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In a Crevice

By L. Vera **If you like my work please subscibe to m
y profile or leave a comment.
A man wakes upon a ledge inside a chasm. He sees another man lying li
felessly on edge on the other side of the crevice. He looks up and can see the c
hasm walls reach almost endlessly into the sky. To his right he sees mountains j
utting out of the clouds, tearing through the sky, like knives. To his left the
crevice continues into darkness. He kicks some small rocks off the edge and they
fall down into the clouds; the sound of their tumble slowly fades away.
"Hey!," the man yells across the chasm. It echoes through the crevice
walls. "Hey, get up!"
The floor of the ledge is littered with many rocks. The man on the le
dge lifts one of these rocks and tosses it at the man lying on the other ledge.
He slowly awakes and moves to a sitting position. This man wore a lar
ge thick, heavy robe that covered every piece of his body. The only part that is
visible were his sullen blue eyes.
The heavily robed man says, "Who am I?"
The other man says, "What are we doing here?"
A small wind blew by them and made it difficult to hear. "What are we
doing here?" the man repeats.
The robed man says, "I do not know." He closes his eyes and rest the
back of his palms on his knees. He sits and mediates.
"Stop! What the hell are you doing?," the man yells to the robed man.
The robed man did not answer. He simply sits and meditates.
The man grew frustrated and angry. He felt scared. He felt lost and c
"Is this a dream?," he asks the man but, again, no reply came.
"Did you do this to me? Is this is some sick joke?," he ask.
He screams as the frustration overwhelms him. He screams so hard that
his whole body shakes. The wind blows through again. It is almost as if it repl
ies back. "Wah-oooo," the wind says as it blows harder. "Wah-oooo," it almost bl
ows the man off the ledge. He felt a sickening fear enter his stomach as he real
izes that he is going to die here.
The robed man laughs and says, "Joke? Maybe. Not mine though."
"Then whose?" the man asks. Once again the robed man says nothing. "W
hose?" he asks again. The robed man closes his eyes and went back to mediating.
The man grew frustrated. He grabs the largest rock on the ledge and r
aises it up behind his head and says, "I said, ' whose?'". No answer came again.
The rock flew out of the man's hands across the gap between them and
smashes across the robed man's head. A splatter of blood escapes through the onl
y part not covered by the heavy robe. His body rocks back and then rolls over to
ward the open sky. The robed man dies.
He slumps back against the cliff's wall. The man on the ledge screams
again and the wind answers back, "Wah-oooo." Slowly he drifts off to sleep.
He is awaken by the sound of scratching. A couple of carrion crows ar
e pecking at the robed man's body. The man on the ledge rises up with his arms h
igh and screams, "Get away you stupid birds!"
The birds ignores him and continues to hop upon the dead body.
"I said..." but before he could finish, the wind blows hard once agai
n bringing him to his knees near the edge. He sees for a moment a dark figure fl
y underneath through the clouds.
He regains his balance and crawls safely back towards the wall he pre
viously rested against.
A single crow stands on the ledge now. It stares deeply into his eyes
The man grabs a rock and raises it above his head but the bird took n
otice and flies away.
The man, now alone, is slowly filling with fear. He accepts the fact
that he is stuck on the ledge and may never get off. He can not climb; the wall
behind him is too smooth and it must have extended miles above and below him.
He looks out to his right and sees the clouds gently floating among t
he other mountains. "Were there other people stuck on other mountains?" he think
s to himself.
He peers out with his right hand over his eyes, blocking out the glar
e of the sun. He screams, "Help me. Please. Help!". The wind picked up again. "W
ah-oooo" it says.
He screams into the wind, "Ah!". The wind blows into his face. They s
cream at each other till one of them gives up. The man loses his breath first an
d feels his lungs surge with pain. His throat also aches and the pain from hunge
r also surfaces. He will not last very long in this crevice.

At that moment a drop of rain fell onto his face. He tasted it as it

dips down his face and onto his lips. The rain comforts him for a moment as it c
overs his face. It then begins to rain hard. His body becomes soaked in mere sec
onds. He falls to a sitting position up against the wall. The rain then turns to
His body is beaten by the hail, leaving bruises as it makes contact w
ith his body. His body feels cold as the hail falls to a rest around him. The wi
nd starts to pick up as it joins the assault. It blows again, "Wah-oooo".
He feels beaten and tired. He now knows that this punishment will nev
er stop. A tear falls from his eye and onto the ledge. The wind stops. The hail
stops. It all stops.
He screams, "Why am I here?" At the moment the crow returns. It land
s on the robed man's dead body. It hops a couple of times while it stares at the
man on the ledge.
"What do you want?" he asks.
The bird tilts its head which made it look confused.
"Why am I here?" he asks.
The bird opens it's mouth but nothing comes out.
The man took a quick sprint and jumps towards the other ledge. He flo
ats across but the gap is too far apart. He falls and in those short moments gra
bs the ledge with his hands. He hangs there with his arms tearing with pain. He
looks down only to see another dark figure move through the clouds. He tries to
use all his strength to pull himself up; but he feels a pain tap on his fingers.
He looks up and sees a black flutter of wings. I small drop of blood falls from
his knuckle and onto his face.
"Stop!" he screams to the bird. The bird peers over the edge. They lo
ok into each other's eyes and the man says weakly, "Save me." The bird shakes it
's head side to side. No it implies.

The bird pecks at his fingers. He tries to wiggle his fingers to get
the bird off, but to no avail.
"Stop", he screams. He can feel the pain in his wrist and fingers fro
m just his weight alone. Now he sees more blood trickle down his wrist.
He loses his will to live and lets go and falls into the clouds. He f
alls endlessly through the clouds. He feels the sky rushing around him, lifting
his hair and bellowing through his clothes. He feels at peace and is not afraid
when the blackness engulfs him.

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