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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858)
Lesson Plan Design
Subject: Mathematics (Grade 3)

Lesson Topic: Polygons

Name: Megan Jensen

1. Introduction:
Content standard:
Understand that shapes in different categories
(eg rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may
share attributes (eg having four sides) and that
the shared attributes can define a larger
category (eg quadrilaterals). Recognize
rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as
examples of quadrilaterals, and draw
examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong
to any of these subcategories.
Prior Learning:
Students were introduced to our Geometry
unit last week. We have been discussing two
dimensional shapes and attributes of these
Focus Learner/Behavioral Expectations:
My focus learners are an ELL student who
performs below grade level in ELA and our
lowest academic student in the class who
currently reads at a kindergarten level.
All students will need to cooperate and work
together to complete the activities. Students
will be expected to follow the class code of
conduct which includes not talking when the
teacher is talking.
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s):

Students have been introduced to geometry and
have started learning about shapes and their
attributes. The vocabulary has been previously
introduced, but some students will need review.
This lesson will focus on classifying polygons
in a hands-on approach. The students will need
to follow the class rules and stay on task in
order to complete all of the activities.

Purpose: Students will understand what

polygons are and how to identify shapes as
Mastery: Mastery of the objective will be
determined through informal observations
throughout the lesson as well as their
performance on their worksheet that they will
complete at the end of the lesson. Students
will complete learning activities (whole class,
in pairs, and independently) to reach their

The learner outcomes meet the California
English Language Arts Content Standard for
public schools and students will master the
outcomes through the lesson activities. The
various activities will keep the students
interested in the activities which will help keep
them motivated to learn and remember what
they have learned.

3. Pre-assessment Activity:
Pre-Assessment Activity:
The morning of the lesson I will include
examples of closed and open polygons in
their wake up work. Students will need to
identify three shapes as opened or closed and
will need to explain their answer.
Student Information:
1. Linguistic Background:
There is one identified English Language
Learners in this class. There are three
additional students who primarily speak
Spanish at home and even though they speak
English at school, they may need additional
background information like the ELL
2. Academic Language Abilities and Skills:
There are 23 students in the class and 17 of
them, or 74%, are performing at or above
grade level. One of the students who is
below grade level is reading and performing
at a kindergarten level.
3. Content Knowledge:
Students have some prior knowledge of
polygons and are familiar with shapes. We
started our Geometry unit last week and have
been identifying different shapes as well as
learning the vocabulary words polygon, line,
line segment, point, endpoint, and ray.
4. Physical, Social, Emotional:
Most of the students in this class are
physically active and very social. Many of
the students are involved in sports or dance.

Students have been introduced to polygons
prior to this lesson but have not been explicitly
taught how to sort shapes by their attributes.
They should remember the definition of a
polygon and open and closed shapes, but those
will all be reviewed at the beginning of the
Students are aware of the class rules and
expectations. When the students are given
another rule or expectation they should be able
to follow it.
The students show good ability in following
directions. They should be able to follow the
directions for this lesson very well.
For the English Language Learner and students
who are academically low, I will closely
monitor them to ensure comprehension.

This is a social, very talkative class, but they

do enjoy working together in groups and do
a good job collaborating with each other.
5. Socioeconomic Considerations:
Most students are from middle-class
families. Seven students, or 30% of the class,
qualify for free or reduced lunch. The school
requires families to volunteer 40 hours per
school year, so parents are involved in the
6. Cultural Considerations:
Students are culturally diverse and are
Hispanic, Caucasian, and African American.
Students engage in religious programs and
activities outside of school.
7. Health Considerations & Attendance:
There is one student with a visual
impairment and while she wears glasses, is
required to sit in the front of the class. One
student has Tourettes syndrome, but is
highly functioning in the classroom. Students
have a high attendance rate.
8. Interests, Motivations, & Extra
Students are motivated to learn. They are
engaged and participate in lessons. They
have an especially high interest in reading.
Students have developmentally appropriate
interests and hobbies.
4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies:
Modifications for all ELL and Low
Achieving Students:
-Use visual aids such as charts, graphic
organizers, and pictures
-Give clear, explicit instructions so the
students understand what they are expected
to do
-Model and demonstrate activities
- Define vocabulary words
Modifications for Special Needs:
-Allow more time
-Follow SST or IEP
Modifications for Average Students:
-Follow lesson plan and differentiate as

ELL and low achieving students benefit from the
use of visual aids. It will be important to redefine
vocabulary as well as speak slowly and clearly.
Special needs students may need more time to
work through the problems and their IEP will need
to be taken into consideration. High achieving
students could be paired with ELL or low
achieving students during the activity to model
proficient work. There are opportunities for class
discussions and partner discussions. All of the
speaking and listening opportunities will benefit
the English Learner and low achieving students.

Modifications for High Achieving
-Pair with struggling students to assist or
model proficient work
5. Resources:
Chart paper and markers
White board a
Shapes Cards

Multiple resources will be utilized to keep students
engaged and interested in the lesson.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction

Instructional plan in communicating the
academic learning goal(s) to the
I will begin the lesson by telling the
students that today they will be learning
about polygons. They will learn what a
polygon is and how to determine if a shape
is a polygon or not. They will also be using
Habit 6 (synergize) and we are using Habit
2 (begin with the end in mind) by knowing
what our learning goal is.
I will then show a PowerPoint which
reviews the definition of a polygon and
then shows multiple shapes that they
students will identify as a polygon or not.
The students will need to explain why it is
a polygon or not.
After the PowerPoint, I will review a chart
which shows the definition of a polygon
and other vocabulary terms.
Check for Understanding:
I will check their understanding by
monitoring student responses.

Students need to understand what their learning
goal is so it will be beneficial to point it out at the
beginning of the lesson. It will be helpful for them
to clearly understand the rules and habits that
apply to the lesson also.
The PowerPoint will give them practice in
identifying polygons, understanding the reasoning,
and knowing which attributes to look for which
will prepare them for the next learning activity.
All students will benefit from having the terms
clearly defined. They will chorally say the
definition of a polygon to reinforce their learning.
The chart with the definition will serve as a visual
aid throughout the entire lesson for the students

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice

Guided Practice
Next I will explain to students that they
will be playing a sorting game with their
shoulder partner. They will be given a stack
of cards with various shapes and will need
decide if it is a polygon or not and explain
their reasoning on a recording sheet. I will
model one for them and show how to
record their answers on the worksheet.
Students will sort through 18 cards with
their partners to practice classifying
Check for Understanding:
Teacher observations and monitoring.

This activity will give students repeated practice in
classifying polygons. They will look at 18 cards
and decide if they are polygons or not which will
reinforce their learning and the definition of a
polygon. Students who may be struggling with the
concept will have the help of their partner in this
activity. I will model an example so the
instructions are clear and they know what they
need to do.
I will check for student understanding by gauging
their participation and asking them to show me
thumbs up or thumbs down before we continue on
with the lesson.

8. Independent Practice:
For independent practice, students will
complete a worksheet in which they will
look for polygons around our classroom,
draw the shape, write its name, and write
what the real life example is. The first one
is done for them and I will go over that
example with them (the top of their desk is
a rectangle).

The worksheet should be an easy way for students
to show they understand what polygons are and
give real life examples. They will need to find four
examples in our classroom and write those on the
worksheet. This will show me which students
understand what polygons are and which students
may need re-teaching.

Check for Understanding:

I will ask students questions about how
they know the shapes they are drawing are
polygons as I walk around the room. I will
monitor their understanding by how easily
they are identifying polygons in our
9. Assessment and Evaluation:
I will use the worksheet students completed
during independent practice along with my
informal observations as the assessment for
this lesson. The worksheet will show me
which students have met the learning goal
and are able to identify polygons in the real

This worksheet will be a quick and easy way for
students to prove what they know. The results will
show me who has grasped the concept and met the
learning goal and who needs further re-teaching or
individual instruction.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
At the end of the lesson, I will ask students
to choose their favorite example of a
polygon that they found in the classroom
and draw it on a sticky note along with
their reasoning of why that shape is a
polygon. Students will stick their sticky
note on the white board and will have the
opportunity to look at their classmates
polygon examples as they walk outside for

This activity will enable students to reflect back on
their learning as they consider their favorite shape
and how they knew it was a polygon. It is
important for students to think about what they
learned and show they are able to apply their

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