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R V College of Engineering

The Ignition systems were employed since ages for spark production for combustion of
gas such as methane (!!! ) and liquid fuels such as petrol or diesel in internal combustion
engines employed in vehicles. Hence there has always a design enhancement happening
in the modern time for effective spark control and production. In this thesis side-by-side
comparison of conventional ignition mechanism and modern electronic ignition system is
described. As per design specifications given by customer, efficient and cost-effective
topology is proposed employing electronic converter, L-C filter, spark gap and spark rod
for spark production mechanism.


The conventional ignition spark production system employed for fuel ignition purpose in
internal combustion engines are of two types. The Battery type ignition system and
Magneto ignition system. Battery ignition system uses battery as primary source of spark
production. The battery type ignition system employed an ignition coil which consists of
both primary and secondary winding wound over each other on an ferromagnetic core,
the primary winding of the ignition coil is energized as soon the ignition switch and
contact breaker close its contacts, during this phase the capacitor is charged. As soon as
the contact breaker opens its contacts the magnetic energy stored by the capacitor is
discharged into the secondary winding, therefore inducing a high voltage, low current in
it. This current in the secondary winding is then fed to the distributed rotor through which
the contacts of the spark plug are connected and thereby ensuring spark production. The
contact breaker opens and closes four times in one revolution, ensuring ignition in the
four spark plugs of the system. In contrast to Battery ignition system there is Magneto
ignition system, wherein the flux generated by the magnet acts as a source for spark
production. There were disadvantages observed in both of these ignition systems hence,
an electronic ignition system has been designed to overcome the drawbacks of the
conventional ignition systems.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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R V College of Engineering

Igniter Exciter is used for all types of Industrial combustion processes like fossil fuel
power stations, refineries etc.,

The present Igniter Exciter system designed by DURAG Group LTD., is not
satisfying the particular customer requirement in terms of Sparks/sec & Costeffectiveness.

Hence, an efficient & cost-effective Igniter Exciter system must be designed and
developed satisfying customer requirements.


The main objective of the project is to Design and Develop Igniter Exciter Spark
Production system with

6 sparks/sec with uniform energy discharge of 12x6 =72

Joules/sec. To achieve this design of accurate rating of Transformer, Capacitor &

Inductor has to be done for the production of specified Sparks/sec.

As per the customer requirement, the igniter circuitry must be generating 6 Sparks/sec,
this is achieved by employing single phase units of Transformer, Bridge Rectifier, L-C
filter, Spark gap & Spark rod with an electrode element for spark production. With the
given specification we started designing by computing the current in secondary circuit
and thereby calculating the rating of Transformer. The dc output voltage generated by the
rectification unit was computed and it had contained a significant number of ac ripple
component in it, hence this ripple component was reduced by enhancing the filter design
for a voltage ripple factor (VRF) of 5%. With the spark rod resistance being specified the
value of the capacitance was computed for effective filtering. Hence with the capacitance
value and voltage ripple factor (VRF) of 5% being set, the inductance value was
calculated. Hence, with all these parameters being set we where able to obtain required
number of sparks/sec from the spark rod.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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R V College of Engineering


Fig 1.0. Electronic Circuitry for Igniter Exciter Spark Production System
Input Voltage, !! = 230!"#
Frequency, ! = 50!"
Transformer Ratio:
!! !! !! 2500
= = =
!! !! !!
Energy generated by sparks /sec = 12 x 6 = 72J.
Therefore, P = 72J/1sec = 72W.
Power, P = !! !! = 72! in the secondary side
Wkt, !! = 2500!
72 = !! !!
72 = 2500 !!
!! = 28.8!"
The !"#$%&!"#$" !"#$%& !",
!! !! = 72!"
Wkt, Output voltage of Full Bridge Rectifier (FWR) is,
!!" =

2!! 2 ( 2 2500)
= 2250.64!

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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R V College of Engineering

The Ripple ac voltage is, 2500-2251=249Vac

This ac component must be reduced, if the tolerance of ac is set to max of, VRF = 5%
Then, ac component will be (5% of 249)= 12.5Vac
Hence, the output voltage after L-C filter will be, 2500-12.5ac = 2488Vdc
This value is set at the spark gap for switching on purpose for spark production.
1, ! 2488 !"#$% !"#$%&'(#)
0, ! < 2488 !" !"#$% !"#$%&'(#)

Spark gap switching scheme, !"(!) =


The L-C filter designing involves C & L filtering for the required load specification.

Capacitor Designing
For effective filtering, Resistance of Spark Rod, R must be ten times the reactance of capacitor.


The output voltage expression of bridge rectifier expressed in terms of Fourier series will give,
!! =

2!! 4!!

cos 2!"
!! =



+ !! .

is the average dc output voltage.

The generalized expression for harmonic voltage, is


!! =

cos !"#


Where, n = 2,4,6------ (Even Harmonics)

Therefore only considering the 2nd harmonic component, n=2, the filter designing is obtained.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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R V College of Engineering

We know that,



The Spark rod resistance, R = 25 is given by DURAG INSTRUMENATAION LTD.,

= 636.61!"
2!" 22!5025


To time constant for Capacitor, C is given by:

! = !! !

Take, ! = 60!"
!! =

= 94.2
! 636.6110!!

Inductor Designing
To find inductor, L we need to set a voltage regulation factor, VRF.
For good filter, VRF 5%




(!!)! !"!!

5% =

(!!!")! !"!!

0.05 =


(!!!!")! !!"!.!"!"!! !!

! = 41.4!"
The time constant for inductor is given by,



Take, ! = 30!"

!! = ! =


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

= 1.38
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