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“Developing a Swarming Defense”

Bob Valesente
Linebacker Coach
Green Bay Packers
2 Hours

I. Must have goals – Never underestimate goals and their value

A. Prevent the Score: If they can’t score they can’t win, screw the
B. Prevent Big Plays: Run or Pass, this means a breakdown in
C. Create Turnovers: This Includes 3 & Outs or short possessions
D. Score on Defense: hard to do, but can swing momentum
II. Aspects of a Swarming Defense
A. Positive Gap control – Two Ways to Play the Gaps
1. 2 Gap
a. 2 gaps pre-snap 1 gap post snap.
b. Head up alignment then read the OL’s hat
2. Positive Gap control
a. Shaded or in the gap pre-snap
b. Players take aggressive control of their gaps
B. Up Field Aggressive, in your face defense
1. DL moves up field aggressively to get in the backfield
C. Reduce Angles in the running game
1. Play up field to take away ability of RB’s to get to the
corner w/ a flat LOS – Make the RB stretch to the outside
2. Even LB’s play aggressive to make this happen
D. Pressure and Contain
1. Ball will bounce with up field pressure so you’ve got to
keep contain to catch the bounce
2. Contain makes the pressure work
E. Finish the Play – Forces you to be aggressive
1. Everyone closes on the ball regardless of pads
2. Touch or tackler the ball carrier – tap below his hips
3. “Your value to the defense is in direct proportion to how
far you are from the ball when the whistle blows.”
4. Drill Idea – When running any team drill – the 1st whistle
stops contact and the ball movement, but everyone runs to the ball. 2nd whistle
play ends
F. Knock them Off the Ball
1. Play on the offense’s side of the LOS especially with DE’s
and OLB’s
III. Pursuit – The key to a swarming defense.
A. Pursuit Principles
1. 4 Concepts to get players to the ball
a. Play Recognition – This is done through film and
reps in practice
b. ID who is going to block you
c. Attack Blocker Downhill – Fast
d. Release and go to the ball
2. The above are for players, coaches must make sure the
following are done
a. Force – Force ball to the inside. Now. Force and
Make Tackle
i. Get up field. Now. Don’t widen. Attack ball
and force it inside. Make tackle if possible.
b. Cutback
i. Must take on his block head up so as to not
get cut back on.
ii. Read flow and get into gap
iii. To do this, you must read flow and know
where to go/what gap to fill
c. 2 Types of Pursuit
i. Cut off – Front side of play
1. Angle of pursuit is to intercept
runner as he turns up field.
2. Always coming across/through the
ii. Support – Chasing play
1. Done with Gap Control 1st, then
contain forces the play back to you.
B. What is needed for Pursuit?
1. 4 Points from above
2. Visualize the play and how to play it properly
3. Physical conditioning – must be in great shape
4. Speed of Reaction – Faster you react, the faster you will
C. How to Pursue
1. Play Technique and gap responsibility. Get up field
2. Don’t follow same color jersey. You’ll always have a
leading player and a trailing player.
3. Work inside out to the ball. Tackling with your inside
shoulder forces the ball back to the inside.
4. When you get to the ball, come to a balance by dropping
your hips and bringing your feet with you.
D. Tackling – Vital for pursuit.
1. Must know where your helps is, and attack based on where
your pursuit is.
2. See what you’re hitting. “Eyes Open”
3. Hit on the Rise. Same foot Same Shoulder.
4. Wrap Up
5. Run your feet to take the runner to the ground
E. Why Pursuit?
1. Eliminates big plays
2. Wears down teams
3. More guys you get to the ball, the more likely you will be
to get turnovers
4. A Swarming defense makes you a very punishing, physical
defense. Your players desire to get to the ball is the key
5. Don’t let blockers block you square. They never get you
6. WINS!!!
IV. Promoting a Swarming Defense
A. Practice – Must Practice everything > DRILL > DRILL >
1. Jerry Glanville practiced pursuit to start every practice.
2. When running a pursuit drill make sure you’ve got people
for force, cutback, alley, deep cutback, and sift.
a. DL Fits on Bag
b. Runner can get stuffed, also run 1 to sideline
3. Develop how to pursue properly. This takes reps, but make
sure you build the attitude.
B. Fits – Practice where players fit into pursuit on each type of play
1. Draw
a. Teach kids to call the play/plays based on film
b. Always maintain gap integrity
c. LB’s call draw
d. Outside rush must retrace steps when draw is called
to get back into gaps – don’t chase over the top
2. Screen
a. LB’s become cutback players on outside screen
b. DL reads screen and draw and drops to a pursuit
c. DL CANNOT chase screen over the top
C. Pursuit Drills Drawn Up
V. How to Play a Great Down of Football
A. Formation Recognition
1. Must know how to deal with every formation you might get
2. Faster you deal with the formation, the better/more quickly
that you can get into position to make a play.
B. Mental Checklist for each Play
1. Personnel – whose on the field. Not terribly applicable to
HS ball
2. Formation – what are the advantages/plays that each team
will bring to the table with each formation
3. Responsibility/Alignment – What’s your job and/or
alignment for each formation
4. Technique – what will you use to defeat the plays that
might come at you from the different formations?

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