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Menghadapi yang namanya Ulangan Blok, Ulangan Umum, Ujian Middle semester sampai Ujian
Semester, Ujian Praktek dan sebagainya itu sangatlah menakutkan bagi sebagian Siswa bahkan
Kenapa kita katakan demikian?
Bagi siswa yang memang kurang memperhatikan Guru ketika menerangkan pelajaran di kelas
atau kurang aktif dalam kerja kelompok, mau tidak mau mesti buka buku untuk Reading,
Writting, Talking dan Listening buat persiapan jika menginginkan nilai yang pantas ditunjukkan
kepada Orang tua dirumah.
Lebih dahsyat lagi bagi Guru yang tidak mengindahkan kata-kata KEPSEK untuk
soal jauh-jauh hari secara berangsur-angsur.


Kaget deh ketika Ujian akan diadakan besok paginya sementara soal yang ditargetkan 50 butir
baru diselesaikan 20 sampai 30 an.
Maka untuk itu kami sebagai Insan yang terlibat dalam pendidikan merasa bertanggung jawab
atas hal ini, sehingga muncul ide untuk Nge-share soal-soal ini sebagai pedoman bukan untuk
dijiplak keseluruhan.
Mengingat juga susahnya mencari soal-soal seperti ini.
Semoga menjadi momentum untuk meningkatkan prestasi.
Choose the best arrangement to make a correct sentence!
1. Did you watch Lawyers Club program last night?
No, I didnt. What about you? ________.
a. I didnt too b. So didnt I c. I did either d. Neither did I
2. Our classmates are going to join the tour. ________.
a. So am I b. So I am c. I do too d. Am I too

3. Jaka : Is it alright if I park my car here?

Eta : Im sorry, thats not allowed.
From the italicized utterance, we know that Jakas permission is _______.
a. Accepted by Eta b. Refused by Eta c. Interrupted d. Agreed by Eta
4. Thasya : which do you prefer, banana or star fruit?
Lia : Id rather have star fruit than banana.
The italicized words express.
a. Intention b. Invitation c. Preference d. Offer
Hi! My name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. Im the winner of an English Poetry Reading
Competition in Sempu. I live in Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu on early
February 2008. Im very comfortable speaking English with you. I have one question for
Kang Guru when I can invite KG to our school in SMP Genteng.
Dian Wahyu Dinata
Sempu, Banyuwangi
5. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu?
a. Sue and Ayu b. Dian Wahyu Dinata c. Dians friends d. Dians teacher
6. When did Dian met Sue and Ayu?
a. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition b. When Dian invited Kang Guru
c. On early February 2008 d. When Sue and Ayu came
7. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter above?
a. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru
b. Sue and Ayu live in Maron
c. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition
d. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata
Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are a few examples
of animals used by researchers and scientists for scientific and medical purposes. Scientists
use the animals to investigate biological processes in humans and animals, to study the causes
of diseases, to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques, and to evaluate the safety of
chemical used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products.
Many chemical functions like human so that they can be good models to understand the
human body. Some animals suffer from the same diseases as humans do. Animals also carry a
number of genes that are identical to human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able

to learn much about the human body by studying the animals.

8. What do researchers and scientists do in laboratories?
a. Make drugs b. Do experiment c. Take care of animals d. Give medical treatment
9. Scientists learn about the human body by studying ________.
a. Certain animals b. Human body itself c. All kinds of animals d. All living things
10. . . . . . . . . . . so that they can be good models to understand human body. What does the
bold typed word refer to?
a. Animals b. Functions c. Humans d. Genes
11. Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments?
a. Animals are the most suitable objects b. Scientists do not want to use humans
c. It is easier to use animals than humans d. Animals have similarities to humans
12. They are used for scientific and medical purposes. (Paragraph 1)
The word they in the sentence refers to.
a. Researchers b. Laboratories c. Scientists d. Animals
To: Emmy Suliastiningsih
I will be glad if you want to come to my 15th birthday party. It will be held:
Date : October 28th 2010
Time : 5:00 p.m
Place : Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26, Makassar
Yours truly,
Rahmi Handayani
13. Who will have a birthday party on October,28th 2010?
a. Emmy b. Emmys sister c. Rahmi d. Emmy and Rahmi
14. How old will Rahmi be in on October, 28th 2012?
a. Fifteen b. Sixteen c. Seventeen d. Eighteen
15. When will the party be held?
a. In the morning b. In the afternoon c. At noon d. At night
16. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a. Emmy invites Rahmi to her birthday b. Emmy lives in Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26
c. Rahmi is Emmys twin sister d. Rahmi was born on October, 28th 1995

17. Reza _______ than her sister.

a. is prettier b. is more pretty c. is the most pretty d. is prettier from
18. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer b. would rather c. would d. would like
19. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means Reza _______ than her sister.
a. is prettier b. is more pretty c. is the most pretty d. is prettier from
20. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer b. would rather c. would d. would like
21. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means .
a. She has more books than pens b. She has more pens than books c. She has fewer books than
pens d. She has as many as pens as books
22. Yesterday, Mike and I went to buy two bags. Mikes bag is _______ as mine.
a. more expensive b. bigger c. larger d. as expensive
23. Cessa _______ studying grammar to math. Wherever she goes, a grammar book is always in
her hand.
a. would rather b. prefer c. likes better d. likes more
24. Yetti _______ watching TV at home to going out with friends.
a. would rather b. prefers c. is like d. is fond of
25. Ron is in London at the moment. He _______ at Hilton Hotel.
a. stayed b. is staying c. stays d. has stayed
26. Kathy usually sits in the front row during the class, but today she _______ in the last row.
a. sits b. seat c. is sitting d. is to sit
27. I wrote to my old friend Ann last week. Up to know, she hasnt answered my letter. Now, I
______ the reply.
a. wait for b. will wait for c. am waiting for d. want to wait for
28. Diane cant come to the phone because she _______ her hair.
a. is to wash b. washed c. was washing d. is washing
29. Please be quite. I _______ to concentrate.
a. tried b. am trying c. was trying d. will try
30. Barbara often tutors other students in her math class. This morning, she ________ Steve with
his math assignment.
a. is helping b. wants to help c. must help d. helped

31. Tomorrow, she _______ to UK.

a. will go b. went c. gone d. has gone
32. The hunters fatal accident ________ in the newspaper yesterday.
a. was reported b. will be reported c. has been reported d. can be reported
33. Last week, I _______ a job at a local bank, but I didnt accept it.
a. was offering b. was offered c. was to offer d. was offers
34. About ten percent of the earths land area, or nearly 5,8 million square miles, ________ by
glacial ice.
a. were covered b. has covered c. to be covered d. is covered
35. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the
worlds oxygen ________ there.
a. are being produced b. are produced c. is produced d. was produced
36. Madona ________ a single concert next July in Jakarta.
a. will have b. will be had c. will be d. has
37. Floritte ________ you a salad in Cafe Makassar next Saturday.
a. will be treated b. will be c. will treated d. will treat
38. ________ you overjoyed at the party yesterday?
a. Was b. Were c. Am d. Is
39. returned to this book the date above must library by be the
a. 9 6 5 8 1 2 3 7 4 b. 9 6 8 5 1 2 3 7 4
c. 3 8 5 1 2 9 6 7 4 d. 3 5 8 1 2 9 6 7 4
40. is The dug the ground ore out of usually
a. 2 5 1 7 3 6 4 b. 2 3 1 6 7 4 5
c. 2 5 7 3 1 6 4 d. 2 3 6 1 7 4 5

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