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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Use of IT in E-Commerce
Surve Meena Vasantrao
College of Education, Pethvadgaon, Tal- Hathkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur, Maharashtra,

This is an age of Information Technology IT embraces every dimension of humans
life. Computer technology and Communication technology are the two main
supporting pillars of IT. It is next to impossibility to deny the importance of IT in the
educational, cultural, agricultural, scientific and technical, business disciplines of the
world. Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce, consists of the buying
and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and other
computer networks. The present paper highlights IT and E-commerce trends. The paper
focuses on the concept of IT and E-commerce, the scope of Electronic Commerce, the
benefits of E-commerce, types of E-commerce, E-payment system. The paper highlights
applications of E-commerce, disadvantages and constraints of E-commerce. After
studying above aspect the conclusions is drawn i.e. IT and E-commerce plays very
dominant role in business field. There is various type of Electronic commerce and Epayments E-commerce helps for growing business. There are certain drawbacks of Ecommerce. But E-commerce plays eminent role in the human beings life.
KEYWORDS age of information technology, use of IT, Computer technology, Ecommerce
Introduction:IT is indeed a wonderful and amazing addition in human lives. The IT can be
known as a kind of global meeting place, where people from all parts of the world can
come together.
Now-a-days business become core element of the human beings life. Business is
a broad term involving procurement of raw material, manufacturing and marketing.
Marketing involves selling, Commerce involves buying and selling commodities.
Commerce embraces trade including banking and insurance. Commerce refers to all the
activities in which company or individual engages to complete a transaction. When the
internet is involved in these activities the commerce becomes E-Commerce.


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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Objectives of the paper:1) To enlighten the IT and E-commerce Trends

2) To enlighten the concept IT and its use.
3) To enlighten the concept E-commerce
4) To indicate the scope of Electronic Commerce
5) To enlighten the benefits of Electronic Commerce.
6) To highlight the types of electronic commerce
7) To indicate E-payment system
8) To indicate disadvantages and constraints of E-Commerce.
Research methodology survey method (descriptive) of research is used for this
The concept IT
IT is a part of almost every business day-to-day life. It enables business to
work more effectively and take advantage of new opportunities.
However whatever level of IT and E commerce solution the mankind use, it is
important to get them right. This means that one must need to understand the ways in
which technology can make the business more efficient. The selection of right system
helps for growing business.
The concept E-commerce:The concept of E-commerce was introduced in date 1970s. Electronic data
Interchange (EDI) and Electronic funds Transfer (EFI) were two basic technologies used
for e-commerce.
E-commerce plays an increasingly important role in the way in which products
and services are purchased. It helps for strengthening the relationship and improving the
efficiency of dealings with suppliers and other key trading partners.
The internet can open up new opportunities for business to buy sell goods or
services online. Such activities are generally referred to as E-commerce.
Definitions:E-Commerce deals with the buying and selling of information, products and
services through computer networks. E-Commerce ensures minimum inventory control
improved customer services and global reach.
E-Commerce can also be defined as a new way of conducting managing and
executing business transactions using computer and telecommunication networks.


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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Scope of Electronic Commerce:Linking with Suppliers

Linking with Distributors and


* Product Sourcing

* Market Response

* Product information Collection

* Inventory Replenishment

* Purchase Process Management

* Product Information Distribution

* Suppliers Management

* Order Fulfillment

* Account Payable Management

* Accounts Receivable Management

Enterprise Management
* Product Development
* Logistics and Supply Chain Support
* Training and Conferencing
* Manufacturing Management
* Accounting
* Financial Planning


Interface with Consumers

* Security

* Web Marketing

* Digital Payment

* E-Shopping

* E-Banking

* Information and Online Services

* Legal Issues

* Entertainment on Demand

* E-market Formation

* Trading in E-market


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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Benefits of Electronic Commerce:E Commerce is one of the most important facets of the internet to have emerged
in the recent times. Ecommerce or electronic commerce involves carrying out business
over the Internet with the assistance of computers, which are linked to each other forming
a network. The benefits are:
i) A 24 Hour Store
ii) ii) Catalog flexibility and Online fast updating
iii) Shrinks the Competition Gap
iv) Unlimited Market place and Business Access Which Extend Customer Base
v) Reduced Sale Cycle
vi) Lower Cost of Doing Business
vii) Eliminate Middlemen
viii) Easier Business Administration
ix) Frees your Staff
x) Customers will love it
xi) More Efficient Business Relationship
xii) Workflow automation xiii) Secure Payment Systems
Types of Electronic Commerce:
Electronic Commerce can be broken into four main types.
Electronic Commerce







B 2 B (Business-to-Business)
Business to Business e-commerce has been in use for quite a few years and is
more commonly known as EDI (electronic data interchange) The two businesses pass
information electronically to each other. These the transactions between two businesses
are undertaken via intranets and extranets
B 2 C (Business-to-Consumer)
The two or more entities that interact in this type of transactions involve a
business and a consumer. The businesses offer a set of merchandise at given prices,
discounts and shipping and delivery options. The sellers and consumers both benefit:

Accessibility from any part of the world.

Increased opportunity for direct marketing


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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Customizations and
Online customer service.

C 2 B (Consumer-to-Business)
Consumer to Business is a growing are where the consumer requests a specific
service from business. A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and within
hours companions review the consumers requirements and bid on the project. The
consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the project. Elance
empowers consumers around the world by providing the meeting ground and platform for
such transactions.
C 2 C (Consumer-to-Consumer)
C 2 C is the internet equivalent of the traditional classified advertising market.
You put up an ad on the internet for other consumers to respond to (similar to a
newspaper classified ad). The internet makes the process of placing an ad cheaper, faster
and easier.
E-payment Option:
The following are some of the modern methods commonly used to pay for the
products and services online.

Credit Cards
Smart Cards




Electronic wallets

Virtual Credit Cards

E-Commerce Disadvantages and Constraints:
Some disadvantages and Constraints of E-Commerce include the following

Time for delivery of physical products

Physical product, supplier & delivery uncertainty
Perishable goods
Limited and selected sensory information
Returning goods


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Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-II, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2012

Privacy, security, payment, identity, contract

Defined services & the unexpected
Personal services
Size and number of transactions

Conclusions:From above discussion about IT & E-commerce trends following conclusions are
In the 21st century the world became Global village IT plays an eminent role in
this era. E-commerce is the vital aspect of business field. There are various types of
electronic Commerce which helps for growing business. Though there are certain
constraints of E-commerce it is excellent way for todays business.
References:Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. whinstone(1996), Frontiers of Electronic Commerce; AddisonWesley Publishing Company.
C. S. V. Murthy (2011); E Commerce Concepts Models Strategies; Himalaya Publishing House

Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. whinstone (1997); Ecommerce; Addison-Wesley Professional

Rajendra D. Kankariya, (2008) ; Information Technology for management, Shivaji
University, Kolhapur.


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