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Why do Hindus and Muslims fight?

Muslims fight always with non-Muslims. This is happening right after a ideology (not
a religion in any sense) called Islam was invented by Mohammad 1200 years back as a
barbaric military Technic to fight with existing religions on market at that time like
Judaism and Christianity.
There are 5 types of Muslims in this earth in their decreasing count
1. Muslims who don't even think that Islam has any issue. These people talk bla.. blaa..
give tones of non-sense logic and only brainless people can understand them.
e.g. Zakir Nair from peace TV. many Muslims who are living in healthy Non-Muslim
environments e.g. who are living with white dominated races (most logical human of
earth from Europe, north/south america, Australia, new Zealand, Israel etc..) or in
India, China etc
or mongoloid race Islamic countries like Indonesia, Malaysia (mentioning race as they
have higher IQ then other races following Islam).
These people are equally big threat as terrorists as they misguide everyone including
their own Muslims. These people are Muslims first than anything else e.g. human.
they indirectly contribute to terrorism by confusing people and misguiding them and
cover the bad teaching of Islams. They don't raise and try to solve the problems of
2. The most dangerous shaitanic evil Muslims who thinks torture of humans
Muslims/non Muslims is their right and they have very vague meaning of Islam taught
by their mullahs and mostly these people are illiterate extremely illogical and
brainless. these people act like "gun-powder" who can be used by evil people and are
perfect for the terrorist material to be used against anyone.
These people are Muslims first than anything else e.g. human.
e.g. Bottom line of terrorists systems, Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan Govt, Saudi
Govt etc..



Govt etc..


3. one who believe in humanity don't leave Islam and follow and concentrate only the
+ve of Islam and ignore the -ve of Islam like conversion obligationsand kaafirconcept
etc.. few of infinite list of ugly Pig shit Islam teachings to name.
e.g. Sahrukh Khan and Salman Khan of Bollywood stars,
Majid Nawaj wjo tried to explain Islam in better way.
Maajid Nawaz[1]
Technically these people are good and by definition of Islam certainly they are not
Muslim and I don't know why they are still in Islam. They don't do anything for
solution of existing Islamic problem of the earth, except only one good thing that they
themselves don't create further problem. They should leave Islam and choose any
other religion and should avoid from being insulted for no reason.
4. One who thinks that Islam allows certain things; which in fact Islam doesn't. These
people are ignorant and don't even know what Islam is about. They don't leave the
Islam even after tortures from their own people. Keep on assuming Islam allows
nudity, dance, music and freedom of speech etc.
Simple solution for these people would have been to leave Islam for enjoying the
rights of a basic human. Due to their illogical brains they try to stick to their own
warped principals of Islam and become easy target from radical Muslims for abuse.
Gouhar khan a Bollywood actress, slapped on stage by a radical terrorist mindset
anti human Shaitanic jerk hijacked by Islam for showing her body - a normal public
clothing for west.
Veena Malik a Pakistani actress jailed for talking logical things about women rights
on the name of the defamation of Islam by same radical terrorist mindset anti human
shaitanic jerks hijacked by Islam who is nothing but govt of Pakistan (a state built on
the foundation of radical Islam) and it's most of the people.
These people don't do anything for solution of existing Islamic problem of the earth,
except only one good thing that they themselves don't create further problem. They
should leave Islam and choose any other religion and should avoid from being abused


should leave Islam and choose any other
religion and should avoid from being abused


for no reason.

5. The real good practical logical Muslims who work on changing environment for a
better and peaceful earth, and are either of these 2 categories.
a.] who think Islam deserves changes and revisions and accept that there are dirty
things in Islam which makes it a religion conducive for rise of
bad/evil/barbaric/inhuman rulers
e.g. All Islamic countries where shaitaan/murderers/rapist/terrorists/criminal are in
power and rule the naive public Saudi, Seria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh to name
a few..
They understand that in these countries good people never get brain due to illogical
Islam fed to them from birth by shrewd bad people pretending to be Islamic, who in
fact regularly rape and murder their common people whenever they want. People are
so ignorant of it as one can't understand as it's not shown on the state controlled
Only who suffers knows what these rulers are, for others it's as if nothing happened.
These people understand the problem and want to change Islam for a better
e.g. Taslima Nasreen a social activists from Bangladesh.
they are good Muslims for the non-Muslims and human in general. They are logical
people and know how to solve the problems of Islam.
b.] people who simply leave Islam if they can't change it.
best and fastest solution.
most practical and logical humans.
e.g. See a below voice from a former Palestinian Hamas Islamic Terrorist Leader
who now have left Islam saying wise things from his experience.

He is asking Muslims to leave Islam if they want peace and prosperity.




0.0000... 000001 %
almost no one
--------------Solution of Islamic Problems is:
Potential Terrorism Tax and limited human rights for type-1
Death penalty for type-2.
Inactive Collaboration Tax (lower than above)- for 3 and 4.
Awards for type-5 Muslims.
Change Islam for below things anyone opposing should be awarded death.
1. It should allow their people freedom of thoughts and they should be open to leave
their religion and marry in other religion peacefully specially their women.
2. Avoid luring women from other religion while not letting to give their own women
to other religion simply saying one way population increasing tricks and traps
3. If somebody wants to follow it let him follow. don't make it a compulsion.
4. Love other religions.
5. Avoid all means of spreading ur religion. money/force/convincing. don't make
conversion a compulsion or luring factor for heaven.
Conversion is a offense for target group.
6. Let the people join this faith voluntarily if they want to.
I think peace can come to this Earth only when Islam will clean itself from teachings
of double standards of Sex and Religion and after above amendments..






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