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By BillPalmer

New Jersey residents

like to think of themselves
as a really tough bunch.
Im from Jersey, were
so proud to say.
We survived the massive devastation of Superstorm Sandy because, as
our signs and bumper
stickers all boast, were
Jersey Strong.

We pay the highest taxes in the country

and have the most thoroughly corrupt and larcenous politicians to thank for it. Listed in the
top 10 most corrupt states according to the U.S.
Justice Department, it seems that two new
criminals are elected as soon as the last one is
New Jersey has the highest property taxes
nationwide, the highest personal income tax,
the highest car insurance rates, the 2nd highest
sales tax, taxes on social security, retirement
income, and the countrys one and only death
tax. Flee to another state, and you are charged
an Exit Tax before you can leave. New
Jersey even taxes some food.
Sky high federal, state, and local regulatory fees on everything from cable TV, to electricity, to Internet services and telephones only
rub more salt into the wound.
Were a Democratically controlled welfare state with sanctuary cities just begging for
more poor and destitute illegal immigrants to
care for. And with Democrats offering free
college tuition, free healthcare, housing subsidies, a monthly welfare check, free Obama
phones, instant voting rights, food stamps, and
drivers licenses to people who cant even read
a stop sign, there should be no surprise that
New Jersey has just been rated the No. 1 destination choice of Americas third world illegal
invasion by the Pew Research Center.
According to The Federation for American
Immigration Reform, the cost of illegal immigration just to New Jersey residents alone is a
staggering $3.48 billion annually - sucking
even more tax money from your paycheck.
Already the nations most densely populated
state, New Jersey Democrats want even more
of Obamas penniless Syrian refugees - deadly
Islamic terrorists and all.
For those of us working an 8-10 hour day,
government demands 50% or more of everything we earn - no doubt a contributor to New
Jerseys first place in home foreclosures. Our
crushing tax burden makes New Jersey one of
the worst states to retire, and a near impossibility for many on fixed income - this according to
a recent study by Bankrate.
New Jersey ranks No. 1 for the worst
business climate in the entire country according
to the Tax Foundation - inflicting massive overregulation, abusive labor laws, overreaching
environmental controls, high corporate and
business taxes, excessive fees, and punitive
fines against anyone struggling to succeed.

Facing Murderers, Thieves, Rapists, Home

Invaders, Carjackers, and Muslim Terrorists
With a Cell Phone and a Prayer
To no surprise, New Jersey holds the
nations highest vacancy rate for commercial
office space of 21%.
Indeed, life is hard here in the Garden
State - at least for those of us left to pay the
bills. And it is getting even worse!
Aside from the high economic burden,
there is far more about New Jersey to bestow
upon us top billing for ridicule by talk show
hosts and comics everywhere. Whether its one
Senator using a campaign donors private jet
for overseas hooker sex junkets with underage
children, the continued search for Jimmy Hoffa
under Giants Stadium, or the rump wrangling
revelations of our closeted gay governor, New
Jersey just seems to invite new shame and
humiliation upon itself.
We have some of the worst roads in the
nation, and such reckless, dangerous drivers
that the state prohibits us from making a left
hand turn. In fact, state authorities consider
New Jersey drivers too careless and incompetent to even pump their own gas. Maybe thats
why we have to pay an outbound toll to cross
into other states.
New Jersey is the only place in the entire
world to charge a $10 tax just to walk on its
public beaches. But government officials prefer to call that tax a fee.
Though an embarrassment to many residents, The Sopranos and Jersey Shore were
actually not that far off the mark. Indeed, New
Jersey is so corrupt that it filled an entire book
entitled, The Soprano State: New Jersey's
Culture of Corruption.
New Jersey has two of the nations most
politically corrupt and deadly drug and crime
infested black cities - Camden and Newark.
Not only are you more likely to be killed in our
inner cities than in war torn Iraq or Afghanistan
during battle, but Newark, our largest city, has
the distinction of having been formally voted in
a Conde Nast Traveler Magazine poll as The
Most Unfriendly City In The Entire World.
But they will take your tax money with a smile.
In addition to the exceptionally sad national statistic that food stamp recipients have
now officially exceeded the number of full time
working Americans, Newark tops that list with
the highest welfare ranking nationwide. And
although one would expect Newark politicians
to encourage new business, enterprise, and jobs
to help its struggling residents, it instead levies
its own punitive tax against anyone doing business there.
New Jerseys deteriorating economy has
actually doubled the number of food stamp
recipients in just the last 4 years to 876,323, or
about 1 out of 10 state residents - a number that
continues to climb.
But amazingly, even free food doesnt
placate those expecting everything for free.
Newarks latest Shop Rite, its cost subsidized
with your state and federal tax dollars, has
designed into it built-in jail cells to house those
for whom free food is still not enough.

August 17, 2009

We have a heroin epidemic in our high
schools; with young people seeing no hope or
future in their lives. Leading the entire country
with 116 EPA defined Superfund toxic waste
dump sites, its no wonder New Jersey holds the
horrific title of Cancer Alley. But we prefer
to be known as The Garden State.
Yet, the huge financial burden of living in
New Jersey is far secondary for those residents
whose life is forever destroyed by the violent
crime which occurs here every 21 minutes.
Unlike most states, New Jersey strictly
prohibits self defense. You are permitted to
scream your head off, beg for your life, run
away if you can, hide, hand over your car, flee
your home from invaders, dial 911 in the hope
that police will arrive in time, or become a
crime statistic - but not to defend yourself.
Just last year, police failed to protect over
214,000 New Jersey crime victims. Even if
they did make it to their cell phone, the 12
minute average wait for police to arrive just
wasnt fast enough. And rarely is.
Face it: For every New Jersey violent
crime victim - the nearest cop never even heard
their panicked screams.
Unfortunately to the many thousands of
new violent crime victims every year, the State
of New Jersey has no 2nd Amendment - The
Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Nor does New
Jersey recognize the 2nd Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution, nor follow the legal decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, nor even
honor the most basic human right to self-defense. New Jersey politicians hold such rights,
guaranteed to you, in full and utter contempt!
Firearms ownership, which is permitted
for target shooting only, ranges from being
strictly controlled, to being de facto banned in
most black and Hispanic areas - and ironically
to those victims most in need of such protection.
Obtaining a firearm purchase permit can
take up to 3 months or more - a fact that cost
Berlin, NJ stabbing victim Carol Brown her
life. Yet in reality, New Jerseys other prohibitive gun laws would have prevented her from
using a firearm to defend herself. New Jersey
protected her murderer while allowing her no
other choice but to die violently.
Permits are issued for target shooting only,
and permits to carry a gun for personal protection are absolutely prohibited to the public even if your life has been threatened, or someone has attempted to kill you. Courts have only
rubber stamped the states ban.
New Jersey gun laws are severely restrictive and excessively punitive. A harmless Boy
Scout type BB gun requires a police permit,
without which one faces a 10 year prison sentence if caught. Even slingshots are verboten.
Stopping to buy gas, pay a toll, change a flat, or
even use a bathroom on the way to or from a
target shooting range is strictly prohibited by
state law, with again massive penalties and jail
time if caught.

Individuals have been arrested for copycatting a You Tube video and launching potatoes from beer cans - raising calls by
Democrats some years ago for the need to ban
dangerous spudguns.
Police are formally trained to automatically arrest anyone in possession of a firearm in
their car regardless of state issued permits. An
NRA sticker or any gun related decal is almost
guaranteed to provoke police demands to illegally search your vehicle during any revenue
generating roadblock or traffic stop.
Raising your voice in an argument with
your spouse or child is sufficient cause to call
in a machine gun equipped police SWAT team
to not only smash down your front door and
arrest you, but to seize any firearms you may
legally own. Such actions are mandated by law.
Using a firearm to legally defend yourself,
even in your own home, typically results in a
criminal charge - with police and prosecutors
being often more aggressive at going after the
traumatized homeowner rather than their violent career criminal attacker.
With New Jersey being the direct opposite
to Ohio, Florida, Texas, and almost every other
state, shooting a violent attacker who just repeatedly stabbed you in your own living room
can result in a felony charge against you due
your unreasonable use of force. As many
lawful New Jersey gun owners have unfortunately learned, their own state legal system can
be more of a threat than its violent criminals.
In contrast, law abiding, trained, and licensed citizens can carry a firearm for their
own protection in most states, where they stop
an estimated 2.5 million crimes annually. But
not in New Jersey, where your legislators
greatly favor the rights of career criminals over
the safety of you and your family.
In most states, criminals have to consider
that their intended victim may be armed and
capable of defending themselves. But in New
Jersey, every resident has been deliberately
made vulnerable to criminal attack; guaranteeing violent predators totally helpless and easy

Well, actually not everyone as it turns out.

Some quiet and unpublicized behind the scene
inside lobbying and cash infused political negotiations some years ago enabled all retired police to carry firearms to protect themselves and
their loved ones. That is because to your legislators and the State of New Jersey:
Certainly not yours! Although no longer
on the front lines they once were, police very
well know the violent threat present to anyone
the minute they open their front door, drive to
the store, or even take the garbage out at night.
New Jersey legislators have proven they value

a retired cops life, and the safety of their family as far more important than yours.
Recently, Republicans quietly introduced
special legislation to exempt all New Jersey
legislators and judges from their own prohibitive gun laws - just as they did for their police
buddies. Just further evidence to the absolute
contempt our politicians hold for the people of
New Jersey. Simply stated, your life means
nothing to the politicians you vote for!
With already the nations strictest regulations against lawful firearms ownership, New
Jersey Democrats continue to pursue their rabid
obsession toward total firearms prohibition.
Democrats have attempted to ban big guns
because they are too big, small guns because
they are too small, some guns because they just
look scary, and others given any available opportunity.
Recent years have seen Democratic sponsored total handgun bans, bullet bans, and magazine bans - all against lawful and peaceful
citizens who simply do not commit crimes.
And understand this - New Jersey Democrats
have not proposed restrictions against the criminal misuse of firearms. Their Gun Control
agenda, as it is misappropriately termed, involves total outright firearms and bullet bans
prohibiting your lawful and peaceful ownership. More than 50 different forms of gun bans
and restrictions in just the last few years alone.
Gleefully cheering each gun related tragedy and criminal act in furthering their gun ban
agenda, New Jersey Democrats have exploited
every opportunity to destroy your rights - groveling so low as to to bring in victims of school
shootings to their gun ban hearings to bolster
their relentlessly obsessive goal.
Pressing their agenda through any possible
means, one Democratic proposal has been to
allow random and unannounced warrant less
police searches of your home to make sure that
your legally owned firearms are safely
stored. Not that Democrats would ever support such a Constitutional violation against
street level crack and heroin dealers - lawful
citizens like you are their real target.
Another preposterous Democratic proposal has been to require all law abiding gun
owners to store their firearms with police at
approved rented storage facilities - making the
average 12 minute delay for police to arrive
seemingly a good deal during a home invasion.
With violent home invasions on the rise in New
Jersey, and assuming you even make it to a
phone, how many family members will you
watch being beaten, raped, and brutalized before police finally arrive? If they ever do?
To absolutely no surprise, Democrats have
been recorded discussing the issue of gun confiscation over an open microphone. And as one
Hudson County Democratic State Senator once
proudly exclaimed: No one has a right to
own a gun. If I thought I could pass a law
allowing police to kick down your door and
confiscate all your guns, I would do it in a
This obsession by Democrats, both in New
Jersey and nationwide, to keep you an easy
crime victim, should be abhorrent even to their
own supporters, but strangely it is not.

The most proud achievement of the Democratic Party, which is to enable women to kill
their unborn child, even as it is being born,
invokes overwhelming support from women.
But to such a degree that women have no objection to Democrats deliberately making themselves an easy victim of rape and murder?
Democrats have repeatedly proven that
they would rather see a woman raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, than to have
defended herself. Favoring reduced sentences,
lenient judges, early parole, and a defenseless
public, Democrats are the silent ally to the
sadistic sexual predator released early into your
neighborhood, the drug crazed crackheads eying your home to invade at 3AM, and worse.
Immigrants fleeing totalitarian regimes
like Cuba then vote for Democrats espousing
the exact same oppressive government control.
Black Americans, who vote over 95% Democratic, fail to recognize that gun control
began in the deep South having the sole purpose to disarm only them. And as any inner city
violent crime victim from Newark has undoubtedly learned from applying for a firearm
permit, those same 140 year old Democratic
Jim Crow gun laws still tacitly exist.
Muslim terrorists have already had their
murderous plans stopped dead by lawful gun
owners in other states. In New Jersey, however, terrorists very well know that the entire
public has been made as totally helpless to stop
them as a classroom of kindergartners.
Of course, when the first Islamic beheading, bombing, or mass murder event inevitably
occurs in New Jersey, everyone will ask why,
and what could have been done? Democrats,
as always, will introduce a new gun ban.
With the Democratic Party now having
transformed into the Socialist Party, major
changes are ahead in the form of even higher
taxes, further oppressive government controls
over your life, and less and less freedom.
To no surprise, residents are fleeing New
Jersey in droves for a better life. Many for
lower taxes, some to be allowed to succeed,
some to a nicer climate or better housing, and
many for the safety of their families. That
wealth is not being replaced by new destitute
illegal immigrants - thereby leaving the rest of
us to cover a quickly growing tax bill.
During the past 10 years alone, over 2
million New Jersey residents have fled the
state; taking with them their businesses and an
estimated $92 billion in revenue. So many
residents have fled New Jersey that we have
spawned a new word in the English dictionary:
One public service radio ad summed it up
well: Please stay in New Jersey and pay your
sky high taxes. We really need your money.
Today, thousands of rape, carjacking, assault, and other violent crime victims created
by New Jerseys ban on self defense could only
wish sky high taxes were their only problem.
State facilitated murder victims like Carol
Brown, of course, no longer have a voice,
unless you speak up!
Please contact your legislators. Distribute this public service notice on Facebook.
Copy and forward it to everyone you know.
Because in just 21 minutes, New Jersey
will help produce a new violent crime victim.

The New Jersey Committee To Legalize Self-Defense *

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