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Hand mudras are an effective way of treatment which works according to

Ayurveda principles. According to Ayurveda, our body is made with five elements
Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space. According to the combination, our body gets a
constitution Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Hand mudras are useful to manipulate these
constitutions. According to Ayurveda, all the diseases are caused due to an
imbalance in these doshas or constitutions. Through hand mudras, you can increase,
decrease or balances any doshas or constitutions.

Other names of Prana mudra
1.Pran Mudra.
2.Kapha Karak Mudra.
3.Pitta-nashak Mudra.
Mudras works according to the principles of Ayurveda. Prana mudra is very
useful to increase Kapha humor and decrease Pitta humor.

How to perform prana mudra:

Joining the tips of the ring finger, little finger and thumb finger will form
prana mudra. Prana mudra is also known as Pitta-naashak or Kapha-kaarak

Impact of Prana mudra on health:

Prana mudra increases Kapha humor, Kapha mudra plays a vital role in
vitality, strength, and immunity.Prana mudra decreases Pitta humor. Pitta
humor has a direct impact on bodily temperature.

Benefits and healing properties of Prana mudra:

Prana mudra is very useful in the treatments;

Chronic fatigue
General debility
Low endurance
Impaired immunity
Mental tension
Usual sense of time urgency
Intolerance of heat
Stress, and noise
Ailments which get worse in summer
Hyperthyroidism (weight loss despite having good appetite)
Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with it is)
Sleeplessness; light disturbed sleep
High blood pressure
Atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing of arteries)
Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach
Aphthous ulcers
Ulcerative colitis,Loose
Bloody stools
Scanty, burning urination
Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration
Excessive, painful menses
Red-hot joints
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Instability of joints
Burning, red, dry eyes; cataract
Dry, red, hot, aging, skin; skin-rashes
Dry, sparse, gray hair,

Premature aging,
disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements within the

Duration for prana mudra

Thirty to Forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get a good
result.You can practice it at any time or any position but in the morning
hours is the best time and you may take breaks in between the forty-five
minutes practice.
It is better that If you practice Vata nashak mudra combined with this

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