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+Welcome To Mineral Town, Ma'am+

---+ Introduction +--You have in your very hands the game Harvest Moon: More Friends of
Mineral Town, the girl version
of the ever popular More Friends of Mineral Town game from Natsume.
Harvest Moon: More Friends
of Mineral Town is a farm simulator game where you can live your life as
you desire, doing things
when you want, and how you want to do them. More Friends of Mineral
Town has a retail selling
price of $29.00 (USD) More Friends of Mineral Town (Often referred to
as "MFoMT") was released in
The United States of America in July of 2005.
---+ The Basics +--Before you start becoming a top farmer, we should cover the basics,
shall we? We shall cover the
controls of the game first. Then we will move on to basic tools and items.
Advanced controls are
also included.
[Basic Controls]
*L Button* - Your L Button, located on the left side of your Game Boy
Advance (GBA) can whistle
for your dog. The more hearts your dog has, the farther the calling
distance will be. The same goes
for your horse, who you will learn about later. This button is also useds
for Advanced Commands
(See Advanced Commands List below.)
*R Button* - Your R Button, located on the right side of your GBA makes
your character move faster
also known as running. This button is also used as an Advanced
Command Button. (See Advanced
Commands List below.)

*A Button* - This special button will do mostly everything in the game.

You can start conversations
with people, pick up items, throw your items, stow your items in your Rut
Sack, read, open doors, and
turn on your television (located inside your house.) Also an Advanced
Command Button. (See Advanced
Command List below.)
*B Button* - Your tool/working button. This button, when pressed, will
use whatever tool you have
equipted at the current time. This button also exits out of the current
window (Example: Save Screen)
This button is also an Advanced Command Button. (See Advanced
Command List below.)
*Control Pad* - You move your character up, down, left, and right with
this button. It also scrolls
through the screen you might have up at the moment (Example: Save
*Start/Select* - Your start button will bring up a list at the bottom of the
screen. This will show basic
info towards your farm. The information includes:
1. Diary - This is were you can save your game. There is also a diary
located in your house on the small
table next to your bed. It is a good idea to save often.
2. Rutsack - Your items you are currently holding can be stored here.
You start out with a very small
rutsack that can only hold three items, but as you progress in the game
you can save up some money
and purchase a few bigger rutsacks from the store.
3. World Map - This shows every building and place in Mineral Town
while also showing the times that
stores/houses are open and the days of the week you can acess them.
4. Farm Map - This shows your farm. When you have it open, you can
view where your animals are at,
which provides a quicker way to bring them back to their barn/coop. It
also shows the eggs if the chickens
are outside overnight.
5. Earnings - Your money, your animal count, how your animals are
doing, your relations to

the Harvest Sprites, your balances, and your tool information are all
stored here. Toggle between different
windows by pressing RIGHT or LEFT on the Control Pad.
6. Memo - Farm Degree, numbers of items shipped, fishing, and other
information (Example: lowest level
in the mines, high scores in the Harvest Sprite mini games, etc) are
stored here. By pressing RIGHT or LEFT
you can toggle from one page to the next.
7. Tutorial - This is a good section to look at if you're new to the game. It
can show you handy information
on Crops, Animals, and a variety of Useful Tips that may be helpful in
making you very sucessful.
Your SELECT button is a short cut that brings up your Earnings.
(number five)
[Advanced Commands]
*A Button + B Button* - Brings up your rutsack.
*L Button + A Button* - Quick way to toggle through the items in your
rutsack besides your tools.
*Start + L Button* - Brings up the Mineral Town Map.
*Select + L Button* - Brings up your Farm Map.
*Up + L Button* - Calls your dog.
*Down + L Button* - Calls your horse.
*L Button + B* - Eat food (If you're carrying it in your hands at that
moment.) Also changes tools.
These are quick short cuts that save you a bit of time durring game play.
You'll notice a diary on the table next to your bed which houses a small
diary. Your diary is where you save
your progress. It's a very good idea to save often durring your game. But
you won't have to go home to save
all the time. There is also a save space in the start screen.
---+ Game Walkthrough +--Table of Contents

1. Tools
2. Animals
3. Crops
4. Towns Folk
5. Shops
6. Marriage
7. Harvest Sprites
8. Tips and Tricks (And how I survived my first season)
[1] Tools
What do you expect to farm with? At the start of the game you are given
several start out tools that will help
with your basic needs. After some time passes, and you gain
experiance, you will be able to upgrade your tools
so they will be able to help you get work done faster. I have compiled a
list of tools and what they do.
You can upgrade your tools by getting the correct ore needs and taking it
to the Blacksmith. He will upgrade
your tool if you have enough money, and enough experiance on that
tool. The ores you will need to upgrade
are Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mystril. I found it much cheaper to go
straight to Mystril.
-- Basic Tools
(Tools given at the begining of the game)
Hoe - You can't grow crops with out this helpful tool. When you equip
this tool, and press B, you can hoe a space
in your field. Crops can't grow on unhoed land. This tool is also used
down in the mines to try to find stairs.
Basic : 1 sqaure of land
Copper : 2 by 1 sqaures of land
Silver : 3 by 1 sqaures of land
Gold : 4 by 1 squares of land
Mystril : 6 by 1 squares of land
Watering Can - This is also a very important tool. When you walk up to
any body of water and press B, you'll bend

down and scoop up some water to take back to your field. Your basic
watering can will hold thirty spaces of water
to use on your crops. Press B beside a crop and water will pour out from
the spout. Watering is only required once a
day, but watering more will NOT make your crops any better quality. If
you skip a day in watering, your plants will
not die. They just won't progress into the next stage of their life.
Basic : 1 sqaure of land
Copper : 3 by 1 sqaures of land
Silver : 3 by 2 sqaures of land
Gold : 3 by 3 squares of land
Mystril : 5 by 3 sqaures of land
Sickle - Your sickle can cut your grass that you can grow in your field
(More information can be found in the crops
section of this guide.) You can also cut the weeds that grow in your field.
It's a great way to get the experiance
needed to upgrade your tool.
Basic : 1 sqaure of land
Copper : 3 by 1 sqaures of land
Silver : 3 by 2 squares of land
Gold : 3 by 3 squares of land
Mystril : 5 by 5 squares of land
Axe - Small branches can be found when you first start on your farm.
Use your ax to cut them. Down by the wood
cutter's house is a few branches, and up on Mother's Hill are a few more.
You need wood to build fences, and to
upgrade your house. Upgrading your house is essential to getting
Basic : Can only cut the smallest branches
Copper : Can break large stumps with six hits
Silver : Can break large stumps with three hits
Gold : Can break large stumps with two hits
Mystril : Can break large stumps with one hit
Hammer - Hammers can be used for breaking small stones (But avoid
breaking the stones, they can be used for fences.
See the "Tips and Tricks" section) When mining, your hammer is used to
breaking the stones so you can find ores.

Basic : Can break large stones

Copper : Can break large stones with three hits
Silver : Can break up large stones with two hits. Now can break
boulders with six.
Gold : Can break up large stones with one hit. Now can break boulders
with three.
Mystril : Can break up large stones with one hit. Now can break
boulders with two.
*Note, large rocks are the smooth, big ones. Boulders are the rough
looking rocks*
Pedometer - Fairly useless tool used only for counting each and every
step you take when you have it equiped.
No upgrades.
[2] Animals
Animals are a good source of year round income, even durring the
Winter season. They don't take too much to
care for, and in the end is a very good pay off. A good thing to do when
you first start out is to buy a chicken.
Only one. They will lay eggs and unlike A Wonderful Life, you don't need
a male to fertilize the egg. You just
pop the egg into the hatcher, and three days later you'll get a chick. Do it
again, and you can easily get them.
*Cows* (Yodel Farm)
Once you buy a cow, it will take about a week to mature, and it will bare
milk. In order to get the milk from the
cow, you'll need a milker. Cows don't need much to care for, brush them
every day, talk to them, feed them,
and occasionally let them out side and they'll be happy.
Cow's milk can come in different sizes depending on your realationship
with them. The more hearts you have
with them, the more their produce will bring in. Cows don't bear milk
when they are sick or unhappy. When
you first start out, you'll only have zero hearts, and will only bring in
100G. Here is a list of all the prices and
how you get them:

Small Milk (100G) An Adult, healthy cow with 0-3 hearts

Medium Milk (150G) An Adult, healthy cow with 4-7 hearts
Large Milk (200G) An Adult, healthy cow with 8-10 hearts
Golden Milk (300G) An Adult, healthy cow that has won the Cow
"P" Milk (500G) An Adult, heathy cow that has won the Cow Festival
and has been outdoors for 600+ hours
"X" Milk (800G) Rare milk from a "P" Cow
Cows eat fodder, which can be grown (buy seeds from The
Supermarket, called "Grass" and can be grown in
and season other than Winter) or you can buy fodder from Yodel Farm.
Cows don't need to eat if they are
Price : 5,000G
*Sheep* (Yodel Farm)
Sheep are also a good source of income, but their produce doesn't come
as often as a cow's does. Sheep
don't give milk, but they give wool instead. The best way to get better
wool is to brush them daily, talk
to them daily, and take them outside when you can. As long as it's not
raining, snowing, or violently
storming they can be outside. The same is with cows.
Like cows, sheep's bigger income comes from how well you take care of
them. The more you take care of
them, the more hearts they will have. The more hearts they have, the
better produce they give. The
better produce they give means more money for you. Here is a chart
with the list of prices.
Small Wool (100G) An Adult, healthy sheep with 0-3 hearts
Medium Wool (400G) An Adult, healthy sheep with 4-7 hearts
Large Wool (500G) An Adult, heathly sheep with 8-10 hearts
Golden Wool (600G) An Adult, healthy sheep that has won the Sheep
"P" Wool (1,000G) An Adult, healthy sheep that has won the Sheep
Festival and has spent 600+ hours outdoors.
"X" Wool (2,000G) Rare wool that comes randomly from a "P" sheep.

Price : 4,000G
*Chickens* (Poultry Farm)
Chickens are the easiest and cheapest to take care of in HM:MFoMT.
They, like their cow and sheep counter parts,
only need food, and a hug. You can't brush chickens, but by picking
them up and placing them down, you now have
taken care of your chicken.
Chickens eat Chicken food that can be bought or grown. If you grow
corn in the Summer, you can place it in the
little building beside the Chicken Coop. Chickens lay eggs whenever
they are happy, and the eggs can be placed
in the encubator if you so feel you want more chickens. Three days later,
a new baby chick will be there. They
grow up in about three days. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEED CHICKS!
So don't waste your chicken feed.
Chickens are similar to cows and sheep by their produce giving abilities.
Like the cows and sheep, the more hearts
they have, the more money they bring in. Hugging them everyday is a
good way to raise their heart count. Feeding
them every day helps too. Here is a list of the prices:
Small Egg (50G) An adult, healthy chicken with 0-3 hearts
Medium Egg (60G) An Adult, healthy chicken with 4-7 hearts.
Large Egg (80G) An Adult, healthy chicken with 8-10 hearts.
Gold Egg (100G) An Adult, healthy chicken that has won the Sumo
Wrestling Contest*
"P" Egg (180G) An Adult, healthy chicken that has won the Sumo
wrestling contest and has had 600+ outdoor time*
"X" Egg (350G) A random occurance.
If you want some more money, you can actually Spa boil your egg by
going to the spa and taking it to the back where
the sign is and droping the egg in. It will remerge spa boiled, bringing in
more money to you.
*I am not sure if you need to have the eight or more hearts for the
Price : 1,500G

*Horse* (Barley, Yodel Farm)

If you pay a visit to Barley, he'll come the next day saying a foul was
born at his farm and he can't take care of it. He
asks if you would be so kind as to do it for him. If you agree, he will go
into the horse stable and you get to name him
too! But, if you don't take care of him, Barley will come a year later and
take him back.
Taking care of him includes brushing him every day, talking to him, and
letting him out when the weather is good. You
don't need to feed him.
Price : Nothing
*Dog* (You get him from the beginning of the game)
Your dog comes when you start the game, and you get to name him. He
takes the least care out of all the farm animals
and all you have to do is pick him up everyday, and set him down. He'll
gain more hearts that way. The more hearts
he has, the better he will do during the dog disk game.
Price : Nothing

[3] Crops
Crops in More Friends of Mineral Town are similar to those in Friends of
Mineral Town, so if you've played that game then
you're a step a head of those who are new to the game. You can plant
crops in any season other than Winter (Where
nothing grows)
You have to water your plants everyday if you want them to mature the
quickest. But skipping a day will not make them
die. They just will not move on to the next stage in their lifetime.
It's a good idea to spend a lot of money on crops, because if you have
time and the will to take care of them, they
will bring in loads of money.
In order to get crops going, I'll show you a step by step way to plant
them, and take care of them.

When you first start the game, you'll have a small watering can than can
only water one space at a time. Not exactly
good, but it will work. So first, grab your hoe and I'll show you the best
way to plant your crops.
Key :
X - Crop
O - Space
XXX This is the 3x3 pattern. You won't be able to reach the crop in
the middle, but it gets the job done.
XOX Because of the space at the bottom, now you're able to reach
the one in the middle.
You can learn more about crops by visiting Mary's Library.
[4] Towns Folk
I'll provide a list of towns folk, and where they can be found. They're
found in alphabetical order.
-- Regular Folk
Anna (House next to the Library)
Barley (Yodel Farm)
Basil (House next to the Library)
Carter (Church)
Doug (The Inn)
Duke (Winery)
Ellen (Elli's house)
Gotz (House below yours)
Harris (Mayor's House)
Jeff (General Store)
Lillia (Poultry Farm)
Manna (Winery)
May (Yodel Farm)

Saibara (Blacksmith)
Sasha (General Store)
Stu (Elli's house)
Thomas (Mayor's house)
Zack (House on the beach)
-- Bacholors
Cliff (The Inn)
Doctor (The Clinic)
Gourmet (Outside the Village)
Gray (Blacksmith)
Kai (Summer time restraunt)
Kappa (Lake)
Rick (Poultry Farm)
Won (Zack's house)
-- Rival Girls
Ann (The Inn)
Elli (The Clinic)
Karen (General Store)
Mary (The Library)
Popuri (Poultry Farm)
[5] Shops
Each house and shop in More Friends of Mineral Town can do different
things. You can purchase some things in some
shops, and some you can sell. Some you can't do either, but I'll show
you what each building does.
--+ Your House
-People Who Live There: You, and eventually your husband and child.
-What goes on: You grow crops, take care of animals, cook, or whatever
else you desire.
--+ Blacksmith
-People Who Live There: Saibara and Gray

-What goes on: Saibara can upgrade your tools for you, and sell you a
couple of new ones. Gray is a potiental husband.
--+ Poultry Farm
-People Who Live There: Lillia, Popuri, and Rick
-What goes on: They sell chickens
--+ Yodel Farm
-People Who Live There: Barley and May
-What Goes on: They sell sheep and cows, and offer you a horse.
--+ The Inn
-People Who Live There: Ann and Doug
-What Goes on: Doug runs the inn and cooks food for you to buy. Ann
helps out.
--+ The Library/Mary's House
-People Who Live There: Mary, Basil, and Anna
-What Goes on: Mary runs the Library, and Anna and Basil wander
around town.
--+ The Clinic
-People Who Live There: Elli and Doctor
-What Goes On: Elli and Doctor work together to keep the town healthy.
--+ The Church
-People Who Live There: Carter
-What Goes On: Where you get married
--+ The Winery
-People Who Live There: Manna and Duke
-What Goes on: They sell wine and grape juice
--+ Zack's House
-People Who Live There: Zack and Won

-What Goes on: Won sells some goods, and if you befriend him, you can
sell your stuff to him.
--+ Wood Cutter's House
-People Who Live There: Gotz
-What Goes on: Gotz sells wood, and can upgrade areas on your farm.
Those are all the important houses/shops.
[06] Marriage
Getting married in More Friends of Mineral Town is just as important as
in Friends of Mineral Town.
But getting ready to be married can be time consuming, as there are a
few requirments you MUST
meet in order to wed one of the bacholars.
For (almost) all the potiental bacholars, you'll need to have your house
upgraded twice, have all
the cooking tools that you buy from the home shopping network, and the
big bed. You'll also need
to have the guy you want to marry up to a red heart. There are several
heart levels, and some
you'll need to see a cut scene. The heart levels are listed below.
After you get atleast one bacholar to an orange heart, a blue feather will
go on sale. That is your
proposing tool. Once you buy it, it will appear in your tool section, and
you can use it by pressing
"B" in front of the boy you wish to marry.
If you've met all the requirements, he'll say yes. But if he says no, you
might not have enough

points with him, or might not have all the requirements. If you have the
big bed, all the cooking
untensils, seen all the heart scenes, and his heart up to red, keep giving
him a few gifts and
he should say yes.
[07] Harvest Sprites
Early in the game, start befriending them by giving them grasses (If you
match them with their
color, you'll get extra points) They also like flour, honey, and I think they
like crops. If you
befriend these colorful little guys, you can get them to help you.
Once they have three or more hearts, ask them to help you. They'll help
you for a day, three
or a week. They'll water, take care of your animals, or even harvest.
They won't be very
good to start out with, but they'll get better and better as time goes on.
By playing games
with them, they will get better too. Giving them wrapped gifts on their
birthday also boosts
points with them.
--+Birthday List
Aqua - Spring 26
Bold - Spring 4
Chef - Fall 14
Hoggy - Fall 10
Nappy - Winter 22
Staid - Spring 15
Timid - Summer 16
Keep giving them gifts even after they are working for you, they can lose
their hearts.
[08] Tips and Tricks (And how I survived my first season)
-Tip #1 The Basket-

Saving up every bit of money you can and getting the basket very
early on is an amazing
idea. The Basket was one of my most important tools, and helped
me get my money very
quickly, and saved me loads of time by being able to house more
objects than my mini
rutsack ever could. I got my basket with in the first week, best
installment I have ever
-Tip #2 The GrassesThe colored grasses are going to be your friends for a few days
when you first start. They
bring in 100G each (except black grass, which brings in only 10.)
Go around the lower part
of the town and collect as many as you can, preferably all of them,
and sell them. They'll
help bring in a steady profit. There are also several on the beach.
-Tip #3 Befriending WonIf you befriend Won, you'll be able to sell items to him. It may take a
bit longer, but the
pay off is worth it. You're also able to sell flowers to him. You can
befriend him by giving
him flowers. Those are the cheapest, and most available items that
you can give him.
-Tip #4 ChickensOnly buy one chicken. Your chicken will produce eggs the next day
(if you feed them,
and keep them healthy, that is.) And once you get the egg, but it in
the incubator.
Three days later you'll get another chicken. They'll be a chick for
three days. Durring
this time you don't need to feed them, but once they grow up, you
can either let them
give you eggs, or sell them for more profit.
-Tip #5 CropsIn the begining of the game, you're not going to have much money.
So a good idea is
to get a few crops. Don't worry about spending all your money, it'll
come back if you

take good care of your crops.

A way to tell if your crops will produce more is to look at the place
after you've
harvested them all. Is there still a stem? If so, they'll produce more
until the season
ends. Nothing there? Replant them if you desire because they're
not coming back.
-Tip #6 AnimalsAnimals can be outside any time when it's not raining or snowing.
Check the weather
channel before you go to bed to see if it's going to rain/snow. If it
is, lock your live
stock up in their proper containment areas. If it's going to be a nice
day, leave them
-Tip #7 Getting MarriedGive the guy you like one or two presents each day and talk to
them twice after. It
will help bring up his heart level quicker. Gifts give the guys points,
and talking helps
boost the points.
---+ How I survived my first season
I survived my first season by getting up first thing in the morning
and clearing off a
space in my field. It was close to the water pond so I could easily
reach it to get
more water. I then hoed two 3x3 spaces and ran to the general store
and bought
two packages of Cucumber seeds.
I came back home, it was getting to be about noon. I spread my
seeds out and
proceeded to water them. After I finished that about one or two
hours later, I
grabbed the honey from the tree behind the chicken coop, and ran
to Doctor's
clinic. I gave him the honey.

I went to bed. The next morning I watered at lightning speeds, and

ran to gather
herbs, and whatever else I could find. I got some bamboo shoots
and sold two of
them and gave the other one to doctor.
I repeated this for about fifteen days, spedily bringing in money. I
had bought the
basket by this time and I was gathering things quicker than ever. I
had gotten the
Doctor up to a blue heart, and started to work on getting Rick up to
atleast an
orange heart.
That's how I survived my first season. By gathering grasses,
growing a few crops,
and giving gifts to doctor. Because I'd like to marry him.
---+Final Words+--I hope this guide has brought you loads of help, and made the
game much easier
for you. If you have questions that have gone unanswered, be sure
to stop by
IGN's Harvest Moon Board (Under "All Games Boards") and scan
the first page
to see if there is already someone asking your question, if not start
a new thread
and ask away.
Good luck playing through the many years of the game, and have

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