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1.THIRD DIVISION[ A.C. No. 10372, July 30, 2014 ]AURORA R. LADIM, ANGLITO A.


Sirs/Mesdames:Please take notice that the Court, Third Division, issued a Resolution dated July
30, 0!", #hich reads as$ollo#s:%&'C' (o' !03) *&urora R' +adim, &nelito &' &rdiente, and
Danilo S' de la Cru- v' &tty' Perla D' Ramire-.' n March 3, 00), a veri1ed com2laint !4
$or dis5arment #as 1led aainst &tty' Perla D' Ramire- 5y&urora R' +adim, &nelito &'
&rdiente, and Danilo S' de la Cru-, #ho #ere all em2loyees o$ +irio &2artmentsCondominium
in Makati City, #here &tty' Ramire- resides' 4 The com2laint stemmed $rom various
incidents $rom !660 to 00) involvin com2lainants, otherem2loyees, lessees, and unit
o#ners o$ +irio &2artments Condominium and &tty' Ramire-'34 The tenantsalleed that
&tty' Ramire- ke2t askin %im2ertinent 2ersonal 7uestions,%"4 knockin on their doors,
andusin o8ensive lanuae'94 &nother tenant com2lained that &tty' Ramire- ke2t enterin
units underoinre2airs % 5ecause o$ her $ear that 2eo2le #ere4 damain the
5uildin'%4 The %keys hanin on4 thedoor%)4 o$ one unit #ere lost the day she
entered the unit';4 The latest incident involved &tty' Ramire- shoutin at the condominium
em2loyees and usin o8ensivelanuae'64 She accused the maintenance 2ersonnel o$
destroyin the 5uildin and the security uards o$ tryin to destroy her car'!04 She also
started shoutin that the condominium residents #ere 2rostitutes'!!4 The condominium
em2loyees tried to 2aci$y her, even callin her 5rother, Dr' (icholas Ramire-, tointervene'!4
%Dr' Ramire- assured them4 that he #ill et in touch%!34 #ith &tty' Ramire-<s $riend,
Malou Jaco5, since Malou #as the only one #ho could 2aci$y her'!"4Since 00", &tty'
Ramire- has re$used to 2ay any o$ her association dues' !94 She claimed that no one
has5een leasin her unit !4 and arued that the association dues should 5e 2aid only 5y
those #ho leasetheir units' !)4&tty' Ramire-, on the other hand, 1led several cases 5e$ore
the =ce o$ the City Prosecutor aainst thecondominium em2loyees, accusin them o$
malicious mischie$, rave oral de$amation, slander, andthreats' !;4 &ll the cases #ere
dismissed $or lack o$ merit' !64>n her 2osition 2a2er 04 5e$ore the >nterated ?ar o$
the Phili22ines *>?P., &tty' Ramire- did not admit ordeny the alleations in her com2laint 5ut
stated her lon years o$ service as a overnment la#yer' !4She also e@2ressed that:> do
not 5elieve that the three com2lainants are my e7ual, there$ore, $or reasons a5ove stated,
sic4 > move$or the outriht dismissal o$ the com2laints chare sic4 aainst me' 4>n
his re2ort and recommendation, 34 the >nterated ?ar o$ the Phili22ines >nvestiatin
CommissionerAldrid C' &nti7uiera $ound &tty' Ramire- uilty o$ violatin Rule )'03, Canon ) o$
the Code o$ Pro$essionalRes2onsi5ility and recommended the 2enalty o$ re2rimand'
"4Commissioner &nti7uiera $ound that %res2ondent<s lanuae and choice o$ #ords
sho#4 her lack o$ res2ect and decorum in her dealins #ith other 2eo2le'%94 Be also
$ound that &tty' Ramire- %larelyrelied on her leal e@2ertise and e@2erience to demand
res2ect $rom others 5ut she never ave4 them a$air treatment'%4 The Commissioner,
ho#ever, took note o$ the %$oret$ul, sus2icious, and $ear$ul attitude%)4 o$
&tty'Ramire- and com2lainants< 5elie$ that %somethin must 5e #ron #ith her
mentally'%;4 Be concludedthat her mental issues may e@2lain her actions and %she may
not have4 deli5erately intended4 to inureother 2eo2le'%64 The >nterated ?ar o$ the
Phili22ines ?oard o$ overnors, in its Resolution (o' EE0!3;";, 304 dated June , 0!3,
ado2ted and a22roved the re2ort and recommendation o$ the Commissioner'

Fhile #e ado2t the 1ndins o$ $act o$ the >nterated ?ar o$ the Phili22ines, #e do not
5elieve that a merere2rimand is enouh to 2unish &tty' Ramire- $or her actions'&s this court
stated in ?ernardo v' &tty' Meia:3!4T4he 2ractice o$ la# is a 2rivilee 5urdened #ith
conditions' &dherence to the riid standards o$ mental1tness, maintenance o$ the hihest
deree o$ morality and $aith$ul com2liance #ith the rules o$ the leal2ro$ession are the
continuin re7uirements $or enoyin the 2rivilee to 2ractice la#' 34& la#yer may 5e
sus2ended or dis5arred $rom the 2ractice o$ la# $or ross misconduct' Rule !3;, Section) o$
the Rules o$ Court 2rovides:Sec' )' Dis5arment or sus2ension o$ attorneys 5y Su2reme
Court, rounds there$ore' G & mem5er o$ the5ar may 5e dis5arred or sus2ended $rom his
o=ce as attorney 5y the Su2reme Court $or any deceit,mal2ractice, or other ross misconduct
in such o=ce, rossly immoral conduct, or 5y reason o$ hisconviction o$ a crime involvin
moral tur2itude, or $or any violation o$ the oath #hich he is re7uired to take5e$ore the
admission to 2ractice, or $or a #ill$ul diso5edience a22earin as an attorney $or a 2arty to
acase #ithout authority so to do' The 2ractice o$ solicitin cases at la# $or the 2ur2ose o$
ain, either2ersonally or throuh 2aid aents or 5rokers, constitutes mal2ractice'+a#yers
should treat everyone #ith kindness and res2ect, #hether they are colleaues, mem5ers o$
thecourt, or the 2u5lic in eneral' &nythin less #ould 5e conduct un5ecomin o$ one in the
leal 2ro$ession'>n Ta2ucar v' &tty' Ta2ucar: 334&s this Court o$ten reminds mem5ers o$
the ?ar, they must live u2 to the standards and norms e@2ected o$ the leal 2ro$ession, 5y
u2holdin the ideals and tenets em5odied in the Code o$ Pro$essionalRes2onsi5ility al#ays'
+a#yers must maintain a hih standard o$ leal 2ro1ciency, as #ell as moralityincludin
honesty, interity and $air dealin' Hor they are at all times su5ect to the scrutini-in eye o$
2u5lic o2inion and community a22ro5ation' (eedless to state, those #hose conduct G 5oth
2u5lic and2rivate G$ails this scrutiny #ould have to 5e disci2lined and, a$ter a22ro2riate
2roceedins, 2enali-edaccordinly' 3"4 *Am2hasis su22lied.&s a la#yer, &tty' Ramire- is
s#orn to u2hold not only her oath 5ut also the 2rovisions o$ the Code o$ Pro$essional
Res2onsi5ility' Rule )'03 o$ Canon ) states:C&(( ) & +&FIAR SB&++ &T &++ T>MAS
&CT>K>T>AS H TBA >(TAR&TAD ?&R'Rule )'03 & la#yer shall not enae in conduct
that adversely reLects on his 1tness to 2ractice la#, norshall he, #hether in 2u5lic or 2rivate
li$e, 5ehave in a scandalous manner to the discredit o$ the leal2ro$ession'>nstead o$
ans#erin the alleations concernin her rude and disres2ect$ul attitude, &tty' Ramirehauhtily asked the >nterated ?ar o$ the Phili22ines to dismiss the com2laint 5ecause
com2lainants #erenot her e7ual, re$errin to them as %clerk, anitor, and maintenance man,
%394 res2ectively' Forse, sheLaunted her credentials, 34 5elievin that 5ein a $ormer
overnment la#yer allo#s her to disreard thetenets o$ her 2ro$ession'Ber arroance
mani$ests her lack o$ moral 1tness to 2ractice la#' Ber disres2ect to#ard her neih5ors
andto#ard com2lainants sho#s a 5latant disreard to the dinity and interity o$ the leal
2ro$ession' &tty'Ramire-<s actions do her 2ro$ession a disservice and, as such, a 2enalty
hiher than a re2rimand is inorder'%The rule is settled that a la#yer may 5e sus2ended or
dis5arred $or any misconduct, even i$ it 2ertains tohis 2rivate activities, as lon as it sho#s
him to 5e #antin in moral character, honesty, 2ro5ity or ooddemeanor'%3)4 Takin into
account her advanced ae and her %alleed mental issues,%3;4 #e 1nd thatthe a22ro2riate
2enalty is sus2ension $or si@ *. months $rom the 2ractice o$ la#'

FBARAHRA, &tty' Perla D' Ramire-, havin 5een $ound in violation o$ Canon )'03 o$ the Code
o$ Pro$essional Res2onsi5ility, is SSPA(DAD $rom the 2ractice o$ la# $or si@ *. months,
#ith a stern #arninthat a re2etition o$ the same or similar acts shall 5e dealt #ith more
severely'+et a co2y o$ this resolution 5e $urnished to the =ce o$ the ?ar Con1dant to 5e
entered into res2ondent<srecords as attorney' Co2ies shall like#ise 5e $urnished to the
>nterated ?ar o$ the Phili22ines and the=ce o$ the Court &dministrator $or circulation to

all courts concerned' *Killarama, Jr', J', desinated &ctinMem5er in vie# o$ the vacancy in the
Third Division 2er S2ecial rder (o' !6! dated May , 0!"'.S RDARAD'%
N %ANCA.C. No. &470, July ', 2014MRCDITA D JSUS, Co()l*+*-, /. ATT". JUV"
SARA(, CJ:5e$ore the Court is a dis5arment com2laint 1led 5y Mercedita De Jesus *De Jesus.
aainst res2ondent &tty' Juvy Mell Sanche-Malit *Sanche-Malit. on the $ollo#in rounds:
rave misconduct, dishonesty,mal2ractices, and un#orthiness to 5ecome

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