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Operating Instructions OI/RVP4500-EN Rev.

RVP4500, RVP4501, RVP4503 and RVP4550

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Measurement made easy

The Company
We are an established world force in the design and manufacture of measurement products for industrial process control,
flow measurement, gas and liquid analysis and environmental applications.
As a part of ABB, a world leader in process automation technology, we offer customers application expertise, service and
support worldwide.
We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and unrivalled service and support.
The quality, accuracy and performance of the Companys products result from over 100 years experience, combined with a
continuous program of innovative design and development to incorporate the latest technology.

2 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers


1 Safety and symbols.............................................. 6
2 Introduction.......................................................... 7
2.1 General................................................................... 7
2.2 Drawings................................................................. 7
System overview...................................................... 7
2.4. Control enclosure. .................................................... 8
Analytical enclosure.................................................. 8
2.5.1 Analytical enclosure, 4500, 4501, 4503. .................... 8
2.5.2 Analytical enclosure, 4550........................................ 9
Sample system........................................................ 9
2.6.1 Sample syringe........................................................ 8
2.6.2 Validation cylinder.................................................... 8
Optional equipment. ................................................. 9
2.7.1 Vortex cooling assembly......................................... 10
2.7.2 Sample recovery system (low RVP)......................... 10

3 Installation.......................................................... 11
Safety considerations............................................. 11
Preparing for installation......................................... 11
3.2.1 Recommended tools and equipment. ...................... 11
3.2.2 Other recommendations for Installation................... 12
Equipment mounting.............................................. 12
3.4 Connections.......................................................... 12
3.4.1 RVP unit drain line. ................................................. 12
3.4.2 Basic sample system plumbing. .............................. 12
3.4.3 Swirlklean sample system plumbing........................ 13
3.4.4 Optional vortex cooling assembly. ........................... 13
3.4.5 Sample recovery system plumbing.......................... 14
3.4.6 Verifying sample system connections...................... 14
3.4.7 Electrical connections............................................ 15
3.4.8 Sample recovery system electrical.......................... 15
3.4.9 RVP alarm output signal......................................... 17
3.4.10 RVP end-of-cycle signal......................................... 17
3.4.11 RVP 4-20 analog & RS-232 serial output. ................ 17
3.4.12 Optional remote start............................................. 18
3.4.13 Ethernet................................................................ 18
Analyzer architecture: system mode........................ 18
3.5.1 Offline mode.......................................................... 18
3.5.2 Online mode.......................................................... 19
3.5.3 Factory mode........................................................ 19
3.5.4 Debug mode.......................................................... 19
Analyzer architecture: operator interface................. 19
3.6.1 Display mode......................................................... 19
3.6.2 Data entry mode.................................................... 20
Analyzer setup....................................................... 22
3.7.1 Opening the control enclosure................................ 22
3.7.2 Turn on air and sample .......................................... 22
3.7.3 Switch on power.................................................... 23
System setup parameters. ...................................... 23
3.8.1 Analog output on alarm.......................................... 24


Pressure units........................................................ 25
Temperature units.................................................. 26
Site elevation (feet)................................................. 27
Site elevation (meters)............................................ 28
Span coefficient..................................................... 29
Zero coefficient...................................................... 30
Serial baud rate..................................................... 31
IP address............................................................. 32
Gateway address................................................... 33
Subnet mask......................................................... 34
OPC IP address..................................................... 35
Modbus IP address................................................ 36
VistaReporter IP address........................................ 37

4 Operation............................................................ 38
Controls and indicators.......................................... 38
4.1.1 Control enclosure, all versions................................ 38
4.1.2 Basic sample system 4500, 4501, 4503.................. 38
4.1.3 Swirlklean sample system, low rvp.......................... 39
4.1.4 Basic sample system, 4550.................................... 39
4.1.5 Swirlklean sample system, 4550............................. 40
Temperature stabilization........................................ 40
First flush fill........................................................... 40
Second flush fill...................................................... 41
Analysis cycle........................................................ 41
RVP status messages............................................ 41
4.6.1 Time into cycle....................................................... 41
4.6.2 Status message..................................................... 41
4.6.3 Analog output value............................................... 41
RVP data messages............................................... 41
4.7.1 RVP result............................................................. 41
4.7.2 Adjusted result....................................................... 41
4.7.3 Temperature.......................................................... 41
4.7.4 Level sensor.......................................................... 42
4.7.5 Cell pressure.......................................................... 42
4.7.6 Raw pressure......................................................... 42
System status messages........................................ 42
4.8.1 Analysis state......................................................... 42
4.8.2 OPC connection state............................................ 42
4.8.3 Modbus connection state....................................... 42
4.8.4 VistaReporter connection state............................... 42
System setup messages......................................... 42
4.9.1 Startup mode......................................................... 42
4.9.2 Analog output on alarm.......................................... 42
4.9.3 Pressure units........................................................ 42
4.9.4 Temperature units.................................................. 42
4.9.5 Site elevation (ft).................................................... 42
4.9.6 Site elevation (m).................................................... 42
4.9.7 Span coefficient..................................................... 42
4.9.8 Zero coefficient...................................................... 43
4.9.9 Serial baud rate..................................................... 43
OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 3

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers


4.9.10 IP address............................................................. 43
4.9.11 Gateway address................................................... 43
4.9.12 Subnet mask......................................................... 43
4.9.13 OPC IP address..................................................... 43
4.9.14 Modbus IP address................................................ 43
4.9.15 VistaRpt IP address. ............................................... 43
4.10 System command messages.................................. 43
4.10.1 Set system offline. .................................................. 43
4.10.2 Set system online. .................................................. 43
4.10.3 Shutdown system.................................................. 43
4.10.4 Debug mode.. ........................................................ 43
4.11 Offline command messages. ................................... 43
4.11.1 Execute leak test................................................... 43
4.11.2 Toggle common alarm............................................ 43
4.11.3 Toggle end of cycle................................................ 43
4.11.4 Step 4-20mA value................................................ 43
4.11.5 Run serial test.. ...................................................... 44
4.11.6 Run ethernet test................................................... 44
4.11.7 Toggle RVP drain................................................... 44
4.11.8 Toggle RVP purge.................................................. 44
4.11.9 Toggle RVP sample................................................ 44
4.11.10 Drain RVP cell.. ...................................................... 44
4.12 Look-up table messages........................................ 44
4.12.1 Start calibration..................................................... 44
4.12.2 Prsr table point 1................................................... 44
4.12.3 Prsr table point 2................................................... 44
4.12.4 Prsr table point 3................................................... 44
4.12.5 Prsr table point 4................................................... 44
4.12.6 Prsr table point 5................................................... 45
4.12.7 Prsr table point 6................................................... 45

5 Technical description. . ........................................ 46

RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 overview............................. 46
5.1.1 RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 flows.................................. 46
5.1.2 RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 principles........................... 47
RVP 4550 overview................................................ 48
5.2.1 RVP 4550 flows..................................................... 48
5.2.2 RVP 4550 operating principles. ............................... 50
Control enclosure. .................................................. 52
5.3.1 Display components and functions.......................... 52
5.3.2 Control PCB.......................................................... 53
5.3.3 Power supply.. ....................................................... 53
5.3.4 Normal transmission example................................. 53
5.3.5 Alarms.. ................................................................. 54
5.3.6 4550 time-coded-functions.................................... 54
Analytical enclosure................................................ 55
5.4.1 RVP assembly (all versions).................................... 55
5.4.2 Air saturation assembly.......................................... 55
RVP syringe........................................................... 56
5.5.1 RVP syringe function.............................................. 56
5.5.2 Syringe/drawtube connection................................. 57
4 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

5.5.3 Measurement sensitivity......................................... 57

5.5.4 Supplies needed for manual analyses...................... 57
5.5.5 Bleeding procedure................................................ 57
5.5.6 Chill sample, syringe, and drawtube........................ 58
5.5.7 Sample collection................................................... 58
5.5.8 Rinse the syringe................................................... 58
5.5.9 Empty the syringe.................................................. 59
5.5.10 Air saturation of prepared sample........................... 59
5.5.11 Fill the syringe........................................................ 59
5.5.12 Syringe connect to basic sample............................ 60
5.5.13 Syringe connect to swirlklean sample...................... 61
5.5.14 Prepare the syringe for non-use.............................. 61
RVP validation cylinder........................................... 62
5.6.1 Validation cylinder functons.................................... 62
5.6.2 Measurement sensitivity......................................... 62
5.6.3 Supplies needed.................................................... 63
5.6.4 Sample collection................................................... 63
5.6.5 Rinsing procedure.................................................. 63
5.6.6 Filling the validation cylinder................................... 63
5.6.7 Connecting cylinder to sample system.................... 64
5.6.8 Emptying the validation cylinder.............................. 64
5.6.9 Preparing the cylinder for non-use.......................... 65
Sample recovery system (low RVP)......................... 65
5.7.1 Customer connections and supplies....................... 66
5.7.2 Recovery tank........................................................ 66
5.7.3 Pump.................................................................... 66
5.7.4 Electronics enclosure............................................. 67
5.7.5 Watchdog operation............................................... 67

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting...................... 68

Recommended procedure...................................... 68
Routine maintenance.............................................. 68
Troubleshooting overview....................................... 68
Alarm conditions.................................................... 68
6.4.1 Reset.................................................................... 68
6.4.2 Shutdown.............................................................. 68
Troubleshooting tests............................................. 68
6.5.1 RVP tests (all versions)........................................... 68
6.5.2 RVP4550 system checks........................................ 69
6.5.3 RVP4550 tests....................................................... 69
System failure message ......................................... 71
Failure messages/recommended actions................. 71
6.7.1 Temperature out of analysis range........................... 71
6.7.2 Temperature beyond instrument range.................... 72
6.7.3 Temperature heater runaway................................... 72
6.7.4 Level sensor zero limits are exceeded..................... 72
6.7.5 Transducer zero limits are exceeded....................... 73
6.7.6 Purge pressure out of specifications....................... 73
6.7.7 Leaking cell/cell pressure changing......................... 73
6.7.8 Level sensor cell not filled....................................... 74
6.7.9 Level sensor cell filled too fast................................ 74

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers



Negative pressure.................................................. 74
Failure messages (4550 only). ................................. 75
Temperature out of analysis range. .......................... 75
Temperature beyond instrument range.................... 75
Level sensor zero limits exceeded........................... 75
Sample cell not filled.............................................. 76
Push/pull failure..................................................... 76
Off line commands (all versions).............................. 76
Execute leak test................................................... 76
Test for leaks into measuring cell ........................... 77
Test for leaks out of measuring cell......................... 78
Cell electrical tests (all versions). ............................. 78
Level sensor test. ................................................... 78
Pressure transducer test........................................ 78

7 Repair ................................................................. 79

Electronics enclosure............................................. 79
Removing the power supply................................... 79
Installing the power supply..................................... 79
Removing the control PCB..................................... 79
Installing the control PCB....................................... 80
Analytical enclosure (all versions)............................ 80
Removing the measuring cell assembly................... 80
Installing the measuring cell assembly..................... 81
Pressure transducer lookup table. ........................... 81
Analytical enclosure, 4550...................................... 83
Removing air sat cell/manifold................................ 83
Installing air sat cell/manifold.................................. 84
SRS fiber optic probe assembly.............................. 84
Cleaning the probe assembly. ................................. 84
Removing the probe assembly................................ 85
Installing the probe assembly. ................................. 86
Probe assembly sensitivity adjustment.................... 87
Output test the probe assembly.............................. 88

8 Replacement parts............................................. 89

Ordering information............................................... 89
Equipment identification......................................... 89
Hardware configuration identification....................... 89
Software configuration identification........................ 90
How to order......................................................... 90
Control enclosure................................................... 90
Inside front door..................................................... 90
Inside enclosure..................................................... 90
Analytical enclosure, 4500,4501,4503..................... 90
Analytical enclosure, 4550...................................... 90
Enclosure overview................................................ 90
Enclosure details.................................................... 91
Basic sample system, low RVP............................... 91
Basic sample system, high RVP.............................. 92
Basic sample system, 4550.................................... 93
Swirlklean sample sys, low rvp................................ 94
Swirlklean sample sys, 4550................................... 95
Sample recovery system, low RVP.......................... 96

9 Notes from the engineers desk.......................... 97

Activity lights......................................................... 97
9.2 Temperature.......................................................... 97
Level sensor.......................................................... 97
Pressure transducer............................................... 97
Barometric pressure............................................... 97
User coefficients.................................................... 98
Atmospheric drain.................................................. 98
Pressure transducer lookup table............................ 98
ABB Lewisburg standards...................................... 98
9.10 Vortex cooling assy option specs............................ 98
9.11 Kalrez seals.......................................................... 98
9.12 Standard RVP values.............................................. 98
9.13 Offline samples...................................................... 98

Kalrez is a registered trademark of DuPont

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 5

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers


The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards an
The following
symbols are used in this manual to alert
to symbols
possible hazards an
1 the
additional information.

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched
Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched

1 Safety and symbols

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

that a riskhazard
of electrical
electrocution exists.
The following symbols are used in this manual to

a potential
alert the user to possible hazards and to provide

serious injury and/or death.
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d

additional information.
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d

the presence of a hazard which could


result in corruption of software or damage to

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and
Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

should not be touched without care.
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of
presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of
damage to equipment/property.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage and
electrocution exists.
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discha

not be
safe ESDtosafe
handling Disch
and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.


Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

pertinent facts
the the
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

2300-UG, D2
2300-UG, D2

2300-UG, D2

6 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C


Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

2 Introduction

2 Introduction
2.1 General
The Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Analyzer provides analysis
results that are similar to those obtained using the classic
laboratory method (ASTM D323). It is an on-line analyzer
that greatly reduces the risk of error inherent in the collecting,
handling, and transferring of sample that is required by the
lab method.

2.2 Drawings
Since RVP configuration depends on the particular
application, this manual contains only generic engineering
drawings and diagrams. You should utilize the drawings,
diagrams and replacement parts lists provided on the
Important Documents CD-ROM supplied with your RVP to
ensure they are the correct ones for your system.

2.3 System overview

The RVP Analyzer operates unattended, automatically
sampling and measuring the Reid Vapor Pressure of process
samples that are either pure substances (e.g., hexane or

pentane) or mixtures (e.g., gasoline). It may be mounted on a

wall, a rack, or a floor stand, with the sample handling system
installed just below the analyzer. The RVP Analyzer assembly,
Division I and Zone 1 by design, includes an explosion
proof measuring cell enclosure and an explosion proof
electronics enclosure.
ABB provides four configurations of the RVP Analyzer:
RVP4500 for low RVP (up to 20 psia), RVP4501 for high RVP
(up to 90 psia), RVP4503 for low RVP with extended range
option (up to 30 psia), and RVP4550 for air saturation
analyses (see Figure 2.1). The RVP4500 and RVP4503 are
identical other than the ranges and the Pressure Transducer
Lookup Table.
The RVP Analyzer consists of a Control Enclosure, an
Analytical Enclosure, a Syringe or Validation Cylinder, and a
Sample Handling System (SHS). The basic sample system
and the hydrophobic Swirlklean sample system are offered.

Fig.2.1 RVP analyzers

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 7

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

2.4. Control enclosure

The Control Enclosure contains a Control PCB and the 24V
DC Power Supply mounted inside the unit (see Figure 2.2).
On the inside of the door is the Display PCB. Analytical
functions are controlled by the Control PCB, which displays
analysis status and prompts on the enclosure door display.
The operator responds to the prompts by operating the
switches located under the display.

2 Introduction

2.5 Analytical enclosure

2.5.1 Analytical enclosure, 4500, 4501, 4503
The Analytical Enclosure for the 4500, 4501 and 4503
(see Figure 2.3) contains the sample measuring cell and
solenoid valves that control the flow into and out of the
measuring cell. The single cell design meets the ASTM D323
specifications for vapor to liquid ratio (4 to 1). Sample size is
2.5 ml, equilibration time is approximately 4.5 minutes, and
total cycle time is approximately 8 minutes.

Fig.2.2 Control enclosure

Fig.2.3 Analytical enclosure, 4500, 4501, 4503

8 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

2 Introduction

2.5.2 Analytical enclosure, 4550

2.6 Sample system

The Analytical Enclosure for the RVP4550 contains an air

saturation subassembly and an RVP subassembly as shown
in Figure 2.4.

The RVP Analyzer comes with either the basic sample system
or the Swirlklean sample system. These sample systems are
filtered, fast loop systems, mounted under the analyzer. They
require a single-phase sample.

The air saturation cell assembly contains the aeration cell,

terminals, and six solenoid valves that control the flow into
and out of the aeration cell.
The RVP measuring cell assembly contains the sample
measuring cell, terminals, and solenoid valves that control
the flow into and out of the measuring cell. The single cell
design meets the ASTM D323 specifications for vapor to
liquid ratio (4 to 1). Sample size is 2.5 ml, equilibration time
is approximately 4.5 minutes, and total cycle time is
approximately 8.5 minutes (10 minutes with air saturation

The sample system includes either a syringe or validation

cylinder to provide calibration samples.

The customer is responsible for providing a singlephase sample. The sample cannot be a two-phase
sample and/or contain undissolved water or its
associated compounds.

2.6.1 Sample syringe

The syringe is a standard component of low RVP systems
(4500 and 4503). The syringe is stainless steel and aluminum,
with a spring loaded mechanism. Its total volume is 95 cc and
its initial output pressure is approximately 28 to 30 psig when
the syringe is full.

2.6.2 Validation cylinder

The validation cylinder is always used with the high RVP
(4501) and Air Saturation RVP (4550), to provide the required
higher output pressure. It can be used with the 4500 and
4503 as well.

2.7 Optional equipment

Fig. 2.4 Analytical enclosure, RVP4550

Options available for the RVP Analyzer are a Vortex Cooling

Assembly and a Sample Recovery System. The Vortex
Cooling Assembly can be used with all versions of the RVP
Analyzer. The Sample Recovery System is used with the
RVP4500 (low RVP), RVP4503 (extended range), and
RVP4550 (air saturation) analyzers.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 9

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

2 Introduction

2.7.1 Vortex cooling assembly

2.7.2 Sample Recovery System (low RVP)

The Vortex Cooling Assembly (see Figure 2.5) cools the

measuring cell housing when the ambient temperature
exceeds 90 F (RVP Analyzer ambient temperature maximum).
This Vortex Cooling Assembly is acceptable to all certifying
agencies (CSA, NEC, ETL, FM and CENELEC).

The Sample Recovery System (see Figure 2.6), a

recommended option for the Low RVP Analyzer, is explosion
proof by design and employs fiber optic technology. It is
designed to handle gasoline samples.






Fig. 2.5 Typical vortex cooling assembly

Fig.2.6 Typical sample recovery system

10 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide

3 additional

The analyzer must be mounted so that it is level.

3.1 Safety considerations

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be The
without should
care. be adequately supported during
Before starting to install the RVP Analyzer, read the safety
information in this section.

mounting, since its approximate weight is 200 pounds (90 kg).

Connections should not be made to the analyzer until it is
mounted securely in place.

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

It is the customers responsibility to ensure that all

safety guidelines, regulations, and procedures
are followed.

The analyzer drain must be an atmospheric vent.

Recommended tools and equipment

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury 3.2.1
and/or death
Data Package and engineering drawings shipped with
Before opening the analyzer enclosure doors, be

sure the area is safe from hazardous gases and will

remain so the entire time the analyzer is open.

standard set of Phillips screwdrivers

standard set of straight-blade screwdrivers
When handling electronic parts and assemblies,

standard set of SAE wrenches
it is necessary that proper electrostatic discharge
that referenced
are wear
to Electrostatic
3/8-inch Allen wrench for front door bolts on
be taken
an ESD
wrist Discharge (ESD)

certified analyzers
strap with a grounding cable and use an ESD

wrench for mounting bolts
shielded bag to protect items removed).

the analyzer

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption

of software or
damage to equipment/property.

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

3.2 Preparing for installation

The analyzer is shipped with an Important Document

CD-ROM. Included on this CD are this manual, data sheets,
installation drawings, and flow diagrams needed for the
installation, setup and maintenance of the analyzer. This
manual refers to these documents Data Package.
Since Analyzer configuration depends on the particular
application, this manual contains only generic engineering
drawings and diagrams. You should utilize the drawings,
diagrams and replacement parts lists provided in the Data
Package supplied with your Analyzer to ensure they are the
correct ones for your system.
After unpacking the analyzer, inspect it for damage. Also,
check the packing list provided with the analyzer to make
sure all equipment is included. The packing list, which is
taped on the box or crate, contains a list showing how many
2300-UG, D2
cartons were shipped and what each box or crate contains.


leak detection solution (Snoop)

1/4-inch SS tubing connections and unions

sufficient to meet analyzer requirements

1/8-inch SS tubing connections and unions

sufficient to meet analyzer requirements

3/8-inch SS tubing connections and unions

sufficient to meet Swirlklean Sample System


plant air, dried and cleaned (filtered if necessary),

12 scfm at 80 psig minimum/15 scfm at 200 psig

maximum for the optional Vortex Cooling


instrument air, to purge the Measuring Cell and

operate the Air Saturation Unit, if equipped

electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap and

grounding cord

The analyzer should be located as close as is practical to the

sample stream. The analyzer must be installed in a shelter or
area protected from direct sunlight and harsh weather. It is
recommended that a minimum clearance of six inches be
allowed on each side of the analyzer panel to allow for making
the necessary connections.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 11

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.2.2 Other recommendations for installation



50-100 micron filter, installed between the customers

primary block valve and the RVP sample handling system;
The pressure differential between the Sample In and the
Sample Return to Process must be 20 to 30 psig.

3.3 Equipment mounting

Equipment mounting of the RVP Analyzer is the responsibility
of the installer. The mounting hardware for the fixed
installation must be capable of supporting four times the
weight of the RVP Analyzer.

The RVP Analyzer weighs approximately 200

pounds (90 kg). You should have one or more
persons help you lift it and move it.

Unpack the analyzer near the installation site and

move it with a transportation machine.
Handle the analyzer carefully so that it does not fall.
Refer to the Outline and Mounting
Dimensions drawing in the Data Package for
specific mounting information.

Fig. 3.1 Basic sample system (low RVP)

3.4 Connections


Swagelok, SS tube fitting.
The AIR INLET is a 1/4 inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting.
The air supply must be instrument grade air.
The SAMPLE INLET is a 1/4 inch, Swagelok, SS tube
fitting; sample supply must be 60 psig.

3.4.1 RVP unit drain line

The Analyzer drain, located at the bottom of the Analytical
Enclosure (see Figure 2-1 or 2-2), must be connected
properly to a waste container appropriate for gasoline, or
a suitable sample collecting system, like the ABB RVP
Sample Recovery System. This drain line must be vented
to the atmosphere.

3.4.2 Basic sample system plumbing

It is the customers responsibility to provide adequate sample
flow to the Analyzer sample system. If flow to the sample
system is not adequate, analyzer response time will increase
noticeably. The plumbing connections should be made as
shown in Figure 3.1: Plumbing Is the same for Low RVP and
High RVP.

12 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Leak check all connections; verify all pressures

and flows.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.4.3 Swirlklean sample system plumbing

It is the customers responsibility to provide adequate sample
flow to the Analyzer sample system. If flow to the
sample system is not adequate, analyzer response time will
increase noticeably. The plumbing connections should
be made as follows (see Figure 3.2):

3.4.4 Optional vortex cooling assembly

If the optional Vortex Cooling Assembly is installed, it is set
at the factory and should not require adjustment. Should
adjustment become necessary, carefully remove the muffler
from the hot exhaust end of the Vortex Cooling Assembly and
turn the adjustment screw clockwise until closed then turn it
counterclockwise 3/4 of a turn.
Fig. 3.2 Swirlklean sample system


Swagelok, SS tube fitting.
Swagelok, SS tube fitting.
The AIR INLET is a 1/4 inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting.
The air supply must be instrument grade air.
Leak check all connections; verify all pressures and flows.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 13

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.4.5 Sample recovery system plumbing (low RVP)

Sample Vent


Clean, dry, filtered, plant air, at 25 psig minimum, can be

connected to the right side of the Sample Recovery System
at the 1/4-inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting tagged R-1
(see Figure 3.3).


The eductor vent connection has a 1/4-inch, Swagelok,

SS tube fitting tagged E-1. The eductor vent must be
plumbed to an area approved for the release of gasoline


Set the Eductor Regulator so that the gauge displays 12 psig.


The sample DRAIN connection on top of the Recovery Tank is

a 1/4-inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting. The tubing must
slope down from the analyzer to the Recovery Tank.

Air In

The SAMPLE VENT connection on top of the Recovery Tank is

a 1/8-inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting. The tubing
must slope down from the analyzer to the Recovery Tank.


At the bottom left of the Sample Recovery System assembly

is the sample return connection tagged V-1. It is a 1/4inch, Swagelok, SS tube fitting. The tubing connected here
must be unrestricted.

Fig. 3.3 Sample recovery system plumbing connections

3.4.6 Verifying sample system connections

Be sure that all air supply, sample supply, and sample return
lines have been connected correctly and tested for leaks.
Verify that all pressures are within the Analyzer specifications,
as documented in the Data Package. Sample return pressure
needs to be 10-20 lb less than sample pressure set at PR1 to
ensure sample flow through the system.

14 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C


Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.4.7 Electrical connections

Refer to Figure 3.4 for the wiring installation for customer
inputs, proper conductor size and location for earth ground

3 Installation

5. Route the primary power cable through the 3/4-in. NPT

tapped hole on the right side of the enclosure and make
the power connections at TB5 (see Figure 3-4).

3.4.8 Sample recovery system electrical (low RVP).

1. Ensure that the analyzer power is turned Off
at the supply source.
2. Open the Control Enclosure.
3. Through the 3/4-in. NPT tapped holes on the left side of
the enclosure make the appropriate customer output dry
contact closure connections (see Figure 3.4) on the Control
PCB, for alarm contacts and end-of-cycle at J22. On J22,
pins 1 to 3 are COMMON ALARM and pins 4 to 6 are END
OF CYCLE. Standard output is 4 to 20 mA analog output.
The system options, if purchased, are: RS-232 serial
output and remote start (a customer-supplied dry contact
closure) at J24, and Ethernet at J38.

All electronic connections must be made with

approved conduit or potted cable glands, cables
and connectors, according to local codes, and all
provided by the customer.

1. Ensure that the power is Off.

2. Open the Electronics Enclosure on the Sample Recovery
3. Make the appropriate customer output connections
through the 3/4-inch tapped hole on the bottom of the

4. Bond the analyzer to earth ground at the lug on the

mounting plate and to the external lug on one of the two
enclosures (minimum).

Fig. 3.4 Customer connections

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 15

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

4. Then make the power-in connections at hot, neutral, and

ground terminals on the bottom of the strip (see Figure 3.5
for 115VAC input and Figure 3.6 for 230VAC input).

Fig. 3.5 115VAC SRS electrical connections

16 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Fig. 3.6 230VAC SRS electrical connections

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Since there is no On/Off switch on the Sample Recovery

System, power is applied to the Sample Recovery System as
soon as power is applied at the source.

3.4.9 RVP alarm output signal

A common alarm output signal, located on the Control PCB
at J22, provides dry contact closures from the Analyzer to the
customers device. The customer needs a screwdriver and
sufficient cable to connect the device to the analyzer.
Warning devices must be supplied and connected by the
user, to J22 plug positions 1, 2 and 3. The alarm function is a
matter of user preference and convenience. Since Normally
Open (NO) and Normally Closed (NC) voltageless contacts are
available in the electronics housing, the Common Alarm can
be set to energize or de-energize. When the Common Alarm
is set to de-energize, the alarm signal will be activated by a
power failure (default power fail alarm). If the Common Alarm
is set to energize, the alarm signal will not be activated by a
power failure.
1. Ensure that the area is safe and will remain so the entire
time work is being done on the Analyzer.

3 Installation

3.4.10 RVP end-of-cycle signal

An end-of-cycle signal, located on the Control PCB at J22,
provides dry contact closures from the Analyzer to the
customers device. The customer needs a screwdriver and
sufficient cable to connect the device to the analyzer.
1. Ensure that the area is safe and will remain so the entire
time work is being done on the Analyzer.
2. Ensure analyzer power is off (this stops the RVP analysis
3. Open the door of the Control Enclosure.
4. Refer to Figure 3.4 to locate J22.
5. Unplug J22 and loosen the screws at J22 plug positions 4,
5 and 6.
6. Connect the the customer device to J22 position 5,
common (COM2), and position 6, normally open (NO2).
7. Tighten the screws at J22 plug positions 4, 5 and 6,
and reconnect J22.

2. Ensure analyzer power is off (this stops the RVP analysis


8. Close and bolt the door of the Control Enclosure.

3. Open the door of the Control Enclosure.

9. Return power to the analyzer and start the analysis cycle.

4. Refer to Figure 3.4 to locate J22.

3.4.11 RVP 4-20 analog and RS-232 serial output

5. Unplug J22 and loosen the screws at J22 plug positions

1, 2 and 3.

For the common alarm output to operate when the relay

is de-energized, connect the customer device to J22
position 2, common (COM1), and position 1, normally
closed (NC1).

7. For the common alarm output to operate when the relay is

energized, connect the customer device to J22 position 2,
common (COM1), and position 3, normally open (NO1).

An analog output connection provides RVP value as a

percentage of range.
The serial output connections allow data transmission only,
from the Analyzer to the customers serial device. Serial
output is in RS-232 format, with one start bit, eight data bits,
one stop bit, and no parity. Cable lengths should not exceed
50 ft in length without using an RS-232 repeater. Data is
transmitted as ASCII characters. If the customer wants ABB
to set the baud rate at the factory, they must specify at the
customer order level which of the available baud rates (300,
2400, 4800, or 9600) is required. The customer may change
the baud rate when the analyzer is in the off-line mode.

8. Tighten the screws at J22 plug positions 1, 2 and 3, and

reconnect J22.
9. Close and bolt the door of the Control Enclosure.
10. R eturn power to the analyzer and start the analysis cycle.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 17

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.4.12 Optional remote start

3.4.13 Ethernet

The optional remote start feature is a dry contact closure

input which will begin a cycle from an offline state, an alarm
state, or an online state at any point in the cycle. If in offline
mode, the remote start trigger first places the analyzer in
online mode and then begins the cycle. A high to low
transition from the customers attached switching device will
trigger the remote start feature.

The customer needs sufficient cable to connect the Ethernet

to the analyzer.

The customer needs a screwdriver, analog and serial output

devices and a switching device, and sufficient cable to
connect the devices to the analyzer.

1. Ensure that the area is safe and will remain so the entire
time work is being done on the Analyzer.
2. Remove power from the analyzer (this stops the RVP
analysis cycle).
3. Open the door of the Control Enclosure.
4. Refer to Figure 3.4 to locate J38.

1. Ensure that the area is safe and will remain so the entire
time work is being done on the Analyzer.
2. Remove power from the analyzer (this stops the RVP
analysis cycle).

5. Connect Ethernet connector to J38.

6. Close and bolt the door of the Control Enclosure.
7. Return power to the analyzer and start the analysis cycle.

3. Open the door of the Control Enclosure.

8. Connect power to the receiving device and turn it on.
4. Refer to Figure 3.4 to locate J24.

3.5 Analyzer architecture: system modes

5. Unplug J24 and loosen the screws at J24 plug positions
3, 4 and 7.
6. Analog output connections: connect the 4-20+ to J24 pin
1 and 4-20- to J24 pin 2.
7. Serial connection: connect the receive wire from the serial
device to J24 plug position 3, the transmit wire to position
4, and the ground wire to position 7.
8. Remote start connection: connect the dry contact closure
connection to J24 pins 8 and 9.
9. Reconnect J24.
10. C lose and bolt the door of the Control Enclosure.
11. R eturn power to the analyzer and start the analysis cycle.
12. C onnect power to the receiving device and turn it on.

18 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3.5.1 Offline mode

In offline mode, the analyzer heats the RVP cell. It does not
force sample through the system and perform an RVP
measurement. Offline mode permits the operator to test
the system and to test the customer connections. Initially, the
system will come up in offline mode so customer configuration can be performed without interference from the system.
The operator may choose to change the system to start up in
online mode. The operator can switch to online mode at any
time. You can be either in offline mode or online mode at
any given time.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.5.2 Online mode

3 Installation

In online mode, the analyzer heats the RVP cell. When proper
temperatures are achieved, the analyzer will force sample
through the system and perform the RVP measurement.
Customer can make display changes in online mode. You can
be either in offline mode or online mode at any given time.

Three three-position rotary switches are used to navigate

from line to line, from group to group, and from message to
message. The switches may be turned clockwise or counterclockwise 90 degrees and when released will return to the
neutral position. The left-most switch is called S1, the center
is S2, and the right-most is S3 (see Figure 3.7).

3.5.3 Factory mode

3.6.1 Display mode

Factory mode is used at the manufacturing plant for initial

configuration of the system per the purchase order. On site,
factory mode may be entered while offline if the proper
passcode is entered. Other passcodes then allow the
customer to enable newly purchased options.

S1 is used to navigate from line to line. S1 is oriented to

reflect the movement up and down the display when turned
upward or downward. When turned clockwise, a blinking
cursor in the first character position will advance down to the
next line for each such turn, and will wrap around from the
bottom to the top. When turned counter-clockwise, the cursor
will move up to the previous line for each such turn and will
wrap around from top to bottom. Holding S1 at position will
repeat the action at a faster rate.

3.5.4 Debug mode

Debug mode is used by ABB engineers when troubleshooting
the system. The customer will not see anything additional on
the displays if this mode is enabled, but it will burden the
system with additional activity.

3.6 Analyzer architecture: operator interface

The analyzer has a four-line display with 20 characters per line
(see Figure 3.7). The operator may change what information is
to be viewed on a particular line at any time during the
analysis. A line of text is called a message. To make it easier
to locate the desired information, related messages are
organized into a group.
The standard display groups are:

RVP cell data

RVP cell status information

System status information

S2 is used to navigate from group to group within a list of

groups assigned to the selected line. S2 is oriented such that
it is turned left or right. The title of a group is displayed on a
line, preceded by the >> characters. Turning it clockwise will
advance the display to the next group in the list and turning it
counter-clockwise will cycle through the same list of groups in
the opposite direction. Each will wrap around to the beginning
or end as appropriate. Holding S2 at position will repeat the
action at a faster rate.
S3 is used to navigate from message to message within a list
of messages assigned to the selected group. S3 is oriented
such that it is turned upward or downward. Turning it
clockwise (downward) will advance the display to the next
message in the list and turning it counter-clockwise (upward)
will cycle through the same list of messages in the opposite
direction. Each will wrap around to the beginning or end as
appropriate. While sitting on a message, if S3 is turned and
held for a second or so, the display will automatically cycle
from message to message in that same group. Each message
is displayed for two seconds. While on that line, turning S3
will stop the cycling.
If the switches are inactive for 10 seconds, the blinking cursor
will disappear.

Fig. 3.7 Operator interface

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 19

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation


3.6.2 Data entry mode

The display lines are numbered from top to bottom 1 to 4.
Each allows the same selection of groups except for line 3.
Line 3 allows additional groups that permit data entry. A data
entry prompt ends with a question mark. Once the desired
question is located, the operator must now enter data entry
mode. To get into this mode, S3 must be turned and held for
a second or so until a data entry field is displayed in line 4.
A cursor appears at the start of the field to be edited.
There are three main types of data entries
character field in which the operator changes each
character individually
list field in which the operator navigates through a list of
possible selections
yes/no answer
Once in data entry mode, S1 is used to cycle through a list
field or to change a character such as a digit in a number.
Turning S1 down decreases a numeric digit and turning S1 up
increases a numeric digit. Holding S1 at position will repeat
the action at a faster rate.

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards an
additional information.

S2 is used for cursor movement within a character field. The

cursor can be moved in both directions and wrap around will
Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched
occur at the either end of the field. Holding S2 at position will
repeat the action at a faster rate.

Indicates that
risk of electrical
electrocution exists.
S3 is the accept/reject
If the
requires a yes/no answer, turn and hold S3, for a few
seconds, up for yes or down for no. After editing a field,
turn S3 up to accept the change or down to reject (ignore) it.
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d
After using S3,
the system returns to display mode.

If switches are inactive for 30 seconds while in data entry

mode, the system
will automatically
the presence of a
result in corruption of
damage to equipment/property.

In the following navigation diagrams, messages or prompts

that do not apply to the configuration or current analysis state
are not presented
to thethat
referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discha
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

Figure 3.8 applies when the analyzer is online.

2300-UG, D2

20 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

The messages in italics appear only if the option

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
is enabled or a required condition exists.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

Fig. 3.8 Online navigation diagram

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 21

additional information.

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

3.7 Analyzer setup

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d

2. Set the air

. inlet regulator so the gauge indicates the proper
pressure (see Data Package).

3.7.1 Opening the control enclosure

1. Confirm that the area is safe and hazard free, and will
remain so the entire time the analyzer is open.

3. Turn ON Sample
V-1 could result in corruption of
the from
of a hazard
to equipment/property.
(see Figuresdamage
3.1 and

2. Remove the bolts from the Control Enclosure and open

the enclosure door.

4. Set the sample inlet regulator so the gauge indicates

40 psig.
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discha

3. Verify that all connections are secure.

Figure 3.9 applies when the analyzer is offline.

4. Close the enclosure door and reinstall the bolts.

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

3.7.2 Turn on air and sample

1. Turn ON Air Inlet Valve V-2 (see Figures 3.1 and 3.2).

2300-UG, D2

Fig. 3.9 Offline navigation diagram

22 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

The messages in italics appear only if the option is

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
enabled or a required condition exists.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.7.3 Switch on power

Apply power to the RVP. Since there is no On/Off switch on
the analyzer, the analyzer is operational as soon as power is
applied. The RVP display shows the analyzer model number,
serial number, and software version:

3.8 System setup parameters

Upon initial setup the following settings may need to be set.
Figure 3.10 summarizes the various parameters and their
settings, as appropriate.
These settings may be performed in either Online or Offline
modes, using double-throw center-off toggle switches S1
through S3 as described in paragraph 3.6, Analyzer
architecture: operator interface. The parameter selection tree
is found under the Line 3 System Setup menu in Figure 3.7
(Online Navigation) and Figure 3.8 (Offline Navigation).

Fig. 3.10 Parameter quick-reference table

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 23

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.1 Analog output on alarm

24 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.2 Pressure units

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 25

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.3 Temperature units

26 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.4 Site elevation (feet)

Site Elevation can be set in feet or in meters. It does not need
to be set in both units.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 27

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.5 Site elevation (meters)

Site Elevation can be set in meters or in feet. It does not need
to be set in both units.

28 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.6 Span coefficient

The Span Coefficient parameter displays only if the User Coefficient
option was ordered from the factory.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 29

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.7 Zero coefficient

The Zero Coefficient parameter displays only if the User
Coefficient option was ordered from the factory.

30 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.8 Serial baud rate

The Serial Baud Rate parameter displays only if the Serial
Output option was ordered from the factory.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 31

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.9 IP address
The IP Address parameter displays only if the Ethernet option was
ordered from the factory.

32 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.10 Gateway address

The Gateway Address parameter displays only if the Ethernet option was
ordered from the factory.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 33

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.11 Subnet mask

The Subnet Mask parameter displays only if the Ethernet
option was ordered from the factory.

34 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.12 OPC IP address

The OPC IP Address parameter displays only if both the Ethernet and OPC Server options were ordered from the factory.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 35

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3.8.13 Modbus IP address

The Modbus IP Address parameter displays only if both the
Ethernet and Modbus options were ordered from the factory.
The Modbus master address to which the RVP responds on
an Ethernet TCP connection can either be entered into the

36 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

3 Installation

Modbus field in the RVP so that it will respond only to that IP

address (the user must know the IP address of the Modbus
master), or the default values of all 0 (zero) can be used for
the RVP to respond to any Modbus master Ethernet TCP
address. This address is not to be confused with the address
of the RVP; it is the address to which the RVP will respond.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

3 Installation

3.8.14 VistaReporter IP address

The VistaReporter IP Address parameter displays only if both
the Ethernet and VistaReporter options were ordered from
the factory.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 37

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4 Operation
4.1 Controls and indicators
4.1.1 Control enclosure, all versions
The display shows the analysis status of the Analyzer. The
controller switches are used to respond to prompts displayed
on the display. These spring-loaded switches are doublethrow, center-off toggle switches. S1 (on the left) and S3
(on the right) are oriented horizontally, while S2 (in the center)
is oriented vertically.

4.1.2 Basic sample system, 4500, 4501, 4503

Shutoff Valve V-1 controls the flow of sample to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-1 regulates the sample flow to 40 psig, as
measured by Gauge PI-1. Shutoff Valve V-3 controls the flow
of the low pressure return to the process stream. Shutoff
Valve V-2 controls the flow of instrument air to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-2 regulates the air flow to 40 psig, as measured
by Gauge PI-2.

Fig. 4.2 Basic sample system controls and indicators

38 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Switch S1

Switch S2

Switch S3

Fig. 4.1 Control enclosure controls and indicators

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4.1.3 Swirlklean sample system, low RVP

Shutoff Valve V-1 controls the flow of sample to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-1 regulates the sample flow to 40 psig, as
measured by Gauge PI-1. Shutoff Valve V-3 controls the flow
of the low pressure return to the process stream. Shutoff
Valve V-2 controls the flow of instrument air to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-2 regulates the air flow to 40 psig, as measured
by Gauge PI-2.
Low Pressure

4.1.4 Basic sample system, 4550


Shutoff Valve V-1 controls the flow of sample to the analyzer.

Regulator PR-1 regulates the sample flow to 40 psig, as
measured by Gauge PI-1. Shutoff Valve V-3 controls the flow
of the low pressure return to the process stream. Shutoff
Valve V-2 controls the flow of instrument air to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-2 regulates the air flow to 40 psig, as measured
by Gauge PI-2.

Fig. 4.3 Low RVP swirlklean sample system controls and indicators

Fig. 4.4 4550 Basic sample system controls and indicators

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 39

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4.1.5 Swirlklean sample system, 4550

Shutoff Valve V-1 controls the flow of sample to the analyzer.
Regulator PR-1 regulates the sample flow to 40 psig, as
measured by Gauge PI-1. Shutoff Valve V-3 controls the flow
of the low pressure return to the process stream.
Shutoff Valve V-2 controls the flow of instrument air to the
analyzer. Regulator PR-2 regulates the air flow to 40 psig, as
measured by Gauge PI-2.

4.2 Temperature stabilization

Operation begins with heating the RVP sample cell. Display
messages shown are for the default display configuration.

4 Operation

4.3 First flush fill

The sample enters the RVP measuring cell for a flush fill and
the display shows:

When the measuring cell fill cycle finishes, Flush fill stop,
followed by Cell filled appears on the bottom line of the
display. The cell is immediately emptied. This flush fill rinses
the cell and the associated plumbing with new sample to
remove any residue from the previous sample, minimizing the
possibility of an invalid reading due to the current sample
mixing with the residue.
After the flush fill, air purges the measuring cell and the
display shows:

After a short time, the display changes to:

The temperature reading changes as the cell heats, until the

temperature in the cell reaches the required 100F (.38C)

Fig. 4.5 4550 Swirlklean sample system controls and indicators

40 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4.4 Second flush fill

4.6.1 Time into cycle

Then sample enters the measuring cell for a second flush fill
similar to the first flush fill. When the cell fill cycle finishes, the
cell is immediately emptied. This flush fill rinses the cell and
the associated plumbing with new sample to ensure the old
sample is removed, minimizing the possibility of an invalid
reading due to the current sample mixing with the old sample.

The progress message displays time into the RVP

measurement cycle in minutes and seconds followed by a
brief description of the current stage of the cycle.

After the second flush fill, air purges the measuring cell three
more times. Sample that may be inside the cell equilibrates
during the time between each of the purges and is removed
with the following purge.

4.5 Analysis cycle

With the cell drain open (ambient pressure), the temperature
of the air is allowed to equilibrate inside the cell. The cell
pressure is recorded to establish zero pressure measurement.
The zero reading is taken once each cycle to minimize the
effects of zero baseline drift of the pressure transducer.

4.6.2 Status message

The status message supplements the progress message with
a description of the current activity within a stage of the
measurement cycle.

4.6.3 Analog output value

The 4-20mA analog output in percentage of range. For the
low RVP the range is 0 to 20 psi. For the extended range RVP
the range is 0 to 30 psi. For the high RVP the range is 0 to 90

4.7 RVP data messages

Items in italics represent optional features.

4.7.1 RVP result

Next the cell drain closes and sample fills the cell.
Approximately 4.5 minutes are allowed for sample
At the end of the equilibration time, the cell pressure is
measured and then used with the numbers for site elevation
and zero pressure to determine the Reid Vapor Pressure of
the sample. Reid Vapor Pressure is an absolute pressure.
The RVP reading, or optional Adjusted RVP reading (see
4.7.2), is available on the display, on a device the customer
connects to the 4 to 20 mA isolated analog output, on the
optional serial output and through the optional Ethernet.

The last calculated RVP in the configured units. This value will
be set to zero one minute before a new value is computed, so
that the operator can see a change in case the new value is
equal to the previous value.

4.7.2 Adjusted result

The last calculated adjusted RVP in the configured units. This
value will also be set to zero one minute before a new value is
computed, so that the operator can see a change in case the
new value is equal to the previous value.

4.7.3 Temperature
The current RVP cell temperature in the configured units.
The reading is continuously updated through the cycle.

4.6 RVP status messages

Items in italics represent optional features.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 41

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4.7.4 Level sensor

4.9 System setup messages

The current RVP cell level sensor reading and if that reading
represents a wet or dry condition. The reading is continuously
updated through the cycle.

See Section 3 for detailed Setup instructions. Items in italics

represent optional features.

4.9.1 Startup mode

4.7.5 Cell pressure
The RVP cell pressure is measured during the final purge prior
to the measure cell fill step (in psi units). If the cell pressure is
not within specification, an alarm will be generated.

Select the setting to automatically place system in online or

offline mode on power-up. The options are offline and online.
The default is offline.

4.9.2 Analog out on alarm

4.7.6 Raw pressure
The RVP cell pressure transducer raw reading is continuously
updated and displayed in both decimal and hexadecimal

Select the setting that affects the analog output signal under
alarm conditions. The options are Forced to 0 mA and Holds
value. The default is to force the output to 0 ma.

4.9.3 Pressure units

4.8 System status messages
Items in italics represent optional features.

Select the units in which pressure is to be displayed. The

options are psi, mbar, and kPa. Some pressures used for
troubleshooting will remain in psi. The default is psi.

4.8.1 Analysis state

The Analysis state indicates whether the system is in online or
offline mode.

4.8.2 OPC connection state

The OPC connection state indicates whether the Ethernet
connection to an OPC server is broken, disconnected, or

4.9.4 Temperature units

Select the units in which temperature is to be displayed.
The options are degrees F and degrees C. The default is F

4.9.5 Site elevation (ft)

Enter the elevation of the analyzer in feet. The operator may
choose to enter in meters using the next prompt instead.

4.8.3 Modbus connection state

The Modbus connection state indicates whether the Ethernet
connection to a TCP/IP Modbus client is broken,
disconnected, or connected.

4.9.6 Site elevation (m)

Enter the elevation of the analyzer in meters. The operator
may choose to enter in feet using the previous prompt

4.8.4 VistaReporter connection state

The VistaReporter connection state indicates whether the
Ethernet connection to a VistaReporter is broken,
disconnected, or connected.

42 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

4.9.7 Span coefficient

Enter the span coefficient of the user coefficients. An adjusted
RVP value is computed as RVP * span coefficient + zero
coefficient. The allowable range for span is 0.9000 to 1.1000.
The operator will be reminded of the range if an incorrect
value is entered. The default is 1.0000.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4.9.8 Zero coefficient

4.10.1 Set system offline

Enter the zero coefficient of the user coefficients. An adjusted

RVP value is computed as RVP * span coefficient + zero
coefficient. The allowable range for zero is -1.0000 to
+1.0000. The operator will be reminded of the range if an
incorrect value is entered. The default is 0.0000.

Request to place the system in offline mode. If requested, the

operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to
confirm the intent.

4.10.2 Set system online

Request to place the system in online mode.

4.9.9 Serial baud rate

Select the baud rate of the RS232 serial output. The options
are 300, 2400, 4800, and 9600. A change will not take effect
until power is cycled. The default is 9600.

4.10.3 Shutdown system

Request to drain the system in preparation to turn the power
off. If requested, the operator will be presented with a prompt
(Are you sure?) to confirm the intent.

4.9.10 IP address
Enter the Ethernet IP address of this analyzer. A change will
not take effect until power is cycled.

4.10.4 Debug mode

Request to place the system in debug mode. This command
is to be used by trained ABB personnel only.

4.9.11 Gateway address

Enter the Ethernet gateway address. A change will not take
effect until power is cycled. The default is for none.

4.11 Offline command messages

4.9.12 Subnet mask

4.11.1 Execute leak test

Enter the Ethernet subnet mask. A change will not take effect
until power is cycled. The default is

Request to perform a lengthy pressure test of the RVP cell.

This will take several minutes.

4.9.13 OPC IP address

4.11.2 Toggle common alarm

Enter the Ethernet IP address of the OPC server. A change

will not take effect until power is cycled.

Request to change state of the common alarm output signal.

Each time switch S3 is turned up, the relay will change state.
Turn S3 down to exit the command.

Items in italics represent optional features.

4.9.14 Modbus IP address

Enter the Ethernet IP address of the Modbus client. A change
will not take effect until power is cycled.

4.11.3 Toggle end of cycle

4.9.15 VistaRpt IP address

Request to change state of the end of cycle output signal.

Each time switch S3 is turned up, the relay will change state.
Turn S3 down to exit the command.

Enter the Ethernet IP address of the VistaReporter. A change

will not take effect until power is cycled.

4.11.4 Step 4-20mA value

4.10 System command messages

Items in italics represent optional features.

Request to modify the RVP value and the corresponding

4-20mA analog output, which allows the user to monitor the
analog output value at J24 pins 1 and 2 using a multimeter.
The RVP is incremented to the next higher step value.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 43

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

A step is one/fourth of the output range. Each time switch S3

is turned up, the value will be incremented until the maximum
is reached, in which case the value is set to the low value of
the range. Turn S3 down to exit the command.

4.11.5 Run serial test

Request to test the serial communication link. The test will
send three lines of text:
and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Each line is terminated by
linefeed carriage-return characters (0x0A, 0x0D).

4.11.6 Run ethernet test

Request to test the Ethernet communication link. If the OPC
option has been ordered, the test will send predefined OPC
messages for alarm code and RVP results. If the
VistaReporter option has been ordered, the test will send the
message RVP VistaReporter Text.

4.11.7 Toggle RVP drain

Request to change state of the RVP drain valve. Each time
switch S3 is turned up, the valve will change state. Turn S3
down to exit the command.

4.11.8 Toggle RVP purge

Request to change state of the RVP purge valve. Each time
switch S3 is turned up, the valve will change state. Turn S3
down to exit the command. The RVP drain will be
automatically opened when toggling this valve. If the cell
pressure is excessive, this command is ignored. If the cell
pressure becomes excessive, the valve is closed and the
drain is opened.

4.11.9 Toggle RVP sample

Request to change state of the RVP sample valve. Each time
switch S3 is turned up, the valve will change state. Turn S3
down to exit the command. This command is ignored if the
level sensor is wet. The valve will be closed when the level
sensor becomes wet. If the cell pressure becomes excessive,
the valve is closed and the drain is opened.

44 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

4 Operation

4.11.10 Drain RVP cell

Request to drain the RVP cell. This will take 15 seconds.

4.12 Look-up table messages

See Section 7 for detailed instructions on viewing and
changing this table.

4.12.1 Start Calibration

Request to perform a zero pressure reading prior to
developing the pressure look-up table. This operation will be
performed at the factory. Do not attempt this in the field.
When the zero reading has been taken, a Ready message
will appear. The operator can view Cell prsr to observe the
changes in pressure values.

4.12.2 Prsr table point 1

Prompt for the first data point in the pressure look-up table.
This table is determined at the factory but will need to be
updated if the RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified, the
operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to
confirm the intent.

4.12.3 Prsr table point 2

Prompt for the second data point in the pressure look-up
table. This table is determined at the factory but will need to
be updated if the RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified,
the operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?)
to confirm the intent.

4.12.4 Prsr table point 3

Prompt for the third data point in the pressure look-up table.
This table is determined at the factory but will need to be
updated if the RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified, the
operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to
confirm the intent.

4.12.5 Prsr table point 4

Prompt for the fourth data point in the pressure look-up table.
This table is determined at the factory but will need to be
updated if the RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified, the
operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to
confirm the intent.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

4 Operation

4.12.6 Prsr table point 5

Prompt for the fifth data point in the pressure look-up table.
This table is determined at the factory but will need to be
updated if the RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified, the
operator will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to
confirm the intent.

4.12.7 Prsr table point 6

This pressure table point is used only in RVP4503. Prompt for
the fifth data point in the pressure look-up table. This table is
determined at the factory but will need to be updated if the
RVP cell is replaced in the field. If modified, the operator
will be presented with a prompt (Are you sure?) to confirm
the intent.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 45

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5 Technical description
5.1 RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 overview
5.1.1 RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 flows
The Analyzer consists of a Sample System and an Analytical
Enclosure containing an RVP measuring cell, as shown in
Figure 5.1.
The Sample System (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3) provides the air
and sample to the Analytical Enclosure.

Fig. 5.1 Analyzer flow diagram

Fig. 5.2 Basic sample system flow diagram

46 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

The RVP measuring cell takes the air and sample from the
Sample System and processes the sample to obtain a Reid
Vapor Pressure value. When an analysis is complete, purge
air from the Sample System purges the measuring cell
(see Figure 5.4).

5.1.2 RVP 4500, 4501, 4503 operating principles

The RVP measuring cell begins heating to 100F. When the
measuring cell temperature reaches 100F, the Control PCB

5 Technical description

performs a level sensor diagnostic test. If the PCB detects an

error in the level sensor zero limits, the Level Sensor Zero
Limits Exceeded failure message appears.
After the level sensor test, air valve SV3 and measuring cell
drain valve SV1 open (see Figure 5.4). Air purges the
measuring cell and drain solenoid for 20 seconds, then SV1
and SV3 close.

Fig. 5.3 Swirlklean sample system flow diagram

Fig. 5.4 RVP flow diagram

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 47

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Sample valve SV2 then opens, letting sample flow through the
orifice and into the measuring cell. When the cell fills to the
correct level (2.5 ml), sample drain valve SV1 opens
immediately to empty the cell. This first flush fill rinses the cell
and its associated plumbing with new sample, removing any
residue from the previous sample.
Sample drains from the measuring cell, cell drain SV1 stays
open, and air purge valve SV3 opens. Air purges the
measuring cell for 20 seconds.
Sample valve SV2 then opens again, letting sample flow into
the measuring cell. When the cell fills to the correct level
(2.5 ml), sample drain valve SV1 opens immediately to empty
the cell. This second flush fill again rinses the cell and its
associated plumbing with new sample, removing any
residue from the previous sample. This is the minimum valve
response time.
Sample drains from the measuring cell, cell drain SV1 stays
open, and air purge valve SV3 opens. Air purges the
measuring cell for 20 seconds; this purge is repeated three
times. After each purge, time is allowed for vapor remaining
in the cell to equilibrate with the air, then is removed with
subsequent purge. There is a purge diagnostic during the
last purge.
After the last air purge, the cell drain remains open and time is
allowed for the air and the measuring cell to reach 100F at
ambient pressure. When the cell reaches operating
temperature, the analyzer records the cell pressure to

Fig. 5.5 Air sat analyzer flow diagram

48 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

5 Technical description

establish the zero pressure measurement. The zero reading,

taken once each cycle, is used to minimize the effects of zero
baseline drift on the pressure transducer.
Cell drain SV1 closes and sample valve SV2 opens to let
sample into the measuring cell. As the sample fills the cell
(2.5 ml), the cell is heated to counteract the cooling effect of
the sample and the RVP Status message shows FILLING
When 2.5 ml of sample is in the cell, SV2 closes, the RVP
Status message shows MEASURING CELL FILLED, and 4.5
minutes is allowed for the samples final equilibration.
The pressure transducer reads the cell pressure after 4.5
minutes equilibration. The Control PCB uses the cell pressure,
the site elevation, and the zero pressure measurement to
determine the Reid Vapor Pressure of the sample. The RVP
reading displays at the analyzer, and on whatever optional
output devices the customer has connected.
The RVP analysis process continues until the analyzer is
turned off, or a failure occurs. If a failure occurs, the cycle is
aborted and an error message displays with the reset request.

5.2 RVP 4550 overview

5.2.1 RVP 4550 flows
The Analyzer consists of a Sample System and an Analytical
Enclosure containing an Air Saturation cell and an RVP
measuring cell, as shown in Figure 5.5.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

The Sample System (see Figures 5.6 and 5.7) provides the air
and sample to the Analytical Enclosure.

Fig. 5.6 Air sat basic sample system flow diagram

Fig. 5.7 Swirlklean sample system flow diagram

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 49

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

The Air Saturation cell takes the air and sample from the
Sample System and prepares an aerated sample for the RVP
measuring cell. The RVP measuring cell processes the aerated
sample from the Air Saturation cell to obtain a Reid Vapor
Pressure value. When an analysis is complete, purge air
from the Sample System purges the measuring cell
(see Figure 5.8).

5.2.2 RVP 4550 operating principles

At turn-on, the Air Saturation cell begins cooling to 33F and
the RVP measuring cell begins heating to 100F.
When the measuring cell temperature reaches 100F, the
Control PCB performs a diagnostic test to ensure proper level
sensor function. If the PCB detects an error in the level sensor
zero limits, the Level Sensor Zero Limits Exceeded failure
message appears.

50 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

5 Technical description

After the level sensor test, air valve SV3 and measuring cell
drain valve SV1 open (see Figure 5.8). Air purges the
measuring cell and drain solenoid for 20 seconds, then SV1
and SV3 close.
The Air Saturation cell fills with 12.5 ml of sample and then
aerates the sample by cycling it back and forth 16 times.
When the sample is fully aerated, the aerated sample is made
available to the RVP measuring cell.
Sample valve SV2 then opens, letting aerated sample flow
through the orifice and into the measuring cell. When the cell
fills to the correct level (2.5 ml), sample drain valve SV1 opens
immediately to empty the cell. This first flush fill rinses the cell
and its associated plumbing with new sample, removing any
residue from the previous sample.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

Fig. 5.8 ASRVP flow diagram

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 51

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Sample drains from the measuring cell, cell drain SV1 stays
open, and air purge valve SV3 opens. Air purges the
measuring cell for 20 seconds. After this purge, time is
allowed for vapor remaining in the cell to equilibrate with
the air. This vapor is removed with a follow-up purge.

5 Technical description

The RVP analysis process continues until the analyzer is

turned off, or a failure occurs. If a failure occurs, the cycle is
interrupted and an error message displays with the reset

5.3 Control enclosure

Sample valve SV2 then opens again, letting sample flow into
the measuring cell. When the cell fills to the correct level
(2.5 ml), sample drain valve SV1 opens immediately to empty
the cell. This second flush fill again rinses the cell and its
associated plumbing with new sample, removing any residue
from the previous sample. This minimizes the chances of an
invalid RVP reading due to residual sample contaminating
the current sample.
Sample drains from the measuring cell, cell drain SV1 stays
open, and air purge valve SV3 opens. Air purges the
measuring cell for 20 seconds; this purge is repeated three
times. After each purge, time is allowed for vapor remaining
in the cell to equilibrate with the air. This vapor is removed
with subsequent purge.
After the last air purge, the cell drain remains open and time
is allowed for the air and the measuring cell to reach 100F
at ambient pressure. When the cell reaches operating
temperature, the analyzer records the cell pressure to
establish the zero pressure measurement. The zero reading,
taken once each cycle, is used to minimize the effects of zero
baseline drift on the pressure transducer.

The Control Enclosure contains a Control PCB and a 24V

Power Supply mounted inside the enclosure, and a four-line by
24 characters display mounted on the back of the enclosure
door. Also inside the enclosure are the connections for the
isolated 4 to 20 mA analog output, optional Ethernet
connection, optional serial output, voltageless contact closure
input for an optional remote start capability, and two
voltageless contact closures for the end-of-cycle signal and
the common alarm (to be connected to the customers
monitoring system). These contact closures are capable of
switching 28 Vdc at 0.1 A maximum.

5.3.1 Display components and functions

The RVP Unit controller communicates with the operator
through specific requests and displays of analysis status
on the display. The operator responds to the prompts using
three spring-loaded switches on the door of this enclosure
(see Figure 5.9). If there is no display, the analyzer is or may
be without power.


Cell drain SV1 closes and sample valve SV2 opens to let
sample into the measuring cell. As the sample fills the cell
(2.5 ml), the cell is heated to counteract the cooling effect
of the sample and the RVP Status message shows FILLING
When 2.5 ml of sample is in the cell, SV2 closes, the RVP
Status message shows MEASURING CELL FILLED, and 4.5
minutes is allowed for the sample to reach equilibrium.
The pressure transducer reads the cell pressure after 4.5
minutes. The Control PCB uses the cell pressure, the site
elevation, and the zero pressure measurement to determine
the Reid Vapor Pressure of the sample. The RVP reading
displays at the analyzer, on whatever analog output device
the customer has connected, on Ethernet, and on the
serial output.

52 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Switch S1
Fig. 5.9 Control enclosure

Switch S2

Switch S3

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5.3.2 Control PCB

5.3.4 Normal transmission example

The Control PCB directly calculates the RVP of gasoline and

other similar samples. The Control PCB is the signal
processor and uses self-diagnostics to determine if there is
a system failure, then takes steps to prevent or minimize
damage (i.e., closes inlet valves and opens the drain to relieve
pressure), aborts the cycle and shows a failure message
on the display. Failures must be corrected by the operator
(see Failure messages/recommended actions in Section 6)
and the Analyzer Reset or Shutdown and then powered on
before the analyzer begins the cycle again.

Normal data transmission over the serial port (if purchased)

or to the VistaReporter consists of: Current RVP value, Cell
temperature, Zero pressure reading from the pressure
transducer, Air purge pressure, Level sensor zero reading
counts, Level sensor fill time in seconds, and the current cell
temperature. Pressure and temperature will be in the users
configured units.

Connections for the common alarm output and end-of-cycle

signal are at J22, the 4 to 20 mA analog output, RS-232 serial
output (if purchased), and the remote start input (if purchased)
are at J24, and the Ethernet connection (if purchased) is at
J38 (see Figure 5.10). Power Supply output at TB6 connects
to the PCB at J17.

Normal data transmission to the OPC Server and the Modbus

is in psi and degrees F.

5.3.3 Power supply

The Power Supply, which is grounded to the analyzer frame,
converts AC power coming into the analyzer to DC power.
Customer-supplied input power connects to the power supply
at TB5. The power supply output at TB6 connects to the
Control PCB at J17.


For example, the output delivered may be:

4.96 psi
100.0 F
0.45 psi
10.66 psi
200 dry
13.69 secs
A/S Temp. 32.9 F (RVP 4550 only)


The Modbus connection answers to commands:

Read Input Registers (4), where
Input Register 0 = RVP measurement scaled by 100
Input Register 1 = RVP temperature scaled by 100
Input Register 2 = RVP cell zero pressure scaled by 100
Input Register 3 = RVP cell air purge pressure scaled by 100
Input Register 4 = RVP level sensor zero reading
Input Register 5 = RVP fill time scaled by 10
Input Register 6 = alarm code
Input Register 7 = A/S temperature scaled by 100

(RVP 4550 only)


Fig. 5.10 Inside of control enclosure

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 53

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5.3.5 Alarms
If an alarm condition occurs in either RVP or Air Saturation
operation, the alarm condition is shown on the display, relayed
over the serial port, and sent to the VistaReporter and
OPC Server.
The following alarm messages are transmitted through
the Analyzer serial port and to the VistaReporter through the
Ethernet and are applicable to all versions of the RVP.
Temperature - out of analysis range.
Temperature - out of instrument range.
Temperature - heater run away.
Level sensor - zero limits exceeded.
Transducer - zero limits exceeded.
Overpressure - cycle aborted.
Air purge pressure - out of specification.
Leaking cell - cell pressure changing.
Level sensor - cell not filled.
Level sensor - cell filled too fast.
The following alarm messages apply only to the RVP 4550:

temperature out of instrument range.

temperature out of analysis range (high).
temperature out of analysis range (low).
limit sensor: push failed.
limit sensor: pull failed.
sample fill failed.
level sensor dry.

5 Technical description

The alarm messages are shown on the OPC Server as

numerical codes (the OPC Server shows an alarm code of
0 if there are no active alarms associated with the RVP).
The first list shows the messages applicable to all versions
of the RVP.

Temperature - out of analysis range.

Temperature - out of instrument range.
Temperature - heater run away.
Level sensor - zero limits exceeded.
Transducer - zero limits exceeded.
Overpressure - cycle aborted.
Air purge pressure - out of specification.
Leaking cell - cell pressure changing.
Level sensor - cell not filled.
Level sensor - cell filled too fast.

The following alarm messages apply only to the RVP 4550:



5.3.6 4550 time-coded functions

The RVP4550s Air Saturation Subassembly 50 time-coded
functions (TCF) are installed at the factory. These functions are
not controlled by the operator, but they are described here to
assist in understanding the analyzer. All times are in seconds.

54 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

temperature out of instrument range.

temperature out of analysis range (high).
temperature out of analysis range (low).
limit sensor: push failed.
limit sensor: pull failed.
sample fill failed.
level sensor dry.

Sample is requested by the RVP to flush the

measuring cell of any residue from previous cycles.
The request causes the A/S push and transfer
valves to be turned on independently of the TCF
tables. The time into analysis begins at 000 with
this request. Both push and transfer valves will
remain on until after the RVP Unit request for
measure fill has been met.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers



Start of TCF table. This limits the A/S control

search algorithm so it does not wander aimlessly
through memory.
Default sample is prepared
Push ON
Transfer ON

The RVP measuring cell accepts two flush fills from

the prepared sample and purges the cell to rid the
cell of any residue from previous cycles.

RVP Unit request for measure fill occurs about

135 seconds.


Transfer OFF (end of measure fill)


Expel all remaining liquid from the Air Saturation

cell. This occurs right after receiving the RVP cell
start equilibrate message. Drain the A/S piston
chamber and then collect the remaining liquid from
the aeration chamber.


Push ON
Drain ON
Push OFF
Drain OFF
Recirculate ON
Pull ON
Pull OFF
Recirculate OFF
Drain ON
Push ON
Push OFF
Drain OFF

5 Technical description

Introduce new sample into Air Saturation cell.

Sample ON

Recirculate ON

Recirculate OFF
Sample OFF
Test Sample Fill; Pull must be all the way out
Recirculate ON
249 - 530 Aerate sample14 complete cycles (28 strokes,

10 seconds each)




Stroke 1:
Push ON,
Stroke 2:
way in
Stroke 3:
way out
Stroke 4:
way in

Recirculate/aerate sample; Pull OFF,

Test Pull all the way out
Push OFF, Pull ON, Test Push all the
Pull OFF, Push ON, Test Pull all the
Push OFF, Pull ON, Test Push all the

This pattern continues for 28 total strokes.


Pull OFF
A/S resets its cycle

5.4 Analytical enclosure

5.4.1 RVP assembly (all versions)
The RVP assembly consists of the sample measuring cell
assembly, including three solenoid valves that control the flow
into and out of the measuring cell. The single cell design
meets the ASTM D323 specifications for vapor to liquid ratio
(4 to 1). Sample size is 2.5 ml, equilibration time is
approximately 4.5 minutes, and total cycle time is
approximately 8 minutes.

5.4.2 Air saturation assembly (RVP 4550 only)

The Air Saturation assembly consists of the sample measuring
cell assembly, including six solenoid valves that control the
flow into and out of the aeration cell.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 55

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical
description exists.
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock
and/or electrocution

5.5 RVP syringe (low RVP only)

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d

5.5.1 RVP syringe function

(see Figure
5.11),ofaa standard
the presence
hazard which
could result of
in corruption of
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards
and to
to equipment/property.
additional information.
It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of,
the RVP Analyzer
System, has been designed for use

and to comply with, all safety and health
with hydrocarbon samples. It is stainless steel and aluminum
that the referred
can be hot and should not be with
without loaded

a spring
mechanism. Its total volume is 95 cc
and pressure isIndicates
28 to items
30 psig
when the to
that referenced
are susceptible
Electrostatic Discha
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

Keep hands and fingers away from the threaded
is completely filled.

area of the syringe; serious injury could result
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

from pinching.

Due to the mechanical pressure limitations of the

syringe, its use should be restricted to standard
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

Never turn the handle clockwise with the valve

samples whose RVP values are less than 20 psi

or without
a potential
could causedoing
serious injury (approximately).
and/or death
. creates a vacuum that damages the syringe


seal. A damaged seal will allow sample to leak from

the syringe and allow air into the syringe to mix
The RVP syringe provides a method of sample injection using
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

the sample,
a mechanically driven piston instead of the traditional
to equipment/property.
methods of injection. When the syringe is full of sample, the

The syringe is not designed for, nor is it approved
piston exerts approximately 30 psig of pressure on the

for, sample storage, or sample shipment by any
sample. This pressure undergoes a linear reduction as the
are susceptible to Electrostatic
(ESD) and the spring moves the piston forward in

of land,that
or air items
is injected
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.
the syringe. When half of the sample is injected, the pressure
of the piston on the sample is reduced to approximately

If a validation cylinder is used in a low RVP system
15 psig. This continues until the syringe is empty, or until the

in lieu
of athe
the validation
must be
reduced pressure of the piston equals the vapor pressure
user to pertinent
facts and

prepared as explained in paragraph 5.6.
exerted by the sample, stopping sample injection. Any time
the syringe is used it is considered an off-line procedure.
The syringe is not designed for, nor is it approved for, sample

storageD2or sample shipment by any form of land, water, or air

When shipping, transporting, or storing the syringe during a
period of non-use, the syringe must be emptied properly and
the piston moved all the way forward inside the syringe, with
the valve closed and the drawtube removed (see Preparing
the Syringe for Non-Use).

2300-UG, D2

Fig. 5.11 Syringe and drawtube

56 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C


Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

Reid Vapor PressureIndicates
that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption

damage to equipment/property.
5 Technical description

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Dis

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling too

5.5.2 Syringe/drawtube connection

If sample is not removed properly from the syringe,
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
The syringe and
must beofconnected
the presence
a hazard which
could sample
result in corruption
of software
or in RVP readings may result.

to equipment/property.
flow is possible.
The syringe
has a sealing, female quickconnect and the accompanying drawtube has a male
These procedures have proven accuracy. Deviating from the
quick-connect. These sealing fittings minimize the air being
as presented may result in discrepancies in RVP
trapped in the tubing
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic
Discharge (ESD)
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling

Never turn the handle clockwise with the valve
5.5.4 Supplies needed for manually prepared

closed, or without the drawtube attached; doing so

creates a vacuum that damages the syringe seal.
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

A damaged seal will allow sample to leak from the
Equipment suitable for handling sample and sample

syringe and allow air into the syringe to mix with

the sample.

It is recommended that the syringe be sent to the service

department at ABB Process Analytics for seal replacement
and refurbishment. Air mixing with the sample in the syringe
will cause erroneous RVP readings.

5.5.3 Measurement sensitivity

Appropriate safety clothing and gear (especially gloves

and glasses) to protect persons handling the sample
Rubber mallet, or an appropriate substitute
one-quart (liter) containers, with lids, suitable for

gasoline samples, per sample

RVP measurements are extremely sensitive to losses through

sample evaporation and to changes in sample composition.
Accurate RVP readings require the most meticulous care
in the preparation of the sample and in the handling of
the syringe.

5.5.5 Bleeding procedure for the syringe

The sample, syringe and drawtube must be chilled to ice point

1. Pressurize the syringe.

contains more dissolved air from the saturation procedure; the

syringe must be chilled before filling so that the air saturation
of the sample is maintained.

2. Connect the syringe to the sample system.

Under no circumstances shall sample that is poured out of

a sample container be returned to the sample container
for analysis.

4. Turn the Process/Syringe valve to the Syringe setting.

(32 to D2
34F) for all off-line procedures. Sample that is chilled

To produce accurate RVP measurements, it is required that

the syringe be emptied properly (see Empty the Syringe).
This is most conveniently done after each use, in anticipation
of the next time it will be used.

Plastic bags, heavy duty, to protect the syringe and

drawtube from water


3. Open the syringe supply valve.

5. One second later, turn the Process/Syringe Bleed valve

to the Syringe setting.
6. Reset the analyzer
7. Run a standard sample.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 57

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of s

damage to equipment/property.

5.5.6 Chill sample, syringe, and drawtube

For the 4500, 4501 amd 4503 analyzers, the sample, syringe,
and drawtube must be chilled to ice point (32 to 34F) for all
off-line procedures. The syringe must be chilled before filling
to prevent the air saturation of the sample preparation.
Due to the mass of the syringe, it requires more time to chill to
ice point. It is suggested that immediately after receiving the
syringe and drawtube, they be placed in a heavy duty plastic
bag and stored in a refrigerator (with a temperature setting of
32 to 34F) until needed for an analysis.
The syringe and drawtube may also be immersed in an ice
bath, but must be protected from water contamination. A
heavy duty plastic bag is the preferred protection because it
allows the ice to be packed around the syringe for more
efficient chilling. If the syringe and drawtube are stored in a
plastic bag in a refrigerator (as suggested), take the syringe
and drawtube from the refrigerator (still in the plastic bag) and
immediately place them in the ice bath.
If the syringe will be used for a series of analyses in a short
time, it may be more efficient to keep it chilled in the ice
between analyses.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discha

and should
not be
RVP damage
thehandling tools.
first test specimen taken from the prepared
sample container. Sample remaining in the
cannot be used for further RVP testing.
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
It must be disposed of properly, or returned to the
process batch. A new sample must be obtained
for each analysis.

Chill both sample containers to ice point (32 to 34F) in an

ice bath, or in a refrigerator set to 32 to 34F. The actual
temperature of the sample can be measured on the rinse

5.5.8 Rinse the syringe

1. Remove the syringe and drawtube from the ice bath.
Connect the drawtube to the syringe, leaving the syringe
valve closed.
2. Immerse the end of the drawtube in the rinse container
of chilled sample (not the prepared sample) and open
the syringe valve.

2300-UG, D2

3. Turn the syringe handle clockwise until approximately

10 to 15 cc of sample have been pulled into the syringe.

5.5.7 Sample collection

While the syringe and drawtube are chilling, collect the
sample. Use two one-quart (liter) lidded containers suitable
for gasoline samples. One container will be the prepared
sample container, and the other will be used for sample
temperature measurement and rinsing the syringe.
Fill one container to 80% with sample, allowing 20% air
space; this is the prepared container. Close the container.
The second container is the rinse container and needs to
contain enough sample so that the two containers chill at the
same rate.
Under no circumstances shall sample that is poured out of
the sample container be returned to the sample container for
analysis. Sample poured out of the container cannot be used
for RVP testing. It must be disposed of properly, or returned
to the process batch.

58 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

4. Fully retract the piston by turning it clockwise until it stops.

5. Close the valve on the syringe.
6. Shake the syringe vigorously so that the sample rinses
all areas inside the syringe that come in contact with
the sample.
7. Pressurize the syringe.
8. Point the syringe down into the catch container.
9. Open the syringe valve to expel the old sample.
10. R epeat steps 2 through 9 two more times.

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide

additional information.
Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

5.5.9 Empty the syringe

1. Open the syringe valve.

5.5.10 Air saturation of prepared sample

1. After the sample containers have chilled for approximately
two hours, check the temperature of the sample in the
rinse container.

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

2. Hold the . syringe horizontally and tap the syringe body

gently with a rubber mallet. This should be done over a
drip pan or a suitable open container.

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption

or temperature is at the ice point (32 to 34F),
2. If ofthe

to equipment/property.
3. While tapping,
tilt the syringe, drawtube end
down, until it is completely vertical over the drip pan.

remove the prepared sample container from the ice bath.

3. Open the prepared sample container for approximately

five seconds
4. While holding
the syringe
overto the
that referenced
are down)
(ESD) (maximum).
and should
not be touched without
ESD safe handling tools.
drip pan, turn
the handle
to expel
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
4. Close the prepared sample container securely and shake
the sample
rinse into the pan.
it vigorously for 30 seconds.

This sample rinse should not be re-used for testing;
referred item
hot and should not be touched without care.
the that
to pertinent
5. Return the prepared sample container to the ice bath;

it should be disposed of properly.
leave it immersed for two minutes.
that a risk
of electrical
5. Turn the handle
it stops.shock and/or electrocution exists.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 three times. This part of the
procedure saturates the sample with air.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 two or three times, or until
5.5.11 Fill the syringe
sample no longer comes out of the drawtube.
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death
1. Remove the syringe and drawtube from the ice bath and
connect the drawtube to the syringe.
7. With the drawtube attached to the syringe and the syringe
valve open, turn the handle counterclockwise until it stops;
2. Open
the prepared
sample container, insert the
the piston isIndicates
all the the
of a hazard which could result in corruption
of software
damage to equipment/property.
drawtube in the prepared sample and open the syringe
8. Close the valve and disconnect the drawtube.

3. Discharge
Fill the syringe
9. Place the syringe
a protective
are susceptible
to Electrostatic
(ESD) by turning the handle clockwise until it
not until
be touched
without ESDsample
safe handling
stops, allowing several seconds for sample to fill the
and return them
to and
the should
ice bath
the prepared
chamber completely.
is ready for analysis.
D2 If sample is not removed properly from the syringe,
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

errors in RVP readings may result.

vi is full, remove the drawtube from

4. When the chamber
the sample.

Vapor pressure measurement is very sensitive to losses

through sample evaporation and changes in sample
composition. Accurate RVP readings require the most
meticulous care in the preparation of the sample and the
handling of the syringe.
If residual sample is not removed from the syringe properly, it
may influence subsequent readings.

2300-UG, D2


OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 59

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5. Turn the syringe drawtube end up.

6. With the syringe over a suitable drip pan, tap the side of
the syringe gently.



Watch the end of the drawtube and slowly turn the handle
counterclockwise until sample is visible trickling out of
the drawtube. This removes air that may be trapped in
the drawtube and internal syringe parts.


8. Still holding the syringe over the drip pan, close the valve
on the syringe.
9. Turn the syringe drawtube down and remove the
drawtube, letting it drain into the drip pan.
10. Pressurize the syringe by turning the handle counter clockwise until it no longer turns. The sample is now under
28 to 30 psig of pressure.

5.5.12 Syringe connection to basic sample system

1. Connect the syringe to the analyzer at the syringe sample
connection (see Figure 5.12).
2. Clamp the syringe in the mounting bracket on the
sample system.
3. Turn the Process/Syringe valve to Syringe.
4. Open the valve on the syringe.
5. Perform the bleeding procedure explained in paragraph
6. Set the analyzer online.

60 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Fig. 5.12 Basic sample system

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description


The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards
additional information.

5.5.13 Syringe connection to swirlklean sample


Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touch

1. Connect the syringe to the analyzer at the syringe sample

connection (see Figure 5.13).


Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

2. Clamp the syringe in the mounting bracket on the sample

3. Turn the Process/Syringe valve to Syringe.

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/

4. Open the valve on the syringe.

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption

damage to equipment/property.

5. Perform the bleeding procedure explained in paragraph

5. Set the analyzer online.

referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Dis
Fig. 5.13 Swirlklean
sample that

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling too

5.5.14 Prepare the syringe for non-use

When shipping, transporting, or storing the syringe during a
period of non-use, the syringe must be emptied properly and
the piston moved all the way forward inside the syringe, with
the valve closed and the drawtube removed.

This residual sample should not be re-used for

user to
it the
returned to the process batch..

1. Empty the Syringe (see Empty the Syringe).

6. Turn the handle counterclockwise until it stops.
2. Attach the drawtube to the syringe and open the valve.
3. Holding the syringe horizontally, tap the syringe body
gently with a rubber mallet. This should be done over a
drip pan, or an open container, suitable for gasoline
4. While tapping, tilt the syringe, drawtube end down, until it
is completely vertical over the drip pan.

7. Repeat steps 3 through 6, two or three times, or until

sample no longer comes out of the drawtube.
8. With the drawtube attached to the syringe and the syringe
valve OPEN, turn the handle counterclockwise until it
stops; the piston is all the way forward.
9. Close the valve and disconnect the drawtube.

5. While holding the syringe (drawtube end down) over the

drip pan, turn the handle counterclockwise to expel
residual sample into the pan.
2300-UG, D2

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 61

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

10. Place the emptied syringe and drawtube in a heavy duty

plastic bag or other container suitable for safe storage
and/or transportation.

The syringe is not designed for, nor is it approved

for, sample storage or sample shipment by any

form of land, water, or air transportation.

The validation cylinder provides a method of sample injection

using an air driven piston instead of the traditional methods
of injection. When the cylinder is full of sample, the piston
exerts approximately 30 psig of pressure on the sample. This
pressure depends on the air supply to push the sample. This
continues until the cylinder is empty. Any time the validation
cylinder is used it is considered an off-line procedure.

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
When shipping, transporting, or storing the cylinder during a
additional information.

period of non-use, the cylinder must be emptied properly.

5.6 RVP validation

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.
5.6.2 Measurement sensitivity

It is the responsibility of the user to be aware of,

RVP measurements are extremely sensitive to losses through
and to comply with, all safety and health
sample evaporation and to changes in sample composition.
that a risk of and
shock and/or electrocution exists.
Accurate RVP readings require the most meticulous care in the
preparation of the sample and in the handling of the validation

The validation cylinder is not designed for, nor

is it approved for, sample storage, or sample
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

by any form of land, water, or
When the validation cylinder is used with the 4500, 4501, or

air transportation.
4503, the sample and cylinder must be chilled to ice point (32
to 34F) for all off-line procedures, as explained in paragraph
5.5.6.of software
Sampleorthat is chilled contains more dissolved air from
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption
to equipment/property.
5.6.1 Validation
the saturation procedure; the cylinder must be chilled before
The validation cylinder (see Figure 5.14) is an optional
filling so that the air saturation of the sample is maintained.
component of the RVP analyzer sample system and a
standard component
RVP Air Saturation
analyzerto Electrostatic
no circumstances
shall sample that is poured out
items are susceptible
not be touched
sample system.damage
It has and
for usewithout
with ESD safe handling
of tools.
a sample container be returned to the sample container
hydrocarbon samples.
for analysis.

The Sample end of the validation cylinder has the

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
100% mark on the sight glass.

To produce accurate RVP measurements, it is required that

the cylinder be emptied properly (see Empty the cylinder).
This is most conveniently done after each use, in anticipation
of the next time it will be used.



Sample In

Air In

Fig. 5.14 Typical validation cylinder

2300-UG, D2

62 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C


Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.
Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

If sample is not removed properly from the cylinder,

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
errors in RVP readings may result.

These procedures have proven accuracy. Deviating from the

sequences as presented may result in discrepancies in RVP

When using chilled samples, chill the sample container to ice

point (32 to 34F) in an ice bath, or in a refrigerator set to
32 to 34F (0 to 1C).

5.6.5 Rinsing procedure

When you are first using the validation cylinder or when
changing samples, you must rinse any old sample from
the cylinder.

5.6.3 Supplies needed

Equipment suitable for handling sample and sample
Appropriate safety clothing and gear (especially gloves
and glasses) to protect persons handling the sample

1. Remove the validation cylinder from the ice bath, if

2. Connect an air source to the sample side of the cylinder.

3. Pressurize
the sample side.
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards
and to provide

mallet, or appropriate substitute

4. Disconnect the air source and open the valve at the

can be hot
and should not be touched
One container,
with that
lid, the
of the cylinder.
catch container, to accept used sample from the


5. Slowly pour sample
into the cylinder until it is
approximately 20% full.

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

5.6.4 Sample collection

6. Close the valve at the sample end of the cylinder.

Collect the sample in a lidded container suitable for validation
samples. Fill theIndicates
to 80%
a potential
cause serious
deaththe cylinder so that the sample rinses all areas
air space. Close
the container.
inside the cylinder that come in contact with the sample.
Under no circumstances shall sample that is poured out of
8. Point the cylinder down into the catch container.
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or
the sample container
damage to equipment/property.
analysis. Sample poured out of the container cannot be used
9. Open the cylinder valve to expel the old sample.
for RVP testing. It must be disposed of properly, or returned
to the process batch.
10. R epeat steps 2 through 9.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

RVP determination shall be performed only on the

first test specimen taken from the sample
container. Sample remaining in the container
further RVP
It must be
to pertinent
facts and
disposed of properly, or returned to the process
batch. A new sample must be obtained for
each analysis.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 63

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5.6.6 Filling the validation cylinder


1. Slowly pour sample into the sample end of the cylinder,

until it is full.

Bleed Valve

2. Close the valve at the sample end of the cylinder.


3. Turn the cylinder sample side up.

4. Tap the side of the cylinder with the rubber mallet..
5. Open the sample end valve to let excess air out of the


6. Close the valve.

5.6.7 Connecting the cylinder to the sample system

The procedure is the same for both basic and Swirlklean
sample systems.
Fig. 5.15 Basic sample system

1. Attach the validation cylinder to the sample system, sample

side up (see Figure 5.15).

5.6.8 Emptying the validation cylinder

2. Connect the sample line to the top of the cylinder.
1. Close the valves on the cylinder.
3. Connect the air line to the bottom of the cylinder.
2. Remove the cylinder from the analyzer.
4. Turn the Process/Syringe valve to Syringe.
3. Hold the cylinder over a catch container.
5. Turn the Selector valve to Syringe for about three seconds.
This bleeds the lines.
6. Set the analyzer online.

64 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

4. Open the sample side valve and let the sample drain out.

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.
damage to equipment/property.
Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

Indicates that
a potential
cause to
injury and/or
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

a hazard
could result
in corruption of software or
not be
it should
be disposed
the user
to testing;
pertinent facts
and conditions.
of properly.

Sample Vent



Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

not be
ESD from
safe handling tools.
5. Close the sample
the catch container.



If sample is not removed properly from the cylinder,

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
errors in RVP readings may result.



If residual sample is not removed from the syringe properly,

it may influence subsequent readings.

Air In

5.6.9 Preparing the cylinder for non-use

When shipping, transporting, or storing the syringe during a
period of non-use, the syringe must be emptied properly.


1. Empty
D2 the validation cylinder as described in paragraph

2. Place the emptied cylinder in an container suitable for safe

storage and/or transportation.

The cylinder is not designed for, nor is it approved

for, sample storage or sample shipment by any

form of land, water, or air transportation.


Fig. 5.16 Low RVP sample recovery system


5.7 Sample recovery system (low RVP)

The Sample Recovery System for the Low RVP Analyzer is
explosion proof by design and employs fiber optic technology.
It can be used with various instruments to return sample
compounds safely to the process line, or wherever the
customer chooses. The Sample Recovery Systems
components are a Recovery Tank, an explosion proof pump
(20 psig maximum return), and an explosion proof electronics
enclosure (see Figure 5.16).

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 65

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5.7.1 Customer connections and supplies

Power-In: connection by customer supplied cable gland;

entry is through the bottom of the Electronic

supply (25 psig minimum), tubing and connection, 

for Eductor operation

Eductor Regulator:

must be set so that the gauge displays 12 psig

The Eductor applies suction to draw the sample vapors out of

the tank into a customer-supplied area that is safe for the
release of sample vapors. Eductor operation requires an air
supply connection made by the customer. The tubing coming
from the Eductor must be unrestricted. A limiting orifice keeps
the Eductor from pulling too much vacuum, which would
create a negative pressure in the Recovery Tank, resulting in
erroneous RVP readings.

Eductor Tubing

must be unrestricted (backpressure on Eductor

must be minimized); 1/2 -inch or larger and

connections: tubing with large radius bends,

maximum length 20 feet, is recommended;

Eductor pressure regulator setting may need to

be increased if vent plumbing is installed

Ambient air enters the tank through the open end of the tee
fitting on the top of the tank. The Eductors suction draws the
ambient air, mixed with the sample vapors in the tank, through
the Eductor tubing out to the specified safe area. This
prevents sample vapors from escaping from the Sample
Recovery System. With the RVP Analyzer, the ambient air
opening maintains constant atmospheric pressure for the
Analyzer Drain.

Eductor: must be plumbed to an area safe for the release

of sample (gasoline) vapor

Five sight windows in the front wall of the recovery tank allow
observation of the sample level inside.


tubing and connections are made at the top of the

Recovery Tank

Two sensors (fiber optic probes) mounted in the side wall of

the tank control pump operation. The top sensor turns the
pump ON when the sample level rises to the sensors position.
The bottom sensor turns the pump OFF when the sample level
drops below its position.

1/4-inch Drain Tubing:

must slope down from the analyzer to the

Recovery Tank
Sample Return tubing end connection:

to return the sample to the process line, or

wherever the customer chooses

(maximum return pressure is 20 psig)

The Sample Return line in the bottom of the tank is equipped

with a check valve to prevent sample back flow into the
Recovery Tank. The customer connection is made at the ball
valve at the end of the line. This connection returns the sample
to the process line, or wherever the customer chooses
(20 psig maximum).

5.7.2 Recovery tank

5.7.3 Pump

The Recovery Tank is a container that holds approximately

one gallon (four liters). Sample enters the tank through the
Analyzer Drain and the Sample Vent (Swagelok) fittings at
the top. These are customer connections. The recommended
maximum inlet flow rate is 300 cc/min.

The pump, mounted under the Recovery Tank, is self-priming

and explosion proof by design. The pump is rated to provide
two liters per minute flow into a return with a maximum
pressure of 40 psig.

66 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

5 Technical description

5.7.4 Electronics enclosure

5.7.5 Watchdog operation

The electronic level controls are mounted in an explosion

proof enclosure. The power connection is made by customer
supplied cable through the bottom of the enclosure. The fiber
optics connection is at the top of the enclosure through a
potted nipple (see Figure 5.17).

The Watchdog Operation, a Sample Recovery System feature,

controls the pneumatic signal that actuates the customer
supplied shutoff valves on the sample lines feeding the
Sample Recovery System. Shutoff valves that are normally
closed, spring return valves make the Watchdog Operation fail
safe in case of a failure in the system power, or a failure in the
nitrogen supply. The Watchdog Operation uses an explosion
proof solenoid valve connected to relay #2 through the
bottom of the enclosure. A relay linked to the upper fiber optic
probe actuates the solenoid when the probe sees sample in
the Recovery Tank past the time allowed for emptying to start
(indicating a pump failure or a plugged outlet). This allowed
time is an internal time delay setting that is adjustable from
five to 60 seconds. When this feature is used, the explosion
proof solenoid is supplied and connected by the customer.

Utilities Required:


115/120 VAC, 60/50 Hz; 5 amps
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5 amps (optional)
Instrument Grade Air

25 to 150 psig, less than 2 scfm

Fig. 5.17 Typical 115VAC SRS customer connections

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 67

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

6.1 Recommended procedure

6.4.2 Shutdown

If technical service beyond the scope of this manual is

required, contact the ABB Service Department.

Turn SW3 down to shut down the analyzer. Cycling power to

the analyzer will restart the analyzer if it has been shut down.
Selecting Shutdown powers down the analyzer in an orderly
manner, draining the cell and the interconnecting tubing
before alerting the user that power can be removed. The
analyzer will restart with user configurations retained and the
default display menu when power is reinstated.

6.2 Routine maintenance

Inspect the analyzer regularly to ensure maximum operating
efficiency. Accumulated dirt or dust can cause overheating
and component failure. Remove dust or dirt promptly with
compressed air and/or a clean, dry cloth. Keep machined
flange flame joint surfaces free of nicks, scratches, and dirty
buildup. Clean with a lint-free cloth and coat lightly with Killark
LUBG or a similar lubricant.

You can perform a manual shutdown at any time, accessed

under the System Commands menu.

6.5 Troubleshooting tests

6.3 Troubleshooting overview
The analyzer is designed with self-diagnostics to identify
malfunctions. When the analyzer identifies a malfunction,
the Control PCB takes steps to prevent or minimize damage
(i.e., closes the inlet valves and opens the drain to relieve
pressure), then aborts the cycle and shows a failure message
on the display. The failure message states the problem and
the common hardware alarm is activated. The failure message
displays until the operator resets the analyzer.

6.4 Alarm conditions


alarm conditions:
cause the present cycle to be aborted,
activate the common hardware alarm,
set the analog output to zero (or hold the current value,
depending on the users configuration),
display error and reset messages on the display, and
send alarm messages or codes over the serial port to the
VistaReporter and to the OPC Server.

The following tests are performed at the factory. By performing these tests periodically at the user site, you can
compare the data you obtain to use in monitoring the stability
and or degradation of the system over time. These values are
most useful if later troubleshooting of the system is required
or inquiries with factory service representatives are needed.

6.5.1 RVP tests (all versions)

1. FIRST FLUSH FILL TIME (record during 000 to 030 secs).

Time from SAMPLE valve open until SAMPLE valve closed

at RVP front panel: approximately 13 to 18 secs.

2. Second FLUSH FILL TIME (record during 030 secs

to 1:00).

Time from SAMPLE valve open until SAMPLE valve closed

at RVP front panel: approximately 13 to 18 secs.

3. MEASURE FILL TIME (record during 2:25 to 2:40)

The operator must either reset the analyzer after attempting to
correct the problem or shut down the analyzer.

Time from SAMPLE valve open until SAMPLE valve closed

at RVP front panel: approximately 13 to 18 secs.

6.4.1 Reset
Turning SW3 up will reset the analyzer. RESET returns the
analyzer to the start of the established RVP analysis cycle
where the cell is being heated to 100F. If the Analog Output
During Alarm/4-20 mA Hold Option has been set to force the
analog output to zero, RESET maintains the 0 mA output until
valid data is obtained. When the Hold Option is set to hold the
last value, RESET maintains the output at a previous value
until valid data is obtained.

4. EOC SWITCH CLOSURE (record during 7:33 to 7:43)


68 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Switch (J22 pins 4 6) should be closed for approximately

10 seconds at the end of each cycle update only,
open otherwise.

The heater duty cycle appears on the Valve States

selection. This value will decrease as ambient temperature
increases: typically it is < 30% of the duty cycle.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption

damage to equipment/property.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Dis

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling too

6.5.2 RVP4550 system checks

Normal operational activities of the Air Saturation system are
visible on the user interface under A/S Status.
The piston movements of the aeration cycle, made up of 18
time-coded Push/Pull transitions, are monitored by an optical
sensor. The Optosensor States screen shows the piston
movement. The alternating PUSH/PULL occurs from 249 to
540 seconds in the cycle. A stopwatch can be used to
monitor actual operation times against expected times.

6.5.3 RVP4550 tests

The following tests typically result in a need to

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
perform a Reset at the end of the test.

To perform a Reset:
1. Verify Sample inlet is ON.
2. Verify Air inlet is ON.


3. Turn Power OFF and then back ON.

Time from SAMPLE VALVE ON (224 secs) until PULL limit

reached: < 20 secs


Time from RECIR VALVE ON (approximately 238 secs)

until RECIR VALVE OFF: < 4 secs

3. DRY LEVEL SENSOR COUNTS (view level sensor screen

under A/S Data)


a. Remove the bottom two-pin plug (pins 31 and 32) at
TB2 in the Analytical Enclosure. The Cooler will remain
b. As the A/S cell warms from 33 degF until
approximately 42 deg F,the display time freezes,
an Error: AirSat CELL TEMPERATURE HIGH message
appears and all valves plus Cooler are turned off.

2300-UG, D2

150 to 500 counts

4. WET LEVEL SENSOR COUNTS (view level sensor screen

under A/S Data)

c. When the RVP requests a new sample, none will be

supplied and it will require RESET.

d. Reinstall the plug at TB2 when the test is completed.

913 to 914 counts

5. PUSH STROKE TIME (view Optosensor States screen)

TIME from PUSH VALVE ON until PUSH limit reached:

5 to 7 secs (less than 10 sec acceptable)

6. PULL STROKE TIME (view Optosensor States screen)

Time from PULL VALVE ON until PULL limit reached:

5 to 7 secs (less than 10 sec acceptable)

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 69


Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of
6 Maintenance and troubleshooting
damage to equipment/property.

damage to equipment/property.
additional information.
Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discha

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards an
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.
additional information.

The cell temperature can be viewed in real time

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
under the A/S Data menu.

This constitutes a NORMAL FAIL STATE. All valves

are turned off. The COOLER continues to function.
referred item
hot and should not be touched
the that
to pertinent

No sample will be delivered to the analyzer.
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

A Reset will be required.
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

a. Turn Sample
off from
224 to
in in corruption
d. Turn
the Sample
inlet valve back on.
of a hazard
of software
damage to equipment/property.
the cycle.
4. PULL LIMIT FAIL (after 249 secs and during PUSH/PULL
Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or d
b. At the end of the cell fill window, the display time
freezes and
an Error:
FAIL to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
that referenced
items are FILL
a. Turn Air inlet OFF when PULL valve closes.
and should not be touched without ESD safe handling
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of

This constitutes a NORMAL FAIL STATE. All valves

are turned off. The COOLER continues to function.
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
No sample will be delivered to the analyzer.
A Reset will be required.

D2 the Sample inlet valve back on.
c. Turn


a. Turn Sample inlet valve off from 227 to 231 secs only.

b. Turn sample inlet back on immediately at 232 secs.

c. At 247 secs, display time freezes and an Error:

AirSat LEVEL SENSOR DRY message appears.

to equipment/property.
b. After PUSH
more due to air charged in system).

c. Display time
and an Error:
that referenced
items AirSat
are susceptible
to Electrostatic Discha
and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

This constitutes

No sample will be delivered to the analyzer.

A Reset will be required.

D2 are turned off. The COOLER continues to function.
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

5. PUSH LIMIT FAIL (after 249 secs and during PUSH/PULL


2300-UG, D2

d. Turn the Sample inlet valve back on.

a. Turn Air inlet OFF when PUSH valve closes.


(may be morevi due to air charged in system).
c. Display time freezes and an Error: AirSat PUSH LIMIT
message appears.

2300-UG, D2

70 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or
Reid Vapor Pressure
to equipment/property.

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

This constitutes a NORMAL FAIL STATE. All valves

are turned off. The COOLER continues to function.
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
No sample will be delivered to the analyzer.
A System Reset will be required

6.7 Failure messages / recommended actions

(all versions)

When failure messages occur, diagnostic information can be

collected by scrolling to line L1 or L2 and then to the
appropriate status or data menu to observe parameters
collected prior to the failure. Scroll back to line L3 or L4 to
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
d. Turninformation.
the Sample inlet valve back on.
reset or shut down and clear the error.

6.7.1 Temperature out of analysis range

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

The Control PCB maintains the cell temperature at 100

0.1F. The analyzer controller checks the temperature during
An error state will prompt the user to reset or shut down.
each cycle to ensure the temperature is within the program
Turning S3 up will reset the analyzer. Turning S3 down will
that aCycling
risk of electrical
electrocution exists.
alarm limits (100 0.5F). If these values are exceeded, the
shut down the
to the
controller aborts the current cycle and displays:
will restart the analyzer if it has been shut down.



Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

On Power Up in Online Mode, the Air Saturation and RVP

valves sequentially open and close. This confirms that all
valve and controls
wired and
Indicates are
the presence
of afunctioning
hazard whichproperly.
could result in corruption of software or
to monitored
Recommended Action:
Check the ambient temperature
valve states
under the RVP Status and
(recommended temperature is 32 to 90F). If the ambient
A/S Status menus. The valve state illustrations are
temperature is within range, it may be a heater failure. If the
provided not only to allow insight into the steps of the
exceeds these specifications (high or
analysis process
Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic
should not be
safe handling
you must provide appropriate heating or cooling to
ensure the proper environment for the analyzer.
to open the explosion proof housings.

The Valve Function Test does not run when

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
powering up in Offline Mode.

6.6 System failure message

System failure occurs when the EEPROM is unreadable,
resulting in the system not be able to be configured.
The following message appears.

2300-UG, D2


OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 71

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6.7.2 Temperature beyond instrument range

If the cell temperature is outside the valid operational
temperature range for the analyzer (0 to 102.5F), the
controller aborts the current cycle and displays:

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

If the probe is open (infinite resistance) or shorted

(0 ohms), the temperature probe is faulty.
If the resistance is in the acceptable range (114.68
ohms equals 100F), remove the power and let the
cell cool (about 10 to 15 minutes). Re-apply power
and watch the temperature response. Record the
observations and readings and contact the ABB
Service Department.

This is probably a faulty temperature probe.

6.7.4 Level sensor zero limits exceeded

6.7.3 Temperature heater runaway

The zero reading of the level sensor must fall within

certain limits or the analyzer controller aborts the
cycle and displays:

If a temperature probe failure causes the analog-to-digital

converter to exceed the set range, the controller assumes
that the heater is out of control, aborts the current cycle
and displays:

Recommended Action: This failure requires a hardware

reset. Turn the power OFF, wait 10 seconds, then turn the
power ON.
If this does not clear the error, check the temperature sensor
leads in the Analytical Enclosure. If the leads are connected
properly, the temperature probe may be faulty.
Disconnect the top plug. Measure the resistance between a
white wire and a red wire, record the reading. A four wire
resistance configuration is the best way to measure this.
If the resistance is above 115 ohms the cell is over
temperature which could indicate a faulty temperature probe,
heater control shorted, or faulty Control PCB. If the resistance
is below 100 ohms the cell is under temperature, which
indicates a faulty Control PCB, a faulty heater, or a faulty
temperature probe.

72 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Recommended Action: Review the level sensor

reading under RVP Data. A reading of 913 914
counts indicates an open level sensor, if a thermistor
type. This corresponds to a reading of approximately
5.0 volts measured at pins 1 and 2 of J3 on the RVP
Distribution PCB. The analyzer accepts a level sensor
zero reading from 500 to 700 counts if a thermistor
type, or 150 to 500 counts if a filament type. If the
count is out of range, the level sensor may be
contaminated and unable to warm up to the proper
temperature. Sample trapped in the cell or broken
electrical connections could account for the error.
Make sure level sensor connections are properly
engaged. Reset the analyzer. If the error reoccurs,
the level sensor may be damaged (see Cell electrical
tests in this section).

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6.7.5 Transducer zero limits exceeded

The zero reading of the pressure transducer must fall between
certain limits or the analyzer controller aborts the cycle
and displays:

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

If the air inlet pressure is correct and the cell

pressure (under RVP Data menu) is out of spec to
the high end, the drain from the cell is restricted.
If the air inlet pressure is correct and the cell
pressure (under RVP Data menu) is out of spec to
the low end, the air inlet line is restricted, there are
leaks in the connection, or the purge air supply is
becoming exhausted

Any time the analyzer sees a pressure that exceeds the

transducer limits, it displays the following and aborts the cycle:

There may be a restriction in the measuring cell

assembly, or the measuring cell and the solenoids
could be contaminated. The cell can be sent to the
ABB Service Department to be refurbished, and
will be tested and returned.

6.7.7 Leaking cell/cell pressure changing

Recommended Action: Reset the analyzer. If the error reoccurs,
the drain may be plugged, the sample fill solenoid may be stuck
open, the Control PCB may be faulty, or the pressure transducer
may be damaged (see Cell electrical tests in this section).

During the last 30 seconds of the sample

equilibration cycle, the pressure inside the cell
must not change more than the specified limits
or the analyzer controller aborts the cycle
and displays:

6.7.6 Purge pressure out of specifications

The air purge pressure during the last measuring cell purge cycle
must be within the range of 5 to 15 psi or the analyzer controller
aborts the cycle and displays the following message (the second
LOW, as applicable):

Reset the analyzer. If the error reoccurs, the

pressure transducer or cell may be damaged.
Execute the cell leak check (see Execute Leak
Test in this section) and contact the ABB Service
Department. The cell can be sent to the ABB
Service Department to be refurbished, and will be
tested and returned.

Recommended Action: Verify the air inlet pressure at regulator

gauge PI-2 in the sample system. See Analyzer setup in
Section 3.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 73

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
additional information.

6.7.8 Level sensor cell not filled

6.7.9 Level sensor cell filled too fast

The sample must enter the measuring cell within established

The sample must enter the measuring cell within established
Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.
guidelines. If the analyzer controller senses the sample not
guidelines. If the analyzer controller senses the sample filled
filling the cell, or not filling the cell fast enough, it aborts the
the cell too quickly (before the time allowed, 5 seconds), it
cycle and displays the following message:
aborts the cycle and displays the following message:
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

Recommended Action: Check the sample inlet pressure at

Recommended Action: Verify sample supply pressure.
regulator gaugeIndicates
PI-2 inthe
the could
is in corruption
the sample
pressure and reset the analyzer.
a hazard If
of software
to equipment/property.
correct, reset the
If the error reoccurs, replace the
If the failure display continues, contact the ABB Service
2 micron filter in the sample input to the RVP measuring cell,
and reset the analyzer. If the error still occurs, replace the
0.125 micron orifice
the filter
in the
sample input,
are susceptible
to Electrostatic
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling
occurs when the RVP determination results in a negative
and reset the analyzer.
number. The message displays and the cycle continues. The
analyzer does not abort the cycle or go into alarm mode.

Be careful to prevent contamination of the filter.

Keep the sample end of the filter capped until
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

ready to attach to the line. Do not let dirt enter

the system.

If the failure continues to display, contact the ABB Service


A negative RVP may be determined because the sample has

a very, very low vapor pressure, or because the sample
has a very low vapor pressure and the site elevation is
set incorrectly.
With a normal vapor pressure sample, incorrectly setting
the site elevation will not cause this error display. If this error
displays with a normal vapor pressure sample, contact
the ABB Service Department.

2300-UG, D2

74 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C


Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6.8 Failure messages/recommended actions

(RVP4550 only)
6.8.1 Temperature out of analysis range

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

6.8.2 Temperature beyond the instrument range

If the cell temperature is outside the valid operational
temperature range for the analyzer, the controller aborts
the current cycle and displays:

The Control PCB maintains the cell temperature between

23.0F and 42.0F. The analyzer controller checks the
temperature during each cycle to ensure the temperature is
within the program alarm limits. If temperature exceeds
42.0F, the controller aborts the current cycle and displays:
This is probably a faulty temperature probe.

6.8.3 Level sensor zero limits are exceeded

The zero reading of the level sensor must fall within certain
limits or the analyzer controller aborts the cycle and displays:
If the temperature falls below 23.0F, the controller aborts the
current cycle and displays:

Recommended Action: Check the ambient temperature

(recommended temperature is 20 to 90F). If the ambient
temperature is within range, it may be a cooler failure or, if the
Cell Manifold Assembly has been re-installed, an obstruction
between the copper heatsink and enclosure surface. If the
ambient temperature exceeds specifications (high or low),
steps must be taken to provide the proper environment for
the analyzer.

Recommended Action: Review the level sensor reading

under A/S Data. A reading of 913 914 counts indicates
an open level sensor. This corresponds to a reading of
approximately 5.0 volts across the sensor measured on
the bottom plug of TB1 (pins 33 and 34) in the Analytical
Enclosure. The analyzer accepts a level sensor zero reading
from 500 to 700 counts. If the count is out of range, the level
sensor may be contaminated and unable to warm up to the
proper temperature. Sample trapped in the cell could account
for the error, or broken electrical connections. Make sure level
sensor connections are properly engaged. Reset the analyzer.
If the error reoccurs, the level sensor may be damaged
(see Cell electrical tests in this section).

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 75

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible hazards and to provide
additional information.

6.8.5 Push/pull failure

6.8.4 SampleIndicates
cell not
that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

The sample must enter the measuring cell within established

If the aeration cell piston does not reach the push limit in the
guidelines. If the analyzer controller senses the sample has
specified time, the following message will be displayed:
not filled the cell, it aborts the cycle and displays the following
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

If the aeration cell piston does not reach the pull limit in the
specified time, the following message will be displayed:

of sample
a hazard pressure
which couldsetting
result in corruption of software or
at regulator gauge
PI-1to in
the sample system (see Section 2).
If it is correct and the failure message displays after reset,
replace the filter F-1 in the sample handling system. Also
replace the 2 micron
the Sample
inside the
to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Analytical Enclosure.
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.
Check the air pressure setting at regulator gauge PI-2 in the
sample system. If it is correct and the failure message displays

Be careful to prevent contamination of the filter.
after reset, replace the filtered orifice in the air line to the Cell/

Keep the sample end of the filter capped until
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
Manifold Assembly in the Analytical Enclosure. If the failure

ready to attach to the line. Do not let dirt enter
message displays after reset, the cell seals may be worn.

the system.
The Cell/Manifold Assembly can be sent to the ABB Service
Department to be refurbished, tested and returned, or
If the failure continues to display, contact the ABB Service
replaced with a new cell.

6.9 Off line commands (all versions)

The OFF-LINE COMMANDS is available in Offline Mode to
allow the user to test selected analyzer functions outside the
analysis cycle. It requires power ON, and some functions
require a properly set up air supply and sample pressure. It
can be selected any time after the Analyzer has been set up.

6.9.1 Execute leak test

2300-UG, D2

76 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

The RVP measuring cell leak test takes about 11 minutes

to check for leaks into and out of the measuring cell. Once
initiated, it runs automatically until completed or a leak
is found.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

Turn and hold S3 up to perform the RVP cell leak test, and
turn S3 up a second time to start testing. The following
messages are displayed in sequence.

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

If there is no failure at the start of the test (purge pressure is

within test parameters), a reading is taken and the measuring
cell is closed. After five minutes another reading is taken and
compared to the first. If the difference between readings
exceeds eight counts (or 0.048 psi), either the purge solenoid
or the sample solenoid is leaking into the cell. The test is
aborted with this display:

The analyzer verifies the cell temperature and, if necessary,

allows time for the cell to reach operating temperature
(100F). Then the transducer zero limits are verified.
The analyzer first tests for leaks into the measuring cell and
then tests for leaks out of the measuring cell. If a leak is
found, a failure message displays and the test ends. If no
leak is found, the analyzer displays a message stating that
the test is finished and no leaks were found.

6.9.2 Test for leaks into measuring cell

The cell can be sent to the ABB Service Department to be

refurbished, tested and returned, or replaced with a new cell.
If the customer chooses to run the analysis without correcting
this problem, the analysis data will be unreliable.
If no leaks are found, the analyzer advances to the next test
after this message displays:

During this display, the test parameters are verified. If they are
out of specification, the analyzer goes into a fail mode that
allows a software reset. The user can verify the analyzer
settings, make changes if needed, and repeat the test. For
example, the measuring cell is purged and the analyzer
checks if there is enough purge pressure to perform the test.
If the purge pressure is below the test minimum, the test is
aborted and this message displays:

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 77

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6.9.3 Test for leaks out of measuring cell

6 Maintenance and troubleshooting

6.10 Cell electrical tests (all versions)

Perform the following tests on the measuring cell electrical
connections, record the readings, contact the ABB Service
Department and report the readings.

The test parameters are verified during this display. If they are
out of specification, the analyzer goes into a fail mode that
allows a software reset. The user can verify the analyzer
settings, make changes if needed and repeat the test.

Before opening the explosion proof enclosure,

the area where the analyzer is located must be
known to be safe and hazard free, and must remain
so the entire time the analyzer is open.

6.10.1 Level sensor test

After the parameters are verified, the cell drain is closed
and the purge solenoid is opened, allowing the cell to be
pressurized to the supply pressure (approximately 18 psig).
One minute is allowed for the temperature of the air in the
cell to equilibrate.

Connect a chart recorder to pins 1 and 2 of J3 on the RVP

Distribution PCB to check the level sensor. The voltage range
should be 0 to 5 volts. Run several cycles while the recorder
is connected.

6.10.2 Pressure transducer test

The cell pressure is measured and must be at least 15 psig,
which is lower than 18 psig to allow for tolerances in the
purged path. After five minutes the cell pressure is read again
and compared with the previous reading. If the difference
between readings exceeds eight counts (or 0.048 psi) a failure
message appears on the display.

The cell can be sent to the ABB Service Department to be

refurbished, tested and returned, or replaced with a new cell.
If the customer chooses to run the analysis without correcting
the problem, the analysis data will be unreliable.
If no leaks are found in either test, the analyzer displays
the results:

78 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Connect a chart recorder to pins 6 and 7 of J3 on the RVP

Distribution PCB. The voltage range should be 0 to 100 mV.
Run several cycles while the recorder is connected.

Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7 Repair

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

7 Repair
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or
damage to equipment/property.

7.1 Electronics enclosure


You must wear an antistatic wrist strap and

the that
lead to the
are susceptible
to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
and with
not be touched
ESD safe handling tools.

the to
is safe
free and
the user
will remain so the entire time the analyzer is open.

7.1 1 Removing the power supply


Fig. 7.1 Control enclosure components

1. Remove power from the analyzer.

2. Remove the bolts on the Control Enclosure door and open
the door.

7.1.3 Removing the control PCB

3. Unplug TB5 and TB6 from the Power Supply

(see Figure 7.1).

2. Remove the bolts on the Control Enclosure door and open

the door.

4. Using a straight-blade screwdriver on the top right of the

Power Supply, slide the tab to release the Power Supply
from the DIN rail.

3. On the Control PCB (see Figure 7.1), disconnect the

cables from the PCB.

5. Remove the Power Supply from the Control Enclosure.

2300-UG, D2

7.1.2 Installing the power supply

1. Insert the new Power Supply in its location in the Control
Enclosure and snap it into place on the DIN rail.

1. Remove power from the analyzer.

4. Remove the mounting screws that hold the Control PCB

in place and retain the ground wire removed with one of
the mounting screws.

5. Remove the Control PCB.

2. Reconnect TB5 and TB6 to the Power Supply.

3. Close the Control Enclosure and secure it with the bolts
removed earlier, using a torque wrench set to 30 ft-lb.
4. Restore power to the analyzer.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 79

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7.1.4 Installing the control PCB

1. Insert the new Control PCB in the Control Enclosure, as
shown in Figure 7.1.
2. Install the mounting screws that hold the Control PCB in
place, making sure to install the ground wire under one of
the mounting screws.
3. Reconnect the cables to the Control PCB.
4. Close the Control Enclosure and secure it with the bolts
removed earlier, using a torque wrench set to 30 ft-lb.

7 Repair

1. Run System Command Shutdown system. This removes

sample from the cell and the interconnecting plumbing.
2. Turn the sample flow valve V-1 OFF and the air inlet valve
V-2 OFF.
3. Remove the analyzer power.
4. Remove the bolts holding the Analytical Enclosure closed
and open the enclosure door.
5. Note the tubing locations before disconnecting the tubing
(see Figure 7.2).

5. Restore power to the analyzer.

7.2 Analytical enclosure (all versions)

7.2.1 Removing the measuring cell assembly

Before opening the explosion proof enclosure, the

area where the analyzer is located must be safe
and hazard free, and must remain so the entire
time the analyzer is open.

Wear appropriate safety gear, especially gloves and

glasses, as protection in case sample leaks from
the tubing and connections when removing the
measuring cell assembly.

Fig. 7.2 Analytical enclosure components

80 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

6. Keep all tubing and unions with the analyzer, as they will
be needed for installation of the new cell assembly.
7. To disconnect the tubing, use two wrenches where
appropriate: one 1/4-inch wrench on the solenoid block
8. Be careful, as sample may leak from the tubing
9. Disconnect the plugs from J3 and J4 of the RVP
Distribution PCB (no tools are required).
10. W ith a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the four mounting
screws. Keep the screws with the enclosure for installation
of new measuring cell assembly.

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.
Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7 Repair

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

Remove the complete measuring cell assembly.

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
Do not remove the cell from the mounting bracket.

11. D o not use the solenoid assembly as a handle. Grasp the

L-shaped bracket when removing or installing the
measuring cell assembly.
12. C arefully remove the cell assembly, which includes the
mounting bracket, from the enclosure. Ensure that
the screws, tubing, and unions stay with the analyzer for
installation of the replacement cell assembly.

7.2.2 Installing the measuring cell assembly

1. Grasp the L-shaped bracket of the new cell assembly and
place the mounting bracket on the locating studs on the
terminal brackets.

7. Be sure all wires and connections are inside the enclosure

and will not be crimped in the flanges.
8. Close the Analytical Enclosure and secure it with the bolts
removed earlier, using a torque wrench set to 30 ft-lb.
9. Restore power to the analyzer.
10. The analyzer name and model number and the software
revision number display.
11. Select the Lookup Table under Line 3 selections to enter
the new pressure table points, included with the new or
refurbished measuring cell.

2. Secure the mounting bracket in place, using the fasteners

The Pressure Transducer Lookup Table was created for the

measuring cell during applications testing at the factory.
These new pressure table points must be entered when a
new, or refurbished, measuring cell is installed.

7.2.3 Pressure transducer lookup table

were removed when you took the Cell Assembly out

of the unit.

3. Install the Cell Assembly plugs into J3 and J4 of the RVP

Distribution PCB.
4. Connect tubing saved for installation of the new cell.
Use two wrenches where appropriate: one 1/4-inch
wrench on the solenoid block connections.
5. Turn ON the air supply and the sample supply lines at the
sample systems valve V-1 and V--2.
6. Leak check the connections. Make adjustments where
necessary and check for leaks again. Be sure there are
no leaks before closing and bolting the door.


All Pressure Transducer Lookup Tables are determined at the

ABB Inc., Lewisburg, WV, USA, factory and contain data
specifically for the individual measuring cell. This data
determination requires very precise measurements to be made
with very sensitive equipment on each measuring cell.
Developing a Pressure Transducer Lookup Table should not be
tried in the field. Any changes made to the Lookup Table affect
the analytical results.
When a new or refurbished measuring cell is ordered, a new
Pressure Transducer Lookup Table, generated for that specific
cell by ABB Lewisburg, ships with the cell. After the new cell
is installed, the new Lookup Table should be entered.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 81

a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death
Reid Vapor PressureIndicates

7 Repair

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.

When a new RVP Analyzer is built, a Pressure Transducer

To view the third pressure table point, turn S3.
Lookup Table isIndicates
for are
that referenced
to Electrostatic
and shouldprogram.
not be touched
ESD safe handling tools.
and entered intodamage
the controller
A copy
is included
with the Data Package that ships with the analyzer.

Any modifications made in the Transducer Lookup

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
Table affect analysis results.

To view or verify Look-up Table pressure points

To view the fourth pressure table point, turn S3.

The display shows:

Turn S1 until the flashing cursor is on line 3. Turn S2 until

Look-up Table appears on line 3. Turn S3 until prsr table
point? appears on line 3. The display will show the first
pressure table point:
To view the fifth pressure table point, turn S3.
The display shows:

To view the second pressure table point, turn S3.

The display shows:
2300-UG, D2

To set or change Look-up
Table pressure points

When prsr table point? appears on line 3, use S3 until the

desired pressure point appears on the display. Then turn and
hold S3 until the flashing cursor appears on line 4. Use S2
to highlight the specific digit you want to change (only one
digit can be changed at a time). Use S1 to change the digit
as necessary. When you have completed all changes, turn
S3 up and hold it for a second to accept the changes.
This display will show:

82 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not be touched without care.

Reid Vapor PressureIndicates
that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.

7 Repair

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

Turn S3 up for YES and the display will show:

7.3 Analytical enclosure (RVP4550 only)

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.
7.3.1 Removing

the Air Saturation Cell/Manifold


Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic
Discharge Before
(ESD) opening the explosion proof enclosure, the
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert the user to possible h
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling

area where the analyzer is located must be safe

YES responses are questioned because any

change made in the Transducer Lookup Table
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
directly affects RVP determination and may result
in analysis data that is invalid.

If you do not want to change the table after you have entered
changes, press and hold S3 down for a second to reject the
changes. The display will show:

additional information.

and hazard free, and must remain so the entire

time the analyzer is open.
Indicates that the referred item can be hot and should not b

Wear appropriate safety gear, especially gloves

and glasses, as protection in case sample leaks
from the tubing and connections when removing
Indicates that
risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution
the measuring
cella assembly.

The Cell/Manifold Assembly consists of the Cell Assembly and

a potential
which could
the Manifold Assembly,
be removed
as acause
unit. serious inju
Do not try to disassemble this unit.

1. Run System Command Shutdown system. This removes

the and
of a hazard which
could result in cor
sample from
both cells
the interconnecting
damage to equipment/property.
2. Turn the sample flow valve V-1 OFF and air inlet valve
V-2 OFF.

Indicates that referenced items are susceptible to Electrost

3. Remove the analyzer power.
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe hand
2300-UG, D2

vi holding the Analytical Enclosure

4. Remove the bolts
closed and open the enclosure door.

Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.

2300-UG, D2
OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 83

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7 Repair

5. Note the tubing locations before disconnecting the tubing

(see Figure 7.3).

Disconnect the following tubing from the Cell/Manifold

Assembly: Sample In, Drain Line (at the Manifold),
Transfer Line (at the Filter), and Cell Vent (at the Breather).
Use two wrenches where appropriate: two 5/16 inch
wrenches on the tubing unions and one 1/4-inch wrench
on the solenoid block connections.

7. Be careful; sample may leak from the tubing connections.

8. Keep all tubing and unions with the analyzer, as they will
be needed for installation of the new cell assembly.
9. Disconnect all plugs from the right side of TB4 and the
bottom of TB3 (no tools are required).
Fig. 7.3 Air sat cell/manifold assembly

10. R emove the ten screws and washers holding the

Cell/Manifold Assembly in place at the heatsink.
11. Support the heatsink and, using the handle on the
Cell/Manifold Assembly, lift the assembly to allow the two
keyhole features to clear the alignment studs and pull to
remove it from the analyzer.

7.3.2 Installing the Air Saturation Cell/Manifold

1. Hold the Cell/Manifold Assembly and heatsink by the
2. Ensure that the mounting surfaces of the heatsink and the
enclosure wall are clean and free from obstructions.
3. Align the two keyhole features with the alignment studs in
the enclosure, and install the assembly.
4. Insert the ten screws and washers that were removed
when you took the Cell/Manifold Assembly out of the unit
and tighten the screws.
5. Install the tubing that was removed when the old
Cell/Manifold Assembly was removed.

84 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

6. Install the Cell/Manifold Assembly plugs into TB3 and TB4,

being careful to insert each plug in the correct location.
7. Close the Analytical Enclosure and secure it with the bolts
removed earlier, using a torque wrench set to 30 ft-lb.
8. Restore power to the analyzer.

7.4 SRS fiber optic probe assembly

The Sample Recovery System is available only with the Low
RVP Analyzer.

7.4.1 Cleaning the probe assembly

The fiber optic probe cables and cable connectors are very
fragile components and must be handled with extreme care.
While removing, cleaning, or installing the fiber optic probes,
do not twist, bend, or crimp the probe cables or cable
connectors; do not handle the probe cables or cable
connectors roughly. Loop the fiber optic cables loosely,
with a diameter no smaller than three inches (a medium
hand span).

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

To clean the fiber optic probes, perform the following steps

in order.

7 Repair

11. Carefully clean the probe with a soft cloth, non-abrasive

liquid cleanser, and water. Dry the clean probe with a
soft cloth.

1. Stop the RVP analysis cycle properly.

2. On the RVP Analyzer Sample Handling System, close the
Sample In From Process valve.
3. If the Sample Recovery System is running, let it continue
to empty the tank.
4. On the Sample Recovery System, close the Sample Return
valve; the SRS is isolated from the process.
5. Turn off/disconnect the power for the Sample Recovery

12. R everse the procedure (steps 10 through 8) to re-install

the clean top probe before removing the bottom probe.
13. R epeat steps 8 through 12 for the bottom probe
(probe one).
14. R everse steps 5 through 1 to return the RVP Analyzer
and SRS to operation.
If cleaning the probes does not improve SRS function, call the
ABB Service Department for assistance.

7.4.2 Removing the probe assembly

The fiber optic probe cables and cable connectors are very
6. Place a one gallon container, suitable for gasoline samples
the sample
are used
in this manual
the user of
to possible
to provide and must be handled with extreme care.
information. Using a 1/2-inch wrench and a 9/16 inch
While removing, cleaning, or installing the fiber optic probes,
pump assembly.
do not twist, bend, or fold the probe cables or cable
wrench, open the Swagelok fitting on the tank side of
the referred
hot and should not beconnectors;
touched without
the pump and
let thethat
not handle the probe cables or cable
connectors roughly. Loop the fiber optic cables loosely, with a
7. After no more sample drains from the tank, reconnect the
diameter no smaller than three inches (a medium hand span).
Swagelok fitting on the tank side of the pump using a
Indicates that a risk of electrical shock and/or electrocution exists.
1/2 inch wrench and a 9/16 inch wrench. Dispose of the
To remove the fiber optic probe assembly, perform the
sample properly.
following steps in order.
8. Remove theIndicates
four Allen
top cause
the RVP analysis cycle properly.
a potential
serious injury1.
(probe two)
mounting plate in place; keep the Allen screws
for re-installation of the probe.
2. On the RVP Analyzer Sample Handling System, close the
Sample In From Process valve.
Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or
9. Pull the topdamage
two) mounting plate from the
flange in the tank wall.
3. If the Sample Recovery System is running, let it continue
to empty the tank.
10. E xamine the O-ring on the mounting plate for wear or
items are susceptible to Electrostatic
damage andIndicates
it ifreferenced
4. Discharge
On the Sample
Recovery System, close the Sample Return
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.
valve; the SRS is isolated from the process.

When cleaning the fiber optic probes, it is not

necessary to remove the mounting plates from the
5. Turn off/disconnect the power for the Sample Recovery

the cable
to pertinent
facts connectors
and conditions.and

remove the potted cable gland from the electronics


OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 85

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

6. Place a one gallon container, suitable for gasoline samples

(or the type of sample being collected), under the bottom
of the pump assembly.
7. Using a 1/2-inch wrench and a 9/16-inch wrench, open
the Swagelok fitting on the tank side of the pump. Let the
sample drain into the container.
8. After no more sample drains from the tank, reconnect the
Swagelok fitting using a 1/2-inch wrench and a 9/16-inch
wrench. Dispose of the sample properly.

Open the enclosure. The threads on the enclosure and

gland entry are sharp. Be very careful when working in this
area to avoid personal injury or damage to delicate
components. Grasp the connector bodies, not the cables,
and unplug the four fiber optic cable connectors. Do not
twist or bend the fiber optic cable connectors. Leave the
enclosure open.

10. R emove the four Allen screws holding the top probes
(probe two) mounting plate in place; keep the Allen screws
for installation of the new probe.
11. Pull the top probes (probe two) mounting plate from the
flange in the tank wall.

7 Repair

probes and probe connectors for light transfer. If there is

light transfer, two red dots will be visible in the end of each
probe (on opposite sides) and the end of each probe
connector will be red. If the red is not present, the probe
and/or the connectors may be dirty. If there is no dirt, the
cable is damaged and the fiber optic probe assembly
must be replaced.

17. W ith the enclosure open, use a flashlight to inspect the

inside of the enclosure and the fiber optic probe controller.
Make sure the connection ports are clean and free of
particulate. If there is any particulate inside the enclosure,
remove it carefully. Do not use compressed air to remove
the particulate because of the risk of blowing particulate
into the connection ports on the fiber optic probe

7.4.3 Installing the probe assembly

The fiber optic probe cables and cable connectors are very
fragile components which must be handled with extreme care.
When removing, cleaning or installing the fiber optic probes,
do not twist, bend, or crimp the probe cables or cable
connectors; do not handle the probe cables or cable
connectors roughly. Loop the fiber optic cables loosely, with a
diameter no smaller than three inches (a medium hand span).
To install a new fiber optic probe assembly:

12. C arefully unscrew the mounting plate from the probe;

do not twist the probe or bend the probe cable.
13. E xamine the O-ring on the mounting plate for wear,
or damage, and replace it if necessary.
14. R epeat steps 10 through 13 for the bottom probe
(probe one).
15. C arefully unscrew the potted cable gland from the top of
the electronics enclosure. The threads on the enclosure
and gland entry are sharp. Be very careful when working
in this area to avoid personal injury or damage to delicate
components. Be sure the fiber optic cables and cable
connectors are not handled roughly. Inspect the threads of
the opening in the top of the enclosure; call the ABB
Service Department if the threads are damaged. If the
threads are damaged, the enclosure cannot be classified.
16. W ith the fiber optic probe assembly removed from the
Sample Recovery System, in a well lit area, inspect the

86 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

1. Lubricate the threads on the potted cable gland with

conduit grease to prevent galling.
2. Carefully screw the potted cable gland into the top of the
Electronics Enclosure; be sure the cables and cable
connectors are not handled roughly.

Inside the enclosure, grasp the cable connectors by the

bodies and carefully plug the fiber optic cable connectors
into the correct ports; do not twist or bend the fiber optic
connectors; leave the enclosure open.

4. Screw the mounting plate onto the bottom probe (probe

one); do not twist the probe or bend the probe cable.
5. Verify that the O-ring on the mounting plate is not worn
or damaged; replace it if necessary.
6. Insert the probe mounting plate into the bottom flange
in the wall of the Recovery Tank.

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7. Secure the mounting plate in place with the four hex

screws saved during the removal.

7 Repair

7.4.4 Probe assembly sensitivity adjustment

Equipment Required: Digital Multimeter (Fluke 8062A, or
an equivalent)

8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for the top probe (probe two),

inserting it in the top flange.


9. Turn on/reconnect the power for the Sample Recovery


1. Set the Digital Multimeter to read dc volts, with a scale of

at least 0 to 5 volts.

10. Perform the adjustment and test procedures in Sensitivity

Adjustment for the Probe Assembly and Output Test for
the Probe Assembly to verify the fiber optic probe
sensitivity. Close the Electronics Enclosure properly.

2. Connect the Digital Multimeters common to ground on

the Probe Controller (see Figure 7.4).

11. O n the Sample Recovery System, open the Sample Return

12. O n the RVP Analyzer Sample Handling System, open the
Sample In From Process valve
13. Start the RVP analysis cycle.

3. Connect the positive lead to SEN 1 (Probe 1 Sensitivity

Voltage Test Point). The Digital Multimeter should indicate
2.40 Vdc.
4. Move the positive lead to SEN 2 (Probe 2 Sensitivity
Voltage Test Point). The Digital Multimeter should indicate
2.40 Vdc.

Alternately adjust the Probe 1 Sensitivity Adjustment and

the Probe 2 Sensitivity Adjustment while switching the
Digital Multimeter positive lead from SEN 1 to SEN 2, until
the Digital Multimeter indicates 2.40 Vdc at both terminals.

Fig. 7.4 Probe controller connections

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 87

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

7.4.5 Output test for the probe assembly

7 Repair


Attach the oscilloscope probe to pin 14 (Ch 2) of U1.

The output should be between 200 mv (minimum) and
700 mv (maximum). If the output is outside these limits,
the Fiber Optic Probe Controller requires repair
or replacement.


Attach the oscilloscope probe to pin 7 (Ch 1) of U1.

The output pulse should be above 2 Volts. If it is not,
the Fiber Optic Probe Controller requires repair
or replacement.

3. Install the ground isolator plug onto the oscilloscope

power cord before connecting it to the power outlet.


Attach the oscilloscope probe to pin 8 (Ch 2) of U1.

The output pulse should be above 2 Volts. If it is not,
the Fiber Optic Probe Controller requires repair
or replacement.

4. Connect the oscilloscope ground to the ground on

the board.

9. Remove the oscilloscope leads and return the unit

to normal operation.

Equipment Required: Oscilloscope, 100 MHz

(Tektronics 2235A, or an equivalent)
1. On the oscilloscope, set: Volts/Div to 50 mv,

AC coupling to channel 1 or 2,

Sec/Div to 5 ms.
2. In the tank, cover the fiber optic probes to be tested; they
must be tested in the dark. The five sight glasses on the
front of the tank should also be covered.


Attach the oscilloscope probe to pin 1 (Ch 1) of U1.

The output should be between 200 mv (minimum) and
700 mv (maximum). If the output is outside these limits,
the Fiber Optic Probe Controller requires repair
or replacement.

88 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Indicates a potential hazard which could cause serious injury and/or death

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8 Replacement parts

Indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or

damage to equipment/property.
8 Replacement

8.1 OrderingIndicates
that referenced items are susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
damage and should not be touched without ESD safe handling tools.

Since the particular application defines the

component parts specific to any given system,
please refer to the Recommended Spare Parts
Alerts the user to pertinent facts and conditions.
Lists in the analyzers Data Package to obtain the
full and correct part number for the desired part
or assembly.





8.1.1 Equipment identification

Include the following information, found in the Data Package
and on the analyzer nameplate, in any communication
concerning replacement parts or components:
Fig. 8.1 Typical nameplate

ABB Sales Order Number.

Analyzer Model Number.

8.1.2 Hardware configuration identification

Analyzer Part Number (P/N) and serial number.

The nameplate (see Figure 8.1), which is located on the

Analytical Enclosure, lists the hardware configuration

For serial numbered subassemblies such as PC boards

and cell assemblies, include the serial number and the
2300-UG, D2
part number (including dash number and revision letter)
for the subassembly in the request. If a PC board requires
conformal coating, prefix the PCB part number with the
letters CC.

The hardware configuration consists of the model number

and sales order number.

Applicable references from the Recommended Spare

Parts List of the Data Package, included with each
Description of part.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 89

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8.1.3 Software configuration identification

At power ON, the Control Enclosure display shows the
analyzer model number, serial number and software version

8 Replacement parts

Part numbers and drawing numbers listed here are for

identification purposes only. When you order parts for replacement, use the list of parts included in the Data Package
provided with your equipment to ensure you have the correct
version of each part.

8.2 Control enclosure (all versions)

8.2.1 Inside front door (see figure 8.2)
8.1.4 How to order

8.2.2 Inside enclosure (see figure 8.3)

Please contact your local ABB sales or service representative

for specific instructions on ordering parts. Always include the
information listed in Equipment Identification and
Configuration Identification in your request.

8.3 Analytical enclosure, RVP4500, 4501, 4503

(see figure 8.4)
8.4 Analytical enclosure, RVP 4550

The remainder of this section lists the replaceable parts

and components by their location in the equipment.

8.4.1 Enclosure overview (see Figure 8.5)





Fig. 8.2 Control enclosure front door

Fig. 8.3 Control enclosure

RVP Measuring Cell Assembly

(low RVP),
(high RVP),
(Low RVP Thermistor),
(RVP Filament Extended Range),
(RVP Thermistor Extended Range)

Fig. 8.4 Analytical enclosure

90 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Fig. 8.5 RVP 4550 analytical enclosure

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8 Replacement parts

8.4.2 Enclosure details (see Figure 8.6)

Fig. 8.6 RVP 4550 enclosure details

8.5 Basic sample system, low RVP (see figure 8.7)

Fig. 8.7 Basic sample system, low RVP

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 91

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8.6 Basic sample system, high RVP (see Figure 8.8)

Fig. 8.8 Basic sample system, high RVP

92 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

8 Replacement parts

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8 Replacement parts

8.7 Basic sample system, RVP 4550 (see Figure 8.9)

Fig. 8.9 Basic sample system, RVP 4550

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 93

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8.8 Swirlklean sample system, low RVP

(see figure 8.10)

Fig. 8.10 Swirlklean sample system

94 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

8 Replacement parts

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8 Replacement parts

8.9 Swirlklean sample system, RVP 4550

(see Figure 8.11)

Fig. 8.11 Swirlklean sample system, RVP 4550

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 95

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers

8 Replacement parts

8.10 Sample recovery system, low RVP

(see figure 8.12)

Fiber Optic Cable Assy



Fiber Optic Controller



Pump Motor

Pump Head

Fig. 8.12 Sample recovery system

96 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers


9 Notes from the engineers desk

These notes are offered For Your Information to help you
understand analyzer functions that are fundamental to the
analysis, but are not necessarily visible or accessible to
the user.

9.4 Pressure transducer

9.1 Activity lights

having a source of pressure with an accuracy error that is

small when compared to 0.063 psi (4.3 mbar);

The activity lights, located on the Cell Interface PCB, are for
use during troubleshooting. Since the area must be safe from
hazardous gases before opening any enclosure doors on the
analyzer, and must remain so the entire time the analyzer is
open, there is no problem getting to the activity lights when
troubleshooting the analyzer.

The pressure transducer is a linear strain gauge type. Its

worst case error contribution is 0.063 psi (4.3 mbar).
Verification in the field is cumbersome because it involves:

breaking into the sample line to connect the pressure

tricking the level sensor by connecting a resistor at the
appropriate time in the cycle;

9.2 Temperature
The temperature specification for the RVP Analyzer is 100F
0.1F. This specification applies to the temperature probe and
the measuring cell assembly. The temperature of the liquid at
the end of the equilibration time is 100F 0.2F.
The temperature tolerance in the ASTM D-1267 classic lab
method is 0.2F. The result of a 0.2F temperature error
is slightly less than 0.4% of value. For example, a 15 psia
(1034 mbar) sample reading would change by 0.06 psia
(4 mbar), a 5 psia (345 mbar) sample reading would change
by 0.02 psia (1.4 mbar). This is true for pure compounds
and blends alike.

applying the precise pressure by shorting a solenoid wire

to ground at the appropriate time; and
comparing the resulting RVP vapor pressure readout to
the applied pressure.
Pressure transducer accuracy problems have not been
observed. This is because it is a high quality sensor operated
in a constant temperature environment (100F). It is corrected
by auto-zero and protected by software that shuts off inlets
and opens the drain if the sensor is over pressured. The
Pressure Transducer Lookup Table minimizes the pressure
transducer error contribution.

9.3 Level sensor

The level sensor is set at the factory for 2.5 ml 0.05 ml.
Some allowance needs to be made for measurement error and
for sample wetting the cell walls. It is believed that the factory
set level sensor is holding a 0.05 ml tolerance. The effect
of a 0.05 ml variation in level is 0.09 psia (6 mBar).
Any deviation within this range is compensated for during
applications engineering.
Vapor-to-liquid (V/L) ratio is affected by an improperly adjusted
level sensor. The effect of this small change in the V/L ratio on
vapor pressure is insignificant. Therefore, improperly adjusted
level sensors affect blends and pure compounds equally. Once
the level is set, level sensor drift is not expected and has not
been observed.

9.5 Barometric pressure

Each 0.0145 psia (1 mbar) change in barometric pressure
causes a 0.0036 psia (0.25 mbar) error in RVP readings. The
practical effect of this, in a worst case scenario (99%), causes
an error of 0.11 psia (7.6 mbar).
A review of the 1991 barometric extremes at one location
in Scotland revealed a maximum of 30.82 in Hg
(15.15 psia/1044 mbar) and a minimum of 28.35 in Hg
(13.92 psia/960 mbar), affecting the RVP readings by
0.15 psia (10.5 mbar).

In the factory production laboratory, a level sensor is

suspected of being improperly adjusted if the readings for
a low vapor pressure pure compound are off and other
systems check good.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 97

Reid Vapor Pressure Analyzers


9.6 User coefficients

9.9 ABB Lewisburg standards

Span and zero correlation coefficients that are determined by

the user can be used to alter the RVP output to reconcile it
with another method. The RVP, as determined by the analyzer,
and the adjusted output, as determined by the user
coefficients, are displayed together for comparison. During
troubleshooting, using the unadjusted values eliminates
the effect of error in the other method.

The following standards are used by ABB Lewisburg.

Hexane (C6)
4.96 psia
Pentane (C5)
15.35 psia

9.10 Vortex cooling assembly option specifications

The user is solely responsible for the determination and use

of the span and zero correlation coefficients.

A slight increase in the ambient air temperature maximum

can be obtained if a higher air supply pressure (200 psig max.)
and a higher flow rate (15 scfm max.) are used. Due to test
limitations, test data is not available for air supply pressure
above 80 psig and flow above 12 scfm.

9.7 Atmospheric drain

9.11 Kalrez seals

The analyzer drain must have a good atmospheric vent,

located on the drain line as close as possible to the analyzer.
During installation, the drain tubing should be mounted so
that there are no restricted areas where sample vapors may
become trapped. Any restriction in the drain tubing can
cause erroneous readings.

Kalrez seals are standard on the RVP Analyzer. Kalrez seals

allow the RVP Analyzer to be used for on-line RVP
determination of gasoline that contains additives.

9.12 Standard RVP values

The following RVP values are used throughout
the industry.

9.8 Pressure transducer lookup table

All Pressure Transducer Lookup Tables are determined at
the ABB Lewisburg, WV, USA, factory and contain data
specifically for the individual measuring cell. This data determination requires very precise measurements to be made with
very sensitive equipment on each measuring cell. Developing
a Pressure Transducer Lookup Table should not be tried in
the field. Any changes made to the Lookup Table affect the
analytical results.
When a new or replacement measuring cell is installed in
the RVP Analyzer, a new Pressure Transducer Lookup Table,
generated for that specific cell by ABB Lewisburg, ships with
the cell. After the new cell is installed, the new Lookup Table
should be entered.

Hexane (C6)
2,2 Dimethylbutane
Pentane (C5)
Pentane (C5)

1.0311 psia1
2.087 psia2
3.2816 psia1
4.96 psia3
6.7537 psia1
9.86 psia2
9.88 psia2
15.221 psia2
15.576 psia3

value from laboratory reference book

value from EPA (4/29/1993)
value from DDMIX program

9.13 Offline samples

When a new RVP Analyzer is built, a Pressure Transducer
Lookup Table is generated specifically for that measuring
cell and entered into the controller program. A copy is
included with the package of important papers that ships
with the analyzer.

Samples should never be introduced using a gas or air blanket

of any type. This method allows the blanket gas to be forced
into the sample, causing erroneous RVP readings. (This
applies to all RVP models.) The best method for offline sample
introduction is a piston-driven sample cylinder.

Kalrez is a registered trademark of DuPont

98 OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C

Products and customer support

Automation Systems
For the following industries:
Chemical & Pharmaceutical
Food & Beverage
Metals and Minerals
Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
Pulp and Paper
Drives and Motors
AC and DC Drives, AC and DC Machines,
AC Motors to 1 kV
Drive Systems
Force Measurement
Servo Drives
Controllers & Recorders
Single and Multi-loop Controllers
Circular Chart and Strip Chart Recorders
Paperless Recorders
Process Indicators

Customer support
We provide a comprehensive after sales service via a
Worldwide Service Organization. Contact one of the following
offices for details on your nearest Service and Repair Centre.
ABB Inc.
Tel: +1 800 HELP 365 (435 7365)
Fax +1 304 645 4236
ABB Limited
Tel: +44 (0)1453 826 661
Fax: +44 (0)1453 829 671
ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Limited
Tel: +86 (0) 21 6105 6666
Fax: +86 (0) 21 6105 6992

Flexible Automation
Industrial Robots and Robot Systems
Flow Measurement
Electromagnetic Flowmeters
Mass Flowmeters
Turbine Flowmeters
Wedge Flow Elements
Marine Systems & Turbochargers
Electrical Systems
Marine Equipment
Offshore Retrofit and Refurbishment
Process Analytics
Process Gas Analysis
Systems Integration
Interface Modules
Valves, Actuators and Positioners
Control Valves
Water, Gas & Industrial Analytics Instrumentation
pH, Conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen Transmitters
and Sensors
Ammonia, Nitrate, Phosphate, Silica, Sodium, Chloride,
Fluoride, Dissolved Oxygen and Hydrazine Analyzers
Zirconia Oxygen Analyzers, Katharometers, Hydrogen
Purity and Purge-gas Monitors, Thermal Conductivity

Client Warranty
Prior to installation, the equipment referred to in this
manual must be stored in a clean, dry environment, in
accordance with the Companys published specification.
Periodic checks must be made on the equipments
condition. In the event of a failure under warranty, the
following documentation must be provided as
A listing evidencing process operation and alarm logs
at time of failure.
Copies of all storage, installation, operating and
maintenance records relating to the alleged faulty unit.

OI/RVP4500-EN Rev. C 99

ABB Inc.
Process Automation
Oldends Lane
N. Jefferson Street
Gloucestershire GL10 3TA
UK 24901
+44 1453 826 661
Tel.: 1+44
647 829
Fax: 1 304 645 4236
ABB Inc.
125 E. County
Line Road
PA 18974
GL10 3TA
+1 215 674 6000
Fax: +44
+1 215
Fax: +44 1453 829 671
ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.
Process Automation
No. 5,
Lane 369,
Chuangye Road
Process Automation
P.R. ChinaPlaza
+86 (0)Lu
21 6105 6666
(0) 21 6105 6992
P.R. China
+86 10 8456 6688
Fax: +86 10 8456 7613

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reserve the
the right
right to
to make
make technical
technical changes
changes or
modify the
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