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This Gospel reminds us more or less of our own

troubled time
where people who by following their own imagination
and individual notions of life, create huge problems in
the peaceful course of humanity. It would be no
exaggeration to state that Church life in todays world
has become irrelevant. This is why as mature and
serious Christians, Christs presence in our lives
constitutes our only hope for survival. Christ teaches
us that the true destiny of the human person is to
exist the way God exists, that is free free from the
bounds of death; and loving that is, ceasing to
draw ones existence from ones individuality which
is corrupt and mortal. Instead we are called to seek
freedom which comes through personal relationships a
life as communion of love.
Just like in the land of the Gadarenes, instead of the
inhabitants of this region glorifying and praising God that
Jesus Christ
was present amongst them healing their demonpossessed fellow human
beings, they rather ask Christ to distance Himself from
their region.
The same happens today. We sometimes see people
who try to distance us from our close proximity to our
clergy, whose role is to speak about Jesus Christ, and
who invite
us to follow in our lives His Divine Commandments, in
order to live a life in God.
Our so called privileged era, still suffers from many
social problems like: poverty, greed,
insecurity, unemployment, and confused ethics, because

we live far away from Christ, we live far away from

reality and the truth. Christ constantly comes close to us,
this is what it means that He became human, He
became incarnate for us; but we constantly distance
ourselves from Him.
In the face of tomorrows anguish, our church
comes with Christs Gospel
message to remind us of what a human beings
purpose is on earth: how one is return to the
Kingdom of God and became a participant of eternal
life; how one can avoid eternal
death and isolation; and how one can manage to live
close to God forever, together with His loved ones
who have accepted His grace in the communion of
the Holy Spirit.
The choice is ours.
When we live according to Christs commandments and
we struggle for our
family members who suffer, and for those who are next
to us and in need
of our help; that is, when we offer our help with much
love to as many
as are in need of our assistance, then we open up the
path which leads us to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Our indifference and our refusal to contribute
creatively to the solution of the problems of our fellow
human beings,
means that we have already decided to live far away
from God, which is the path of eternal death. However,
our decision to live close to Christ in order
to return to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life,
means to trust in the guidance of our
Church, with all of us supporting in a unified manner her:

catechetical, philanthropic, and missionary work.
Our Church with her services and her Holy Sacraments
prepares us to
proceed into the life of holiness. It brings to our
awareness the standard of holy people, the saints, who
we should uphold as the great examples for the way we
live our life.
Especially in the days, which follow, our church will
venerate and honor the great person of our Most
Blessed and Glorious Lady, the Theotokos and Ever
Virgin Mary, with the special prayer services which will
begin on the 1st to the 13th of August and which will take
place in all our churches.
Let us therefore all attend with much humility and the
fear of God, our
Churches, in order to chant the prayer services of our
most holy Virgin,
so that she can intercede for us sinners in order to
continue with
patience and love the struggle of life. Let us pray for the
spiritual, social, and professional progress of our loved
ones and of all
our fellow human beings. Let us pray for all who endure
hardships, for
all who suffer injustices, for all who are ill, for all who
need Gods
Only with our spiritual preparation we will be able to
accept the
Godly light of transformation, so that we can mimic the

Holy commandments
of our Lord and God our Saviour Jesus Christ.
In this way our hope in salvation through Christ and our
entry into the Kingdom
of Heaven will be a reality for all of us.

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