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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: Sabina Simon

Level: Comics

Date/Time: 7/12/2016 1:00 - 2:50

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Discuss their translation projects
2. Read American Born Chinese 87-106
3. Understand relationship between media and comics (announce Wed HW)



Review or
Preview (if

Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Activity 1:
Warm Up

1.1 Pre-Stage: Hand each student a card. There are 5 villains and 4 1:00 superheroes. You are trying to figure out who is who in the
classroom first by mingling and asking questions in order to
figure things out, and take notes on a separate piece of paper
that have clues as to who everyone is.
Review Question formation Wh- questions, or
Yes/No Questions of any kind.
1.2. During Stage: Have students mingle for 5 minutes in order to
try to see if they can figure out who everyone is, using indirect
questions and by acting like your person. You have 10 minutes to
ask questions and take notes. At the end, the superheroes will have
the chance to stand by their villains. If they guess right, the villain
goes to jail. If they guess wrong, the villain gets to kill them!
1.2 Post-Stage: Reveal all of the villains

Activity 2:

2.1 Pre-Stage: Have students take out their comics and translation
assignments (note who did it and who didnt).
2.2. During Stage: Put students into groups and take a few minutes
to have students explain 1. The original comic (describe what is
happening), 2. Share the translation, and 3. Explain why they
decided to translate it the way they did (any slang or expressions
that dont exist in English?) 4. Any pictures/explanations that
show stuff that isnt American? (photos, emotions, etc.)

1:20 1:45

2.3 Post-Stage: Discuss cultural relevance of comics (animals

represent certain things, etc.)
Activity 3:
ABC Reading

3.1 Pre-Stage: Have students take out their American Born

Chinese books and give them about 10 minutes to read (focusing
on fluency), then discuss the questions with their groups.

1:55 2:25

3.2. During Stage: Have students go through questions, I walk

around and facilitate.
3.3 Post-Stage: Discuss as a class (students put their answers on
board, we describe similarities/differences, etc.)
Activity 4:
to Comics
and Media

4.1 Pre-Stage: Review different eras of comics, and describe some

of the different things that they had previously noticed for each
era. (drawing style, text, darkness, colors, etc.)
Remind students of what they are going to be
expecting for each of the different years darker,
4.2. During Stage: Tell students this is similar in
movies/media throughout the ages as well. Play clip
from Batman movie (1940, 1966, 1989, 2005, and
2016). After playing each one, have students go
through and fill in comparison chart for action,
costume, technology, dialogue how are they
similar to the comics? How are they different?
4.3 Post-Stage: Have students predict how they think it will
change in the future (if any of them saw the Batman v. Superman,
they can comment)
What about Iron Man? Deadpool? Guardians of the Galaxy?
(different tones for different things).

2:25 2:50

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