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+25 per cent brakis, only half of which ‘were air brakes. All of the equipment hhad. the European-type coupling and ‘bumpers, which meant that, 0 couple a car, you had to stand between them, lift up the link and ft it over the hook. ‘The actual operation procedure also produced its problems, Ta the eacly days of the 1. S. R. the Iranian stationmas- ter did not show the actual arrival and departure time of trains but reported those shown in the time table, because, ‘of course, it would never do to show a train late. ‘There was no inclination on the part of the Iranian workers to hurry and they could not understand the Amer~ ican’s insistence ona train leaving on time. Civilian trafic was under control of the Iranian stationmaster and tickets Were never sold until a train arrived and the conductor told him how many vacant seats he had, The line was operated on an absolute manual block system. Approaching the station the crew had to await a line clear signal given by a switchman, be- fore. proceeding into the station, ‘The conductor then reported to the operator, ‘who called the next station and asked for the line. “If no train had from that station, he got the lin gave the conductor a line-clear ticket the other operator not permitting a train fo'leave the next station until the ar- rival of the train to which he had given, the line. All this took a great deal of time, and the system was improved by the Americans as hereafter noted. 100 Miles in 16 Hours ‘The first trip I mide over one divi- on for the purpose a meting them and holding divine services was typical ¢fmany ofthe rns our men ade. We left one camp carrying a load of su plies, doubleheading over the mountait Reaching. the first station the train came to a complete stop and, because of the ‘operator's difficulty in’ getting a call through fo the next station we waited about. fifteen minutes before we. re- ceived a “line-clear” ticket and pro- ceeded. “Reaching the second stop we were informed that a train was coming down and that we were in the “hole so we had another wait, The next sec- tion of the line was a steep climb and twice we stalled, backed up a half mile or so and made another ran for’ it ily, getting low on water, the en- ‘gine unoupled and ‘made a run for ‘water, then returned to make another ‘effort at the hill. At last, after several attempts, every one in the crew and the ‘members of the chaplain’s party walked along the side of the track and threw dirt-on the rails so the engines could et traction, and thus we made the hill, it took us sixteen hours to make a little ‘more than a hundred miles ‘On my last trip over this same divi jon just before I returned to the states we made it in less than five hours. the intervening months operating met ‘ods had been generally improved. Tele- Phone dispatching had been installed ‘Absolute manual blocking was contin= Railway Age—Vol. 118, No. 6 — uued, but line-clear tickets were picked up on the fly. Sand houses for drying and screening sand had been built/and repairs had been made on the sanders, the track had been improved and many other details had been improved to make it possible to move cargo. A few weeks ‘ago I received word that a Liberty ship's lading had been delivered to the Ri sians in a single day at Teheran. When you move that many tons over a single- track railroad, doubleheading it most of the way, and with thicty-car trains, you are railroading. Fighting the Heat While these men were improving the ralroufs perirmunce, hy were also building “and. establishing their camps, fighting the heat, sund-fly fever and few other enemies including the ever: present saboteur, “Hot boxes could be traced to sand and gravel, brakes had a habit of becoming. jammed, tera got ete at ala cd, nl ieast one engine found its way through yard, serosa three switches and out Gn’ the’ main line where it was in the ‘an oncoming train,” Sabotage practically non-existent after the British security ofcers rounded up large number of Nazi sympathizers and ater the Tranian government de- tlared war on Germany. Tolks at home have plenty of ques- tions to ask a chaplain. ‘They want to Kove about the hesith of ou men about their morale and. what they are plans ning when they return, T can unbes {atingly ‘commend. our’ medical. forces for their service to soldiers overseas, Every effort is made to prevent disease anid treat it once it f contracted. The eneral health of out solders ts good ‘Commendation shod go also'to the oticer who ate looking afer the physi= fal interests of their men, and {0 the Service Forces who are geiting the ma- terial to them. They have had to overs ome almost insurmountable dificulties in getting supplies and equipment to out forces. “There is no doubt that our army is the best equipped and best cared for army in the world ‘The greatest help those on the home front ean be to men overseas is to back tp the war effort at home one hundred percent. When they have. done. this, they cat then write the Kind of liters wile will build morale, “Mail frm ime’ in te supe. sale bles Write newsy, encouraging Ieters Tel {he soldier the neighborhood gossip, tell him about the new baby across the street, about the kid brother ‘who is help out in the paper salvage drive, and about iow his dog whipped the dog’next door. Tittle items "about. the neighborhood make him fee that he is atil'a part of the family life at home ‘AS the weeks stretched into. months, 1 found the men coming to the chap. Jain’ more frequently 10. disciss per~ sonal problems. Every chaplain who has Served overseas has had similar expert tnees. Actually living with these’ men fives a minister a much closer contact with them. Contrary to the opinion of many people, T found that railroaders were as much or more religious than the average group. They attended di- vine services, liked to sing the old hyn, ad every may gave me bx cellent’ support and. cooperation, This was true of both officers and enlisted personnel. They will come back to America with greater appreciation of the spiritual aspect of things than they have ever had before, We held religious services wherever wwe could get men together, ‘The morn- ing we left the camp at Fort Wayne, Ind, the majority of the group assem” bled’ on the drill field and there asa light rain began to fall we held a prayer service. Another was held, at the re guest of the men, when we landed in Tran, Tn the course of our months t0- gether, services were held in mess halls, Darracks, on the hillside (in a. snow storm) and later in the new chapels which were eventually erected in each camp, As tes pla forthe fur, tens men are still railroaders. - Dog-eare copies of Railway Age and individual railroad publications are read and re- read in the “rec” halls. Every bit of railway news in the papers is discussed and sometimes cussed in the barracks and in the stations. Railroading is in their blood and they are coming back, expecting to stay in this work, The hhave been doing a pioneer job of ri roading, meeting problems and master ing thet. ‘They are coming back to the various fines in America better rail- roaders than they were when they left Railroading is in their blood, Some of it must be in mine by now for T geta yearning to get-out among railroaders, To the railroads and to. the families of these men their chaplain would like to say they have done-a real job and you have every reason to be proud of them, Ss ta ee oe tac MBE ws SER the simmer and bitterly cold during the + winter tronths. ‘At Nourabad the road reaches its highest point of 7,249 feet. “From Sul- tanabad ‘north the engineer and the Iranian brakeman, who always ride the last car, could play tag with each other. The road twists and turns, doubles back fon itself, plunges down one mountain ‘and then'up another. We had so many Funaways on this particular route that the crews were called “dive-hombers.” Learning the Road The fist month was spent in qualify- ing for the various jobs. ‘The soldiers fode the trains with the British and Franinn orena which had een operat ‘them. "While. the.trafamen were ESaleriing tenscnes sir the foe, other men were working twelve hours 2 day in the shops; trackmnen were walke ing every foot’ of the track} and the men who were t9 serve as sation opet= Map of the Iranian State Rallway ators were going through a period of schooling at’ Teheran under Lt. Walter T. Aye. ‘These station operators were to lead a lonely existence, since at most sta tions there would ever be more than three men, with only a chance every few weeks to visit one of the larger camps, With the cooperation of our own supply officer, the Special Service and the Red Cross, the chaplain was able to secure books, magazines, cards and athletic equipment to help them through the weary hours, At least twice a month, Sgt. Clarence J. Lenker, my assistant, who had been a brakeman for the P. R.R, accompanied me on a visit to these men. We would hook our caboose to any train and on the trip make 2 stop at each station to gos- sip a while with the men, conduct serv 28 igs and try to answer some of their personal problems One of the frst dificulties was that of getting acquainted with suficient Tran- fan terms to be able to deal with the Switchmen, station agents, brakemen and coolie laborers who were all Iranians and knew very few is surprising how well you can get along. with ‘appropriate gestures and a few words. "Telagi” means a meet at a sta- tion and “Inja" is here so. that the American by combining the two words twas able to convey to the switehmen The Author Captain Smith was born at Bf Ihomet, Ill, in 1897 and isa gradu ‘of William Jewell College. a Liberty, Mo, having later taken bis doctorate in theslogy. Following at tendance at the Army's School for Chaplains at Harvard, Captain Smith accompanied the 730th Railway Op- erating Battalion to Tran, retarning to the U. 5, Inst year to an assign iment in thé office of the Chief of Chaplains at Washington, D. C. Cap= tain Smith was awarded the Legion ‘of Merit for his eervice in Iran, his Citation reading ‘As the only Chaplain avaiable to f& large mumber of troops who were ‘operating more than 300 ‘miles of railway, with many isolated stations located in mountainous areas, Chap- Jain Smith was untiring in his min- to the spiritual welfare, of the without regard to tect oF creed By his untiring energy and devotion to duty, he made an important com tribution to the spirital life andthe morale of the troops with whom hhe worked, thereby reflecting great credit on himself and the military Chaplain Smith Conducts a Service in a Former Barracks. in a Wailway Camp ‘at Teheran the fact that the next trains would meet at the station and with a few gestures Could indicate which one. should. be placed on the siding. “Mush-Mush” is the Persian term for sleep and someone oon learned that using that term would convey the idea that the next train ‘would stop at the station, The difficulty of conversation led to a few misunderstandings. The erew of a train was told at one station by the switchmen, pointing in the general di- rection of the next station, "Susan she kissed.” ‘They were anxious to see the girl named ‘Susan who kissed. but dis Covered that the words were the. Per Sian equivalent’ for “broken switch.” While our men were picking up some Persian, the Iranians and especially the small boys, who swarmed about ever camp, were learning American slang. Ina couple of weeks they were using what is tially referred to as “railroad language. Operating Difficulties Another set of problems grew out of the equipment with whieh the men had to work. The track is light, using a 75th. rail and with 17 ties to the 41S rail The engines with which we were working at first were British for the most part, with both engineer and fre~ ‘man compelled to stand, the engineer on the left side of the eab. None of the fengines was equipped with headlights, land itis no cinch to come down a moun’ tain at night, with a cargo of ammuni= tion and no lights. There were no Amer fcantype sanders and what Tittle sand they did have was hardly worthy of the tame. We were operating at frst with Raihway Age—February 10, 1945 UNITS TO BE ACTIVATED 4 5 6 7 1/0eE Authorized Strength Unit history to bd Final a e a boc d which entitled location Status No Date Changes Off WO EM Agg _w/Inactivation date Hq & Hq Co, 706th Transportation Philadelphia, Pa A 55-202 18 Mar 44 1,2 26 0 56 82 06th Ry Ghand Div Ry Grand Div (15 Feb $5) Ti7th Transportation Ry Pittsburgh, Pa B 55-225 10 Sep 45 None 26 1 91 T1Ith Ry Operating Operating Bn Transpor tation Corr (12 Dee 45) ‘724th Transportation Ry Philadelphia, Pa 55-225 10 Sep 45 -None 26 ‘Tauth Ry Operating En, Operating Bn Transportation Corp: (28 Jan 46) 730th Transportation Ry Indianapolis, Ind 55-225 10 Sep 45 ‘720th Ry Operating Br Operating Bn (20 Oct 45) ‘756th Transportation Fy Altoona, Pa 55-235 4 Oct 43 ‘756th Ry Shop En, Shop Bn (Steam) Transportation Corp: (25 Dee 45) | closure 1 to Ltr, AGAO-I 322 Org Res (19 Mar 48) GNGCT-U, «25 arch 1948 DEPARTGUT OF TEE AR ‘The Adjutant Gencral's Office Washington 25, D.C. AGLO-I 322 Org Res (2 dun 48) scott “14 June 1948 OT: Reorgeniantion of OR0 Transportation Corps Units Reference: Letter, this office, AGAO-I 322 ORG (3 Jun 43) OsGoT-H, 8 June 1948, subject: "Procedure for Activetion and Orzen- ization of Organized aescrve Units." Authorized Strength Unite Toes, ore WOE Transvortation Railway 55-225 (cach) Operating Battalions: 10 Sep 45 Includes Colns 10 and 21 2 1 840 , 1 and 12 30 1 1028 i1- 55-235 27 708 4 Oct 43 v/21,2,3 Inclutes Dicsel-elcctric Flat) 3. a, Adéitionel personnel, if required, will be provided fron sources available to you in accor‘ance vith the provisions of Section VI of Inclosure 3 to lettor, Hoadquartcrs, Army Ground Poreos 326/215 (6 Juno 1946) GOI-11, 6 June 1946, subject, "Training and Aduinistration of the Civilian Conponents,"as anended. ~ bd. Fersennel rendered surplus will be reassigned by you, 4, Equipment will be requisitioned in accordance with tho provisions of Circular Yo. 61, War Separtuent, 1947, as mended. 5. Obligate funds to the extent necessary fron Organized Reserve allocations availeble to your headquarters. DEPARTMENT OF THE At The Adjutant G Washington 24 Way 1948 es (12 May 48) OxGO?- AGAO-I 322 Or Activation of Units of the Organized Reserves 0: Commanding General nd arny guthorize off 0 in D 4 730th Transportation 4 2% 1 we 816 Ry Operating Bn NER OF THE SEC “Hd jutant General Copies furnished: Chief, arcy Fiold Forces Directors of Organization and Training, GS Perscnnel and Administratien, GS Chief, Historicsl Division (3 ecpies) Quartermaster General (Attn: Heraldic Section) (3 copies) es (19 Mar 48) GNGCT-M, clumns 4 and 6 for the DEPARTMENT OF THE ARNY The Adjutant General's Office "ashington 25, D. C. AGAO-I 322 Org Res (19 liar 48) GNGCT-M 25 March 1948 SULJECT: Activation of Units of the Organized Reserves TO: Conmanding General Second Army 1. Reforence: Letter, Headquarters, Arny Ground Forces, 326/215 (6 Jun 46) GNGCT-11, 6 June 1946, subject: "Training and Administration of the Civilian Components", as amended. is © Organized iteserves. 3. The following units are redesignated as indicated: | Fresent_Designstion Now Designation “ig 4 ig Co, 706th Ry Grand Div Hg & Hig Co, 706th Transportation Ry Grand’ Div 5 ‘724th Transportation Ry Operating Bn 730th Transportation Ry Operating Bn 756th Transportation Ry Shop Bn 4, The units listed in the attsched inclosure are désigned to the Second Army and will be activated as Class C units snd organized by the Conmanding General thereof, as indicated at the earliest practicable date. a, These units will bo affiliated with thé Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 5. The units listed in Column 2 of the inclosure are entitled to the history of the units listed in Cclumn.7, mhich were inactivated on the dates shown. 6. Personnel will be provided from sources available to you in aceord- ance with the provisions of Section VI of Inclosure 3 to reference letter. zr 2 5 Yo3uth Signal Operating Eastern Signal Corps Fort Monnouth Company Training Conter, Fort Monnouth, New Jersey Yo30th Signal Service Company . i" 3aglth Signal Photographic Pro- Signal Corps Photo- Signal Corps Photo~ duction Detachment graphic Centor,long graphic Conter Island City, New York 3228th Signal Photographic Pro~ duction Detachnent 0334 Signal Multi-Channel Radic ASFTC, Camp Crowder, Scventh Service Teletypo Detachment Missouri Commend ua ‘3728 Trenspor tation Corps ASP2C, Cagp Gordon Fourth Service Hertor Craft Company Johnson, Florida + Command silloth Port Company ” Boston Port of Zo- Boston Pert of Bo Transportation Coxpe Yarkation, Boston arkcation 10, Massachusetts *13lth Port Company, ASFTC, Camp Plauche | New Orleans Port Transportation Corps Touisiena of Bate ration “Wisth Pert Company, Transportation, " " Corps ee ea ee si)igth Port Conpany, Transportation " " compe oe Wegre enlisted porsonnel Page 9. Incl 1 PESTPICTED NISTOWCAL OLVISI OSHIS C95 hr. Jesse 2, carr 709 Eatery Place Chattarccge, Tennessze Dear kr. Carr: This is in reply to your letter of 27 Jecerbor 192 requesting inforuation on t on. The Battalion ras constituted as en Organized Reserve unit, designated the 4924 ingineer Battalion (Railway), and allotted to the Third Service Cormend on 12 Octeber 1921. It was organized in Karch of the following year, and becane an affiliate of the Fernsylvenia Railroad in Febreary 1923. fedestgnation as the 730th Engineer Battalion, Aailnay Cperating, was effective 21 February 1941, ani activation cane 15 kay 1942, after officer personnel had received approxinately 30 days training at Fort Leonard food, bisscuri. Activation nas at Fort Nayne, Indiana, with cadre furnished by the Tilth Bngineer Battalion (Railway Operating), and comand of the 730th wes given to Lieutenant Colonel John J. Clutz. It was assigned to the V Corps Area and attached to the Second Amy. Three inportsnt events occurred ir the history of the Battalion during the period between activation and shiprent overseas. Three track maintenance platoons were activated at Caup Claitourne, Louisiana, for attachment to the 730th; Kilitary Railway Service was transferred from the Corps of Engineers to Transportation Corps which thereby changed the designation to the 730th Railway Opefating Battalion, and the urtt distinguished Lteolf tn ite operation of the strike-toud Fairport, Painesville and Eastern Railroad. The Battalion and its three attached platoons boarded the Ile de Enance 7 December 1942 at the San Francisco Port of mbarkation, and arrived at Khorranshahr, Iran, 26 January 1943. Plans were set into notion to establish camps between this point and Teheran, and the unit progeeded to fulfill its mission of operating the Iranian railroads until mid-1945, It was ordered back to the United States, arriving at the Boston Port of Subarketion 23 July 1945. Inactivation took place 20 October 1945 at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas. The Battalion was reaffiliated with the Pennsylvania Railroad 30 July 1947, and the following March it was ignated as the 730th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion, assigned to the Second Army, and reactivated in the Organized Reserves at Indianapclis, Indiena. Sincerely, E. k, HARRIS Lt. Colonel, G.3.c. Executive Officer World war IZ idle Eastern without inseription Indiana Coaverted and redesignated 16 Noverber 1942 as the 730th Railway Operating Battalion, Transportation Corps Inactivated 20 October 1945 at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas Redesignated 25 March 1948 as the 730th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion, allotted to the Organized Reserve Corps, assigned to the Second Army and affiliated with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company Activated 31 March 1948 at Indianapolis, Indiana Relieved 1 January 1949 from assignment to the Second Army and assigned to the Fifth Army Location changed 1 March 1950 to Philadelphia, .Pennsylvania; concurrently relieved from assignment to the Firth Army and assigned to the Second Army Inactivated 1 December 1950 (Organized Reserve Corps redesignated 9 July 1952 as the Army Reserve) Redesignated 6 Novenber 1952 as the 730th Transportation Battalion, affiliated with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and assigned to the Second Arny Activated 5 December 1952 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania organic elements inactivated 4 June 1954 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Comany ¢ activated 11 October 1956 st Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Company C inactivated 1 May 1959 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — i ____ TRACK MAINTENANCE PLATOON, COMPANY A, 7th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION, TRANSPORTATION coRPS Redesignated: 778th TRANSPORTATION CORPS TRACK MAINTENANCE PLATOON 5 Apr 1945 70th RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION, TRANSPORTATION OORPS Redesignated: 730th TRANSPORTATION RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 25 Mar 1948 Redesignated: 730th TRANSPORTATION BATTALION Ltr 6 Nov 1952 Medical Detachment: Disbanded - Ltr 6 Nov 1952 7324 RATINAY OFSRATING BATTALION, TRANSPORTATION CORPS Redesignated from: 732d ENGINEER RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 1 December 1942 Redesignated: 329th TRANSPORTATION RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 25 July 1947 DELETED: AGO Ltr, 17 September 1947 Relsmcguabed 722 Raduer Oates kan,” Taam” trpo ‘kth RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION, TRANSPORTATION CORPS Redesignated? 322d TRANSPORTATION RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION 16 Jul 1947 al/Tax Analysts/US@TAX To Tim Moriarty/TA Staff/Inter Hules 11/03/2010 11:01 PM & bee Subject Re: 730th ROB *On November 6, 1942 a dispute between two labor unions over which one of them should represent all FP&E employees resulted in a work stoppage that shut down the railroad (at the time, the UMW—United Mine Workers— represented the FP&E's maintenance employees, while the BREF— Brotherhood of Railroad Engineers and Firemen—represented the FP&E's operating employees). Since the FP&E served 13 ‘defense plants,' the federal government stepped in and sent US Army troops (the 730th Engineer Railway Operating Battalion) to Painesville that night to operate the railroad until the two unions were forced to come to an agreement by the War Labor Board a few days later (the agreement maintained the status quo) ‘Army Railroaders as Seen by a Chaplain ‘They showed great ingenuity in Iran in making a “toy railroad” deliver a lot of freight—How the folks back home can help them THE pomp and ceremony which at- tended the laying of the final rail in the Iranian State Railway near Sultana bad, Tran, in 1938, attracted litle atten- tion at the time on the part of American railroaders, who did not know then what 4 headache this line would become: for ome of them in less than five years. Early in 1943 several U, S. Army Trans- portation Corps railway battalions took ver responsibility for the operation of this railway, to assure that it would de~ liver to Russia the American supplies it needed go desperately to turn back the Nazi attack. These supplies were deliv- fered and the result was that the Nazi hordes. were turned to their undoing ; fand American railroaders in Tran fan effective link in the process. which produced this result. What had seemed Tike @ toy railroad to these Americans when they first viewed it, taxed all of their ability and knowledge but they made it produce, Sole Chaplain in 500 Miles For almost a year the writer was the ‘only chaplain assigned along five hun- ‘red miles of the Iranian railway. This assignment took me into every railway ‘amp and into contact with the various allway battalions-—siop and operating Since 1 was assigned to the 730th Rail- ‘way Operating Battalion while it_was Sil in training in the homeland Tam more familiar with its experiences than With those of other units, Railway Age readers know that a railway operating battalion is a unit of the Transportation Corps" Military Railway Service which is trained to take over and operate a tion of railroad—frequently much ger than an American division. ‘The commanding officer of the battalion cor Railway Age—Vol. 118, No. 6 eee By CHAPLAIN S. E. SMITH responds to the division superintendent and under him are officers and men to fill every job—trackmen, shopmen, op- erators, dispatchers, and trainmen.’ The 70th in Tran even pioneered in provid ing a “greasy spoon” high in the moun- tains of Tran, where the train crews could stop for'a hot eap of coffee and a bite to eat. ‘This one was under the supervision of Capt. Paul F. Bikle, known as “Pappy” to officers and ment alike along the 1. S. R. The 730th was activated in 1942, its officer personnel being sponsored Ly’ the Pennsylvania Railroad which, also pro- vided "some of its enlisted “personnel. From various induction camps, other ‘men with railway experience were added to it and by the time i became a part of the Military Railway Service of the ‘Command almost ‘every railroad in America was represented in its personnel, Lt. Col. John J. C was commanding officer; Major’ Albert L. Hunt, executive officer, and Capt. Fierbert M. Curtiss, adjutant, The com- wanded by Captains ry Kahin, Thomas Shei idan and George Baylor. Tn addition to the strenuous basic training which all of our soldiers u ddergo, the railway battalions also are given’ an intensive period of practical Failroad taining. For this instruetion the Pennsylvania made facilities avail able on its Grand Rapids Division and at Fort Wayne, Ind, shops. Here the Soldiers worked by the side of Pennsy employees. The camp itself was neat the railroad and was composed of ba racks of the "Theater of Operation” construction type. th”, the Chaplain's Caboose on the Iranian State Railway ‘The single-track Iranian State Rail- road extends from Bandar Shahpur ("Port of the Shah's Son”) on the Per- ‘gslf to Bandar Shah (“Port of the Shah) on the Caspian sea. Our soldiers hhave been transporting supplies from the Gulf to Teheran, the capital city, where delivery is made to the Russians, ‘The southern part of the line crosses the Khuzestan desert on an embankment about fifteen feet high until it reaches Ahwaz and then it continues across the desert floor to Andimeschk, near. the foothills, Here, during half of the year, the heat is intense. On a trip to the camp at Ahwaz last August, we stopped fata stall station, where the thermome- ter on the shady side of the station reg- istered 140 deg. ‘The “Subway Division” When the line leaves the desert it begins climbing the mountains. In less than 150 miles there are 133 tunnels, Which accounts for the fact that this part of the road was known as the “Sub- Way division.” ‘This part of the road Chaplain Smith I Penker, "Prepa: Cai was not operated by the 730th*; although Some of our men were assigned t0 the tunit which took over this dificult task Diesel locomotives are now being used haere, but at the time the American s diers began operating this division they were using steam engines with open cabs. ‘They were intensely hot duri ‘Security equations do aot permit Hn a 7 ¢ HEADQUARTERS, DEPARIMENT OF TH. ARMY Office of The Adjutant General Washington 25, D. C. March 1959 AGAO-0 (1M) 322 (28 Feb 59) RES 2 SUBJECT: Change in Status of Certain Units of the Army Reserve Commanding General Second United States Army t of the Army, and 1, qGhe affiliation agreements between Headquarters, Department tne organizations Listed below for Joint sponsorship of the folloving units were terminated, effective 20 March 1959: Unit Sponsor 318th BPO United States Post office Hig & Hq Co, 315th Engr Gp (Const) Keystone Building Contractors Association (Pennsylvania Builders Chepter, AGC) U. 8. Department of the Interior 3324 Engr Det (‘Topo In) Geological Survey 48kth Engr Det (Firefighting) City of Lynchburg, Va- 275th Ord Co (Sup Dep) Sears, Roebuck and Company Hq & Hg Co, 337th Trans Gp {mx} District of Columbia Trucking Assoc, Inc. Hg & Hq Co, 43kth Trans Ba (Tr District of Coluubia Trucking Assoc, Inc. 687th Trans Co (Lt Trk) District of Columbie Trucking Assoc, Inc. Hq & Hq Co, 358th Trans Gp (‘Trk) Maryland Motor Truck Assoc, Inc. 1021st Trans Co (Med ‘Trk) Maryland Motor Truck Assoc, Inc. Sagem Eran Oo (ved me) W. T. Cowan, Inc., Baltimore, Md. 30th Trans ‘The Pennsylvania Railroad Company eee a eg ‘The Pennsylvania Railroad Company aate;® % Te folowing unite will be inactivated at the earliest practicable Unit Iocation 318th BPO (‘Type P) Washington, D. c. Hq & Ha Co, 315th Engr Gp (Const) Harrisburg, Pa. 332d Engr Det (Topo In) Ft Myer, Va. **iBlith Engr Det (Firefighting) Iynchburg, Va 275th Ord Co (Sup Dep) Philadelphia, Pa. Hq & Hq Co, 337th Trans Gp (‘Trk| Washington, D. C. Hq & Ha Co, 358th Trans Gp (‘Trk: Baltimore, Mi. **Hig & Hq Co, 43kth Trans Bo (Trk) Washington, D. C. **649th Trans Co (Med Trk)(Cgo) Baltimore, MA. ES Co (Lt Tek) Rockville, MA. iq & Hg Co & Co C, Philadelphia, Pa. ae Sojctee Skee Bie eo ‘Trans Bn (Ry Shop. Philadelphia, Pa. 1Welst Trans Co (Ned rk)(Ceo) Baltimore, Mo ** Units formerly assigned to “Ready Reserve STRAF" force — DoRARTIGNT CF THE AY Office of The Adjutant General Acmy Res 19 September 1955 the Army Reserve SUBINCT: ctivation of Unit TO: Commanding Generel Second Army 1, a, The following unit wiltibelaetivated ani orgenized 2s indicated, at the eerliest practicable date: PSN Unit Location Asg 25596 Go ©, otaetaama Eas F5=2258, 55 Philadelphia, Pa Second Army (Ry se. Electric) b. The authorized strength is full officer and reduced enlisted. 2. When the action directed herein has been accomplished, copies of the orders will be furnished this office in accordance with AR 310-110B. By Order of Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army: Copies furnished: SY wkd Pym Commanding General Continental Army Command Chief, Army Reserve and ROTC Affairs (RB: SN 4369) P ‘DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office of The Adjutant General Washington 25, D. C. AGAO-T (it) 322 Army Ros 6 May 195 (8 ape 5h) 65 SUBJECT: Inactivation of Units of the Army Reserve To: Commanding General Second Arny 1, The following units will be inactivated at the earliest practicable date: Ha & Hq Btry, Btry A, B, C, 482d AAA Bn (100th Inf Div) Sve Co, Ev Mortar Co, 399th Inf (100th Inf Div) Co C, 1st Bn, 399th Inf (100th In? Div) Hq & Hq Co, CoB, F, G&H, 24 Ba, 399th Tot (100th In? D1y) Co K, 54 Bn, 399th Inf (100th Inf Div) Co F, G, 24 Bn, 397th Inf (100th Inf Div) Co B. 365th Enar Avn Bn Hig, Hq & Sve Co, Co A, B& C, 364th Engr Avn Bn co'B, 825th Engr Avn Bn Co B, C, 3734 FA 8n (100th Inf Div) Medical Co, 397th Inf (100th Inf Div) 306th Gen Hosp (Incl Det 1) Co B, F, G, 319th Inf (80th Inf Div) Hy Morter Co, 319th Inf (80th Inf Div) Co B, C, 460th Inf Bn CoB, C, Medical Det, 8534 Engr Avn Bn Det 1, 305th Gen Hosp 9434 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squad Medical Co, 313th Inf (79th Inf Div) Co K, 515th Inf (79th Inf Div) Btry A, 311th FA Bn (79th Inf Div) 388th Ord Co ‘Ts5th QM Co » Btry B, C, Svc Btry, 312th FA Bn (79th Inf Div) \yoth Strat Intel Det Medical Co, 515th Inf (79th Inf Div) Co B, F, G, H, 24 Bn, 315th Inf (79th Inf Div) Co A, Ti9th Ora Bn (79th Inf Div) 485th Trans Co 613th Trans Co - Co A, B, C, * (Co Ay 3B Gy Webtn re Ba ma Co L, M, 34 Bn, 313th Inf (79th Inf Div) ‘Tk Co, 313th Inf (79th Inf Div) Co I, 3a Bn, 313th Inf (79th Inf Div) Btry C, 311th FA Bn (79th Inf Div) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY \cfico of The Adjutant General Washington 25, D. C. ‘AGAO-I (M) 322 Ong Res 6 Noveriber 1952 (ab oot 52)05 SUBJECT: Discontinuance and Activation of Amy Reserve (ORC) Units TO: Commanding General Second Arny 3. Concurrently with the above action, tho following unit will be acti- vated and organized as indicated: Designation and Afftliation Tocotion «S/o Asotgmmont © Status 95-2258, Socond Amy Early Rendy 21 Feb 52 Force 4, ‘Tho mintnun strength requirements of the above unit 1s as outlined in paragraph 21e, AR 140-305. Tho authorized strongth of tho unit will bo the maxfnum percentage of table of organization and cquipuont strength author- 4n0a by paragraph 21a (2), AR 140-305, and the current Army Reserve (CRC) Troop Program (Part II, Section IV). 5. The affiliation agreement will be anended 1n accordance with SR 140-320-1, 6, When the action directed herein has been accomplished, copies of the orders will be furnished this office in accordance with paragraph 16, SR 310-110-1, Be CEDER OF THE eIRHMEARY OF THR ATE Copies furnished: 7.4 amore los Ae (RE: 10-20/1196) Adjutant Chief of Arny Field Forces Que ot fry Pld fo Uo DEARTLENT OF THE AR Office of The Adjutant General Washington 25, D. C. {OAO-T 322 Org Ke: wages (6 eb 51)o3-8 TO: Conmanding General Second Arny of Te epertation Letter, this office, AGAO-I 322 730th Railvay Operating Bn (18 Oct 50) G3+k, 10 Novertber 1950, subject as above, is amended ty deleting psragraphs 1 and 2 and substituting the folloring trerefor: "1, vated at the 2 Adjutant Gen Copies furnished: Chief of Army Field Forees Assistont Chief of Steff, G-3 Chief of Military History The Quarternester General dG 10 Noverber 1950 General rny Chief of Traneporte* ton The affili Avanis 2 we botwoen the Departeent of the ia hy Po nia, for t 2, Due to tor Generel, Second ar. unit ot the on wnt, the Coumanding Potivate the above will take the necessary ection to cat practicable date, 3. Goncurrently with inactivetion, the unit is trensferred to the control of the Dopertuent of the ann, 13 of the inactiveted Officer, Kenses City K 1, Hissouri, Attontion: Ficld Records Division, in accordance with provisions of SR 345~920-1, 15 March 1949, as anendcd. it will Le disposcd of by shipzent cords Center, 601 Hardesty Avonuc, 5. Perse current procedures. dered surplus #i1l be disposed of in accordance with 6. Bquipmont rendered execs will be disposed of in recordanee with current procedures. 7, Obligete funds to the extent aces: allocebions aveiloble to your hedquarters. wgnniged Reserve 8, When the action dirceted hercin has becn rccomplis! indicating the date end stetion thergof will he subaitted to t Attention: iG: the Assistant cH! Field Forces. , reports is office, BY ORUEE OF THE Si Copics furnished: Chicf of ray Ficld Forces esgistent Caiuf of Staff, 63 “ (Re: Lo-27/1703) Chict of Hititary History The Querteraaster General DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Adjutant General's Office Washington 25, D. C. MIAO-I 322 Org Res 6 February 1950 (5 oct kg) cscor-m SUB. T: Transfor and Reassignment of the 730th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion 3 Commanding Generals Second Arny Fifth Arny a. Upon transfer, the unit is relieved fron assignment to the Fifth Army and is assigned to the Second Army, d. The final status and authorized strength of the unit remin unchanged, c. The Commanding General, Fifth Arny will transfer records of individual reservists of the 730th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion residing in the Fifth Army Area to the Senior Army Instructor, Eastern Pennsylvania Military District. 2, Direct communication between the Commanding General, Second Army and Commanding General, Fifth Army for the accomplishnent of this transfer is authorized. 3. Obligate funds to the extent necessary from Organized Reserve alloca- tions available to your headquarters. 4, When the actions directed herein have been accomplished, reports indicating the date and etation thereof will be submitted to this office, Attention: AGAO-I; the Director of Organization and Training, GSUSA, Attention: Reserve Components Branch and the Chief of Transportation. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: fp JP ope Copies furnishe At aad Advan Chief, Army Field Forces / jeajatent General Directors of / ‘Organization and Training, GSUSA (Rez SN 321) Personnel and Aéministration, GSUSA Chicf, Historical Division, ssusA The Quartermster General (Attn: Heraldic Branch)

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