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Language IV

Essay n 3

Women or Mothers?
They are professionals; most of them take up their time outside their
home so as to feed their children; they even work unsociable hours to get perks
to better their living conditions. They are a new generation of women, who do
not see anything amiss in leaving their children at home while they are making a
living. They are known as working mothers, a concept which appeared in the
70s in USA. Basically, this idea responds to the economical problems the world
confronted in that time, and is braving nowadays. Having a working mother at
home can be the last light of hope to stand this undesirable state of affairs.
Furthermore, not only can the family take advantage of this phenomenon, but
also the woman. As Natalie Kogan claimed working moms are proud to provide
for their families and derive significant personal benefits from achieving their
career goals, dealing with intellectually stimulating issues, and spending time in
an adult-centered and social environment at work Mothers should have the
possibility to work because it allows them to reassure their position as women.
The idea of work may completely revise basic concepts in the human
mind. Mothers realize how handy they can be in matters that do not necessarily
encompass the education of a child. They appreciate themselves as women
with ambitions and challenges to beat. They acquaint something different in
them, something that makes them respectable and cherished and it is this
thought of being practical, the one that leads to an enormous satisfaction. Work
raise their self esteem and all those gifts that were hidden, have the likelihood
of popping during this process. Laurie Pawlik points out that working moms can
feel like they're using all their gifts talents, and abilities in a more useful capacity
than stay-at-home moms. Furthermore the Development Psychology (DP)
stated there is a feeling of satisfaction; it makes them happier as people, and
therefore, better mothers; they feel they have to work for their own
psychological well-being. May we bear these concepts in mind; then the most
beneficiated ones are the children.
Children are, by far, the ones that can make a huge profit of it. As Life
Style Choices points out: Children with working mothers certainly dont suffer
from smother-love - over-fussing. They learn to be realistic, independent,
responsible and sometimes stoical, no mean preparation for the toughness of
Maria Ximena Pedroso

Language IV
Essay n 3

life. The fact of not having their mothers breathing down their necks empower
them to assume responsibilities and to become risk-takers. What is even more,
they have the pleasure of learning by their own mistakes. Isnt it a remarkable
value for life? Working mothers allow kids to grow by themselves and, at the
same time, they are able to provide them with the basic tools; they get the hang
that the only way of making more than just ends meet is to work strenuously so
as to earn a respectable salary.
Another significant highlight of this concept is something previously
mentioned though not in deep. Working mothers assume a different point of
view. They have an open mind that allows them to accept things in a different
way. The fact of unplugging themselves from their duties as educators let them
face problems with a different perspective, leaving their minds more permeable
to assume the consequences of their decisions. They see the motherhood as
something natural, in which their children must learn to become independent so
as to survive in the everyday life. Women who are updated and who take assets
of their abilities so as to reach to a level of contentment beyond their duties as
mothers, and who try to show the ropes of this to their children. As the
Development Psychology (DP) claims: working is better for a woman's personal
growth since it helps her to develop as a human being.
However, there are those who believe that the most important thing a
mother can do is to be at home with her children during their formative years
.Suzanne Venker states that Young children do not form a strong attachment to
a person they little of, and the lack of a healthy mother-child bond can lead to
lifelong problems. No matter how much quality time a working mother spends
with her child, it cannot make up for the number of hours she has been absent.
Should we subscribe to these exclamations; then there would be lots of
children with life-long problems. Contrary to what it is expressed; there are
much better points to consider. According to a study carried out by the university
of Colorado working mothers tend to show more affection to their children if they
are absent from home, they are more likely to miss them and, as a
consequences, they make their feelings more explicitly. I believe that as long as
a mother demonstrates affection and care, children are not affected by their
absence. As regards the limits, having a full- time mother does not prove an
excellent behavior on the part of the child. And this is better justified by the
Maria Ximena Pedroso

Language IV
Essay n 3

Psychologist Sushma Mehrota when she claimed that sometimes mothers are
around the house the whole day but they don't even look at their children. They
provide them with food and other facilities, but their involvement with the child is
minimum. They think their presence is enough. But that is not true. It is quality
time and the way you interact with your children that makes the difference."
As a conclusion, I am under the impression that mothers possess total
leeway to take the decision to work. This pick will certainly take a hold of their
environment and their family but consequences will not be necessarily
discouraging. May we reflect on what has been previously stated; then the fruits
of this choice would be highly approving.

Maria Ximena Pedroso

Language IV
Essay n 3

Worked Cited:
Working Mothers Less DepressedThe Benefits of Moms With Careers
Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen. Suit Aug 5, 2007.
Positive Effects of Working Mothers - Brief ArticleUSA Today (Society for the
Advancement of Education).B bnet , April, 2000 . 2009 CBS Interactive Inc.
All rights reserved
Stay-At-Home Mothers vs. Mothers Who Return to Work The
Developmental Psychology. Student net letter
American Academy of Podiatry. Parenting Corners:Working mothers.
copyright American academy of pediatrics, all rights reserved.
The working mother Dr. Sushma Mehrotra. Indian Parenting.Copyright (c)
1999 - 2009 India Parenting Pvt. Ltd..

Maria Ximena Pedroso

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