis R Subramanian And Company Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants a2e In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us these quarterly financial results and the year to date results: (i) are presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and (ii) give a true and fair view of the net loss and other financial information for the quarter ended 31% December 2015 as well as the year to date results for the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.12.2015. For Maharaj N R Suresh And Co For R Subramanian And Company FRN No.001931S FRN No.004137S Chartered eet intants. - Chartered Accountants eel yy NR Suresh N Krishéamurthy Partner Partner Membership No.21661 Membership No.19339 Place: Chennai Date: 05.02.2016

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