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Number 2 | December 2014 | siemens.


The professional magazine for low-voltage power distribution
and electrical installation technology

Electrical power
distribution of
Interview with Professor
Frank Berger, T
U Ilmenau

04 Electrical power distribution for the

fourth industrial revolution

Cover story
06 Electrical power distribution of tomorrow
Reliable power supply for the digital factory
10 Ensuring trouble-free production
Protection systems for electrical infrastructure in


Siemens AG


16 Efficient and flexible lighting control

KNX/DALI Gateway
17 Desigo Touch room operator unit QMX7.E38 /

RMB795B central control unit

Wind power
18 Industry gathering in the capital city of wind
WindEnergy Hamburg 2014 trade fair
20 Power transmission in the wind turbine tower
LDM busbar trunking system from the Sivacon 8PS line

Product news


12 Safety tested according to IEC 61439-2

Sivacon S8 low-voltage power distribution board

21 Easily charging electric speedsters

WB140A charging unit for finalists in the ESCBO
innovation competition

13 3WL12 air circuit breaker

14 Alpha 8HP molded-plastic distribution board /
Alpha 630 distribution board / 5TT7210-0 GSM
alarm module / SHU 5SP3 selective main miniature
circuit breaker
Cover picture: Siemens AG / A. Kradisch

Siemens AG

E-Installation 2/2014 | Contents



Power distribution

Building technology

22 Busbar trunking systems quickly planned

Creating line routing plans with the Simaris sketch
software tool

30 The perfect home

Gamma instabus and arc fault detection units

23 For high energy efficiency

Energy management system for certification in
accordance with ISO 50001
24 More efficient electrical planning
Extended planning software for electrical power



picture alliance / dpa / Jens Wolf

Interview with Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Frank Berger, TU Ilmenau

Siemens AG / A. Kradisch

Electrical power
distribution of tomorrow

32 Comfortable office workstations

Building technology for new offices at Swarovski

Service and dialogue

34 Low Voltage & Products on the www
Training courses and dates /

Trade fair schedule 2015

26 Energy for Germanys largest cloud

Totally Integrated Power (TIP) for data centers

Installation technology
28 FIRE PROTECTION in capitals
Safe electrical systems in a historic church and in
wooden houses at a campground
Our service for
you: Go directly to
the E-Installation
home page on
your smartphone
using the QR code

E-Installation 2/2014 | Editorial

Andreas Matth

The power supply of tomorrow

must be able to adapt to current
needs on an ongoing basis.

Electrical power
distribution for the
fourth industrial

Siemens AG

Editorial | E-Installation 2/2014

Fourth industrial revolution, the Internet of things these catchphrases are being
talked about everywhere now.
So far, in discussions around these topics questions regarding the electrical power
distribution requirements of these sustainable production systems are mostly relegated
to the background. We have thus made these questions the focus of the current issue
of E-Installation. A power supply systematically designed for the new requirements is
essential to meet all future demands. This power supply must be not only efficient,
reliable, and highly available but also able to adapt to current needs on an ongoing
basis. This means that the planning and configuration will become more difficult, and
new connection techniques and reliable components will be needed for a far higher
number of control and regulation processes. At least that is what Professor Dr. Frank
Berger of the Department of Electrical and Information Technology at TU Ilmenau
thinks, from whom we obtained an expert opinion on the subject in our cover interview.
An additional article in the focus area demonstrates how Siemens ensures smooth
production and eliminates electrically induced faults in the industrial environment with
its integrated protection system.
As usual, we provide you with some interesting application examples as well. For
example, you can read about how TIP is used for reliability and maximum energy
efficiency in Germanys largest data center, which Telekom recently built in Biere in
Saxony-Anhalt. Or how Desigo was used to implement building automation in its most
modern form at the headquarters of crystal manufacturer Swarovski. Or how our arc
fault detection units ensure optimal protection for many people in a historic church as
well as in modern wooden vacation homes.
And, of course, we also present new products and technologies, such as the Sivacon
S8 low-voltage power distribution board, the KNX/DALI gateway, the QMX7.E38 Desigo
Touch room control unit, the RMB795B control center, the 3WL12 open circuit breaker,
and extended versions of the Simaris planning software.
I hope you find this issue informative and interesting.

Andreas Matth
CEO Low Voltage & Products

E-Installation 2/2014 | Cover story

Reliable power supply for the digital factory

Electrical power
distribution of
Professor Berger studied electrical engineering and design at TU Dresden and
wrote his doctoral thesis on the modeling
and simulation of low-voltage switchgear.
After more than 12 years of industry
experience as head of applied research at
Klckner Moeller GmbH in Bonn, he was
appointed professor in the Electrical
Equipment and Systems Department at TU
Ilmenau in 2003. He is a member of the
International Council on Large Electric
Systems (Conseil International des Grands
Rseaux lectriques, CIGRE) and the
Association for Electrical, Electronic and
Information Technologies (Verband der
Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik, VDE), head of the ETG/ITG
Department of Contact Behavior and
Switching, a member of the Scientific
Advisory Board of the VDEs Power Engineering Society (Energietechnische
Gesellschaft, ETG), and a member of the
Electrical Engineering / Information
Technology sector committee of the
German national accreditation body
(Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH,
DAkkS). Internationally, he represented
Germany in the International Advisory
Group for International Conferences on
Electrical Contacts.

Siemens AG / A. Kradisch

Univ. Professor D
r.-Ing. Frank Berger

Cover story | E-Installation 2/2014

Intelligent systems, networking,

and digitalization these are
the key topics in discussions
today. But the networked
factory with automated
production processes also
poses new challenges for
electrical power distribution.
We spoke about this with
Professor Frank Berger of the
Department of Electrical
Equipment and Systems in the
Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology Faculty
at TU Ilmenau.

Professor Berger, digitalization in

production is making great strides
forward, especially in Germany.
More and more automation
components with their own
intelligence are being networked
together in some cases over the
Internet and autonomously
managing production. Yet for all
the independence and intelligence of these systems, they do
not work without electricity. What
does this new scenario mean for
power distribution?
Frank Berger: In networked production, which controls and regulates processes virtually independently, the locations to which electrical energy
must be supplied, and the times when
it is needed, change constantly during
production. Production machines are
flexibly turned on and off and dynamically regulated in terms of their process control. That means the electrical
power supply and distribution must be
designed to be flexible, and it must be
able to be adapted to current needs at
any time. Depending on the local conditions and opportunities, this can be
accomplished through flexible busbar
systems or cables with cable carriers,
for example.
In terms of devices, there will be
new challenges, such as for circuit

breakers, but also for the planning and communicating over the Internet. The
configuration of electrical systems in necessary structures would then be
general. New connection techniques available. It is about huge amounts of
will likely become necessary due to data that need to be prioritized. Data
higher demands regarding the electri- with short-circuit and diagnostic mescal loads, ambient conditions, and sages, for example, must always be
number of cycles. In the future, with transmitted, and other information
evermore transmission paths with nu- has a lower priority. In addition to new
merous contact points, greater joule data regimes, many new distributed
losses may occur. The probability of a energy systems are needed as well.
fault may rise, even as the reliability of This also results in a great deal of comthe individual components increases. munication between the switching
This means a great deal of information and protection equipment. In some
must be determined about the electri- cases, this must be carried out in real
cal power supply and the electrical time.
network, which requires more sensors,
A diverse array of control and reguwhich in turn also require their own lation processes needs to be adpower supply in some cases.
dressed, and this must be accomAnother trend can be seen with plished with high availability and secuplug-in connectors, for example. In rity. With Totally Integrated Power
the future, these should have electri- (TIP) and solutions for smart grid recal switching capacity, similar to elec- quirements, Siemens has laid a solid
tromechanical switching devices. This foundation for further developments
will make it possible to implement tool in this area.
changes on robots under electrical
In order to transport energy from A
load during the production process.
to B with minimal losses, in the future
In general, through automating and the use of DC voltage cables could be
increasing the flexibility of manufac- an option for low voltage. These have
turing processes, distributed electrical lower losses than cables carrying AC
loads (tools, machine tools) and dis- voltage. Another trend is the intercontributed power generators also need nection of conventional three-phase
to be controlled and regulated again current systems with DC power distriand again with regard to their avail- bution systems. Standardized interability and energy costs.
faces and modules are necessary for
these coupled AC/DC networks.
So energy management is the
What does power distribution need
Frank Berger: It isnt just a catch- to look like to be ready for the
phrase, but I will get to that later. Pro- future? What trends can already be
duction should always be organized in recognized today or are already in
an energy-efficient and cost-effective implementation?
manner. Constant change and rapid Frank Berger: In the production proreactions during highly flexible pro- cess, each function must be safeduction also mean a high volume of guarded individually and in interaction
data streams for wired or wireless with the system. For this, devices need
transmission of information. In harsh to be able to troubleshoot themselves.
industrial environments in which cur- When switches are installed in a parrents are connected, plant owners ticular location, they need to detect
must reckon with high electromag- how many times a fault current occurs,
netic interference caused by current for example even when production
couplings and switching operations, is reorganized. After a production adso the electromagnetic compatibility justment, there may be other short-
(EMC) requirements of electrical com- circuit levels in a new electrical netponents and systems will increase dra- work. This diagnosis is possible using
intelligent sensors in the switch and
The Fraunhofer Institute for Indus- their ability to communicate, including
trial Engineering (Fraunhofer Institut with regard to the diagnosis and prefr Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisa- cise localization and classification of
tion, IAO) predicts that in 2020 some faults. Electronic devices ensure fast
50 billion intelligent objects will be response times of the protection

E-Installation 2/2014 | Cover story

s ystems. Plug-and-play solutions are

ideal for quick replacement or exchange of switches.

Siemens AG / A. Kradisch

The trend toward decentralization

in power networks has been in full
swing for some time. Power
generation sources range from
power plants to wind turbines to
photovoltaics. What requirements
does power distribution need to
fulfill here?
Frank Berger: For the decentralization
of power grids, good solutions have already been developed under the smart
grid concept. For factories with their
own photovoltaic systems, plant owners can decide whether the power
generated will be used in the companys electrical network. Depending on
the requirements, this generated
power must be controlled, and a decision must be made regarding whether
the power is fed into the production
process, the external power grid, or a
storage system.
In solar cells, the solar radiation is
converted into direct voltage, and an
inverter converts this voltage into AC.
In Germany, DC power supply for
low-voltage networks is currently not
a focus of consideration. In Finland
and Sweden, there is a variety of considerations in this regard. For example,
in DC systems there are reduced losses,
but there is also no current zero-crossing for the power-off process of the
electrical network. This makes it difficult for circuit breakers to clear electric
arcs. With photovoltaic systems, arc
faults can occur as a fault source.
These need to be quickly detected and
switched off. This makes reliable differentiation of switching arcs necessary.

In the departmental
laboratory for switch
technology at TU Ilmenau,
high-energy electric arcs are
generated for test purposes

What role does the circuit breaker

play, especially the compact circuit
breaker, in low-voltage?
Frank Berger: A circuit breaker is the
central element in the protection of
the electrical system. It is installed in
what are known as the nodes of the
network. A switch in a networked grid
that is constantly changing in terms of
structure and load must quickly provide, control, and communicate protection and selectivity information in
almost real time. It should have a
self-configurable trip unit and be able

Cover story | E-Installation 2/2014

to reliably detect and differentiate between faults such as short circuits,

overloads, and fault arcs, and then trip
in response. As a data collector, a circuit breaker should be able to compress and manage data not just data
from the network but also from the
production process, as well as data relating to efficient and economical energy production and distribution. In
this way, it would be conceivable that
the circuit breaker would use sensors
to detect a change in the location of
production equipment or the frequency of tool changes as well as provide information about the network
load and the grid fee settlement.

Energy efficiency remains one of

the most important issues. What
contribution can a sophisticated
energy distribution system make
here, and how important is the
circuit breaker?
Frank Berger: This is something I
would like to consider from the perspective of energy technology; this as-

Siemens AG / A. Kradisch

The 3VA molded case circuit

breaker from Siemens already

work operation, the production process, or the system load should be

measured and transmitted to the control and management systems. Another possibility would be the implementation of an intelligent rate
switch for power management tasks
to take advantage of the power providers different rates, such as daytime
and nighttime electricity rates.

performs operationally relevant

tasks such as detecting energy
data and reporting critical system
states to higher-level systems
using the overcurrent release,
auxiliary switches, and alarm
switches. What will a circuit
breaker need to do to meet all the
requirements in the future?
Frank Berger: Circuit breakers should
be self-configurable and communication capable. Relevant faults must be
detected reliably. Data regarding net-

tors). The more of these components

the electrical network contains, the
more sources of loss there are. Equipment and components must therefore
be optimized with respect to power
loss reduction, such as through the
use of new contact materials and contacting technologies.
In summary, it can be said that in an
increasingly complex production environment, the power distribution must
be continually adjusted to keep pace
with the changing requirements of
the production process. The more systems present and networked, the
higher the probability of faults. Plant
owners will have no choice but to record more data and implement diagnostic functions on switchgear for
low-voltage and medium-voltage

In terms of devices, there

will be new challenges, such
as for circuit breakers, but
also for the planning and
configuration of electrical
systems in general.
Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Berger, TU Ilmenau

pect is often neglected. There are a

wide range of interfaces. In production, electrical power distribution and
switching and contact components
cause a variety of losses: resistive
losses, eddy current losses, hysteresis
and remagnetization losses, dielectric
losses, and corona losses (the latter
occur only at high voltage). Resistive
losses occur on busbars, in cables, and
at contact points, for example. Hysteresis losses and restraint current losses
occur on switching devices (contac-

technology. Depending on the level of

availability required for the process,
the components must have a long service life, offer secure data exchange
over the Internet, and eliminate
sources of interference including
those stemming from the Internet.
Communication on all these levels
poses new challenges for standardization work.
Professor Berger, thank you for the

Protection systems for electrical infrastructure in industry

Ensuring trouble-free
In an industrial environment, electrically induced faults can cause
serious injury to personnel and damage machines, thus affecting the
entire production process. With an integrated technical protection
system, many risks can be eliminated.

o ensure the smooth operation of production

processes, modern manufacturing facilities
place particularly high demands on the reliability, flexibility, and efficiency of the electrical infrastructure. Just a few seconds without electricity
can disrupt automation systems, bring production
lines to a halt, or destroy entire production batches.
Therefore, in addition to protecting operating and
maintenance personnel from electrical accidents,
safeguarding plants and machinery against malfunctions and failures is of prime importance. Innovative protection systems from Siemens, with measures for protecting both personnel and plants, take
into consideration the changing reality of modern
systems, such as components for increasing productivity and efficiency.

End-to-end safeguarding of all equipment,

systems, and facilities
Interconnected and combinable protection components also contribute to long-term investment se10

curity. In an integrated protection system, the specific needs of industrial systems are taken into account. Fault currents of defective electrical
appliances or machines can lead to life-threatening
electric shocks as well as deadly accidents. With 30
mA RCCBs in different versions, electrical equipment can be protected from direct contact. The reliable type F offers increased unwanted tripping resistance and surge current withstand capability, as
can occur on the outgoing terminals of single-phase
converters, such as on pumps. Frequency converters or soft starters with smooth or nearly smooth
fault currents are protected against electric shock
with type B or B+.
Molded case circuit breakers reliably protect industrial plants from damage due to short circuits
and overloads. Additional functions can be provided
via the extensive range of accessories offered by
the new 3VA molded case circuit breaker from the
Sentron portfolio, including the recording of consumption data, system statuses, and fault and residual currents.

Integrated protection
system for industry
All protective devices from a single
source the right types in the right
versions, in accordance with
current and future standards
Support from planning and
commissioning to operation and

In harsh environments, cables and wires can also

be easily damaged. Their insulation can be easily
crushed and contacts may loosen. The resulting
short circuits can sometimes cause considerable
damage to machines, shut down plants, or cause
overheating or fire. Miniature circuit breakers and
fuse systems protect cables and wires from short
circuits and overloads and provide backup protection for switchgear along with semiconductor protection.
Melting fuses, which can be easily combined with
other protective devices, provide high current limitation in case of short-circuit shutdown and high
switching capacity despite their small size. The risk
of local overheating, including fire due to dangerous arc faults, can be minimized through the use of
arc fault detection units. As a supplement to line
protection and RCCBs, these are the only protective
devices to also detect serial arc faults that could not
have been detected before. Arc fault detection devices can be retrofitted and are particularly suitable
for installation in areas at risk of fire.

Proactive protection of motors and drive

Safe operation of machinery is ideally supported
with devices that proactively protect against faults.
Residual current monitors (RCMs) issue a signal in
case of fault without shutting down the system directly. In this way, potential faults can be detected
at an early point in time and their causes rectified
before the power is cut by protection devices.
Costly downtime can be minimized, and system and
operational reliability can be increased. The values
of critical system states detected with an integrated
RCM module can be transferred to higher-level
management systems.

Sensitive power electronics in converters, rectifiers, inverters, soft starters, and static relays, which
can be found in modern drive solutions and machinery, power plants, and wind turbines, can be protected through the use of semiconductor protection
fuses. The more complex the industrial systems, the
more important it is to take the right precautions in
order to reliably and safely supply the systems with
power and protect them against failures and disturbances. An important feature of a reliable power
supply, selectivity ensures that when a fault occurs
in a series connection of several protective devices,
only the protection device installed immediately upstream from the fault location trips. In case of fault,
the downstream protective device provides additional backup protection against short circuits and
overloads. Only the directly affected part of a plant
or system is shut down, and all the other parts remain in operation. This also allows the fault to be
more easily identified and rectified. A comprehensive overvoltage protection system protects all vulnerable active line paths with suitable overvoltage
protection devices.

Siemens AG

Innovative protective devices for

increased safety for fire
protection, for example

In industrial
manufacturing, a reliable
energy supply is essential
in order to prevent
electrical accidents and
costly downtime

Extensive portfolio of protective components

Siemens offers the most comprehensive portfolio
of protective components for a safe and efficient
low-voltage power supply. All the components work
together smoothly and can be flexibly combined in
the modular system. 



E-Installation 2/2014 | Product news

Sivacon S8 low-voltage power distribution board

Safety tested
according to
IEC 61439-2
The Sivacon S8 low-voltage power distribution board offers a
high degree of flexibility and consistency as well as maximum
safety for persons and systems. As a power switchgear
assembly, it is developed, manufactured, and tested in
accordance with the specifications of IEC 61439-2.

ive years ago, the international IEC

60439-1 standard was replaced by
the new IEC 61439-2 version for
power switchgear assemblies. In the
fall of 2014, the transitional period for
continued use of the old European and
German version will end. In the future,
all low-voltage switchgear assemblies
will need to meet the requirements of
the new IEC 61439-2 standard (DIN
EN61439-2, VDE 0660-600-2).
The Sivacon S8 low-voltage power
distribution board sets the standard as
a power distribution board or motor
control center (MCC) for industrial applications and in infrastructure. Since
2009, it has been developed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with
the specifications of the IEC 61439-2
standard. Type certification and item
certification are the two essential
types of certification required by the
standard in order to prove the suitability of the switchgear assembly in terms
of personal, system, and operating
safety. The manufacturer (developer)
must provide the type certification in
the form of tests that accompany the
development. The manufacturer of
the switchgear assembly must provide
the item certification for each switchgear assembly produced before it is

Siemens AG

Type certification through testing

Highlights: Sivacon S8
Safety for persons and the system by means of type certification through testing in accordance with IEC 61439-2


With type certification through testing

in accordance with IEC 61439-2 for the
Sivacon S8 low-voltage power distribution board, the safety of persons and
the system is demonstrated and confirmed. In the experimental area, physical properties are tested both for operational and failure situations. The type
certifications and item certifications
are essential elements of quality assurance and also a prerequisite for CE
marking in accordance with EC directives and applicable laws.

The highest possible quality assurance through type

certifications and item certifications

Testing under worst-case


Systematic testing of the entire product line

The switchgear assembly must operate

safely even when heated by power dissipation. One of the most important

Product news | E-Installation 2/2014

The type certification can be provided by equivalent methods

Type certification

and thermal

SSiemens AG

certifications is the certification that

the specified limits are maintained in
case of heating through power dissipation. Because of ever-higher-rated currents and increased requirements for
degree of protection as well as internal
partitioning and packing density, compliance with the warming limits is one
of the major challenges for switchgear
The tests for these certificates are
conducted under worst-case conditions. This means that test specimens
in the least favorable variants are selected. The manufacturer must ensure
that the entire product line is systematically covered and that the certification includes all the devices. This involves certification with separate consideration for the individual functional
units, the main busbars, the distribution busbars, and the complete switchgear assemblies. It is not sufficient to

with the
reference design

just test randomly selected test specimens or to replace a device without repeating the testing.

Integrated and future-proof

With the type-tested connection to the
new LI busbar trunking system from

compliance with
design rules

the Sivacon 8PS portfolio, integrated

solutions for power supply in accordance with IEC 61439-2 are available.


3WL12 air circuit breaker

High switching capacity

Siemens AG

he 3WL air circuit breakers are particularly versatile and

feature consistent communication capabilities. Increased demands, especially with regard to ever-increasing short-circuit breaking capacity and the operation
and monitoring of network processes, are optimally met
with the use of electronic control systems.
As incoming feeder, distribution, coupling, and outgoing
feeder switches, the 3WL air circuit breakers handle important switching and protection functions for power distribution in industrial applications, infrastructure, and buildings.
The devices communicate with higher-level control systems
via standardized bus systems such as Profibus or Modbus and
make power distribution transparent.
With only three sizes, the 3WL circuit breakers cover a
power range from 630 A to 6,300 A. New in the 3WL12 air
circuit breaker line, size II is a version with very high switching capacity of up to 130 kA. This enables a comprehensive
solution up to 6,300 A for 130 kA to 500 V AC and 100 kA at
690 V AC. These circuit breakers with very high switching capacity are ideally suited for applications in shipbuilding, in
situations with parallel transformer infeeds, and wherever
large short-circuit currents may occur.

Particularly versatile and with consistent communication

capabilities: 3WL air circuit breakers

E-Installation 2/2014 | Product news

Alpha 8HP molded-plastic distribution board

Modular extensions for

even more safety

he modular Alpha 8HP molded-plastic distribution board

system has been extended in its functions as a robust
circuit, control, and power distribution board. Now an
assembly kit for the new 3VA molded case circuit breaker has
been added, which features a particularly compact design;
a wide accessories range for up to 70 additional functions;
and an integrated measurement function for current, voltage, energy values, and system states. The combination of
the distributor housing and protective device for cross-industry use ensures the safety and function of the overall system.
The new assembly kit fits seamlessly into the modular and
highly flexible molded-plastic distribution system.
In addition, the low-voltage molded-plastic distribution
boards made of high-quality thermosetting plastic (fiberglass-reinforced polyester) are now available in an even
higher degree of protection, IP66, in addition to IP65. This
improves dust protection in aggressive and harsh environments and also provides protection from water jets for the
system, which can be combined and extended in almost any

Siemens AG

An assembly kit
for the new 3VA
molded case
circuit breaker
completes the
rugged Alpha 8HP
distribution board

Alpha 630 distribution board

Replacement doors
and special colors

Replacement doors
are now also available
for the Alpha 630
distribution boards

Siemens AG

lpha 630 floor-mounted distribution boards offer increased

equipment and wiring space for
currents up to 630 A and are used in industrial and commercial buildings as
well as public buildings, theaters, and
schools. A wide variety of replacement
doors are now available for these distribution boards. Depending on the cabinet model, the width of the doors varies between 300 mm and 775 mm. In
addition, coatings in numerous special
colors are now available for this and all
other Alpha distribution boards.

Product news | E-Installation 2/2014

5TT7210-0 GSM alarm module

Overview from afar

Siemens AG / Roman Graggo

ith the new 5TT7210-0 GSM

alarm module, machine and
system states can be detected,
monitored, and controlled. In industrial
and private building management, for
example, heating, air-conditioning, or
refrigeration equipment; elevators; escalators; and all kinds of production
equipment can be monitored with the
compact distributed control and reporting system. The 5TT7210-0 GSM alarm
module is also useful in remote installations, such as for heating of summer
houses or for pumps at water treatment
The status or alarm signal is quickly
and reliably transmitted via SMS or

e-mail. The clearly structured configuration software allows easy parameterization. The settings can be saved and
also changed over the air (OTA) after
initial installation. Firmware updates
can also be performed OTA or carried
out with a USB connection to a PC.
Apps for iPhones or Android smartphones show the statuses of all input
and output devices in a clear manner
and provide switching capabilities for
the digital outputs.

Compact distributed control and reporting system

for machines and equipment: the GSM alarm
module 5TT7-0

SHU 5SP3 selective main miniature circuit breaker

Improved current limitation

and selectivity
The SHU main
miniature circuit
breakers increase
plant protection
and ensure power
supply to
unaffected circuits
in case of fault

Siemens AG

A new type series of the SHU 5SP3 selective main miniature circuit breaker in accordance with DIN VDE 0641-21 is
suitable for mounting on 35-mm top-hat rails. Selective
main miniature circuit breakers are used for the building
connection or in the meter cabinet, or as a group miniature
circuit breaker for better selectivity in the distribution board
for example, in structural systems for venues where large
numbers of people come together. If a fault occurs on the
consumer side, the SHU enables selective tripping in the area
of the distribution system operator in addition to its pure isolating function.
In combination with a conventional miniature circuit
breaker, the voltage-independent SHU improves the selectivity assuming a specific network configuration such as a
cascade circuit with upstream melting fuses and downstream miniature circuit breakers. The SHU may be operated
by nonprofessionals and meets all requirements of the technical connection conditions.

E-Installation 2/2014 | Product news

KNX/DALI Gateway

Emergency lighting and constant

light level control

The two plus variants have many additional features. They reliably support
emergency lighting systems. The results of the required self-tests can be
transmitted via KNX or archived in internal memory. The electronic control
gear (ECG) can be controlled individually. Targeted standby tripping of the
quiescent current of the ECG further increases energy efficiency. The
integrated additional functions include
constant light level control, a time
Flexible implementation, easy
switch with astro function, effect conconfiguration
trols, and burning in with fluorescent
lamps. Defective ECG can be replaced
Integrated error voltage detection pro- without software, and standard applitects the DALI outputs against installa- cations can be configured without ETS
tion errors. The lighting control using control buttons.
switching, dimming, and scene control,
along with switching of the lighting
groups based on presence detection or
brightness can be implemented flex-

Numerous additional functions of the KNX/DALI

Gateway plus support reliably emergency lighting
systems ...

Siemens AG

he two Twin variants of the KNX/

DALI Gateway each have two DALI
outputs that can be configured
completely independently of each
other. This allows up to 2 64 DALI devices, for a total of 128 actuators, to be
simultaneously controlled by broadcast.
The devices can be divided into 32
groups, controlled individually, or
integrated into up to 32 scenes. For
greater design freedom, selected DALI-
compatible sensors are also supported.
The new KNX/DALI Gateway Twin plus
offers additional useful features beyond those of the KNX/DALI Gateway
Twin, as does the new KNX/DALI Gateway plus with only one DALI output.

ibly with KNX-enabled or selected DALI-compatible sensors.

To maintain all DALI-relevant functions in the absence of KNX communication, stand-alone operation and thus
pure DALI lighting installations can be
implemented. The KNX/DALI Gateway
features a user-friendly and clearly laid
out ETS plug-in for efficient configuration. With the use of optional add-on
software (ETS apps), configuration,
set-up, and commissioning are even
easier and faster, as these apps allow
the exchange of data with planning information and bulk operations upon
application change. The optimized fast
download via KNX allows the device to
be reliably put into service.

... two independently configurable DALI outputs

make integration into the building control with
KNX efficient and convenient

Siemens AG

DALI lighting installations can

be efficiently integrated into
the building management
system with KNX. Siemens
now offers the KNX/DALI
Gateway in three variants
with one or two independent
outputs or with advanced
functionality as needed.

Siemens AG

Efficient and flexible

lighting control

Product news | E-Installation 2/2014

Desigo Touch room operator unit QMX7.E38

Elegant and convenient

Siemens AG

he wide range of the fully programmable Desigo Total

Room Automation line has now been extended to include an IP-enabled Touch room operator unit. The new
QMX7 for control of lighting, shading, and scenes as well as
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning features an intuitive operating interface and a Touch color display. It is used
in offices, conference rooms, and hotels in combination with
Desigo individual room controllers. Thanks to its modern,
sleek design, the QMX7 room operator unit extends only 15
mm from the wall and can be flexibly used in portrait or landscape format on all flush-mounting sockets. The 4.3 IPS display with an antiglare glass surface can be easily and intuitively operated with the touch of a finger. Using an engineering tool, users can flexibly customize texts, symbols, and
The new Touch room operator unit can be mounted without an additional power supply due to direct Ethernet/IP cabling (RJ45). It communicates directly with the PXC3 room
automation station via TCP/IP. Because several QMX7s can
be connected to the same room automation station, the
costs and wiring complexity can be minimized. The Green
Leaf display involves users of the space in the energy-saving
The user-friendly QMX7 room operator unit offers an intuitive Touch
control interface and a capacitive color display

RMB795B central control unit

Efficient temperature


Siemens AG

he new RMB795B central control unit with a heating/

cooling demand collector creates ideal conditions for
efficient building automation in accordance
with EN 15232. The control center makes it possible to regulate need-based heating and cooling in up to 10 rooms or
groups of rooms, as long as KNX-enabled room temperature
controllers are in these spaces. To ensure an optimal room
temperature at all times, the time switch, calendar, and special day schedules can be selected, along with manual set
points and room operating modes.
As the interface between the temperature control in the
groups of rooms and the primary control unit, the central
control unit receives the heating/cooling requirements from
the rooms depending on the time of day, room occupancy,
outdoor temperature, and heat sources such as PCs and
passes them to the controller of the primary system. This di- The RMB795B central control unit ensures an optimal room
temperature in an especially efficient manner
rect and reliable KNX communication enables particularly
energy-efficient, fast, and convenient control of heating
based on the actual requirements in single-family homes non-bus-compatible controllers can be connected with a
and apartment buildings as well as offices and multipurpose heat-demand input.
buildings. On the primary side, vendor-independent KNX
heating and KNX refrigeration controllers as well as

Siemens AG

WindEnergy Hamburg 2014 trade fair

Industry gathering in
the capital city of wind
From September 23 to 26, 2014, Hamburg opened its gates to the
world of wind power. More than 1,000 exhibitors showed the
current and future trends of the industry at the new global trade
fair WindEnergy Hamburg.

Wind power | E-Installation 2/2014

3VA molded case circuit breakers

for protection of the secondary
circuit infeed

Communication links to the turbine or wind farm control system

ET 200S



Wind farm
control center

3VA line
Digital I/O


3VA molded
case circuit

Max. 8

7KM PAC4200
measuring device

3WL air

Digital I/O


Siemens AG

n 2014, the leading international

trade fair for onshore and offshore
wind energy took place for the first
time in the capital city of wind, Hamburg. The trade fair was supplied with
100% wind power. In the future, the
event will take place in Hamburg every
two years. Exhibitors from more than
30 countries presented new developments and services related to all aspects of wind energy. As an experienced partner for automation and
power distribution, Siemens showcased its comprehensive, proven product portfolio for wind turbines. The
Siemens booth also looked like a wind
turbine. Using realistic simulated applications, the presentation impressively revealed the interaction of the
various individual products and systems of a comprehensive protection

enormous cost advantage, particularly

in the case of offshore installations.

As a highlight, in Hamburg Siemens Components for a comprehensive

presented the new 3VA molded-case protection system
circuit breaker, which reliably protects
the cables and electrical loads in the The protection system also includes
secondary circuits of a wind turbine lightning and overvoltage protection
from damage and failure in case of a adapted to the various system parts,
malfunction such as a short circuit or with appropriate lightning current or
overload. Optimized selectivity prop- surge arrestors for the secondary cirerties ensure that only the system cuits, including the data lines.
component affected by the fault is
The 3WL air circuit breaker protects
switched off, thereby avoiding a shut- the generator and frequency convertdown of the entire system. An elec- ers against short circuits and overtronic trip unit with an optional mea- loads. The circuit breaker is integrated
surement function for detection of into the control system of a simulated
current, voltage, and energy values is turbine and thus can be remotely quealso integrated into the molded case ried and controlled.
Overload protection of the electrical
circuit breaker of the 3VA2 series.
Communication modules allow switch equipment of the secondary circuits is
states, limit values, and maintenance provided by devices such as fuses and
information to be forwarded to the miniature circuit breakers, which are
control system of the wind turbine and able to detect errors selectively and
wind farm management. Remote disable faulty parts of the network or
switching can also be implemented by individual pieces of electrical equipment, cables, and lines immediately.
means of a motor drive.
Using the remote querying and re- Additional fire and personal protection
mote control options of the SCADA is enabled by residual current monitorsystem of the wind turbine or wind ing devices or RCCBs of types B and B+.
farm, faults can be detected, pre- If residual or fault currents form, these
vented, and remotely rectified at an devices issue a warning signal or imearly point in time. The system can mediately turn off the power if critical
then be turned back on again without levels are reached or if maintenance
it being necessary to send mainte- personnel touch the electrical conducnance personnel to the turbine an tor.



5SY fault

5SV8 residual

The new 3KD switch disconnector is

designed for multiple applications in
the wind turbine and provides reliable
protection of persons and high plant
availability. A wide range of different
connection methods, drive types, and
accessories make the 3KD switch disconnector extremely versatile in use.

Successful exhibition booth

It was very well received among visitors that Siemens, as the only exhibitor to do so, was able to present the
perfect interaction of all components
live using a realistic system model.
Querying statuses or active remote intervention in the system was accomplished using iPads, industrial control
panels, and the SCADA system of a
wind farm control room, in the simplest case even via SMS using a GSM
module in conjunction with a cell
It was an impressive demonstration
of how system transparency and thus
availability of wind turbines could be
increased significantly, greatly reducing maintenance effort.



E-Installation 2/2014 | Wind power

LDM busbar trunking system from the Sivacon 8PS line

Power transmission
in the wind turbine
Within the scope of sustainable power generation, wind energy is
becoming more and more important. At the same time,
manufacturers of wind turbines are exposed to a constantly
increasing cost pressure: their plants must transmit the generated
power in a safe, reliable, and cost-efficient way.

or power transmission in wind turbine towers, the distance between

the nacelle and the tower base is
considered critical. Increased losses in
this segment may lead to prolonged interruptions in electricity production.
For more than a decade, Siemens has
been using busbar trunking systems
from the Sivacon 8PS line for power
transmission in wind turbine towers.
This product has an important advantage over power cables: it can be preinstalled in tower segments lying on the
ground, so that when the wind turbine
tower is erected only the connections
between the individual tower segments need to be established, saving
time and reducing costs.

Flexibility through modular design

tion technology. All the phases of the

busbar trunking system, including the
protective conductor, are connected
with only one bolt and tightened with
a standard torque wrench.
Because of the larger installation fixing distances compared with a cable installation, the LDM busbar trunking system has fewer attachment points, uses
less material, and requires significantly
less space. Direct connections to the
switchgear in the tower base or to a
cable infeed create the transitions to
other systems and the loop cable. The
circuit power required for the
given system can be dimensioned accordingly with the LDM busbar trunking system and specified by the internal structure of the system independently of the installation. Short
circuits have no effect on the product
features of the LDM system and do not
jeopardize the continued operation of
the wind turbine. The lack of plastics
and halogens reduces the fire load
compared with cables, thus increasing
operating safety.

To meet the increasing requirements

for individual system components, with
the new LDM busbar trunking system
Siemens relies on a modular design that
can be tailored to the individual tower
facility of the manufacturer and wind
turbine operator. The busbars of the
LDM system are mounted under each Minimization of power loss
other on type-tested single-bolt connections. Any on-site tolerances within The efficiency of the LDM busbar trunkthe tower can be easily and safely com- ing system has been significantly impensated for using innovative connec- proved, contributing to a reduction in

Safe power transmission between the

nacelle (image) and base is ensured
by the LDM busbar trunking system of
the Sivacon 8PS line

power loss and an increase in the overall efficiency of the wind turbine. For
turbine operators, additional feed-in
compensations are made possible over
the entire service life of the wind turbine. The coordinated product portfolio provides reliable and efficient transmission of the generated electrical
power in the main circuit and ensures
its safe infeed into the grid.


Electromobility | E-Installation 2/2014

WB140A charging unit for finalists in the ESCBO innovation competition

Easily charging
electric speedsters
The Electric Sports Car Build-Off, ESCBO for short, is an international innovation
competition that Siemens uses to promote the development of electric cars. Each
of the six finalist teams was given a WB140A charging unit as an additional prize.

ast year, six teams from different The WB140A is easily mounted on a competition phase, all the teams caruniversities and companies took wall in garages or carports or at park- ried out further intensive work to deon the challenge of developing an ing spaces. Thanks to the IP44 degree velop a roadworthy electric vehicle.
electric vehicle based on a Burton of protection, it is suitable for use in The weekly meetings and tinkering ulsports car within the context of the enclosed spaces as well as outdoor timately resulted in the vehicles reSiemens Netherlands ESCBO initiative. areas. After the charging coupling is ceiving approval.
The solutions were evaluated by a connected to the car, the charging
jury based on the criteria of security, process can start immediately. Thanks More technology in schools
energy efficiency, range, and cost per to the intelligent control functions, it
kilometer. In addition, points could be is also possible to start the charging For Croon Elektrotechniek and the
earned in the areas of cooperation, process by pressing a button. The other participants, the ESCBO project
communication, and obtaining official delay function allows the start to be had another, extraordinary sequel: Jevehicle approval for the developments. delayed by up to eight hours. Thus it is roen Penris, who supports the initiaIn the summer of 2013, the results possible to charge by taking advan- tive for Siemens, and other partners
were presented at a festive closing tage of self-generated solar power have already been pursuing the inteceremony.
during the day or by using low-rate gration of technology into primary edelectricity at night, for example. With ucation with ESCBO. The principal of a
WB140A charging unit as an
an electric vehicle with a 30-kWh bat- primary school in Bergschenhoek, the
additional prize
tery, the charging process takes about Netherlands, has now even set up a
two to three hours.
technology room for it.
Electric cars can be easily charged
Joost van Gemeren of Croon Elektrowith the WB140A charging unit, which DeMeern in the Netherlands was the techniek also believes that technoleach team also received from Siemens first finalist to put the charging station ogy should be taught already in eleas an award for reaching the finals. into use. After the completion of the mentary school. A decision regarding

From right to left: Jeroen Penris, Siemens

Netherlands, presents the WB140A to Joost van
Gemeren and Marcel Tieben of Croon

their future educational path is ultimately expected from the children.

With the companys electric vehicle
about to be approved, the Croon representatives also want to drive a few
laps at various elementary schools.
The WB140A provided by Siemens is an
additional motivation.

Siemens AG



E-Installation 2/2014 | Power distribution

Creating line routing plans with the Simaris sketch software tool

Simaris sketch software tool

Busbar trunking
systems quickly

Fast display of line routes or complete

Simple, intuitive operation
Ability to combine all busbar trunking
3-D visualization
Ability to export parts lists and graphics
to Excel

Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems reliably transmit

and distribute power in buildings and industrial plants,
safely transporting electrical power to equipment and
appliances. With the new Simaris sketch tool, the routes
of the busbar trunking systems can be easily planned
and configured.

In the planning or acquisition phase, it

is often necessary to represent busbar
routing as a decision aid. With the new
Simaris sketch tool, creating line rout22

The software is available free of charge
at http://support.automation.siemens.

In the planning phase, Simaris sketch supports

necessary decision making with visualized
busbar routes

Siemens AG

Simaris sketch efficient 3-D line

routing plans

Siemens AG

hen high volumes of power ing plans is quick and intuitive for BD01,
need to be distributed flexibly BD2, and LD busbar trunking systems,
to many appliances, whether as well as for the new LI high-power
in infrastructure or industry, the system.
Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking systems
The software tool can be downloaded
offer efficient, safe, and reliable power from the Internet for free without regdistribution and transmission.
istration and installed on a computer.
The precise design of systems with Thanks to the simple, intuitive operathe appropriate geometric adaptation tion, optimal busbar routing can be
of the busbar routing to the building quickly planned and visualized. Busbar
structure is developed by busbar spe- routes can also be adjusted and excialists using AutoCAD-based project panded at any time according to the
planning processes. With this support, specific environment of the building or
they plan the exact connection loca- the needs of the plant. Sivacon 8PS systions to the low-voltage power distribu- tems can be combined. In addition, ention system or to the transformer. Visu- tire building structures can be mapped
ally appealing 3-D representations help using the standard assortment of busplanners, architects, and electrical in- bar trunking systems, as well as a varistallers determine the appropriate line ety of accessory parts, and represented
routing through the building. The directly in 3-D with line routes or compoints of consumption and local condi- plete projects. For more detailed plantions such as firewalls are considered, ning and order preparation, parts lists
along with special requirements for and graphics can be exported in Excel
functional integrity in case of fire.

Three-dimensional representations, parts lists,

and graphics support detailed planning and
order preparation

iStock / Sigal Suhler Moran

Energy management system for certification in accordance with ISO 50001

For high energy efficiency

As a globally applicable standard, ISO 50001 aids companies in establishing
systematic energy management programs. It also serves as the basis for the
certification of a standards-compliant energy management system.

he introduction of an energy management system is strictly voluntary. A statutory requirement for

certification in accordance with ISO
50001 does not exist. However, in
Germany it is a prerequisite for grants
p olicymakers. For example, certified
companies can take advantage of the
energy and electricity tax law as well as
benefit from the compensation scheme
outlined in 41 EEG (the German renewable energy law) and targeted
grant opportunities.
The aim of an energy management
system in accordance with ISO 50001 is
to enable companies to continuously
improve their energy efficiency by increasing energy efficiency or optimizing energy use, for example. The standard describes a systematic approach,
with requirements for the design, implementation, operation, and continuous optimization of a corporate energy
management system.
The starting point of an energy management system is detection of energy
flows within the company. Based on the
data obtained, technical measures to
improve energy efficiency as well as

strategic and organizational management approaches can be implemented.

An energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 can be
achieved in any company either as a
stand-alone management system or via
integration into an existing system. If a
company uses systems such as an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 or a quality
management system in accordance
with ISO 9001, synergies from the common system structures can be used and
the required documentation simplified.
To provide support for company energy monitoring systems, Siemens offers products that have been tested by
TV Rheinland in accordance with
ISO50001 standards.

Benefits of certification in
accordance with ISO 50001
Reduced CO2 emissions: higher
energy efficiency for a better
energy balance
Increased economic efficiency:
lower energy costs for higher
efficiency and a greater
competitive advantage
Image improvement: the ISO
50001 test certificate as an
expression of energy awareness
in the company
Energy and tax savings: eligibility
for the tax cap and grant and
incentive opportunities

Inexpensive basic equipment

To enable companies to easily get
started with their energy management
systems, Siemens provides special
package offers that include the TVtested 7KT/7KM PAC measuring devices
and the powermanager energy monitoring software. These packages serve
as a solid foundation and can be flexi-

bly extended with additional instruments and option packages with additional functions.


Siemens AG

E-Installation 2/2014 | Power distribution

Simaris planning software supports electrical planners

in the design, planning, and dimensioning of electrical
power distribution systems

Extended planning software for electrical

power distribution

More efficient
The Simaris design, Simaris project, and
Simaris curves planning tools support
electrical planners in the design and
dimensioning of electrical power
distribution systems. Improved versions
extend the functionality and integrate
current products.

he three Simaris programs are designed to work

together and are even easier to operate in the
new extended versions. Further technical requirements were implemented, and new products
such as the 3VA molded case circuit breaker and the
Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking system have been
taken into account and included. As part of Totally
Integrated Power (TIP) for standardized power distribution in buildings, all the tools feature a clearly
designed user interface and intuitive functions.

New products, more features:

Simaris design 8
Simaris design dimensions electrical networks from
the medium-voltage level to the load, based on real
products. The effort required by the planner is minimized. Once he or she has entered the requirements, the tool selects the necessary resources as
per the current standards (VDE, IEC) and calculates
short-circuit currents, load flow, voltage drop, and
energy balance. Based on the calculations, the tool
also automatically provides the values for personal,
short-circuit, and overload protection.
Version 8 takes into account additional new products, such as the 3VA molded case circuit breaker,
Sivacon 8PS LI busbar system, 3KD switch disconnector, and 5SL4 miniature circuit breaker. In addition, Simaris 8 includes the reduction factors for harmonics in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-520 Bbl 3
(VDE 0100-520 Bbl 3):2012-10 for cables. The new
version expands the overview of the power losses of

Power distribution | E-Installation 2/2014

Simaris curves is now available as an

app for Android devices. You can find
the download link here:
or use the QR code for direct download

Siemens AG

Our service:
download Simaris
curves app for
Android directly to
your smartphone
using the QR code

electrical circuits to include the apparent power of

the circuits, and the settings determined for the protective devices can be exported as a table.

quirements as well. Simaris project 4 can now be

used without restriction in China, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.

Equipped for country-specific requirements:

Simaris project 4

Now also usable from anywhere:

Simaris curves 4

Based on the defined project structure and the basic Simaris curves simulates parameter settings of protechnical data, Simaris project determines the space tection devices, rounding out the free software portrequirements and the necessary budget for the elec- folio for easy and efficient electrical planning. The
trical power distribution in the building. For example, tool allows quick and easy visualization and evaluathe electrical planner can use the tool to specify the tion of the tripping characteristics of medium- and
panels and transformers needed for the medi- low-voltage protective devices (IEC), even without
um-voltage switchgear, along with the protective de- creating a project in Simaris design. In addition,
vices and switchgear for low-voltage switchboards Simaris curves generates documentation on the tripand power distribution boards as well as the panels ping characteristics, including tolerance bands, and
necessary for installation. In addition, the type and displays forward current and power characteristics if
length of the busbars can be defined, including the required, which can then be integrated into the docadditional components required, such as outlet umentation.
The new Version 4 of Simaris curves includes the
In this way, the planner receives specific technical 3VA molded-case circuit breaker and 5SL4 miniature
specifications as well as dimensions and weights for circuit breaker. Thanks to a new app for Android deall components, which he or she can display and doc- vices, the tool is also accessable from anywhere,
ument in a variety of forms. If the planner wants to which gives planners even more flexibility in using
calculate the budget manually, Simaris project also the application.
creates a list of the configured systems, in which
each system can be provided with a price as well as
additions and deductions.
With Version 4, planners can now take into account
additional new medium- and low-voltage products
and systems. The functions and available products
have been extended to include country-specific re25

E-Installation 2/2014 | Power distribution

he cloud has arrived in Germany.

More and more people are accessing their digital photos or videos in
the cloud using networking rather than
storing them on their hard drives, and
more and more companies are outsourcing parts of their IT operations to
cloud service providers. To address this
growth market, Deutsche Telekom, one
of the major cloud providers alongside
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and IBM,

secure power supply at both twins is the waste heat concentration in a small
ensured by power distribution systems space is growing, which can quickly lead
from Siemens that are specifically de- to overheating of chips and components
signed to meet the high demands of if the cooling system fails.
data centers. In these server farms, a
power interruption of more than 10 ms Integrated planning with Simaris
can already lead to massive distur- and Sincal
bances. The threat is posed not only to
the servers themselves but also to the Thus, the electrical power distribution
air-conditioning systems. Because of the for the infrastructure needs to be
increasing compactness of data centers, planned in a fail-safe manner. In Biere,

Totally Integrated Power (TIP) for data centers

Energy for Germanys

largest cloud
In Biere in Saxony-Anhalt, T-Systems has put the first sections of the largest data center in
Germany into operation. With the new server farm, the Telekom subsidiary is expanding its
capacity for cloud computing. Integrated power distribution equipment (TIP) from Siemens
ensures the necessary reliability and maximum energy efficiency both here and in the twin
data center in Magdeburg.

has significantly expanded its resources. In Biere, a town of 2,000 inhabitants 20 km south of Magdeburg, a
new high-performance data center designed specifically for cloud services
was officially inaugurated on July 3 in
the presence of Telekom CEO Tim Httges and the German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel. When completed, it will be the
largest data center in Germany, with an
IT area of 36,000 m2 and a maximum
power consumption of 72 MW.

An aisle with
servers in Deutsche
Telekoms new
computing center
in Biere

Because data protection and fail-safe

operation are of the highest priority for
Telekoms cloud customers, Biere will
form a TwinCore together with the existing data center in Magdeburg a twin
data center where the data are held in
parallel, allowing it to step in immediately in case of failure. A continuous and

picture alliance / dpa / Jens Wolf

High-tech Fort Knox

Power distribution | E-Installation 2/2014

nents were sufficiently dimensioned for

loads in operation at rated value as well
as in the case of disruptive incidents.
With the use of Totally Integrated Power
(TIP) components from Siemens, the
project team made the system future-proof. While the technical development of servers and routers, for example, demands that technically obsolete equipment be replaced after four
to five years, the components of the

electrical power distribution system are

designed for a service life of 20 to 40
years which Siemens guarantees
through appropriate service and comprehensive technical upgrades.

Maximum energy efficiency with

a PUE of 1.3
Data centers are intensive energy consumers. This is due not only to their

TIP in Biere
30-kV gas-insulated medium-voltage
switchgear of type NXPLUS (8 fields)
20/10-kV gas-insulated medium-voltage
switchgear of type NXPLUS C (78 fields),
including protection technology
18 Geafol transformers (2,500 kVA
Sivacon 8PS busbar trunking system
Sivacon S8 low-voltage power distribution board (540 fields)
Deutsche Telekom AG

the responsible plant engineering company M+W Group used the Siemens
Simaris and Sincal planning tools. This
allowed the power supply to the individual systems air-conditioning and
cooling technology, lighting, fire protection, safety technology, and control
systems to be closely coordinated.
The electrical equipment was sized and
selected so that it is optimized not individually but collectively. All the compo-

Siemens Simaris and Sincal planning


energy-hungry servers but also to the

building management systems. For
e xample, some data centers require
half of their electrical power for cooling
alone. Energy costs thus account for
the lions share of operating costs, making it even more important to design
the infrastructure so that it is as energy-efficient as possible. Biere sets standards here. With a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.3 the industry
uses this value to refer to the ratio of
energy used to the energy consumed
by the servers it ranks among the
most modern and energy-efficient in
its class (the industry average is 1.8).

Download the Applications for
Electrical Power Distribution Data
Centers planning handbook at


E-Installation 2/2014 | Installation technology

Safe electrical systems in a historic church and

in wooden houses at a campground

in capitals
Wherever people gather together, the safety
requirements for the electrical system are
particularly high. This is especially true when it
comes to buildings made of wood. Arc fault
detection units guarantee optimal protection,
as made clear by two examples a historic
church tower and modern wooden vacation

iniature circuit breakers (MCBs)

and residual current circuit
breakers (RCCBs) provide protection in case of short circuit and
overload while detecting fault currents and arc faults to ground. They
thus comply with the applicable installation provisions in accordance with
DIN VDE 0100. But crimped lines, damaged insulation, or faulty electrical appliances can cause serial arc faults that
cannot be detected by conventional
circuit breakers.

Maximum safety also in Europe

This hazard is dealt with using arc fault
detection units, as has been required
in the United States for many years in
the form of AFCIs (arc fault circuit interrupters). For the European market,
Siemens offers the arc fault detection
unit 5SM6. It also responds to serial
arc faults and safely switches off the
affected circuits if a fault is detected.
To do this, it constantly measures the
intensity and duration of the high-frequency noise of voltage and current as

well as the gaps in this noise.

Integrated filters in conjunction with
intelligent software evaluate the signals. In case of abnormalities, they
switch off the connected circuit within
a fraction of a second. Fire hazards occurring anywhere from the electrical
cable to terminal equipment can be
detected early, before a fire breaks
out. Using an integrated self-test function, the device also checks its own
ability to function.
To provide this extended fire protection, the Siemens arc fault detection
units were installed at a five-star
campground on Hopfensee in southern Germany and in a neo-Gothic
church with an 850-year-old tower in
the Sauerland region, in addition to
the usual MCBs and RCCBs.


Installation technology | E-Installation 2/2014

Highest safety standard at five-star campground

very year the campground founded in 1954 on the beautifully situated Hopfensee near Fssen in the Allgu region receives top marks. Since 1982 it has been among the top five in the
international ranking of the Leading Campings of Europe, since 1983 it has been an ADAC
Super Site, and this year it is once more in the ADAC Best Camping category. This success is not
accidental, because owner Eduard Mayr puts great emphasis on the comfort and safety of his guests
and always keeps his finger on the pulse of the times and makes sure his offerings are up-to-date.
For example, in addition to the 383 comfort pitches and extensive service facilities, the year-round
site includes a restaurant as well as tennis courts and a sports ground, a playhouse, a youth room,
and even a health center with a wellness area and spa. Last summer four new vacation homes were
added to meet the increased demands of camping guests. The wooden houses are luxuriously furnished and insulated with natural cellulose, guaranteeing comfort and good energy efficiency.

High standards also in terms of fire protection

This design and the buildings use as vacation homes mean high requirements for fire protection.
Guests often bring their own electrical appliances with them, and in uninhabited times unmonitored loads such as refrigerators continue to operate. In faulty equipment, serial arc faults can
cause smoldering fires, which conventional protection devices cannot detect. That is why the electrical engineers of the Krbl + Feneberg planning office in Fssen/Munich recommended the use
of Siemens arc fault detection devices. The team from Elektro Wieland in Fssen, which carried
out the electrical installation, was quickly convinced and installed some 20 arc fault detection devices in each of the four vacation homes. 

No smoldering fires in the historic roof truss

he history of the Catholic parish

church of St. Petri in Arnsberg-
Hsten in the Sauerland region goes
all the way back to the ninth century. Its
landmark, the massive tall square tower
built in 1150, has survived to this day a
cultural asset of priceless value. This is
also true of the church itself, which was
rebuilt in the 1860s in the neo-Gothic
style in order to provide enough space
for the growing number of children in
the Hsten parish and the villages associated with the congregation. The renovation of the roof above the 40-m-long
nave in 2012, when the lighting and
electrical system were completely replaced in the roof truss, was no ordinary
job for master electrician Harald Bendler.
It was clear to the head of the specialist
firm Elektro Bendler from Arnsberg-Neheim that the conventional approach
would not be sufficient in this case.

Special solution for

special safety
The experienced professional knows
that serial arc faults are a common
cause of electrically induced fires, occurring mainly in damaged cables.
Even though the cables had just been
replaced in St. Petri, damage could
quickly occur again through rodents,
for example, which like to make themselves at home in such old buildings.
Another danger is the high humidity in
the roof of the church, which could
cause the contacts to oxidize more
quickly. Because the circuit for the
new fluorescent lamps in the church
runs directly under the 150-year-old
wooden beams in the roof, master
electrician Bendler relied on the safety
offered by the Siemens arc fault detection device.


E-Installation 2/2014 | Building technology

GAMMA instabus and arc fault detection units

The perfect home

Perfection is one of the foundations of success for Gebler Dach und Wand GmbH,
a specialist in roof and facade construction in the Allgu region of Germany.
Co-owner Tobias Gebler thus wanted only perfection in the electrical system in
his new home. With a comprehensive protection concept and GAMMA instabus
from Siemens, his high standards are now being met.

he Geblers have been living in their The latest bus technology

cause the window contacts and heater
new home in Markt Wald in the
controls communicate with each other.
Lower Allgu for about a year. The Master electrician Tobias Schmid from The flexibly scaled system is also exspacious new Mediterranean-style nearby Ettringen, who had been work- pandable at any time, providing high
building, with its foyer open to the first ing successfully with the Gebler com- security for the future. As a bus system,
floor, features taste and quality in every pany for many years, included the plan- Schmid installed Gamma instabus from
detail, not only in terms of architecture ning and implementation of bus sys- Siemens because the owner and the
and interior design but also in the elec- tems as part of his services. For the master electrician were quick to agree
trical equipment. I wanted to do every- Gebler family, he also planned a techni- that only a recognized brand should be
thing perfectly, homeowner Tobias cally sophisticated bus network for the used. And Siemens stands for quality,
Gebler explains his high requirements, entire house with KNX technology. All says Gebler.
adding: I also wanted to be at the fore- electrical functions are thus very conFor the builder, the safety and secufront with the latest technological de- venient to use.
rity of his small family was another esvelopments. This meant that from the
The individual systems can also be sential consideration in equipping the
very beginning only a bus system was coupled intelligently. For example, the new home, as can be seen already
considered for the electrical system in heating is automatically switched off upon entering the house: the front
his new home.
when the windows are opened, be- door is opened using a biometric access
control reader; a fingerprint replaces
the key.

Innovative protection

It was important to

me that a recognized
brand stood behind it.
And Siemens stands
for very good quality.
Tobias Gebler


The complete electrical system is designed according to the highest safety

standards. Using components from
Siemens, Schmid implemented a systematic approach to protection that
goes far beyond the applicable device
regulations in accordance with DIN
VDE0100. Intelligently interlocking
components protect cables and people
as well as ensure preventive fire protection.
In addition to miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) and residual current circuit
breakers (RCCBs), arc fault detection
units from Siemens play a central role.

Siemens AG/W.Geyer

Proud of their perfect home: the Gebler family from

Markt Wald in the Lower Allgu

With Gamma instabus, all the functions

are convenient to operate

Siemens AG/W.Geyer

Siemens AG/W.Geyer

In a challenging environment, the electrical system also needs

to meet high standards

As the first devices on the European

market, they also respond to serial arc
faults as caused by crimped cables,
damaged insulation, or faulty terminal
equipment. The isolated high temperatures that may result can trigger a smoldering fire in extreme cases. The
Siemens arc fault detection units neutralize this danger: they constantly
measure the intensity, duration, and
gaps in the high-frequency noise of

voltage and current. Integrated filters

evaluate the signals with intelligent
software. If abnormalities are found,
they switch off the connected circuit in
a fraction of a second. Harmless sources
of interference, such as those that
occur in the operation of drills or vacuum cleaners, can be differentiated
from dangerous electric arcs. In the
Gebler family home, four of these arc
fault detection units currently protect

the circuits for the washer, dryer, and

kitchen, in combination with residual
current circuit breakers with overload
protection (RCBOs).



E-Installation 2/2014 | Building technology

Building technology for new offices at Swarovski

Comfortable office


Swarovski, the well-known manufacturer of cut crystals,

is relying on the Desigo building automation system from
Siemens in the expansion of its headquarters in Wattens
in Austrias Tirol region.


Building technology | E-Installation 2/2014

Desigo system with BACnet/IPv6 devices

The Desigo system supports the international BACnet standard for
building communication in its most modern form:
In addition to BACnet/IPv4, BACnet/LonTalk, and BACnet/MSTP, Desigo
supports the integration of BACnet/IPv6 devices, making it the worlds
first system to do so. This also ensures that the system is ready for
future IT and building management system innovations. The Desigo
management station meets the two highest international functional
profiles B-AW from ASHRAE and MBE-B in accordance with the latest
German AMEV Directive and they do so even with BACnet Revision

ounded in 1895 in Austria, Swarovski is now up excessively. Presence detectors control the conrepresented in more than 120 countries. Its stant lighting level. These detectors register
precision-cut crystals are in demand not only whether anyone is in the building and adjust the
in the fashion and jewelry industry but also in ar- lighting accordingly. Thanks to the built-in light
chitecture, lighting design, and interior design.
brightness measurement, the detectors keep conThe newly built BT8 annex to the existing Busi- stant track of the relationship between artificial
ness Building Brandgut (BBB) office building on the light and daylight at each individual workstation
Swarovski premises in Wattens is designed to offer and optimally adjust the values as necessary. The
ergonomic, customizable working conditions for blinds are controlled using integrated facade senemployees. Among other things, special emphasis sors. In case of unfavorable weather conditions
was placed on an optimal lighting solution for the such as high wind or frost or in case of fire they
workstations. In addition to optimizing the lighting ensure that the blind slats are moved to the preand the indoor environment, the energy consump- scribed safety settings.
tion of the building was to be reduced at the same
time. To ensure a clear overview of all the building Energy-efficient building operation
automation processes and easily control, evaluate,
and optimize the complex building management The data points measured in the building complex
systems and processes, Swarovski relies on the are visualized using the Desigo Insight management
Desigo Insight management station. The crystal station, which allows Swarovski personnel to check
specialist made this decision based on its very the energy consumption and performance of the
good experiences with Siemens building automa- building at any time, as well as adjust the settings
tion in the existing building.
as required.
All applications of Desigo TRA are tested and cerDesigo TRA for a pleasant indoor climate
tified. The automatic shading functions for energy-
efficient building operation are included in the
Desigo Total Room Automation (TRA) room auto- product. The unique integration options of the
mation stations were installed on all four floors of Desigo TRA room automation stations based on
the building. The fully automatic shading control BACnet/IP communication (B-ASC profile, BACnet
system integrated into Desigo TRA enables control Protocol R
evision 1.10) for KNX, DALI, and EnOcean
of the windows based on sunlight and outdoor devices ensure high flexibility in the building mantemperature. This prevents employees from being agement system of the Swarovski building.
blinded by glare and keeps the rooms from heating


Main building at the Swarovski
headquarters in Wattens



+++ IEC 61439 Everything you need to know about the new standard +++
Starting in the fall of2014, all low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in the
European Economic Area need to meet the new IEC 61439 standard. But what will change in
your daily work? Learn about the most important changes the new standard will bring and
how Siemens can support you with products and practical application assistance:

+++ Simoprime/Sivacon technology partner +++ Benefit from a technology

partnership with Siemens. For information on how to become a technology partner and
how you will benefit, please visit

+++ New 3VA molded case circuit breaker +++ On the new 3VA website, you
will find comprehensive information on molded case circuit breakers. Using animations and
3-D models, you can find out everything you need to know:

+++ LV Explorer Experience Low Voltage & Products in 3-D +++ Through
3-D animations, trailers, and technical data, you can find targeted and comprehensive
information about our products:

+++ Online support fast and easy +++ Our support area presents all the major
platforms and tools you need in your projects. Short video clips also clearly explain the
precise handling and operation of these platforms and tools:

+++ Low Voltage & Products on YouTube +++ Check out the Low Voltage &
Products website or see more at:

+++ Siemens Industry Online Support app +++ Using the Online Support app
for Apple iOS or Android gives you access to more than 300,000 documents on all Siemens
Industry products, anytime and anywhere for assistance in the implementation of your
project, when troubleshooting, or when you are expanding your system or planning a new

+++ Subscribe now +++ The Low-Voltage Power Distribution and Electrical
Installation Technology newsletter appears monthly in German and English. It tells you
everything you need to know about Low Voltage & Products:

Find your way to

low-voltage power
distribution and
electrical installation

You can find your regional contact
person for Germany at
Please direct your technical
questions to
Tel.: +49 (911) 895 7222
Fax: +49 (911) 895 7223


Tel.: +41 (0)848 822-844
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Tel.: +43 (0)5 1707-22244
Fax: +43 (0)5 1707-57940

Service and dialogue | E-Installation 2/2014

Training courses and dates

We offer a wide range of training courses on our low-
voltage power distribution and electrical installation
products and technologies. In compact training units, our
experts provide you with an overview of the various product lines and their application, including detailed practical expertise on selected products and systems. For information on KNX, KNX and Gamma, KNX retraining courses
ETS 2/3 to ETS 4, communication with Sentron components, and energy management software, along with the
installation, commissioning, and interfaces for busbar
trunking systems and other topics, you can find our training programs in a variety of languages in various training
locations in Germany and Switzerland.


Trade fair schedule 2015

eltec, The Exhibition for Electrical and Energy Technology


January 1416, 2015

FeuerTRUTZ, Trade Fair with Congress for Preventive Fire Protection


February 1819, 2015

Elektrotechnik, Trade Fair for Building and Industrial Applications


February 1820, 2015

Eltefa, Regional Trade Fair for the Electrical Sector


March 1820, 2015

Hannover Messe


April 1317, 2015

Intersolar Exhibition for the Solar Industry and its Partners


June 1012, 2015

Husum Wind


September 1518, 2015



October 2830, 2015

E-Installation 2/2014
Published by: Siemens AG, Siemensstrae 10
93055 Regensburg, Germany
Energy Management Divison
Low Voltage & Products
Responsibility under press law: Matias Ernst
Responsible for the technical content and
conception: Susanne Kraus
Publishing house: Publicis Publishing,
P.O. Box 32 40, 91050 Erlangen, Germany
Editorial staff: Dr. Beate Bellinghausen,
Dorit Gunia, Eva Dufek-Garcar
Layout, C.v.D.: Sabine Zingelmann
Copy editing: Verena Debnar
DTP: Mario Willms; TV Satzstudio, Emskirchen

E-Installation appears twice per year.

2014 by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Munich andBerlin. All rights reserved.
This issue was printed on paper manufactured from
chlorine-free bleached cellulose.
Printed in Germany.

The following products are registered

trademarksof SiemensAG:
If there is no special mention of trademarks, trade
names, technical solutions, or similar items, this does
not mean that these items are not protected.
The information in this magazine only contains general
descriptions and performance features that do not
always apply in the described form in the actual
application or that may be subject to change in the
course of further development of the product. The
specific performance features are only binding if they
were agreed expressly in the contract.

Totally Integrated Power SENTRON

Totally Integrated Power SENTRON

The 3VA molded case circuit breaker.

Der Kompaktleistungsschalter 3VA.
A complete system designed with you in mind.
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Reduzieren SietoIhren
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