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Young Beth Jacob!

Morning Afternoon Shavuos, May 19, 20, 2010 g"a, iuhxc 'z ,'U ,,uguca
Day One pg. 400 Maftir pg. 892 Day Two pg. 1018
Groups Begin @ Note: The Yom Tov Torah Reading is divided into 5 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go
Groups with the
10:30am, Parents please up] since for each Aliya, one person “goes up” to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Weisers begin @
attend to your children
5:45pm-off The Megilla of Rus (Ruth) is read on U’Moavi b’kahal Hashem,” “An
beforehand- Thursday
the holiday of Shavu’os. The author Ammonite or a Moavite shall not
Youth Morning Groups of the Megilla, our sages tell us, was enter into the assembly of G-d.” As
Tots: Below 1st Grade with Teen Morning Groups Shmuel HaNavi, the prophet Samuel. Rus was from the nation of Moav,
Morahs Faye & Shayna Pre-Teen Girls: Torah There are many commentators who how could it happen that not only
Group 2: Active and Edu- Learning have given reasons explaining the was she permitted to convert, but
cational Programs with our Teens: Parsha, Chulent! connection between Shavu’os and she also married one of the most
Middle School Helpers With Rabbi Simon in the Megillas Rus. (For some reasons, respected, distinguished, and wisest
Junior Cong: The Classic— library followed by see vol. I, 26.) However, an answer men of her generation, Boaz ?
Reborn with Mr. Weiser-off Mussaf-off to a question posed in the Medrash The answer lies in the verse cited
gives us a particularly important above. The verse says that a “Moavi,”
understanding of the connection a male Moavite, can not enter into
between Shavu’os and Megillas Rus. the nation of Israel. However, the
In the Medrash Rabbah on Rus (2:14), verse does not say that a “Moavis,”
we find the following question: Rav a female Moavite, can not enter into
Zaeira said ‘This Megilla (of Rus) the nation of Israel. Boaz understood
does not tells of the laws of purity that the law was a female Moavite
and impurity...Why was it written?” was indeed allowed to convert,
The question, however, does not and therefore Rus’ conversion and
H!! CHAG SA M E have to end here. We can question marriage to a Jew presented no
further. Even once we know a problems. This Halachik ruling
reason for why it was written, why about the status of a female Moavis,
was it necessary to include it among however, was not widely known
the Scriptures? amongst the nation of Israel. Many
In order to understand the answers, thought that no person, male or
Rabbi Hanoch Teller’s books, CD lecture series a little background about an issue female, from the nation of Moav
of Halacha that was of concern at was allowed to convert to Judaism.
and DVD will be available directly after Yom the time of Rus is needed. Generally, This understanding of the law not
Tov in the shul. There will be slips with the according to Halacha, gentiles are
allowed to join the nation of Israel
only presented problems in the
time of Rus, but also in the time of
book prices (all discounted!) and an address through conversion. However, there King David, Rus’ great-grandson. In
are certain nations that the Torah the time immediately proceeding
where to send a check. Take advantage of explicitly lists whose members the crowning of David as king and
this rewarding opportunity! may not join the nation of Israel. right afterwards, there were those
The Torah states “Lo yavo Amoni who began to publicly raise doubts
as to whether David was of proper, “kosher,” lineage, because of his great- Shavuos I Shachris........................8:45am
grandmother Rus. Yizkor..........................10:45am
The Megilla of Rus stands for the proposition that the Oral Law was given to Daf Yomi................................5:00pm
Candlelighting.........…………… 7:25pm
us at Sinai, and that the Oral and Wriiten Torah are truly one intertwined gift
Dinner…….............................8:45pm Class/Rabbi Teller .................6:00pm
from G-d. Boaz acted properly based on that which he knew from his study
of the Oral Torah. His willingness to act on that which he knew to be the law Learning...........................11:15pm Mincha........................7:0 0pm
should send us a message: we must show that we truly believe in the Oral Early Shachris ....... .................. 5:00am Neilas Hachag........................7:25pm
Torah, that we recognize that the Oral Torah was given to us at Sinai. Becasue Shachris II…………………...…...8:45am Yom Tov Ends.........................8:26pm
of the importance of this message, the Megilla was included in Scriptures.
This message also makes the reading of the Megilla on Shavu’os appropriate.
Daf Yomi...............................5:15pm Weekday Schedule
Class /Rabbi Teller...................6:15pm Sunday Shacharis………………8:00am
On Shavu’os, the day on which we celebrate the fact that we were given the
Torah, we demonstrate our belief that the Written and Oral Torah were both Mincha................................7:25pm Mon-Fri Shacharis 6:20 & 7:15am
given to us on this day by reading the Megilla. By reading the Megilla, we Shavuos II Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv………7:30pm
reaffirm our belief in the authenticity of the Oral Torah. On Shavu’os, we Sun-Thur second Maariv.......9:15pm
Candlelighting after................8:25pm
affirm and celebrate our acceptance of the Torah, and therefore the Megilla,
which tells of this affirmation, is read on Shavu’os. (from Hegyonai Halacha)

Shavuos all Night Learning ..

Story Time for the little ones/Rabbi Hanoch Teller ages 4-7 @ 10:30
Special Activity 8-14 @ 10:30-11:00pm
Rabbi Hanoch Teller for ages 8-14 @ 11:00-11:30pm
Ages 4-7 Prized focused Torah Q & A @ 11:00-11:30pm
Mad Dash for Torah: Torah Questions for Mad Prizes. Search the
To all guests and visitors here building and our resident geniuses for answers @ 11:30pm-1:30am
for Yom Tov, please feel free to Thank You! Pizza Making in the youth center for teens @ 1:15-2:15am
ask us if you need anything.Bill Stern and Gizella Buchinger ADULT LEARNING
for sponsoring Yom Tov
Coming Soon! Kiddush in memory of their
Appease Process/Rabbi Hanoch, H. school -Adult 11:30:pm-12:15am
Women Shiur/Rebbetzin Betty Weiser @ 12:15-1:15am
NCSY Spring Regional - May family members who perished
Men’s Shiur/Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky @ 12:15-1:15am
28th sign up online at www. in the Holocasut and in memory
The Gedolim for Teens/Rabbi Hanoch Teller @ 12:15-1:15am of Zoltan Buchinger. Expanding Your Universe/Rabbi Yehoshua Samowitz @ 1:30
THS Presents: “Cinderella”, The shul members for Class with Rabbi Yaakov Marks @ 2:10-2:45am
Tuesday, June 15, 7:00pm @ The sponsoring Neilas Hachag.. Shiur with Rabbi Adam Simon @ 2:15-3:15am
Lyceum. For women only. King David’s Dynasty/Rabbi Simcha Weiser @ 2:50-3:30am
Refuah Shleimah The People’s Choice with Rabbi Hanoch Teller @ 3:30am
Community Irving Bernhardt | Rose Kraft | Tefilla:What is it?/Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky @ 4:15-4:55am
San Diego Gmach! Open Goldie Masliah | Doni Lepor |
Wednesdays and the last Sunday Rob Adatto | Marcie Maisel | Yom Tov I: The Mussar Mystique with Rabbi Teller @ 6:15pm
of the month 10:00am-1:00pm. Adella Adams | Daniel Donaty | Yom Tov II: Morning Derasha with Rabbi Hanoch Teller
6827 Nancy Ridge Dr.(Sorrento Valley) Al Salganick | Moshe Wiesner ! Yom Tov II: “To dream the impossible Scheme” with
Call Helene Bortz 858 452-6205 Rabbi Hanoch Teller @ 6:00pm

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