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The California-Mexico Studies Center

Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President & CEO
1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach, CA
Phone: (562) 430-5541 Cell: (562) 972-0986
"El Magonista"
Vol. 4 No. 30
September 16th, 2016

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Latino Heritage Month 2016

September 15 - October 15,



The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) is excited to celebrate

Latino Heritage Month 2016. At CMSC we celebrate the richness of
Latino heritage year-round. But during this month, we take some extra

time to honor our ancient and beautifully diverse roots, to reflect on the
countless contributions we have made across the Americas and around
the globe, and to express gratitude for our loving families and
In recognition of this important month, The United States Census
Bureau has published a number of fascinating and essential statistics
regarding the Latino population in the U.S.
We are pleased to share some of the statistics we find particularly
relevant to the work done here at the CMSC. Take a look below, and be
sure to check out the rest of the statistics as well as our website for more
pertinent information and updates about the Latino population in the U.S.

United States Census Bureau

Hispanic/Latino Population Statistics 2016

In September 1968, Congress authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to
proclaim National Hispanic Heritage Week, observed during the week that
included Sept. 15 and Sept. 16. In 1989, Congress expanded the observance to a
month-long celebration (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) of the culture and traditions of those
who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of
Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Sept. 15 is the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of
independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate
their independence days on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18, respectively.

56.6 million
The Hispanic/Latino population of the United States as of July 1, 2015, making
people of Hispanic/Latino origin the nation's largest ethnic or racial minority.
Hispanic/Latinos constituted 17.6 percent of the nation's total population.

1.2 million - Population Growth

The number of Hispanic/Latinos added to the nation's population between July 1,
2014, and July 1, 2015. This number is nearly half of the approximately 2.5
million people added to the nation's total population during this period.

2.2% - Percentage Increase

The percentage increase in the Hispanic/Latino population between 2014 and

119 million - Projection in 2060

The projected Hispanic/Latino population of the United States in 2060. According
to this projection, the Hispanic/Latino population will constitute 28.6% of the
nation's population by that date.

63.9% of Mexican Origin

The percentage of those of Hispanic or Latino origin in the United States who were
of Mexican origin in 2014. Another 9.5% were Puerto Rican - 3.7% Cuban, 3.8%
Salvadoran, 3.2% Dominican and 2.4% Guatemalan. The remainder was of
some other Central American, South American or other Hispanic or Latino origin.

65.3% - High School Education
The percentage of Hispanics age 25 and older that had at least a high school
education in 2014.

14.4% - Have a Bachelor's Degree or Higher

The percentage of the Hispanic population age 25 and older with a bachelor's
degree or higher in 2014.

1.4 million - Advanced Degrees

The number of Hispanics age 25 and older with advanced degrees in 2014 (e.g.,
master's, professional, doctorate).

The percentage of students (both undergraduate and graduate) enrolled in college
in 2014 who were Hispanic.

The percentage of elementary and high school students that were Hispanic in

The percentage of voters in the 2012 presidential election who were Hispanic.
Hispanics comprised 4.7 percent of voters in 1996.
The Diversifying Electorate-Voting Rates by Race and Hispanic Origin in 2012
(and Other Recent Elections), Population Characteristics, Table 3

The percentage of voters in the 2014 congressional election who were Hispanic.
Who Votes? Congressional Elections and the American Electorate: 1978-2014,
Population Characteristics, Figure 5

1.2 million
The number of Hispanics or Latinos age 18 and older who are veterans of the U.S.
armed forces.
2014 American Community Survey, Table B21001I

The percentage of voters in the 2014 congressional election who were Hispanic.
Who Votes? Congressional Elections and the American Electorate: 1978-2014,
Population Characteristics, Figure 5

1.2 million
The number of Hispanics or Latinos age 18 and older who are veterans of the U.S.
armed forces.

The percentage of the Hispanic population that was foreign-born in 2014.

The percentage of the 10.3 million noncitizens under the age of 35 who were born
in Latin America and the Caribbean and are living in the United States in 20102012.
CMSC has shared a selection of the statistics from the NiLP Report. To see all of
the statistics and data sources, click here to see the full report.


El California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) se complace en compartir
el reportaje de Univision Noticias sobre el cuarto grupo de 'Dreamers' que
el CMSC ha llevado a Mexico por parte del California-Mexico Dreamers
Study Abroad Program. Los 35 estudiantes DACA-mentados tuvieron la
oportunidad de viajar a Mexico por 21 das.
Durante el curso del programa, los estudiantes pudieron visitar la Ciudad
de Mexico, estudiar en el Instituto CETLALIC en Cuernavaca, Morelos,
visitar diversos sitios arqueolgicos, histricos y culturales, como tambin
as, tuvieron la oportunidad de reconectarse con sus familiares en sus
respectivos estados natales.
Sin duda alguna, el viaje y programa fue una experiencia inolvidable y
nica para estos estudiantes quienes, en su mayora, no haban tenido la
oportunidad de visitar su tierra natal por ms de 20 aos.
Este reportaje presenta la historia de dos de dos estudiantes
participantes, Noemi Lopez y Carla Martinez.

Para ver ms videos relacionados a nuestro programa, visita nuestra

cuenta oficial de YouTube aqu

Second year launching of the Long Beach Ethnic

Studies Program during the LBUSD Fall 2016
Watch the program documentary:

The documentary Legacy and Leadership: The Long Beach Ethnic Studies
Program (LB-ESP) features how the LBUSD offers their students the
opportunity to take tuition-free college credit Ethnic Studies courses while
in High School. The Long Beach Ethnic Studies Program is a
collaboration between the LBUSD and CSU Long Beach, building upon
the Long Beach College Promise. The program offers 12 CSULB classes
from 9am to 12noon on Saturdays at 6 of the LBUSD high schools, on
Chicano and Latino Studies, Africana Studies, Asian American Studies
and American Indian Studies.
The LB-ESP documentary is currently airing on the LBUSD's EdNews TV
channel on the following days and times:

Latest News:
En California "No construimos muros, los
tumbamos": Senador Kevin de Len
En reunin de trabajo con senadores mexicanos, el
presidente Pro Tempore del Senado de California, Kevin
de Len, asegur que en ese estado de la Unin
Americana "no construimos muros, los tumbamos".

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Nearly half a million U.S. citizens are

enrolled in Mexican schools
Two decades ago, a team of U.S. and Mexican
researchers descended on Dalton, Ga., to study the
growing number of Mexican immigrants who had come to
work in the city's carpet mills. Victor Zuiga, a sociologist at
the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, was interested in what the
demographic shift meant for local schools, so he sat down with a teacher who told him
something he couldn't get out of his head...

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California Governor Signs Bill to Develop

High School Ethnic Studies Curriculum
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed new legislation
Tuesday to develop a model curriculum for ethnic studies
in high schools, according to the Office of the Governor. Bill
AB-2016, was sponsored by Assemblymember Luis A.
Alejo (D-Salinas) and had bipartisan support in both

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How Republicans Lost Their Best Shot at

the Hispanic Vote
Three years ago, the G.O.P.-led House was close to
reaching a compromise on immigration - one that might
have neutralized the issue for the 2016 election. This is the
inside story of what went wrong.

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Hundreds Of Dreamers Are Losing Their

Jobs Because Of A Federal Government
Hundreds of undocumented immigrants who were
granted the ability to work under a 2012 executive
action are being forced to quit their jobs as the federal
government fails to renew their work authorization applications on time...
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Why a group of first-generation

Vietnamese immigrants are voting for a
Latino instead of a Vietnamese refugee
It's not the most obvious choice for these first-generation
immigrants, many of whom came to the United States as
refugees. Correa, a seasoned Latino politician and former
state senator, is running against Bao Nguyen, the 36-year-old mayor of Garden Grove
who grew up in and around Little Saigon and who himself was born a refugee in the
aftermath of the Vietnam War...

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For Undocumented College Students,

Visiting Mexico is Worth the Risk
But the nine-day trip to reconnect with their birthplace and
families is only part of the travel itinerary for those on the
three-week trip with Vazquez-Ramos. On the most recent
trip, earlier this month, they arrived first in Mexico City and
spent the first four days getting acclimated, culturally and psychologically, to the native
country most of them barely remember. They made field trips to pyramids, museums and
historical sites...
Read More

Latinos & Immig Reform

Dreamers Advance Parole


California-Mexico Studies Center


Beach, CA 90815

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