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Triassic sediments of the Kaka Point Structural

Belt, South Island, New Zealand, and their
relationship to the Murihiku Terrane
C. V. Jeans , M. J. Fisher , J. I. Raine , R. J. Merriman , H. J. Campbell , A. E.
Fallick , A. D. Carr & S. J. Kemp
To cite this article: C. V. Jeans , M. J. Fisher , J. I. Raine , R. J. Merriman , H. J. Campbell , A. E.
Fallick , A. D. Carr & S. J. Kemp (2003) Triassic sediments of the Kaka Point Structural Belt,
South Island, New Zealand, and their relationship to the Murihiku Terrane, Journal of the Royal
Society of New Zealand, 33:1, 57-84, DOI: 10.1080/03014223.2003.9517721
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Date: 19 February 2016, At: 23:10

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand,

Volume 33, Number 1, March 2003, pp 57-84

Triassic sediments of the Kaka Point Structural Belt,

South Island, New Zealand, and their relationship to
the Murihiku Terrane

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C. V. Jeans1, M. J. Fisher2, J. I. Raine3, R. J. Merriman4, H. J. Campbell3,

A. E. Fallick , A. D. Carr , and S. J. Kemp
Abstract The stratigraphy, palynofacies, palaeotemperatures (spore coloration, vitrinite
reflectance), illite crystallinity, and carbonate stable isotope patterns ( O, C) of the
Triassic sediments exposed on the south-east Otago coast between Pilot Point and
Roaring Bay are discussed in relation to the Hillfoot Fault and the differentiation of the
Dun Mountain-Maitai and Murihiku Terranes. Detailed sections, spore-pollen
biostratigraphy, and palaeotemperatures are described from the Etalian Tilson Siltstone
and Bates Siltstone at Kaka Point and from an undescribed upper Etalian-lower
Kaihikuan succession at Campbell Point. New stable isotope analysis of diagenetic
carbonates from the Triassic sediments of Campbell Point and Roaring Bay are included.
Differences in the Triassic sediments to the north and south of the Hillfoot Fault are
related to minor variations in their tectonic history and not to fundamental differences
in depositional setting, lithofacies, and metamorphism. Higher palaeotemperatures and
greater mineral alteration to the south of the Hillfoot Fault are interpreted as the effects
of localised fluid flow along this structure when it acted as a zone of dcollement in a
fore-arc basinal setting under low or very low geothermal gradients.
Keywords stratigraphy; palynofacies; palaeotemperatures; spore coloration; vitrinite reflectance; illite crystallinity;
stable isotopes; tectonics; biostratigraphy; palynology; sedimentology; Early-Middle Triassic; Kaka Point Structural
Belt; south-east Otago; Hillfoot Fault; Dun Mountain-Maitai Terrane; Murihiku Terrane
Two major structures dominate the Taringatura and Hokonui Hills in southern Otago, New
Zealand: the Southland Syncline and the Murihiku escarpment-Hillfoot Fault (Fig. 1). Both
structures extend to the south-east Otago coast. The axis of the Southland Syncline intersects
the coast at False Islet, south of Roaring Bay. The Hillfoot Fault is mapped as intersecting the
coast just south of Campbell Point (Fig. 2). The Murihiku escarpment-Hillfoot Fault has been
considered to be the contact of two tectonostratigraphic units of markedly different geological
history and origin, the Murihiku Terrane to the south and the Dun Mountain-Maitai Terrane

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ,
Nevis Associates Limited, Helensburgh, Argyll and Butte G84 8DD, Scotland.
Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences, 69 Gracefield Road, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, England.
Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 OQF, Scotland.
Advanced Geochemical Systems Ltd, Burton-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire LE12 5ST, England.
R02032 Received 20 August 2002; accepted 13 December 2002; published 30 April 2003


Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

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Fig. 1 Location of Triassic sediments, south-east Otago, New Zealand. Geological map of Kaka and
Nugget Points and adjacent areas based on Suggate et al. (1978) and Mortimer (1993).

to the north (Campbell 1987; Bishop & Turnbull 1996). On the coast, the Triassic sediments
between Pilot Point and Campbell Point are assigned to the Dun Mountain-Maitai Terrane
(Campbell 1996): they are typically NNE-facing and are referred to as the Kaka Point
Structural Belt (Campbell 1980). The sediments between Campbell Point and Roaring Bay
are included in the Murihiku Terrane and are typically south-facing. The Murihiku escarpmentHillfoot Fault line truncates the northern limb of the Southland Syncline and runs approximately
parallel to its axis: it separates Triassic sediments of different ages. The coastal cliffs and
foreshore reefs between Pilot Point and the south end of Roaring Bay (Fig. 2) expose marine
zeolite-bearing sediments of Early to Late Triassic age (Nelsonian-Otapirian; the Nelsonian
Stage is new and is described by Campbell & Owen (2003)).
The overall section, some 9000 m long, consists of a series of steeply dipping but
relatively undisturbed sequences separated by regions of folded and faulted sediment (see
Campbell 1987 for summary). These sediments have been the focus of a number of detailed
studies of authigenic minerals (Coombs 1965; Ahn et al. 1988; Li et al. 1997; Jeans et al.
1997), stratigraphy (Campbell & Coombs 1966; Campbell 1987), sedimentology (Bishop &
Force 1969), and fossil assemblages (de Jersey & Raine 1990; Paull et al. 1996). It is,
however, still unclear whether the Triassic sediments on either side of the Hillfoot Fault on
the coast are of fundamentally different origins and geological history. This paper is a
contribution towards the solution of this problem.
We provide new data on the sequences, palynostratigraphy, palynofacies, burial
temperatures, and stable isotope geochemistry of the Triassic sediments at Kaka Point, Short
Bay, Campbell Point, and Roaring Bay, and then consider the differences on the coast
between the Triassic sediments on either side of the Hillfoot Fault. The geology of the
sequence to the north of the Hillfoot Fault is newly described by Campbell et al. (2003) as the
Willsher Group, as distinct from the sequence to the south of the Hillfoot Fault which is
mapped as Murihiku Supergroup.

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt

Fig. 2 Triassic formations and
geological map of the coast and
foreshore reefs between Pilot
Point and Nugget Point (based
on Campbell 1987). Locations of
Kaka Point (KP) and Short Bay/
Campbell Point (SC) sections are

Port Molyneux School




Woituti Siltst.
Port Molyneux Siltst Kaihikuan
Pilot Point ShortB
Tilson Siltst.
1 Kako Point Sst.
Eta 1 i an
Bates Siltst.
| unassigned
I Potiki Siltst.

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Nelsonian- Etalian

bed. ing, strike/dip


Nugget Point

The lithological sequences described in this paper were recorded in the foreshore reefs in the
vicinity of Kaka Point and Campbell Point during 1971, 1987, and 1997. The detailed
sections are drawn up so as to facilitate future, accurate sampling. The locations of samples
described in this paper and in Jeans et al. (1997) are shown. Maps of the foreshore reefs
drawn from 1:1000 and 1:2000 aerial photographs show the position of marker horizons and
conspicuous units. The lithological sections do not show true thicknesses but outcrop width
of individual beds. Once the marker horizons have been identified in the reefs, the detailed
succession can be followed by stretching a tape measure between them. The dip of the
successions at Kaka Point varies from high to vertical and outcrop widths differ little from
the true thickness, whereas at Campbell Point dips are lower (c. 45) and the outcrop width is
approximately twice that of the true thickness.
Samples for palynofacies and palynostratigraphic analysis were prepared at the Department
of Earth Sciences, Sheffield University. Quantification for palynofacies is based upon counts
of 100. Palynomorph assemblages are based on scans of (usually) one slide. Palaeotemperature
analysis has used the Spore Colour Index (SCI) procedure of Collins (1990) and Cornford
(1990) combined with vitrinite reflectivity measurements. Illite crystallinity measurements
were carried out using the sample preparation methods and XRD conditions detailed by
Roberts et al. (1991) and the measuring procedure recommended by Kisch (1987). Stable


Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

isotope analyses of diagenetic carbonates were
carried out at SUERC at East Kilbride and at
the Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford
University (for methods see Jeans et al. (1997,
p. 202)).

40 m

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Fig. 3 The Triassic succession and

lithofacies at Kaka Point.

The Triassic sediments exposed in the foreshore
reefs and cliffs between Pilot Point and Roaring
Bay are dominated by siltstones (often
laminated) and fine-grained sandstones, with
lesser amounts of conglomerates, coarser
grained sandstones, and various diagenetically
developed volcanogenic lithologies: claystones
(soft), porcellanites (hard), and albite-rich beds.
Diagenetic nodules and beds occur in all
lithologies except the porcellanites and the
albite-rich beds and are associated with
authigenic carbonates, clay minerals, analcime,
quartz, sulphides, and apatite. A more
comprehensive account of these lithologies is
given in Jeans et al. (1997, pp. 380-395).
Considerable stratigraphical variation in the
distribution of these lithologies occurs as the
section is followed along the coast. For example,
mudstone, claystone, porcellanites, and
diagenetic nodules are particularly well
developed in the Tilson and Bates Siltstones at
Kaka Point, whereas the section between Short
Bay and Campbell Point contains few
mudstones, claystones, or porcellanites, and
diagenetic nodules are rare. The great majority
of individual beds of the volcanogenic
lithologies, even if only a centimetre or so thick,
can be traced for tens of metres across the width
of the foreshore reefs. Variations in thickness
of the claystones are related usually to tectonic
squeezing by differential movement of the more
competent beds on either side.
Triassic sequence at Kaka Point
The location and general sequence of Middle
Triassic sediments from Port Molyneux School
to the Karoro Stream, south of Kaka Point, are
shown in Fig. 2. The sediments at Kaka Point
(Fig. 3) have been assigned to three facies (nearshore, offshore, catastrophic volcanogenic)
by Jeans et al. (1997) using lithological,

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt

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Fig. 4 Foreshore reefs (Area

3) at Kaka Point showing
marker horizons in the Bates
Siltstone. Guts are narrow tidal
inlets where a poorly resistant
lithology has been affected
preferentially by marine erosion.


rom. siltstCI l5-5-H7-2m)

ut with porce!lanite{!33-5-l35Om

base of measured section

palynofacial, and mineralogical characters. Two sections are described in detail: (1) an
essentially continuous sequence in the Bates Siltstone from the northern limit of Kaka Point
Beach up to its contact with the Kaka Point Sandstone (Fig. 3); (2) a sequence in the nodulerich Tilson Siltstone from just above its contact with the Kaka Point Sandstone up to a
nodule-bearing horizon exposed in the reefs to the east of Kaka Point Church (Fig. 3). The
continuity of the section is broken by Bates Beach, an area of poor foreshore exposure
associated with faulting, minor folding, and spaced cleavage development (Fig. 3, Area 11A; Jeans et al. 1997, fig. 2c).
Bates Siltstone
The distribution of marker horizons in the foreshore reefs within this formation is shown in
Fig. 4. The detailed section is shown in Fig. 5. Macrofossil assemblages are known particularly
from the Mellarium horizon (68.5-71.5 m) and are assigned by Campbell (1987) to the
Etalian Stage. The top of the Bates Siltstone is clearly seen in the low cliffs and foreshore
reefs forming the southern margin of the Kaka Point promontory. At c. 18.5-20.5 m below
this, three prominent siltstones are conspicuous in the foreshore reefs. At 74.5-77 m, two
siltstone beds form very prominent reefs. Below this there are a number of well-defined
claystones containing diagenetic nodules, which are useful markers if not covered by sand
and shingle. Prominent porcellanous beds occur at 134-135 m and at a lower horizon (152154 m) where they are of lenticular form and interpreted as channel fills. The nodules of the
Bates Siltstone are developed in claystone, siltstone, sandstone, and porcellanous lithologies.
Their authigenic mineralogy (Jeans et al. 1997, table 3, p. 392) is characterised by siderite
and quartz with occasional calcite, analcime, and apatite.

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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

Mellarium horizon (68-5-7l-5m)

Fig. 5 Detailed section in Bates Siltstone, Kaka Point (uncorrected for dip). Lithological key in Fig. 8.

Tilson Siltstone
The distribution of the marker horizons of the lower part of the succession in the foreshore
reefs north of Kaka Point is shown in Fig. 6. The detailed section is given in Fig. 7, 8.
Macrofossils are known particularly from the Tropigastrites horizon (81.8-82.4 m) and are
assigned to the Etalian Stage by Campbell (1987). There are seven marker horizons, six
conspicuous and one less so. The section is relatively easy to follow in the field. The lowest
marker horizon, A (32.9-33.6 m), is a pair of conspicuous nodule bands, each set in claystone
and separated by a 0.3-m grey siltstone. Marker horizon Ax (78.0-79.9 m) is a rusty weathering
unit consisting of various porcellanite types (analcime/heulandite and heulandite) exhibiting
contorted bedding. Marker horizon B (97.80-97.85 m) is a prominent and continuous, palecoloured calcitised ash with a very thin albite-rich bed at its base. Marker horizon C (120.2-

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt

Area I


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50 metres ,

approx. top of measured


base of measured section


Fig. 6 Foreshore reefs (Area 2) north of Kaka Point showing marker horizons in the lower part of the
Tilson Siltstone.

120.25 m) is a thin pale-coloured albite-rich bed conspicuous against the much darker
siltstones. Marker D (130.4-130.8 m) consists of thin alternating sandy and claystone beds,
somewhat softer than the siltstones above and below which contain large ovoidal nodules.
Marker E (152.0-154.4 m) is a thick sandy unit, somewhat less resistant than the adjacent
siltstones. Marker F (173.6-181.8 m) is a unit of more or less well-cemented siltstones.

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

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Fig. 7 Detailed section (0.0-81.7 m) in the lower part of the Tilson Siltstone, Area 2, Kaka Point
(uncorrected for dip). Lithological key in Fig. 8. Numbers on right hand side are sample numbers.

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt



100-7 -L

908 - -

| P^35IS8T"69T32^

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1401 4:140-7=1-22 ,,6.,-L


Tropigastrites horizon (8l-8-82-4m)







_ 167-325




1005-t i . 0 4 5 8 9 8 -

162-71621 -



Fig. 8 Detailed section (81.7-200.6 m) in the lower part of the Tilson Siltstone, Area 2, Kaka Point
(uncorrected for dip).


Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

^ ; : .->v- : ''lOOm v ' : y : /

Fig. 9 The foreshore reefs

(Area 1) near Kaka Point Church,
showing the fault at the base of
the section in the upper part of
the Tilson Siltstone.

^top of measured section

Sybase of bentonite at l4-35m

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folded ljmestone(IO-l5cm)

The upper part of the succession was recorded from the foreshore reefs of Area 1 (Fig. 9;
Jeans et al. 1997, fig. 2c). The section is shown in Fig. 10; it is not easy to follow, as
conspicuous marker horizons are absent. The fault delimiting the base should be first sought,
then the rest of the sequence can be followed once the horizons of diagenetic nodules at
14.45 m, 23.95 m (rusty, elongate; samples 053 and 054 from this horizon were recorded
incorrectly by Jeans et al. 1997, table 3, as occurring at 22.5 m), 37.2 m (rusty, elongate), and
54.15 m (rusty, sub-ovoidal, large) have been identified.
The authigenic non-clay mineralogy of the diagenetic nodules in these Tilson Siltstone
successions is given in Jeans et al. (1997, table 3, pp. 390-392). Variations in the authigenic
mineralogy exhibit a stratigraphical pattern and are facies related. Between the base of the
Tilson Siltstone and up to the 44.3 m level (including sample 90N) the nodules occur in
claystone and siltstone and their authigenic mineralogy is characterised by calcite, quartz,
analcime, and apatite. The siltstone nodules tend to have lower proportions of analcime than
the claystone nodules. The nodules from the overlying interval between 51.0 m (sample 124;
Fig. 7) and 105.5 m (sample 046; Fig. 8) are mainly in siltstone, although some are in
claystones or form continuous limestone beds. These nodules have authigenic mineralogies
of calcite and quartz: apatite may be present whereas analcime occurs only occasionally and
then usually in minor amounts. The Tilson Siltstone between 108.0 and 167.3 m (Fig. 8)
contains many siltstone nodules characterised by calcite, quartz, analcime, and apatite.
Analcime when present occurs usually only in minor amounts. The topmost part of the Tilson
Siltstone in Area 2 contains two nodule bands (sample 043, 173.5 m; sample 047, 182.0 m;
Fig. 8) lacking apatite and analcime but containing calcite, rhodochrositic, and sideritic
carbonate. Nodules in the upper part of the Tilson Siltstone succession (Fig. 10) have
authigenic mineralogies consisting of calcite, sideritic and rhodochrositic carbonate, quartz,
and analcime; apatite is absent.
Triassic sequence at Short Bay/Campbell Point
This section starts within the southern headland of Short Bay and continues to Campbell
Point. No macrofossil assemblages have been found (J. D. Campbell pers. comm.), but
palynofloral assemblages suggest a Triassic, upper Etalian-lower Kaihikuan age. The
lithologies consist largely of siltstone with thin alternations of sandstone and belong to the
near-shore facies. The sequence is divided into 14 units by thick massive sandstones. The
distribution of these units in the foreshore reefs and the detailed section are shown in Fig. 11

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Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt




6-0 ->--^

Fig. 10 Detailed section in the upper part of the Tilson Siltstone, Area 1, Kaka Point (uncorrected for
dip). Lithological key in Fig. 8.

and 12, respectively. Porcellanites, claystones, and the albite-rich lithology are absent.
Diagenetic nodules are restricted to two horizons. There is a horizon of large calcareous
nodules (4/97) near the base of the section and a thin c. 5 cm siderite-cemented horizon (5/
97) in Unit II, c. 46 m above its base. The clay and non-clay mineralogy of the siltstones is
similar to that of the Bates and Tilson Siltstones at Kaka Point (Jeans et al. 1997, p. 202): the
only difference is that zeolites have not been identified in our general X-ray diffraction

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

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Fig. 11 Foreshore reefs, Short Bay/Campbell Point, showing subdivisions of the upper Etalian-lower
Kaihikuan sediments.

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt








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-I2(SCI.4-25,87C) /


-I I(SCI.4-25,87C) '

Fig. 12 Detailed section of upper Etalian-lower Kaihikuan sediments, Short Bay/Campbell Point.
Values of and estimated temperatures from Spore Colour Index (SCI) and vitrinite reflectivity (VR)
are shown. NEM, not enough material for reliable temperature estimate.


Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003





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Fig. 13 Relative abundance of phytoclasts in near-shore and offshore samples from the Bates and
Tilson Siltstones (A, B) and from the upper Etalian-lower Kaihikuan sediments (C, D). Areas shown
by dotted lines define the range of values for offshore samples from Kaka Point.

Kaka Point
Thirteen samples for palynofacies analysis were selected, seven to represent the near-shore
and six the offshore facies of the Bates and Tilson Siltstone sequences. The general results
are summarised in Fig. 13A,B (see also Jeans et al. 1997). All samples contain microplankton
assemblages (Fig. 13A). These are dominated by acritarchs with subordinate leiospheres and
tasmanitids. The acanthomorph acritarchs (predominantly Micrhystridium spp. and rare
Baltisphaeridium spp.) are characteristic of near-shore, frequently partially enclosed marine
environments (Wall 1965). Polygonomorph acritarchs (e.g., Veryhachium spp.), which favour
more open marine environments, are present in low concentrations. The indications are that
both the near-shore shallower water and offshore deeper water samples were deposited in a
marine environment. The two groups of samples plot in different fields in Fig. 13A. The
offshore samples are differentiated particularly by their enhanced ratios of saccate pollen to
spores. In marine environments this may reflect distance from a terrestrial source as saccate
pollen is capable of wider dispersal by flotation (Fisher 1985).

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt


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The palynological residues (Fig. 13B) of both near-shore and offshore samples are
dominated by terrestrial elements with high concentrations of inertinite, vitrinite, cutinite,
spores, pollen, and degraded structured organic debris; amorphous sapropel of marine source
is a minor component. Most samples (except 24, 26, and 30) show evidence of winnowing
with little fine debris. The onshore (shallower water) and offshore (deeper water) samples
plot in two distinctive fields that reflect the relative abundance of cutinite. The near-shore
samples display higher cutinite to inertinite/vitrinite ratios. Of the terrestrial derived material,
cutinite (preserved leaf and stem cuticle) is the least resistant to physical or biological
degradation. As a result it is rarely preserved in high-energy depositional environments or in
the end members of processes that involve reworking of sediment (Fisher 1980).
Short Bay/Campbell Point
Eight samples for palynofacies analysis were selected to represent the whole section. The
general results are summarised in Fig. 13C,D. All samples contained marine microplankton
assemblages dominated by acanthomorph acritarchs. Polygonomorph acritarchs, indicative
of more open marine environments, are rare but are most abundant in samples 8 and 13. The
assemblage from sample 7 was slightly anomalous, comprising leiospheres and tasmanitids
with proportionately fewer acanthomorph acritarchs suggesting a sub-tidal to supratidal
environment. None of the samples contained significant quantities of degraded organic
debris, but it is most common in samples 13 and 16. Evidence of winnowing is seen only in
sample 14.
Comparison with Kaka Point indicates that all samples except sample 8 fall within or close
to the distribution field of phytoclasts for the onshore facies. Sample 8 falls within the
offshore facies field for phytoclast distribution although the saccate pollen:spore ratio is low.
Most of the Campbell Point samples are relatively impoverished in saccate pollen, suggesting
a near-shore location, although some of these lie outside the phytoclast distribution field for
the near-shore facies samples from Kaka Point. Samples 9 and 13 with their enhanced saccate
pollen contents suggest a more offshore location. However, no single sample exhibits
offshore characteristics for both their palynomorph and phytoclast distribution. Palynofacies
analysis suggests that the Campbell Point/Short Bay section is of near-shore facies although
at some horizons there is evidence of more offshore influence.
Previous work
Spore-pollen content of the Kaka Point Structural Belt was investigated at a reconnaissance
scale by de Jersey & Raine (1990) in a biostratigraphic and taxonomic study of Triassic to
Early Jurassic strata of the Murihiku Supergroup. Samples for that study were collected in the
foreshore reefs at Willsher Bay and from Kaka Point northwards, locations being indicated in
an earlier report (Raine 1980, fig. 2). These six collections were made from beds thought, on
the basis of fossil faunas, to be correlative with the Etalian to Kaihikuan stages (AnisianLadinian) of the New Zealand sequence (Force 1970; Campbell 1980, 1987; Campbell
Taxonomic composition of palynofloras
Taxonomic identifications for the five previous collections from the Bates Siltstone and
Tilson Siltstone in the Kaka Point to Pilot Point foreshore reefs are placed in stratigraphic
sequence with those of the present study in Table 1. New samples 21 and 58 extend the
palynologically studied sequence slightly downwards in the Bates Siltstone from the previous

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Table 1 Stratigraphic distribution of palynomorph taxa in Kaka Point, Willsher Bay, and Short Bay to Campbell Point sequences. Stratigraphic positions indicated
are in metres with respect to the base (-ve values) or top of the Kaka Point Sandstone. Stratigraphically significant taxa mentioned in the text are highlighted in bold,
x, occurrence; cf., specimen comparable with species; ?, uncertain identification.

Stratigraphic Position

Fossil Record File number (H46/f...)

Kaka Point
-118.5 -106.0 -70.0 -31.5 1.9

58 21
294 295

Acanthotriletes spp.
Alisporites australis de Jersey
Alisporites spp.
Anapiculatisporites pristidentatus
Reiser & Williams
Anapiculatisporites sp.
Annulispora sp.
Apiculatisporis clematisi de Jersey
Apiculatisporis otapiriensis de Jersey & Raine
Apiculatisporis spp.
Aratrisporites spp.
Baculatisporites comaumensis (Cookson)
Biretisporites sp.
Brevitriletes bulliensis (Helby & de Jersey)
de Jersey & Raine
Calamospora tener (Leschik) de Jersey
Calamospora sp.
Chordasporites australiensis de Jersey
Cingutriletes cestus Stevens
Cingutriletes sp.
Clavatisporites conspicuus Playford
Clavatisporites sp. B of de Jersey & Raine 1990
Clavatisporites spp.
Conaletes sp.
Converrucosisporites cameronii (de Jersey)
Playford & Dettm.
Converrucosisporites cf. cameronii




Short Bay to Campbell Point


8 7 3
1 13 14 16
309 308 307 306 305 310 311 312

49.6 80.3 82.0 116.9 140.7 178.2

30 98 119 118 128 85

32 22 26
20 296 297 298 299 300 301 19 302 303 304 18 17










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Converrucosisporites rewanensis de Jersey

Converrucosisporites spp.
Cyathidites breviradiatus Helby
Cyathidites spp.
Cycadopites follicularis Wilson & Webster
Deltoidospora directa (Balme & Hennelly)
Deltoidospora spp.
Densoisporites cf. nejburgii (Schulz) Balme
Densoisporites psilatus (de Jersey)
Raine & de Jersey
Densoisporites spp.
Dictyophyllidites atraktos Stevens
Dictyophyllidites mortonii (de Jersey)
Playford & Detrmann
Dictyophyllidites sp.
Distriatites insolitus Bharadwaj & Salujha
Equisetosporites steevesii (Jansonius) de Jersey
Equisetosporites sp.
Granulatisporites spp.
Inaperturopollenites spp.
Indospora clara Bharadwaj
Indospora cf. clara
Indospora sp.
Indospora reticulata de Jersey
Ischyosporites spp.
Klausipollenites sp.
Kraeuselisporites spp.
Limatulasporites limatulus (Playford)
Helby & Foster
Limbosporites denmeadii (de Jersey)
de Jersey & Raine
Lueckisporites sp.
Lophotriletes sp.
Lunatisporites spp.
Lundbladispora brevicula Balme
monosaccate pollen
Neoraistrickia ramosus (Balme & Hennelly)
Neoraistrickia sp.
Osmundacidites fissus (Leschik) Playford



x x x





x x x







x x x

x cf.




x x x


x x x


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Table 1 {continued)

Stratigraphic Position

Fossil Record File number (H46/f...)

Osmundacidites wettmanii Couper
Osmundacidites spp.
Playfordiaspora crenulata (Wilson) Foster
Protohaploxypinus spp.
Punctatisporites spp.
Raistrickia sp.
Retusotriletes sp.
Rugulatisporites nelsonensis Raine
Rugulatisporites trisinus de Jersey &
Rugulatisporites sp. B of de Jersey &
Raine 1990
Rugulatisporites spp.
Stenozonotriletes sp.
Stereisporites antiquasporites
(Wilson & Webster) Dettmann
Stereisporites spp.
Striatella seebergensis Madler
Striatoabieites multistriatus
(Balme & Hennelly) Hart
Thymospora ipsviciensis (de Jersey) Jain
Thymospora sp.
Todisporites major Couper
Triadispora spp.
Triplexisporites playfordii (de Jersey &
Hamilton) Foster
Tuberculatosporites aberdarensis de Jersey
Uvaesporites verrucosus (de Jersey)
Helby s.l.
Uvaesporites spp.
Verrucosisporites spp.


Kaka Point
-118.5 -106.0 -70.0 -31.5 1.9

2.5 2.8

49.6 80.3 82.0 116.9 140.7 178.2


294 295 20 296 297 298 299 300 301 19 302 303 304 18 17 16


Short Bay to Campbell Point








309 308 307 306 305 310 311 312












Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt







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X o-

S -S

y -s t 3


5 j S

I o


sample H46/f20. H46/f 19 is within the section collected for

this study, but H46/f18 and f17 were collected to the north
of the present sample sequence, and are from successively
higher positions within the Tilson Siltstone. H46/f16 was
collected still higher, near the northern limit of Triassic
outcrop, and is from siltstone of the Kaihikuan Stage since
it overlies the lowest occurrence of the brachiopod
Alipunctifera kaihikuana (Trechmann), the first appearance
of which is taken to mark the base of the stage (Campbell &
Force 1973). Taxonomic identifications for samples from
the Short Bay/Campbell Point sequence are also indicated
in Table 1; samples are arranged from left to right in
ascending local stratigraphic order, but no relationship to
the Kaka Point sequence is to be inferred from the table
General characteristics of the new palynological
assemblages have been described in the preceding section.
Diverse trilete spores, of which apiculate types are most
abundant, form one of the two main components of the
terrestrial palynoflora. The other main component comprises
bisaccate pollen, mainly species of Alisporites (of which
only the relatively common A. australis has been separately
distinguished), and several striate taxa recorded mostly at
generic level because of poor preservation (Lunatisporites
spp., Protohaploxypinus spp.). Other bisaccate pollen
including the striate species Distriatites insolitus and
Striatoabieites multistriatus is also present but uncommon.
Monolete spores (e.g., of the typical Triassic genus
Aratrisporites) and monosaccate, monocolpate, or
multiplicate pollen are also relatively uncommon. Two
species not previously recorded from the New Zealand
Triassic, Cyathidites breviradiatus and Indospora reticulata,
are illustrated in Fig. 14.
The Kaka Point sequence, with the exception of the highest
(Kaihikuan) sample, contains Apiculatisporis clematisi
throughout and is thus referable to the A. clematisi Zone.
The Kaihikuan sample H46/f16 lacks A. clematisi but also
Annulispora folliculosa and other species first appearing in
the succeeding A. folliculosa Zone. However, the presence
in this sample of Indospora clara and Limatulasporites
limatulus, which last appear near the A. clematisi/A.
folliculosa zone boundary, suggest that the base of the A.
folliculosa Zone may be stratigraphically above the sampled
horizon, a position adopted by de Jersey & Raine (1990).
The Short Bay/Campbell Point sequence is broadly
similar in species composition to the Kaka Point sequence,
with the presence of A. clematisi in all samples indicating

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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

the same zone. Among species of biostratigraphic importance, Clavatisporites conspicuus,

Indospora clara, Limatulasporites limatulus, and Rugulatisporites trisinus are also present in
several of the Short Bay/Campbell Point samples. Differences include the absence of
Triplexisporites playfordii in all eight samples, and the presence of Striatella seebergensis in
two. C. conspicuus, I. Clara, and L. limatulus have upper range limits approximately similar
to that of A. clematisi; however, the distribution of the other three species mentioned is
particularly relevant to correlation.
De Jersey & Raine (1990) recorded rare specimens of Striatella seebergensis from midOretian (Norian) and higher strata in New Zealand, but the species is more abundant in
eastern Australia, where it has been used as a zonal index. In Queensland its first appearance
is at the base of the Moolayember Formation (de Jersey & Hamilton 1967; Playford et al.
1982). De Jersey & Raine (1990, p. 66) correlated this horizon with the middle part of the
Etalian Stage. Rugulatisporites trisinus was previously recorded in New Zealand strata only
from H46/f18, but the present work has extended its range to the lower part of the Kaka Point
section. In Queensland this distinctive species has a limited range, being essentially confined
to the upper Clematis Group and lower Moolayember Formation of the Bowen Basin
sequence (de Jersey & Hamilton 1967; de Jersey 1968), but rare specimens are also known
from the Esk Formation, which is correlated with the upper part of the Moolayember
Formation (de Jersey 1972). The absence of Triplexisporites playfordii in the Short Bay/
Campbell Point section contrasts with its presence in most of the Kaka Point samples,
although the uppermost two samples of this sequence, including the Kaihikuan sample H46/
f16, lack the species. The Kaka Point distribution of T. playfordii is consistent with the
termination of its stratigraphic range in upper Etalian strata of New Zealand and the middle
part of the Moolayember Formation in eastern Australia (de Jersey & Raine 1990).
Combining these data, the Short Bay/Campbell Point sequence is inferred to be most
likely stratigraphically above the last appearance of T. playfordii, and to correlate with the
upper part of the Moolayember Formation of Queensland, with the upper part of the A.
clematisi Zone, and with the upper Etalian-lower Kaihikuan stage interval. In terms of the
Kaka Point sequence it apparently lies above the section sampled in the present study, but
may have correlative strata in the coastal reefs to the north of Kaka Point.

Fig. 14 Selected palynomorphs from the Kaka Point and Campbell Point sections. Slide numbers
refer to the palynology collection of Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, where the
microscope slides are curated. A, Apiculatisporis clematisi de Jersey, sample 118, slide L18637/1,
England Finder location H15/0, equatorial diameter 63 um; B, Clavatisporites conspicuus Playford,
118, L18637/2, W24/0, 43 urn; C, Cyathidites breviradiatus Helby, 119, L18638/1, F50/3, 34 urn; D,
Limatulasporites limatulus (Playford) Helby & Foster, 16, L18628/1, N35/2, 31 um; E, Indospora
clara Bharadwaj, 22, L18630/2, H29/0, 41 um; F, Indospora reticulata de Jersey, 119, L18638/2, P58/
1, 50 um; G, H, Striatella seebergensis Mdler, 14, L18627/1, W43/4, 33 um; proximal (G) and distal
(H) foci; I, J, Triplexisporites playfordii (de Jersey & Hamilton) Foster, two specimens in respectively
polar (I: 22, L18630/1, D46/1, 29 um) and equatorial (J: 118, L18637/2, G35/3, 33 um) aspects; K,
Rugulatisporites trisinus de Jersey & Hamilton, 32, L18633/1, L36/0, 35 um; L, Aratrisporites sp.,
118, L18637/2, E37/3, major equatorial diameter 51 um; M, Distriatites insolitus Bharadwaj &
Salujha, 119, L18638/1, K52/3, major equatorial diameter 71 um; N, Lunatisporites sp., 21, L18629/2,
O57/1, major equatorial diameter 82 um; O, photomicrograph at lower magnification showing
Micrhystridium sp. (1, diameter including spines 23 um), Alisporites australis de Jersey (2, major
equatorial diameter 55 um), and a scolecodont (3, maximum dimension 200 um) together with opaque
organic matter; sample 119, L18638/1, O56/3. Scale bars = 10 um.


Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt

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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003


Carbonate-cemented nodules from the near- and offshore lithofacies of the Bates and Tilson
Siltstones at Kaka Point can be separated on their 818O and 813C values (Jeans et al. 1997).
New analyses (Table 2) from carbonate-cemented nodules and calcitic shells display the
same separation (Fig. 15). Two nodule horizons at Short Bay/Campbell Bay and shells from
the Oretian and Otamitan sediments of Roaring Bay exhibit near-shore 818O and 813C values,
although these lie outside the range displayed by nodules from the near-shore lithofacies of
the Bates and Tilson Siltstones at Kaka Point (Fig. 15). The three siltstone nodules from the
Oretian sediments of Roaring Bay exhibit 818O and 813C values that are within the range of
values displayed by the nodules from the offshore lithofacies of the Bates and Tilson
Siltstones at Kaka Point (Fig. 15).

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The average estimated temperature using the Spore Colour Index from seven samples from
the Short Bay/Campbell Point section is 86.3C 5 and from the vitrinite reflectivity of one
sample is 79.5C (Fig. 12). There is no obvious increase in temperature with stratigraphic
depth. The average vitrinite temperature is similar to the conodont colour alteration temperature
of 80C from a siltstone horizon in the Potiki Siltstone (Paull et al. 1996), and somewhat
lower than the vitrinite temperatures from the Bates and Tilson Siltstones (82-87C; Jeans et
al. 1997, p. 197). The average spore coloration temperature is lower than the values for the
Bates and Tilson Siltstones (100.3C, 91.9C; Jeans et al. 1997, p. 197). There is no evidence
of localised zones of enhanced temperatures (up to 160C) as reported in the Tilson Siltstone
by Jeans et al. (1997).
Twenty of a suite of siltstone samples provided by D. S. Coombs (to test the regional
variation in palaeotemperatures between Port Molyneux and Roaring Bay) were analysed for
vitrinite reflectance. However, only nine yielded sufficient vitrinite to produce polished
mounts for optical measurements. Of these, only three contained enough vitrinite to make
100 reflectivity measurements, the population from which a statistically valid mean is
obtained (Table 3). Mean random reflectivity (Ro) values derived from samples with less
than 100 measurements must be treated with caution. Values in the range 0.42-0.90 %Ro

Table 2 Stable isotopes of carbonates from Short Bay/Campbell Bay (see Fig. 12 for horizons) and
Roaring Bay (see Campbell 1987, fig. 4, 6 for horizons).



Short Bay/Campbell Bay

c. base of section
c. 46 m above base
Roaring Bay
shell bed, Oretian Stage
Manticula Band, base of
Otamitan Stage
Oretian Stage
Oretian Stage
Oretian Stage
Oretian Stage

Lithology and
carbonate mineralogy

518O%opDB 513C%opDB

siltstone nodule, calcite

siltstone, siderite



brachiopod, calcite
bivalve, calcite








Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt












/ 3 b



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Fig. 15 Plot of 513C versus 518O values for bulk carbonate samples from Short Bay/Campbell Point
(4/97 calcite; 5/97 siderite) and Roaring Bay (1, calcite, brachiopod shell bed; 2, calcite, Manticula
Band; 3a,b, 4a, b, calcite, Oretian siltstones). Areas shown by dotted lines define the range of 513C and
518O values for samples from the Bates and Tilson Siltstones, Kaka Point.

represent immature to peak mature for oil generation from Type II kerogens and immature to
wet gas for Type III kerogens. A temperature range of 75-130C is indicated using the
kinetic burial model EASY %Ro (5C/m.y.) of Sweeney & Burnham (1990, fig. 2a). However,
if there was high pressure in the system (overpressure = 8000 psi), then a value of 0.9 %Ro
may represent higher temperatures, up to 250C (Dalla Torre et al. 1997; Carr 1999).
Fourteen additional samples of siltstones from the suite provided by D. S. Coombs were
analysed for illite crystallinity (IC); only seven produced a discrete 10- peak (Table 3) and
the remainder gave either very low intensity peaks, as shoulders on more intense illite/
smectite (I/S) peaks, or no 10- peak. All the samples examined have a sparse clay content,
suggesting that there is little likelihood of significant amounts of detrital white mica in the
separations. Hence, the IC measurements largely reflect reaction progress in the smectite-toillite transition. The range of IC values (1.02-0.58 A29) is consistent with illite crystallite
thicknesses imaged in the siltstones by the TEM study of Li et al. (1997). The presence of I/
S, detected only in the Kaka Point main section and Willsher Bay to Campbell section,
indicates that the smectite-to-illite transition has not been completed in these sections. No I/
S was detected in the sections south of the Hillfoot Fault. The range of IC values indicates
that these rocks belong to the late diagenetic zone, and that temperatures did not exceed
A direct correlation between VR and IC data was not possible since no single sample was
analysed for VR and IC. However, both indicators were obtained from samples within a few
hundred metres of each other in outcrops from Kaka Point to Nugget Point (Table 3; Fig. 16).
In these samples the overall correlation between VR and IC is poor. For a given VR value, the
IC is generally higher than expected, or, conversely, the VR is lower than expected for a
given IC. Retardation of VR relative to IC has been described from the Franciscan Complex
(Dalla Torre et al. 1997), where it was tentatively attributed to high (over) pressure. The Kaka

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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

Point to Nugget Point data plot on a similar VR versus IC trend to the Franciscan data but
both indicate lower maturity/grade than the Californian rocks.
Although a weak down-section increase in VR is seen in three samples from the Kaka
Point main section, from 0.44 to 0.61%, there are insufficient VR data from other sections to
detect any trends. No such trends are found in the IC data.
Spatial variation in VR and IC data suggests that the degree of maturity on either side of
the Hillfoot Fault differs slightly (Table 4; Fig. 16). Taking mean IC and VR values, the strata
to the south of the Hillfoot Fault are slightly more mature than strata to the north of the fault.
This is supported by the apparent absence of I/S south of the Hillfoot Fault.
The increase in maturity on the south side of the Hillfoot Fault is also recorded in a series
of unpublished reports giving VR measurements obtained from mainly Jurassic strata in the
Southland Syncline (Langton 1977; Lowe et al. 1979; Lavers et al. 1983). However, the
higher maturity values (0.69-0.89 %Ro) are clustered within c. 20 km of the south side of the
Hillfoot Fault; further south the majority of values generally return to the lower values typical
of the Kaka Point area.

Table 3 Vitrinite reflectance (VR %Ro) and illite crystallinity (ICA20) data from Kaka Point to
Nugget Point, southern New Zealand.
Sample no.
OU 67936
OU 67941
OU 67952
OU 62132
OU 62133
OU 67960
OU 68533
OU 67993
OU 34442
OU 68436
OU 68434
OU 68423
OU 68473
OU 68483A
OU 68483B
OU 86492
OU 68494
OU 62180
OU 68503
OU 39905




0.44 (8)*
0.55 (100)
0.61 (20)
0.72 (100)
0.51 (50)
0.42 (8)
0.81 (14)
0.9 (100)
0.51 (4)

Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
Kaka Point main sequence
SE Willsher Bay to Campbell Point
SE Willsher Bay to Campbell Point
SE Willsher Bay to Campbell Point
SE Willsher Bay to Campbell Point
SE Campbell Point to S of Hays Gap
SE Campbell Point to S of Hays Gap
SE Campbell Point to S of Hays Gap
N limb, Southland Syncline
N limb, Southland Syncline
N limb, Southland Syncline
N limb, Southland Syncline
N limb, Southland Syncline

*Number of measurements.

Table 4 Mean VR and IC in strata on either side of the Hillfoot Fault.

Mean IC
Mean VR

North of Hillfoot Fault

South of Hillfoot Fault

0.81 A20 (n = 3)
0.57 %Ro (n = 5)

0.68 A26 (n = 4)
0.66 %Ro (n = 4)

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt


Port Molyneux Siltst
Tilson Siltst.
Kaka Point Sst.
Bates Siltst.

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F \ 0-72%.70
; I o/
.0 01 /o

bedding, strike/dip

Campbell Point
3 "75



Nugget Point

Fig. 16 Vitrinite reflectance (VR %Ro) and illite crystallinity (ICA20) data from Kaka Point to
Nugget Point, south-east Otago, New Zealand.

The age range and lithologies of the Triassic sediments found on either side of the Hillfoot
Fault between Port Molyneux and Roaring Bay are similar. North of the fault, sediments
range from Nelsonian to Kaihikuan in age, whereas to the south they range from Etalian
upwards. The sediments are dominated by siltstones. A number of lithologies are restricted to
the north of the fault. They consist of claystones (bentonites), diagenetic carbonate and other
nodules, and the albite-rich lithology. They are best developed in the Etalian Bates and Tilson
Siltstones. Inland, however, these lithologies have been recorded in the Murihiku Terrane,
south of the Hillfoot Fault, during reconnaissance of the Etalian sediments in the Central
Hokonui Hills (Otamita valley and Overton road sections), situated within the Murihiku

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Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 33, 2003

On the coast, north of the Hillfoot Fault, two separate Triassic sequences have been
recognised. The northern one, younging to the north, starts with the Nelsonian/Etalian Potiki
Siltstone, the Etalian Bates Siltstone, Kaka Point Sandstone, and Tilson Siltstone, and is
overlain by the Etalian/Kaihikuan Pilot Point Sandstone and Port Molyneux Siltstone. Strikes
are NW-SE in the lower part of the section and swing round to c. E-W to the south of Kaka
The southern sequence in Willsher Bay youngs to the north-east and commences with
Etalian sediments (Campbell 1987) striking approximately N-S. Higher strata occur south of
Short Bay and on the main part of Campbell Point, but the strike swings round to NE-SW as
the sequence passes up into the alternating sandstones and siltstones of upper Etalian and
lower Kaihikuan age which are described in detail in this paper. The southern edge of this
sequence coincides approximately with the inferred position of the Hillfoot Fault. The
sequence to the south of the Hillfoot Fault has a consistent NW-SE strike, and youngs
southwards. The lower part of the section is unfossiliferous, at least in regard to macrofossils;
ages range from Etalian, through Kaihikuan to Oretian in Roaring Bay.
The Triassic sequences to the north of the Hillfoot Fault display similar facies patterns that
are reflected in their palynology, diagenetic mineralogy, and stable isotope patterns. Detailed
comparison with the sequence to the south of the fault is hindered by the absence of detailed
lithofacies and palynofacies studies. The pattern of stable isotopes (818O, 813C) associated
with the carbonate cemented nodules from the Oretian sediments of Roaring Bay is consistent
with those found north of the Hillfoot Fault.
Estimates of the maximum palaeotemperatures attained by the Triassic sequences north
and south of the Hillfoot Fault exhibit a slight variation. Those based upon vitrinite reflectance
range from 65 to 98C or slightly higher (range 75-130C) using the kinetic burial model of
EASY %Ro (5C/m.y.) of Sweeney & Burnham (1990, fig. 2a). Differences in mean %Ro
values on either side of the fault suggest that the mean temperature difference may have been
less than 20C. Unfortunately, there are no estimates based upon the more sensitive Spore
Colour Index method from south of the fault to match those from the north (Jeans et al. 1997;
this paper). There is evidence of differences in the authigenic mineralogy of the sediments to
the north and south of the Hillfoot Fault. Laumontite is known only from the sediments south
of the fault (D. S. Coombs pers. comm.). The degree of albitisation of the detrital feldspars is
greater south of the fault (D. S. Coombs pers. comm.).
The rocks of higher maturity detected on the south side of the Hillfoot Fault disappear
southwards into the southern limb of the Southland Syncline, beyond c. 20 km from the fault.
This suggests that the Hillfoot Fault may have been part of an ancient zone of dcollement
that focused fluid-flow and promoted higher grades along the zone. Such a zone would
initially be expected to have a shallow dip that became steeper during regional deformation.
If the zone was an originally seaward-vergent frontal thrust, it may have carried tectonic
overburden over the present northern limb of the Southland Syncline, locally increasing
grade and maturity by tectonic burial. Patterns of this type, i.e., older strata burying younger
higher-grade strata, are typical of accretionary burial metamorphism (Merriman & Roberts
The apparent retardation of VR with respect to IC suggests that the pattern of maturity and
very low-grade metamorphism was acquired during burial under low or very low geothermal
gradients, possibly in a fore-arc basinal setting. Grades are generally too low (late diagenetic
zone/zeolite facies) and tectonic fabrics too weakly developed for the more deeply buried
(underplated) portions of an accretionary prism. However, the sequences may represent the
upper levels of an accretionary complex, such as those on the Olympus Peninsula that form
part of the Oregon accretionary prism (MacKay 1995).

Jeans et al.Triassic sediments of Kaka Point Structural Belt


We thank D. S. Coombs for providing a suite of siltstone samples for vitrinite reflectance and illite
crystallinity measurements, Richard Corfield and Julie Cartlidge (Oxford) for stable isotope analysis of
the Roaring Bay samples, the late Professor J. D. Campbell for the detailed aerial photographs of Kaka
Point and Campbell Point, Philippa Black and Jane Forsyth for helpful and constructive reviews, and
Sandra Last for cheerfully transcribing illegible manuscripts. The SUERC is supported by the Consortium
of Scottish Universities and NERC. R. J. Merriman and S. J. Kemp publish by permission of the
Director, British Geological Survey (NERC).

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