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Hello everyone. My name is Andreea Popescu and I am Alexandra

Mihailescu and today we will talk about the company in which we work, ANIMAL
LAND. Our presentation will last about 10 minutes and we split it into 3 parts.
In the first part we will describe the company, its affiliates, and we will say
a few words about our employees.
In the second part of the presentation we will present the products we
manufacture and some new innovations that we recently put on the market and
in the third part, I and my colleague will say what we do in this company.
Thats all for the introduction. Now lets move to the first part of our talk,
which is about presenting our company. Animal Land , Clean animal, clean
house, has 4 stores in Romania with the headquarter in Bucharest. It is founded
in January 2013 by Mihaela Popa, with 80 employees. At the peak of the hierarchy
is our president Mihaela Popa. Next in line is the chief executive officer followed
by the four divisional managers : the Human Resources Manager, the Finance
Manager, the Production Manager and the Marketing Manager. The human
resources department has two branches: personnel and training. The finance
department is responsible with the financial services and the buget. The
production department is responsible with production, quality and distribution.
The marketing department has two branches : domestic sales and advertising.
Our main markets are in Bucharest, Ploiesti, Brasov and Sinaia. The revenue per
month is about 50.000$ and the sales are about 200.000$, from each subsidiary.
So that concludes the first part. Now we want to describe the second part
which referes to the company products. We make the products for dogs and cats
only, in our laboratory in Bucharest. The first product that we made is the antiflea
gel with extract of oil and mint, then we made the antilice shampoo with extract
of orange and essence of vanilla. We also have sprays, creams and pouders for
animals with wounds. And recently we start doing also medicine for animals with
worms and roundworms.
Thats all we want to say about the second part. Lets move to the third
part which is about our duty in the company. (ALEXANDRA): Im the director of
Human Resources from the subsidiary of Ploiesti. My job is to hire personnel that
are qualified for the job. We also organize every summer training for future
employees like students who make practice and when they finish the university
they are employed in our company. (TRIXIE) :Im the Marketing Director from the
subsidiary of Bucharest.Im responsible for employing strategies and tips that can
help bring in customers.I am also in charge of hiring marketing and sales staff,as
well as administering the job duties.

We would like to end our presentation with a summary of what we have
told you today.In the first part of our talk we described our company,Animal
Land,in the second part we talked about our company products and some
innovation we put recently on market,and finally in the third part me and my
collegue told you which are our responsabilities in this company.

In conclusion,we think that helping your pet stay clean and without
injuries you have a good time and you can enjoy your free time with you dog or

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