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Since the beginning of time, the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and

atmosphere are interacting with one another to support life. In this unit,
students will investigate two components of the physical environment, the
soil and the water, in detail. They will classify infer the importance of water
in daily activities and describe ways of using water wisely, moreover,
students will measure the components of weather using simple instruments
and understand further the good and bad effects of the sun.


Amazing Truth

A typical healthy soil sample contains 45% minerals, 25% water, 25%
air and 5% organic matter.


Learning task 1

Is soil from different places similar in their characteristics?
Different soil samples
Collect soil samples, from different places such as the
garden, riverbank, beach, mountain or hill.
Put each soil sample in a small bottle.
Examine each sample using hand lens.
Describe each soil sample based on color and texture. Write
the data in the chart.

Record your observations.
Place where
soil was taken


What characteristics do the soil samples share?


How do soil differ in different places?

Soil in different places are not always the same. They may vary in
their characteristics such as color and texture and size of the particles. Soil
from the garden is dark brown, very fine and sticky because of the decayed
leaves and remains of dead animals. Soil from the beach is whitish or grayish
in color and made up of fine sand. Soil from the hills and mountains look
reddish brown in color, and clayish in nature. Soil from the riverbank and
fields appear gray in color.

Learning task 2

Comparing types of soil
Three (3) plastic dishes
Three (3) types of soil
Put a spoonful of each kind of soil in each of the three plastic
dishes. Label them.
Observe the color of each kind of soil.
Rub each kind of soil in your hands. Observe how many it
Record your observations in the chart.
Complete the table below.
Type of Soil



Size of Particles

Answer the questions briefly.

In what ways are the soil samples similar?

In what ways are they different?

How do the kinds of soil differ?

Sand has coarse and loose particles. It is made
up of small grains of rocks. It maybe white, gray or
brown in color. It is usually found in seashores and
riverbanks. It is used in making hollow blocks and it is
mixed with cement and gravel to construct buildings,
roads and bridges. It is not good for plants because it
does not hold water very well.
Clay has fine and smooth particles and feels
sticky when wet. The particles stick together and
become soft so it can be easily molded into
different shapes. It hardens when it is dry.
Clay soil is found in hills, mountains and
ricefields. It holds much water and is good for
growing rice and corn. But some kinds of plants do not grow well on clay
soil because it is hard for the roots to grow through the soil.
Clay is also used in pottery. It is made into jars, flower pots, kitchen
wares, decorative vases and figurines.

Loam is the soil we use in gardening. It is
mixture of sand, clay and humus. Humus makes
the soil fertile because it contains nutrients that
come from the remains of dead plants and animals.
Loam has dark brown or black color because of the
humus. It holds much water making it best for
growing plants.

Do you have a garden? What kind of soil is present in it? Which plants
grow in your garden well?

Check-Up Test

Identify the kind of soil that is described. Write S for sand, C for clay and L
for loam.
____1. It contains humus.
____2. It holds water very well.
____3. It is best for growing plants.
____4. Its color is dark brown or black.
____5. It is found in seashores and rivers.

____6. Its color maybe white, gray or brown.

____7. It can be molded into different shapes.
____8. It is a mixture of sand, clay and humus.
____9. It becomes sticky when wet and hard when dry.
____10. It is used in making hollow blocks for building construction.




Soil is just dirt to some people. Life of most living things,

especially plants depends on soil. Without soil, plants will not survive and
will not be available for man as source of food.

Learning Task 3

Which kind of soil is best for growing mongo plants?
Three (3) paper cups

clay/sandy soil


sandy soil

Loam soil

mongo seed

Get three (3) paper cups and punch holes in the bottom of
each cup. Label them as cup A, B and C.
Fill the cup A with humus soil, the cup B with clay soil and
cup C with sandy soil.
Plant five (5) mongo seeds in each cup and water them every
other day. Place them in an area where they can get sunlight.
Wait for the seed to sprout.
After a week, observe and measure the growth of the mongo
plants. Record the data.


In which cup of soil did the grow best?

In which cup of soil did the plant grow least?
What affected the growth of the mongo plant?

Which kind of soil is best for growing plants?
In the activity, the seeds that grew best were those planted in loam
soil. Loam is very rich in humus, which contains organic matter.
Another characteristic of soil that affects plants growth is its ability
to hold water. There are plants that grow well in soil with less water. There
are also plants rot in soil with much water.
Try to do this experiment to find out the ability of soil to hold much

Learning Task 4

Which kind of soil can hold much water?

Different kinds of soil
Three (3) glasses with water
Three (3) small milk cans with equal number and sizes of holes
punched in them
Three (3) clear plastic glass
Graduated cylinder
Wire mesh
Collect three (3) soil samples.
Put equal amounts of each kind in the three (3) milk cans.
Label them as sand, clay, loam.
Put the three plastic containers side by side as shown in the
drawing. Put a wire mesh on top of each glass as shown in
the drawing.
Put the cans with soil on top of each wire mesh.
Pour equal amount of water in each can soil sample at the
same time.
Observe the amount of water that goes into the container.
Measure the amount of water collected in each container
using the graduated cylinder.

Complete the table below.
Type of Soil

Amount of
Water Collected




Answer the questions briefly.

Which soil sample did water flow fast?_________________
Slow? ________________________
Which soil sample held much water?___________________
Least water? _____________________
Which kind of soil can hold much water?

In the activity, you have observed that the different kinds of soil
differ in ability to hold much water. The water that poured in the sandy soil
seeps in very quickly. Sand absorbs less water. It is only that plants that do
not need much water that grow best in sandy soil.
The flow of water in the clay soil is very slow, because clay holds
much water. The same as rice plants grow best in clay soil. However, a lot of
plants have roots that cannot sink very well into the sticky, clay soil. Hence,
loam soil is the best for plants growth.

When your mother cooks, she leaves a lot of organic wastes such as
egg shells, vegetable and fruit peelings. These decay can be broken down
into nutrients that can feed the soil. How can your mother dispose them?



How can you make garbage compost? Why is it important?


Check-Up Test
Multiple Choices: Write the letter of the correct answer before each
_____1. Which kind of soil is best for growing plants?

c. sandy
d. All of the above

_____2. Decayed matter that is mixed with soil is called ______.


c. loam
d. None of the above

_____3. Which kind of soil can hold much water?


c. loam
d. Sandy

_____4. Which kind of plant grows best in clayish soil?


c. rice
d. Tomatoes

_____5. The kind of soil that can be molded and shaped into pots and vase is

c. loam


d. Sand


Plants grow well in fertile soil. The soil that used to be fertile become
less productive after many years of using it for planting crops. There are
activities of man can destroy the quality of soil, making it less fertile for
plants growth. What are the practices of man that affect the fertility of the

Let us find out.

There are different practices of man that affect the fertility of the soil.

Learning task 5

How do some materials affect the fertility of soil?
Four (4) identical cans

garden soil

Mongo seeds






Get four shallow cans of the same size. Label them can A, B,
C, and D.
Put the same amount of garden soil in all the cans.
Put one tablespoon of petroleum in can A; one tablespoon of
oil in can B; one tablespoon of insecticide in can C; and one
(1) tablespoon of detergent in can D.
Put five mongo seeds in each can. Observe each can after
two (2) days.

In which can did the seeds grow well? Why?


In which can did the seeds not grow? Why?
What do you think is the reason why the seedlings didnt
Explain the effect of some materials in the soil.
The quality of soil affects the growth of plants. In the activity, the
materials such as petroleum, insecticides, and detergents are pollutants that
destroy the quality of the soil. No seedlings grow in the soil that have
pollutants. They contain chemicals that destroy the productivity of the soil.
There are activities and practices of man that destroy the soil. Some
households throw their garbage anywhere. Some waste materials such as
plastic, styropore, broken glasses and cans are non- biodegradable. They do
not rot or decay and do not become part of the soil. They considered as soil
Another practice which destroy the quality of soil is the use of too
much fertilizers. Some farmers put too much fertilizer in their rice fields.
This practice destroys the natural soil. Plants do not grow healthy anymore.
The use of pesticides by the farmers on their crops is also a soil pollutant.


Improper disposal of materials that contain chemicals such as oil,

kerosene, detergents, and gasoline are harmful to the soil. They kill the
microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, snails, and earthworms that help
break down wastes in the soil.
Plants do not grow well on polluted soil; soil pollution affects soil
fertility. If we do not protect the topsoil, food production will be lessened
and who do you think will suffer? We, the people, of course.
How do you dispose the non-biodegradable trash from your
household? Does your practice prevent soil pollution?
Check-Up Test

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
letter of your answer on the space provided for.
______1. Materials that do not decay easily are called_________________.
Biodegradable materials
Non-biodegradable materials
Industrial wastes
______2. Farmers spray chemicals on their crops to kill pests. These
are called ____________________.

c. pesticides
d. Plant boosters

______3. Which of the following is a how do biodegradable waste material?

Broken glass

c. dried leaves
d. Styropore

______4. How do pollutants such as oil, gasoline and detergent affect the
a.They make the soil less fertile?

b.They are pollutants that affect the quality of the soil.

c.They kill useful bacteria and other microorganisms that
help plants grow.
d.All of the above
______5. The layer of the soil that is most affected by soil pollution is the __


c. topsoil
d. All of the above.


Most of the worlds food is grown in the soil. If we do not protect this
important resource, time will come that farmers will not be able to grow
enough food to support the peoples needs.
Soil conservation is the proper way of treating and handling the soil in
order to preserve its fertility and healthy condition. Man can conserve soil by
doing things that show care and concern for it.
Man uses the topsoil to grow plants. The topsoil is fertile because it
contains humus, or the decayed remains of plants and animals. When land
loses the topsoil, the nutrients are lost, too. The carrying away of topsoil by
running water or strong wind is called erosion.

Planting trees can prevent soil erosion. Roots of trees hold the soil to
the ground. When heavy rains come, these roots absorb water and prevent
the erosion of soil
Open fields should be planted with crops or low lying plants such as
peanuts, singkamas or even grass to act soil cover. These plants keep the
wind and water from carrying the soil away.
As students, you can join clubs or groups that initiate campaigns to
protect the earth and its sources. We have the Earth Savers Club, Clean and
Green Campaign and Planetary Beautification Program. Convince other to
do the same.
Farmers also practice soil conservation methods to protect the soil.
Here are some of them:

Crop rotation is the growing of different
crops alternately over a period of time on the
same piece of land.
The soil loses its fertility if the same kind
of crops is grown in the same place year after
year. The same plants use the same nutrients
again and again. Time will come that the soil become less fertile. Different
crops like rice, corn, and tobacco could be planted in the field for one year
and different kinds of plans like beans, peanuts and other legumes could be
planted the next year. These will put back the nutrients taken by the first set
of plants.
Another method is to mix crops on
the same piece of land. An example is to
plant rows of corn and in between them
are pineapple plants or vegetables like
eggplants, tomatoes and others. Low lying
plants such as beans and peanuts could be

planted in between taller plants like sugar cane, corn and tobacco.

Farmers can help prevent soil erosion
by plowing across a slope instead of plowing
it up and down. This is called contour
plowing. This prevents the rain water to run
down the hill so fast and carrying soil with it.
Instead, the soil is caught in furrows and not
washed away down the low-lying areas.

Look at the Banawe Rice Terraces in Mt.
Province. Small terraces are built along the
slopes of a mountainside. This method also
prevents erosion. Crop such as rice, corn,
cassava and others are planted in these terraces.


Filipinos are enterprising and resourceful. Many plant fruits and

vegetables in their own backyard to save and even earn extra cash.
What soil conservation practice cam you apply in your own backyard?


Check-Up Test
Multiple Choices
Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. Why is the soil conservation important?
a.Man uses the soil to grow plants.
b.Soil is the nations very important resource.
c.Plants need nutrients from the soil to keep them healthy.
d.All of the above
_____2. Which is not an agent of soil erosion?
a.Strong wind
b.Running water
c.Roots of trees
d.Man who keeps on digging
_____3. Cover crops are plants that can keep the wind and water from
carrying the soil away. Which kind of plants is not a good cover crop?

c. grass
d. Singkamas

_____4. When different kinds of crops are grown alternately year after year
in the same piece of land, the method is called _________________.
a.Contour plowing
b.Crop rotation
c.Strip cropping
_____5. Peanuts are planted in between corn and sugar cane. This practice of

farming is called _____________.

a.Contour plowing
b.Crop rotation
c.Strip cropping


Multiple Choices. Choose the best answer. Write only the

letter on the blank space.
____1. Beach soil is whitish and fine. Mountain soil is red and clayish. What
does this show?
a.Plants grow well in any kind of soil.
b.Soil is the same in characteristics.
c.Soil in different places is not always the same.
d.Decayed leaves and dead plants make the mountain soil
____2. Which kind of soil is used in the pottery industry?

c. loam
d. Sandy

____3. What makes loam very fertile?

a.It has dark color.
b.It holds much water.
c.It is smooth and has fine particles.
d.It contains the remains of dead plants and animals.
____4. Water seeps in very quickly when poured on the soil. This
observation is true in ________________.
a.Clay soil
b.Humus soil

c. loam soil
d. Sandy soil

____5. What causes soil erosion?

a.Digging activities
b.Strong wind

c. flowing water
d. All of the above

____6. What can farmers do to protect the soil from the erosion?
a.Practice crop rotation.
b.Plant the same kind of crop every year.
c.Use a lot of chemical fertilizers in the field.
d.Cut trees around and use the space for vegetable farming.
____7. Soil pollution gently affects the ________.
d.All of the above
_____8. Which is not a soil pollution?
b.Plastic materials
c.Oil from vehicles
d.Rotten kitchen wastes
_____9. Which practice destroys the quality of the soil?
a.Burying kitchen wastes in the soil.
b.Using organic fertilizers in plants.
c.Disposing chemical wastes carefully.
d.Using too much chemical fertilizer in plants.
______10. Which is not a biodegradable material?
a.Broken glass
b.Rotten fruits
c.Dry leaves
d.Vegetable peelings
Answer the following questions.

1.Which types of soil should you use to produce good harvest?

2.What practice of soil conservation should farmers do to prevent soil


Chapter 2
Water in the Environment

Amazing Truth

While 67% of Earths surface is covered by water, only less

than 2.7 % of global water is freshwater. Most of the
freshwater (2.05%) is locked in ice caps and glaciers. Only
less than 0.7% is available for human use.

Lesson 1
Sources of Water

Where do you think the water that pours out from your faucet comes from?
Would you believe if I say that it comes from a river?
Water comes from different sources. Let us try to classify
the water resources into two groups.

Learning Task 1
What are the different sources of water?

Map of the Philippines


Look at the Philippine map. Locate the big bodies of water

surrounding our country.
Locate the rivers and lakes that are found in the country.
Classify the sources of water into fresh water and saltwater

Salt Water

Freshwater Sources

B. Answer the following questions based on what you already know.

Identify the body of water described.
__________________1. It is the largest body of salt water.
__________________2. It is a smaller body of saltwater where ships travel.
__________________3. It is a large body of freshwater that flows into the
__________________4. It is a large of water that is surrounded by land. It
has fresh water and fish pens are found in it too.
__________________5.In this water source, water comes flowing from a
steep. Pagsanjan and Maria Cristina are two examples of it.


What are the different sources of water?

Sources of Water

Sources of water can be classified into freshwater sources

and saltwater sources. Water from the pond, streams, springs, rivers, and
lakes is fresh water. They provide us with potable water that is safe and
clean. It is not salty because it does not contain much dissolved minerals.
Water from seas and oceans is salty. It contains much
dissolved minerals from rocks that make it salty. Salty water is not potable.
Another source of water is ground water. It is found
beneath the Earths Surface. When it rains, water seeps into the ground. The
accumulated water under the ground is called water table. Ground water is
safe to drink because it is free from pollution. The surface water that seeps
into the ground is filtered through the soil and layers of rocks and freed from
sediments and impurities.
Most subdivision and household villages get their water
supply from the ground water. They drill wells until the water table is
reached. The ground water comes out through pumps and is stored in big

tanks; good enough to supply the water needs of the entire subdivision.
Electricity is used to force the water out from the ground.
In Metro Manila, people get their water supply from the
water that is stored in the Angat Dam. But actually, this water comes from
the Angat River. The water that is stored in the dam undergoes a treatment in
the Balara Filters, situated in Diliman, Quezon City. Water flows through
pipes and it is purified through a filtration system.
Filtration removes the solid particles, sediments and
impurities that are found water. Chemical called chlorine is added to the
filtered water to kill bacteria. We call this process chlorination. Purified
water is then delivered to different households through pipes. Clean and safe
water flows out when we open our faucets.

Are there enough water supplies in your home? Check which statement best
describes your situation.
We have water that comes from the subdivision. It flows
from the faucet all day and all night.
Our water supply comes only in the morning or afternoon.
We need to store water in a tank.
There is no water that comes from the subdivision. We need
to have it delivered.
How do you feel about your situation?
I feel _____________________ because ____________________________


Check-up Test
Modified TRUE or FALSE
If the statement is correct, write True. If the statement is wrong,
change the underlined word with the correct answer to make the statement
__________1. Water in the pond, streams and springs is freshwater.
__________2. The accumulated water under the ground is called water table.
__________3. Ground water is rich in sediments and impurities.
__________4. Salty water has lesser dissolved minerals than freshwater.
__________5. Soil and layers of rocks act as water filter in the ground.
__________6. Water supply in Metro Manila comes from the Manila Bay.
__________7. Electricity is used to run the water system in urban areas.
__________8. A chemical is added to the water in filtration.
__________9. Water that is drinkable is potable water.
__________10. We should refrain to pollute our environment to ensure safe
water supply for all households.


Go to your barangay hall or villge association. Interview an official.

Ask the following questions:
1.Where do we get our water supply?

2.How do you make it safe for us to drink?

3.What problems do you encounter about the water supply in our barangay /



A day without water is a difficult day or all of us. Water is very

important in all of our daily activities. In every action we made, water is

Learning task
What are the different uses of water?
Look at each drawing. How does man use water in his daily life?


How do people use water? List them down.
What are the importance of water?

Water is very important that man cannot live without it. At home, we
use water in many wastes. We use water to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
We use it for bathing, washing our hands and face, and brushing teeth.
Mother uses it for preparing and cooking food. We use it for laundry,
household cleaning, car washing and many more.

Plants cannot survive without water. They use water to make food
together with air and sunlight.
Our animals, too, depend on water to survive. We need to drink eight
to nine glasses of water a day. Water washes away impurities from our
bodies and it helps regulate our body temperature.
There are other uses of water aside from those mentioned.
Farmers need water in their ricefields. Rainfall is not present all year
round in our country so they result to the irrigation to get water for their
farms. They can fill their fields and grow crops even during the dry months.
Aquatic animals live in a water habitat. Tadpoles, snails crabs and
fishes live in ponds. Seas and oceans are habitat for salt water animals such
as sharks, whales, sea horse, dolphins, and a great variety of fishes.
Water is used to generate electricity. The strong force of water from
falls and dams make turbines turn. This in turn will make generators work
and provide electricity to every household and business center.
What do people from the Visayas use to transport goods from one
island to another/ they load their products in boats and ships that travel in
water. Water, therefore, is very important in transportation aside from land
and air travel.
Last summer, many people went to Boracay and other beaches for
swimming. There are people who love sea-surfing. We enjoy boating and
sailing by the river or lake. Water is also used for recreational activities.
Can you think of other uses of water?


How much water do you use everyday? Count and write down how
many times you do the following in a day.
Taking a shower


Brushing teeth


Washing the hands


Drinking a glass of water


Check-Up Test

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which body of water generates electricity in Mindanao?
a. Angat River
c. Pagsanjan Falls
b. Maria Cristina Falls
d. Philippine Deep
2. Many people enjoy summer in Boracay. They go swimming and
surfing. Water then is used for _____________.
a. Cleanliness and hygiene
c. Peoples habitat
b. Transportation
d. Recreational activities
3. Irrigation method is best used in ____________________.
a. flowering gardens
b. forest

c. rice fields
d. Vegetable gardens

4. Aquatic animals live in a water habitat. Which are not found in a

water habitat?
a. crabs and lobsters
b. seahorse and octopus
c. Earthworms and millipedes
d. shark and whales
5. We need water to survive. How many glasses of water is
recommended for us to drink in a day?
a. 1-2

c. 8-9

b. 4-5

d. 12-15


Water is a basic necessity. We need it everyday. Therefore, we need to

conserve water. Let us find out.


Learning Task 3
How do you conserve water?
PET bottles (2L/5L)
1. List down the activities at home that require the use of water.
2. Measure the amount of water that is used by each member of the
family for these activities using PET bottles and record it.
1. Fill out the table with necessary information.

1. Which activity uses the greatest amount of water?


2. Which activity uses the least amount of water?
3. Based on your data, in which activity can you lessen the use of
water? Why?

In what way can you save water?

Water conservation is a global concern due to water resources

scarcity. Due to the growing population, the demands for water increases
which pose a threat on the supply of water all over the world. Water as a
necessity for ones survival must be used wisely. Here are some ways of
conserving water.
1. Turn off the faucet while washing hands or brushing your teeth.
Use a basin or a glass to hold the water.
2. Use a basin while washing the dishes.
3. Recycle the used water. Water that was used to rinse laundered
clothes may be used for cleaning the car or garage.
4. Dispose garbage properly. Improper garbage disposal may pollute
bodies of water.


5. Bury dead animal in the soil. Refrain from throwing them to the
bodies of water to avoid water pollution.
6. Join campaigns against water pollution. Make posters. Write letters
to government officials who have the authority to impose laws
against people who pollute bodies of water.

As a student, in what way can you help conserve water? Give
examples and explain each.

Check-Up Test
1. How important is water to us?

2. Why do we need to use it wisely?




One important substance that is recycled in nature is water. The water

cycle is the continuous movement of water in an ecosystem. What processes
are involved in it? Lets find the answer.
Learning Task 4
What are the processes involved in the water cycle?


ice cubes

Kettle with water

hand glove

Container with wide brim

Wet clothes in a clothesline
A. Observe wet clothes hanging in the clothesline morning and
B. 1. Measure 100 ml water using a graduated cylinder.
2. Pour the content into a wide-brim container.
3. Put the container under the sun.
4. At the end of the day, pour the water into the graduated cylinder.
Measure the water.
5. Record the results.

c. 1. Put water into a kettle and bring to a boil.

2. Direct the steam coming from the kettle to a glass platter with
ice cubes.
3. Observe what are formed on the surface of the glass platter.
4. Using a test tube, collect the water that falls drop by drop from
the platter.
A. 1. What happened with the wet clothes at the end of the day?
2.What did water from the water clothes change into?


B. 1. Record the amount of water put in the graduated cylinder.

Before putting under the sun

After putting under the sun

______________________________ ______________________________

C.1. What comes from the opening of the kettle?

2. Explain what happened when the steam was directed to the glass
with ice cubes.
How did the water change into different forms?


Have you ever wondered where the water goes when your wet clothes
become dry? The water changes into gas called water vapour. We call the
process of changing water into gas as evaporation.
Water evaporates from bodies of water like the ocean, lakes, rivers
and canals. Water also evaporates from plants. The heat of the sun causes
much water to get into the air. Hence, the heat of the sun causes much of the
Earths water to evaporate.
In the experiment, the hot water from the kettle was directed towards
the container with cold water. You noticed some droplets of water from
outside the container. The hot water vapour changes into liquid when called
by the glass surface. We call this process of changing water vapour into
liquid as condensation. Condensation happens everyday. On an early
morning, you may have noticed some dew drops on the grass because at
night, water vapour in the air condenses and falls on the grass as dew.
Clouds are also formed when water vapour in the air condenses.
Water continuously evaporates and condenses into clouds. Thus, the
clouds get heavier each day. The tiny droplets of water become so heavy that
they fall as rain. The process is called precipitation. Other forms of
precipitation are ice, snow, sleet, hail and frost. In the Philippines, we only
have rain and dew as forms of precipitation.
All these three processes- evaporation, condensation and precipitation
are involved in what we call the water cycle. This cycle takes place in nature
and it is responsible for the occurrence of rain. The suns heat causes water
to evaporate in the form of water vapor. These gas particles rise up into the
air. When called, they change into droplets of water called clouds. When the
clouds become too heavy they fall as rain. Then, the cycle begins again.

Check-Up Test

A. Identify the word described.

___________________________1. It s hot water vapour.
___________________________2. It is a water in gaseous form.

___________________________3. It is needed to change water into gas.

___________________________4. It is needed to change gas into liquid.
___________________________5. They are droplets of water suspended in
the air.

B. Give the meaning of the following terms:

1. Evaporation
2. Condensation
3. Precipitation

C. Explain how the water cycle takes place in nature.



A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. Write only the letter
on the blank space.

__________1. A large body of water that flows into the land is called a ___.
a. Dam
b. Sea

c. river
d. Stream

__________2. Water helps regulate the body temperature. What does it


It helps cool the body.

It makes us feel warm.
It makes the body temperature remain the same.
It makes the body feel warm at times and cool on other

__________3. What makes the sea and ocean water salty?


Minerals from rain water

Dissolved minerals from rocks
Dissolved minerals from dead plants
Dissolved mineral from dead animals

__________4. Which statement is not true about ground water?


Ground water is not potable.

Ground water is safe o drink.
Ground water is free from sediments.
Ground water comes from rain water that seeps into the

__________5. Which is not a process involved in the water cycle?

a. Condensation
b. Evaporation

c. precipitation
d. Transpiration

___________6. A large body of water that flows into the land is called a___.
a. Dam
b. River

c. sea
d. Stream

______________7. Water helps regulate the body temperature. What does this



It helps cool the body.

It makes us feel warm.
It makes the body temperature remain the same.
It makes the body feel warm at times and cool on other

______________8. What makes the sea and ocean water salty?


Minerals from rain water

Dissolved minerals from rocks
Dissolved minerals from dead plants
Dissolved minerals from dead animals

______________9. Which statement is not true about ground water?


Ground water is not potable

Ground water is safe to drink
Ground water is free from sediments
Ground water comes from rain water that seeps into the

_______________10. Who among the following does not show care and

concern for water?

a. Antonette recycles the use of water.
b. Rizza uses a basin while washing the dishes.
c. Cindy keeps the water from the faucet flowing while
brushing her teeth.
d. Dan buries dead animals under the ground and does not
throw it in a nearby river.


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