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Navamsa and married life

by R V RAMANAN Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:46 pm

Dear To all those who ask me about their navamsa,
Here are some general combinations in navamsa regarding married life.
1) Navamsa lagna aspected by a benefic can give a happy married life.
2) Navamsa lagna lord aspecting navamsa is a good combination for a peaceful married life.
3) If navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord are vargothama then, ur spouse will be very
4) It is better to have a navamsa lagna with a subhakartari yoga which will help u to tide through
any difficulty.
5) Benefics in the 5th or 9th to navamsa lagna indicates that u r handsome.
6) If navamsa lagna happens to be 9th or 12th to the janma lagna, physical needs may be very
7) If navamsa lagna is associated with many malefics, there could be extra-martial relationships.
If the lord of 3 or 6 or 7 or 10 is posited in the 7th to navamsa lagna ur spouse may have a
career in law.
9) venus in the 7th to navamsa lagna indicates disharmony in marriage.
10) If the lord of 7th in rasi is in 6 or 8 or 12 to navamsa lagna, married life may not be pleasant.
11) If the lagna lord or the 7th lord are associated with incendiary planets, then there could be
12) Conjunction of Moon and venus and if one of them is debilitated, there will be no happiness
from marriage.
13) If the 5th from the navamsa lagna is occupied by Jupiter and venus, u could get ravishing
beauty as ur wife.
14) If the 7th happens to be the house of saturn and if malefic are in it, the spouse could look old
or it could be a second marriage.
15) If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the house of saturn without any benefic aspect, there
could be sexual perversions.
16) If venus is in the navamsa of Moon, the whole married life will be full of problems.
17) If the 7th lord conjuct with the 6th lord and also venus, there will be separation or divorce.
These are general principles and should not be taken verbatim. Pls also consider the aspect and
conjunction of other planets before coming to a conclusion.
ight on skills and abilities from planets in navamsa trines.
I am listing a few I have read at some place or other, please correct and also add to
Rahu - philosophy, scheming, innovative thinking, work with machinery
Mars - logical, fighting spirit - martial arts, cooking or working with fire or heat
Saturn - traditional, persistent, hard working
Mercury - communication (vocabulary), business/trading, analysis & planning (akin

to Virgo), marketing
Moon - writing, singing, fine arts, public speaking
Venus - fine arts like poetry or painting, people management, communication
(public communication)
Sun - political, leadership, jyotish
Jupiter - wisdom, philosophy, teaching, mantras/spiritual practices, jyotish
Ketu - engineering, computers, mathematics, psychic ability
I also wonder, how do I take it when there are more than one planet in the trines say Ju in 5H and Merc in 9H - do I take which is in 9H or 5H as representing your
abilities. Similarly, I have Moon+Saturn+Rahu in Capricorn in 9H in my D9. How can
I interpret this?
And do we also consider planets in D9 lagna also to represent abilities, as 1H is one
of the trinal houses?
Navamsa trines or being in position to perfectly understand is silly.
Good that you have come to terms with your imperfection and taking steps to learn.
Now regarding Navamsa trines.
The list is a good start - you've covered a good chunk.
I'll not tweak it - just a few things missing.
Trines in the Navamsa indicate the qualities, attributes skills, talents are available
inherently, born with and/or acquired very easily and gracefully.
You can consider 1,5,9 as the trines.
Trines are Lakshmi sthanas - what you are blessed with.
Quadrants are Vishnu sthanas - What you put some effort to acquire it. Also forms a
part of what supports you.
5th house in Navamsa indicates your talents that you are very comfortable with and
come very easily to you.
Almost born with it. It may be an inherent / deep down ability - but may or may not
come in supporting you.
Planets in the lagna also indicate the same - one skill that you are comfortable and
that you actually able to put to use.
Planets in the 9th indicate that you receive from a Guru or from your past lives.
Here the Guru come and with his Grace opens the door for you.
Planets in the quadrants indicate what you need to put some effort to learn something that is not very natural but some effort is needed.

Also check the trines from the Karakamsa - it indicates what your soul inherently
comes with and desires.
Harmony between Karakamsa trines and lagna trines is a great blessing. Here is a
beautiful example(with my very limited knowledge):
TOB-12.20 PM
Place - Madras, India
Really wonderful person and is a very good influence on all associated with him.Has
his weaknesses also but they are really outnumbered.
Coming to your question:
Moon with Sat + Rahu in 9th - Depending on where Moon is - but mostly Moon will
be overshadowed by Saturn and Rahu.
Saturn in the 9th would make the native be very comfortable with hardwork,
persistence, patience and above all very good at lot of things
kind of jack of all arts.
Rahu can give strong ability to cross boundaries, stretch the limits, good if he's
involved in technology, research, learning etc.,
Moon usually gives good knowledge of human body, ability to understand finer
aspects of the body, its functioning, even if not
a doctor - useful for masseuse, chiropractors, dancers or even to practice yoga etc.,
From what I've learnt this is this is relevant only in Navamsa chart.
Trines in Rasi chart are more physical level attributes.
Like Planets in the 9th in Rasi indicates who brings you fortune - or who you
consider to be fortunate to have.
May not be materially - just purely a good pure relationships.
Say Moon in 9th - The native considers his Mother to be very supportive and is
fortunate to have her.
Like Moon in 9th in Pisces - even better - very religious mother and highly
supportive, very inspirational to the native.
Sun in 9th father, Venus in 9th (spouse), Jupiter in 9th Guru etc.,
Planets in the lagna - people who are attracted and attached to you. supportive of
your efforts.
The people is based on the lordship here - 7th lord in lagna - your spouse or your
general contacts.
The native is very social and his social contacts like him very much - again based on
relationship between lagna lord and the 7th.
and placement of lagna lord in the chart.

Fifth in Rasi is mostly about the native's intellectual capacity, his core intelligence,
brilliance, scholarship etc.,
Mostly indicative of your legacy what you leave behind - your progeny, your
disciples, your followers etc.,
I have also read about the alignment of navamsa trines and karakamsa trines
making life easier and similarly relative placement of navamsa and karakamsa
lagna. I did not know even planets in quadrants can indicate abilities - to be
developed if we make an effort. Regarding the 5H abilities, why did you say they
may or may not be put to use? Do you mean to say the abilities indicated by
quadrants are more sustainable and applicable (or more apparent) in a native's life?
Secondly, this may be silly but I always have a doubt how to discern the abilities
which are due to the rasi chart placements and which may be due to D9
placements. May be I am not saying this right. Say I have Merc on lagna in rasi
chart. And my D9 9H has Ra+Sa+Moon (Capricorn). Same way, my D10 has Saturn
in lagna in my D10 chart. All of these represent my inherent abilities, right? But all
these give different abilities, unconnected to each other. What is the difference
between D9 skills and abilities and what we may have from some other placements
in rasi chart?
Similarly, AL makes up the apparent personality of a native - in his own eyes or in
the eyes of the world. When I have Ra on AL (along with Ve+Ma), does that not
comprise of inherent character of myself? And this also contributes to how I do
things - in a way my ability or skill - say Rahu makes me unconventional - so I do
have out of the box thinking or an urge to dig deep - or research abilities.
I saw you said D1 chart represents more physical attributes but the planets on lagna
in any chart, are they not inherent characters or abilities?
Rasi chart is more a gross/physical chart; Navamsa is more about your Dharma
purpose in life, Divine intended function
for you and the abilities inside of you to help you in achieving your Dharma.
Dasamsa is about your actions, how you go about achieving your Dharma, and what
you finally achieve in this world.
Even in D10 - 5H indicates your followers, your direct reports, people who work for
you/under you.
9H is about who guides you, your supervisor/manager at work.
We usually find that malefics in the 9H in D10 - gives a very aggressive or cold or
scheming guidance - gives more dominant
guidance difficult environment at work - if there is more desire and less patience to

take this dominance - can carry native

to go independent and start their own business enterprise etc.,
Especially if a malefic Lagna lord is also involved in the 9th.
When no planets are placed in the trines; find the lords and check their placements.
Hopefully they are not in dusthana houses.
Also check the trines to Atmakaraka in the same way.
Here Moon and Sun together in the 5th does indicate some skill and talent in
leadership, managerial abilities.
Sun debilitated should be considered a bit of pull down factor; but it does exist.
Ketu in the trines to AK Venus - can indicate good abilities with working with
machines and mathematics.
For (1) A planet in inimical sign (house of enemy etc.,) weakens the planet and its
signification; may also bring out some negative qualification of this planet
but it still is well aware of its core responsibilities - the functioning may struggle
and/or suffer a bit due to inimical placement;
But for most part aspects should be unaffected.
Planet aspect his own house strengthens it - if it applies.
(2) You're right - A strong planet in a Kendra is a positive sign - the native should
work hard and put effort in that area and will reap rich dividends.
Benefics strong in quadrants in D9 is a very good blessing in life - in fourth gives
good domestic life, peace of mind; 7th good loving spouse;
10th good productive and enriching career; in the lagna makes the person highly
talented in that aspect of the planet.
(3) If we go by the example you've given.
I wouldnt consider Mercury as inimical due to Kendradhipathi dosha - You're
overstating the influence of Kendradhipathi dosha.
In this dosha - a Benefic becomes less of a benefic and Malefic becomes less of a
malefic - Not opposite!
So consider Mercury a neutral.
Now if ones has Gemini / Kanya D9 lagna and Venus exalted in quadrant and
Mercury own/exalted - The native will be blessed thoroughly in this life.
talented and good material wealth.
Planets exalted in Navamsa is a blessing - the divine will bless him with rich gains
but put him thru some severe tests before.
In Rasi If this Venus in 4th or in Lagna (for Sg or Pis Asc) then there may be illeffects

due to functional maleficience of Venus - some pains to undergo;

Some things may be available but no accessible or usable - For example - You may
have the money in the bank but still will not be able to use it for comfort.
Irrespective of planets being natural malefics or benefics - their exaltation in the
Navamsa is considered highly auspicious.
Assuming that the exaltation of such planets is in Kendras and Trikonas as it is in
your case.
The native is inherently blessed by the Divine by the exaltation of planets and on
the flip side debilitation of planets in the Navamsa
is highly detrimental for the key areas managed by the planets.
The sub-periods of D9 exalted planets can give sudden rise in status and position
and on the same token fall in the periods of debilitated planets.
When looking for attributes about the spouse from your chart - use the reference
from the 7th lord (or lords of 8th from 7th therefrom for subsequent spouses)
as a basis for reference.
In your case - You have a Gemini Ascendant in D9, Jupiter Mercury in Scorpio.
For your spouse, use Scorpio with Jupiter in it as a basis, Mercury is now in lagna
and Ketu - Mars in the 5th therefrom.
This can mean the spouse has good technical qualifications and/or very good at
communications (Mercury), business acumen, or entrepreneurial spirit.
If this was a native's navamsa - I would predict a native to go after engineering or
mathematics line of study, profession etc.,
Saturn in a trine usually indicates the native will be very adaptable and be able to
work his way thru anything and perform any given task very well. Very capable.
Mercury gives the native good communication skills, good writing/speech or other
communication methods. May also be good in working with his hands using various
kinds of materials like furniture maker (wood), potter (clay) or a metal artist etc.,
Rahu indicates able to work with technology, mechanical or even electronics
Ketu usually good with mathematics, abstract concepts or even good with small
tools, instruments or working with minute intricately detailed work (like chip
building or microprocessor design etc.,)
9th lord indicates your source of guidance (father, guru, etc.,) and he being in the
lagna is very auspicious. The source of guidance is very much attached to you,
loves and cares a lot about your welfare and well being.
12th lord in lagna usually indicates some spiritual and/or charitable tendencies.
12th Lord in lagna will usually indulge in lot of philanthropic and/or charitable
donations, volunteering or working for others.

In general grand mothers are usually indicated from the generic Moon. Moon
indicates all the sources of Motherly compassion to you - it can be your birth mother
or some other Mother like sources grandmothers, Aunts etc.,
Mother is seen from 4th and father is seen from 9th. So Paternal grand mother
should be seen from 4th from 9th - so the 12th house in D12 chart.
Again this is derived from basics - so you can research and see if this really aligns
Father's elder sister - not so sure.
But as above elder sister is 11th from the reference point - so may be 11th from the
9th in D12 chart should indicate the elder sister.
Again what if this elder sister is not the immediate elder from the father. Then keep
going 11th therefrom.
As you wrote,If Moon in 9th =The native considers his Mother to be very supportive
and is fortunate to have her.If Moon in 9th in Pisces = even better - very religious
mother and highly supportive, very inspirational to the native.So,what will it mean if
there is Mercury or Rahu or Ketu or Mars is placed in 9th house? my Rashi
chart there is Moon+Ketu in 9th in Cancer?
2)In my friend's Rashi chart Mars is the ruler of 4th & 9th house and placed in
ascendant (Leo),so who is attracted and attached to her?
Moon in the 9th especially in a benefic sign will indicate being fortunate about all
aspects of Mother - support, love affection and also being your source of inspiration.
Mercury there - indicate fortune with regard to your work/career - you can consider
yourself lucky to be at the right place at the right time as far as career/work is
concerned. Nominal effort produce awesome returns.
Rahu in the 9th is not very auspicious in general - causes the native to be bold,
brash, against authority and norms, holds little respect for elders and traditional
Similarly Mars in the 9th is too much of energies directed into anger, arguments,
fights, disagreements - war monger attitudes are dominant.
Moon + Ketu; assuming Moon is stronger here -- is also good for strong support from
Mother, very religious Mother.
Dear Aditya,
Answering your query - in D9 your AK Mercury is with Ketu and the same
combination is present in the lagna in D10.
In D9 - Sun in lagna and Moon in a trine from lagna,

In Rasi chart a strong Moon in the 10th

In D10 - 10th lord Mars is with Saturn, Ketu is with Mercury.
lot of benefic influence in the 3rd house (Jup), 6th house (Venus) and both of these
are bearing down on the 10th.
This is why you are feeling lost in your career - benefics in 3 & 6 will cause some
level of weakness in terms of motivation and drive.
Not to mention Venus as a yogakaraka for D10 is in Marana Karaka Sthana.
Ketu sometimes does indicate professions involving small tools, instruments, micro
level things - like Computer chips, circuit boards, electronics
and also indicates flying. Ketu being with AK is why you are desiring towards
Airforce flying/pilot as a career.
More suitably you should be involved in careers like Medicine, Pharmacy, Hospital
Management, hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, luxury resorts etc.,)
in professions that are most softer, need soft skills
- in D9 your AK Mercury is with Ketu and the same combination is present in the
lagna in D10.
In D9 - Sun in lagna and Moon in a trine from lagna,
In Rasi chart a strong Moon in the 10th
In D10 - 10th lord Mars is with Saturn, Ketu is with Mercury.
lot of benefic influence in the 3rd house (Jup), 6th house (Venus) and both of these
are bearing down on the 10th.
This is why you are feeling lost in your career - benefics in 3 & 6 will cause some
level of weakness in terms of motivation and drive.
Not to mention Venus as a yogakaraka for D10 is in Marana Karaka Sthana.
Ketu sometimes does indicate professions involving small tools, instruments, micro
level things - like Computer chips, circuit boards, electronics
and also indicates flying. Ketu being with AK is why you are desiring towards
Airforce flying/pilot as a career.
More suitably you should be involved in careers like Medicine, Pharmacy, Hospital
Management, hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants, luxury resorts etc.,)
in professions that are most softer, need soft skills

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