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> ee pom fitter di Aeligiowe Irctiuahins CAtticle 287] ; According $3 ide 28 Colucablawal imelitiliat Ore fase! Med into fous cabey ase G) Inttediog Gthally malidalee f by te State - (i) Lattationg Mecognized by the State + 7 a véscelving ail fiom Gelsec Stee « nto } ae by date eytablighed! Uneler avy erabwr net . 7 i) usligions rutburction 1¢ compleboly prohibiteal rigtle im 8) 2 Gr) udligiout ituchion ig peamiteol a valudawy ba: Jn tov) sebignes Haebualion Le pawittec we 2 Culteunl 2 Educational Pipkds Cuticle 29 4 oJ > Protecting Ff ndeecls of Minaulitet Chubiele 29] t + Any geckion of Oidizend esiding jr any pos of Anclia, -povlng a distin Jorguage soup au auhwe of its own, ¢ hall araye wigs Fo Comtewe the Same" «chy ating Bad be Serle ade tetion inko am ecu besten mairtoired by ete ar gounds of ueligion 1 KAle> eatte @ Songtroge- ou puotecks pth teligious ad cit af Ling wlehe. minoi#er saute 0 Fétablich AL Admninicder Balt Qudtrtations s thi¢ wight + The Compersation ont fixed by Stoke fo compulary deg Hon f ony plopedy gf & mins ecu ing tube n Sholl rot uecbiek the wulg hd quirdeed ap ther’ In geankr g aia the State Shall vot didenire jrote gaat cey ecb in tin managed by minoulty > Right de Covstitborral Remedieg LAsticle 32) 3~ @® 3Sc ta viulel thal Aut 32 Le a bosia feskue oft Cougttettans Th Containd frotlorsing four Provisions + « ale * ' Pugh = to SC by appeopuicke way far evfatcomerd © 32 ghall -haye pow +o gue diectong a wots fax erforcemod- of ony of the FR: Polioment Con empouier any Cowt to ue BhiecHorg, aidus £ wd of ath Iehnds- © Right +e mave do St Shall not be Kedperale ol J except Oh other he provided by the rttruben- D TWpaof ube = ah meant tte frave the body,” mers to be produced the coud physically at body. Thig Gale © Habeas Compas ¢ red Libedy F jwdliviclual at give iv Ad 2) jusuecl to prctedk- peso fuom Legal debention. TNS Gut Mo bsued Qgaingt the Stale a¢ tietl at ptivabe individual: * © Mordamus 3 teal yoeang “We Command?) Ths taait ig jtuced ans Public. offi al 7 public bedy » coporater, Irferiar coush-, bu bupal et governement aging them +o pesfoum Ghee ofpicial dahte¢ However i Cannot be fusued dgatey— Ruivobe Troliviclual 4 body , Peeciderd Anal Grovewah » Chie Tustice gf Rgh coud + + Peghibition G+ meang ‘+o forbid? Bis lusued by -highes Gout to fowel Cou ae -bibural +o’ puobjbit— Sub- aidlwrate courts fron inttoting au Conbinving puoceechisg ww ony path alot cohe- Net avallabje agpitt pantie authaitieg » degtabive bodies £ pivote Individiolé - bfove + Codjasai 3 Jb means‘ to Yee ceabified ’ ay ‘to be infeuimed » iw heduedl by tighe cout to a Sawer coud a Atibunal either fo Hongfer a cote percling a sqnadthe Bdes of douier coudds uw ik Léued an tha grounds Of Mack of juilsdiction a exces af jurltietton - + Quo- Wanate 3 Litecatly me ang * sheds Your aublrasity * aE ig htuecl by cout te enquire Inta tre Apjetity af chin of a poten dng puble office. ei} Con be ithueal ody In cate of subs tonhve public offices nat Agate minithedal o Pirate SPice - S Asiele 99 2 Ateatling fo thig Ashele Porliament ig empoulerd to cnet 2 modify f-R: of Certair code gnsiog io aad fortoes- > AthdeQy + shu Adticle emPowlecc Poliamedt +e tdenbfly O perkorr ar Uectick Ade PRs jn Cate Matial aw 1x cleclased jn Ory pad oP tervtany of Lucia. > Adicle 35 3 Accoudlng to tk Asticse dh ie Pover of tHe Padiame g net State leglolalure te implemad FR by mately lau. 4 Pigits oudghale Pow WL > o No fox ghoul be levied! as catlect d except by oacthanlty tow C Ppudicle Bes Pape x) - 2 lps to Rroperry Cc padicle Joo + Pod AI J « Tade; Commece £ jdecowce thaghod He spetairtany of Jrolid Shall be fue C Aste Gor fad OE 7 Disective Puincipler of Siete Pati @) C Post -TL, Artcle 36-51 J , > Adicle 86 3 Definition of Stee. Same of foct-T- > Adele 375 Disective Ruineiples ove pon- justeable bat fe im the Govemors of Courday: ndancetal > Adie 38 ¢ Duly gf te Gate to Scouse welfare of the People - Sroht » footlitice £ oppadunrtre. Minimize inequallHet jn treavre» > Article 39 3 “Me Stote Shall died Hts patty to Seaue - Rigid to adqale meat oF Aiveleod fou all citizeut- comnmernthy fo the + Equitable distibution f vemuices of the Comman Aood « © Rtoverdion of Qucewtialon of wealth £ rreorg of pra” + Papal pay fox equal Wate fox men & warren 2 Retetvation of Healy t ghengd pf Waiters agadntt abuse. + Oppackuntly fu treading develaprrrert F cbitdien- SS Auidle agA t Equal Tustice £ fcc Legal aid to de poas- Corte — Added by Yard Ama Ach. $976.) > fiiele yo 5 Cugarisabion of Village pare ge government . > Article ur 2 Right +o twatk, Fo eoliteabior, aval te Pp in cate Uremploymect, gicknedt £ digablerned - ua 3 Psavie ions fon gute humane conditions firs wae 2 mrakecnity uellef- Proriate Collage wcurtaies an on jwedlividiraf O% CO- In Bute! aleak ayeck do fuvctiow Wh mits of ublie eulttora > puicle > pulleys 2 operator => Asicle ugA 3 Packicipabion of watlted in dhe management of inebuehy CAddled! by pel Pood: Ach, 1996]] > pulicle U3 BS Gigonieation of @ opaclve Sociby - Cie by teed Pls Aad AG] > Adidle WW 2 Unfour Gil code _for Weene dougliaut tHe courchy- Sbaol cose & educdhion for all cblihrer Shue us: Paslde eouky OE below the age f 6 year (Faller i war 6-1y yeok » amended by @6% Pd: Ack, 2002] > Aatiele Yo s Prornotion of ecluccattowal 4 ecorornia wdwect of Sci, STS Lodhe wealet Seton of tHe Sodely - > padide ut 2 Reise level f° nudaition £ Standard! of diving £ to lm plore pate. sheath , prohibit» oF Govsumphion wrbxicating dines £ dugé- fe 2 animal 4s banolyy , -puoiibsrin > Puicle YB s Cuganitation of agueubhes Gong i caltle- of slaghtes of wk, cabed £ other mibh & > file uaa s Proteckow 4. impioverent— of enviasnmredt A ap equcichl ng oft fais! £ witel ule. CAdded by uand Amd> Ak 19767 > Adide ya: Paateahion of rronumertts , peloo e4 o abj ects of Nabloval impabdaree - > patide 50% Sepaahon of Tudliofrary fron ercoutive In public Beavis of the Stobe Ruomation of Intemational Peace £ Seoualty ~ eval Peace £ gooully- tovourrble elation’ blu vation’ - gatenationel- Sou £ Heady obligaton « of Sid Aig pudeg detoughy aubitabon - s Puhdle Slt « Puorete jidennadl + Maidain jut « Pages Lespeat for + Brcousage getter acd Sacialiss Puinejplee in DPsP : Atle 3@, 20, 29A, U1, 42, 3A, us. & Gondhion Puirciples in OPSP % Adicle YO, 43,45, Ue, 42, UB Wethin Uderal Rurepplee > Adidle Ys ¥5:'B, 50,53 > DPSP auiside Pod IT e © Claims f Sts LST's Fo Sewice CAudicle 335) © Trehuchion ig wrothes Tongue CAutcle 250-49 + Develpmerd of Hindi lorpliage Chelidle 951] fort - aia L Adicle 1A] ® > Cwigral Calbhuken dloetn'+ Comain Curdomentil Oubiel * Thay axe helped in Que Congtitalion on Kecommendabion of Stwasav Sing bd Lomoites Repost By ard Covel Amd A 1996: ~_ > Ja Stotkrg ap duibsa: taf) ptatue 1 2002 gt didy Woy added « > Rndonentad Duet # - a) Pibide by Cong @ ues prot iis ieale, National Plag £ Brthem - () Te Chala 2 follow the noble ideale thal hmtpired nakoval bugle fox freedom” Le) “Ta vphatd £ protect Souieegenily, » unity 2 ledeguity ff Todi (ds) Te deferd the courdny & tendet Natonal Sewvice- tg) “To promote houmnany d gpisit gf Common brother hood « ) “To volte L pieseive the uiels thevtage of Counctuy’s caltese - Qt protest & lmnpuove the viedtual enviotnment » (4) To deep selenkifie tempels Humanten 4 spitit of Sequlty = & sefum GQ) % Safeguuord public piopale 4 to abjure Violence 6) “Te shive towadlt excellence vn all spheser- Ce) Te provide oppasun ty fer chucabion do Wg chill of Wwod bly 9 of 614 Yeon: Chdded by Beth CA» Ach, 2002 J- > They que non ~ justicable jn node. > “They atefex To cues Valet tuibich have been a past of the Judlon Tiadition » prythelagy - ctcligéon L fuedhicer» “The essentially codon just A codipicahon af teske ibdgeel do tre Indien Woy of Sper _Prnerdment of Constitution &) ~> Phocedise fox Armordined 2 £ Aubele See] + Gon be inbaltnced i luhebe either house of Paullamnd ard wer in Sloe Legicledouer No need oF puox Petmitélon of Pregllerd - « Gn be jrhiodticed by a minister, ax by a puivale member: « The bill mutt be pasted tn each house by a Special Majasity he. Mate tharrso'h oF Aolal membethip of Howse & majaty gf 23 F members present £ Volirg- + Back hause mut pass the bill = No provision of aid Hing + Tf bill geekg 4o amerd federal Plovigiong Noles of Gat: He mug Bhto be Yalificd by the lepitlataies of half of stakee by a Simple magjeuly ne: membett poretord £ Votivg « % Aptos duly posted by Both tawsee & vohfied by State epic faave, the bill i¢ preterdedl do the Puesidert je asted « Reegidet must give hig aigenk +» He can nelthec Withhald Ws ued vot weltun the biol for Docovsideiabion: Noles : . Bleation Reegidet 2 Hs manner o SC RHC: + flower of Pasliamerd +o amerd Consttubion (Pal 368 i4sfp)) «fy of ith In gh Schealule - . Repeserrtabion of Slater 17 Pastiamnent - + Diebibution gf Lepitlatie Power blto Unio £ Setbed- Arnendm eit of the Couctution ® SS Roceduce fox the Amendments Comet tubion CAukole 368] : + Pmerdmerd- f- Conttitubian Con be iniHadedd only by | toduction bis for the purpose }n eine -houge GF Pasklament and nob ln the State Legittadure Lt con be intodtead either by Q minigker a a puvede member £ choeg nat Uegulne puiat Petrateelan ge tre Reetiderd-s “The bill must be pasted In each haese by a Speck Majacity« CiMajasity ot the tol membexs of the touce + 28 of we membet pleted ih. Noting J + Thee ie no provision of Teint siting jou the pusage f the bil: + Tf He dM Seeks 4c amend dhe federal provisions Enotes J of dhe Gxttrulan, ib mut algo he GakPed by the egltehue oF Alf gf the states by 4 simple may - fife dud pewed by bodh the thouses £ gabpied by the Goto Segicloswe , BU K plesertod to preciderd fev ducer} - Wk He con pelthel Withheld ' iat foe leronciolexasron - oe Ptesidey*® mug ge 4K Ose Aig antore nok Jehiun be b > Type fi Amedmed gf Constitution + + Amendment by Simple macuity of tre Parllarront + > Amendment by Special mgoulty + Pmerslmen by Special mgatity € vabpie ation of half gf the Sede Legos — Amended _by dimple maysity indbader - © pdmiion of Cabbie here of rew Stotee- + fomahor f new States 2 Gkzenship~ Aeqpuetton £ tetmniration « Salaieg £ Gtloworeeg of Mes avd So On- = Pend sed Special Mayatty Imeluder— © Prerdynendt in Purd* Ryde Amendment ‘in OPsP - — fireandrrerd- Dy Spesial Majaity + Pabpieaton Croke] + Bheoow of Peesicle J £ ie mannet- = Se. 2 He Dichibubion of Jtegiclalive power bl Unior £ Gtaber- 2 Repietentalan of Stedex in portioned - Any gf the $s in ww Sohedusfe + + Power of Padiiamerd 40 mend the Congttution d. iis pocadune (tak 366 Heap)

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