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Thrust: Force acting perpendicular on the surface. S.I. unit of thrust is Newton.
Pressure: It is the normal force acting per unit area. P=F/A. S.I. unit is Pascal(Pa) or N/m 2.
Remember----More the area of contact, less is the pressure.
Less the area of contact, more is the pressure.
Q1. Why should school bags have broad straps? (QB)
Q2. Why are sleepers laid down under the train tracks?
Q3. Why do trucks have wide tyres? (QB)
Q4. Why is it easier to cut with a sharp knife?
Q5. Why do dams have broad base? (QB)
Q6. Why do needles have sharp tips?
Q7. Why is it painful to walk barefoot on small pebbles?(QB)
Q8. A cubical block of edge 2cm and of mass 5kg is kept on a table top. Calculate the thrust and
the pressure of the block
on the table top. (Thrust=49N and P=1.225 X 10 5 Pa)
Q9. A wooden block of mass 8 kg & of dimension 40 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm is kept on a tabletop.
Find the pressure exerted
by the wooden block on the table top if it is made to lie on the tabletop with its side of
dimension a) 40 cm x 30 cm
b) 30 cm x 20 cm. Find the ratio of greatest & least pressure on the table top. (ans. P g : Pl=
Q10. A boy weighing 60 Kg is wearing shoes with heel of area of cross-section 15 cm 2 while a girl
weighing 45 Kg is
wearing shoes with heel of area of cross-section 2.0 cm 2. Compare the pressure exerted on
ground by their heels
when they stand on the heel of two foot.
(ans. P1: P2
=8 : 45 )
BUOYANT FORCE-The property of a liquid to exert an upward force or upthrust on a body
immersed in it is called BUOYANCY. When a body is immersed in liquid, it appears to lose some
weight (apparent loss) due to buoyant force. The buoyant force or upthrust depends on
(i) The size or volume of body immersed in fluid.
(ii) The density of fluid in which the body is immersed.
Note- 1.Greater the size of the body, more is the buoyant force.
2. Greater the density of the fluid, more is the buoyant force.
ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE It states that when an object is immersed wholly or partially in a fluid, it experiences an upward
force or buoyant force which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.
Buoyant force acting on an object =
weight of the fluid displaced by the object
Apparent weight of body
Actual weight of the body Buoyant force
Apparent weight of body
Actual weight of the body weight of the
fluid displaced.
Apparent loss in weight
buoyant force
weight of fluid displaced
Note: From Archimedes Principle
Buoyant force acting on an object = weight of the fluid displaced by the object
Force = Weight
= m x g = d x V x g (Mass = density x volume)
Where d = density of the liquid, V = volume of the liquid displaced, g = acceleration due to
Applications of Archimedes principle
1. It is used in designing ships and submarines.
2. The lactometer used to determine the purity of milk is based on this principle.
3. The hydrometer used for determining density of liquid is based on this principle.

It states that an object will float in a liquid if the weight of the object is equal to the liquid
displaced by it.
An object will float or sink depending on the following conditions:
I. Difference in buoyant force and weight of displaced fluid
a. If weight of the object > Weight of the fluid displaced by it, the body will sink
b. If weight of the object = Weight of the fluid displaced by it, the body will float
c. If weight of the object < Weight of the fluid displaced by it, the body will float

II. Difference in weight and buoyant force

a. If buoyant force/upthrust < weight of the object, the object sinks
b. If buoyant force/upthrust = weight of the object, the object floats
c. If buoyant force/upthrust > weight of the object, the object floats
1. What is the cause of upthrust?
The upward thrust on the lower surface of the body is greater than the downward force on the
upper surface of the body. This difference in pressure causes upthrust.
2. While drawing water a bucket of water appears heavier as it comes out of water?
Buoyant force acts on the body while in water due to which it loses weight and appears lighter
but once out of water
buoyant force does not exist and we can feel the actual weight of the bucket of water.
3. Why does a ship made up of iron and steel float in water while an iron sinks?
Ship is not a solid block ,it is made in such a way that it is hollow with a lot of air space in it.
Due to this, the average
density of ship is less than that of water, therefore it floats.
When a ship placed in water, sinks to a certain level such that the weight of water displaced
by its
submerged portion is equal to the weight of the ship then by the principle of flotation, it floats.
Density: it is defined as mass per unit volume. S.I.unit is kg/m 3. Density of water is 1000kg/m3
or 1 gm/cm3.
Relative Density: it is the ratio of density of substance to density of water. As it is a ratio it has
no unit.
Also Relative Density= Weight of body in air/loss of weight of body in water
If R. D.> 1, body sinks in water
If R. D.< 1, body floats in water
1. Why does a mug full of water feel lighter inside water?
2. Experimentally verify Archimedes Principle with the help of an activity and a diagram.
3. The density of a body is 800kg/m 3. Will it float or sink in a bucket of water? (Density of water is
4. If an egg is put in beaker, it sinks. On dissolving a lot of salt in the water the egg begins to rise
and then floats. Why?
5. Explain why it is easier to swim in sea water than in river water?
6. If a wooden block and an iron block of same volume are immersed in a liquid, will they
experience the same weight
loss? Why?
7. A wooden boat displaces water equal to 5000N.Find the buoyant force and mass of the boat.
8. A solid body of volume 60cm3 is fully immersed in water. Calculate the buoyant force.
9. An object is immersed in different liquids. Does same buoyant force acts on the object due to
all the liquids?
10. What is the meaning of the statement The relative density of gold is 19.3 .?

11. A piece of copper of mass 106 gm is dipped in a measuring cylinder containing water at 22
ml mark. The water rises
to 35 ml mark. Find (a) volume of the copper piece (b) density of the copper (c) relative
density of copper.
(ans. 13ml, 8.1 gm/ml, 8.1 )
12. Which of the two will double the pressure doubling the area and force or making the area
half? Give reason.
13. Why does a block of wood held under water rise when released?

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