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The Lion and The Grateful Mouse :

1A lion was preparing to eat a mouse it had just caught.

2'Let me go,' the mouse begged him, 'sooner or later you may need my help.'

3The king of the forest found this idea so ridiculous that he laughed aloud, but he let the
little mouse go anyway.

4Some time later, the lion was trapped in a net which had been set down by the hunters.
5Then along came the mouse that chewed the netting and freed him.

6'As you can see,' said the mouse, 'even the mighty sometimes need the help of the weak.'

The Monkey and The Fisherman :

1Two fishermen were throwing their nets into river and a monkey on the branches of a tree
watched their actions with interests. 2At midday, the men went off to eat and left their nets
on the river-bank, intending to use them again after lunch.

3The monkey came down from the tree, picked up one of the nets and tried to throw it as
he had seen the men do. 4The only thing it succeeded in doing however was to imprison
itself completely in the tight netting.

5Now, said the monkey, have learnt that it is better to leave the task to those who know
how to do."

The Sick Lion :

1Once the lion had very bad indigestion and all the doctors in the forest visited him. 2What
bad breathe you have, your majesty! exclaimed the zebra.

3How dare you! said the indignant lion and knocked down the zebra.

4What a pleasant smell! said the hyena, who had seen what had happened to the zebra.

5Do you think Im stupid? roared the angry lion, and killed the hyena as well. 6And what
do you think? the lion asked the fox.

7Unfortunately, your majesty, replied that shrewd animal, my nose is completely blocked
with a cold and I can smell nothing!

The Fox and The Monkey King :

1All the animals of the forest gathered to elect their new king.

2They chose the monkey because they were amused by his antics. 3The fox was very
disappointed at not being chosen and waited for a chance to get it.

4One day, he found a piece of meat on a path.5 He realised at once it was the bait for a
trap. 6But off he went to the monkey and offered to show him where it was as a sign of his
loyalty. 7The monkey king at once fell into the trap and the fox burst out laughing.

The Eagle and The Crow :

1A crow saw an eagle dropped down from the sky on to a lamb, caught it with its claws and
flew straight back with it to its nest.

2The crow thought he would like to do the same.

3But the lamb was much too heavy for him and what was worse. 4The crow's little claws got
caught in the lamb's thick fur, so the bird was trapped there.

5The shepherd saw the crow, caught it and put it in a cage.

The Cricket and The Ants :

1It was summer and the cricket sat on an ear of wheat happily singing and enjoying the

2He felt extremely sorry for the ants who worked ceaselessly looking for grains of wheat to
take back to their store.

3Poor things, they really did not know-how to enjoy life.

4But soon the winter came and the thoughtless cricket had no food at all to eat.

5He would surely have died of hunger if it had not been for the generous ants who had
given him some of their grain.

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