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scripted by josejunior23
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# 0.1 - started - /pet [go and back]
0.2 - added - /pet-attack - Pets attack by spell, full configurable.#
0.3 - added - /pet-status - show lvl,ml,hp,mana,xp and mana spend..
0.4 - added - /pet-food - pets can eat now!.
0.5 - added - /pet-say - pets can say now!.
0.6 - added - /pet-help, /pet-help spells and /pet-help commands.
0.8 - added - /pet-carry - pets can carry 1 to X items.
0.9 - modified - /pet-carry slots - to see items in slots.
# 1.0 - modified - /pet-status, pet info also can use param as player. #
1.1 - added - if target = player, pet get a X skull for X time
1.2 - added - mana system, pets need to eat to recovery hp\mana
1.3 - added - NPC to buy , revive and learn pet spells!
1.4 - added - /pet-info - show info about XP rate, ML rate and more.#
1.5 - added - Pet Look - look to a pet, show name/lvl/owner name.
1.6 - added - Pet Kill and Pet Combat to creaturevents.
1.7 - added - /pet-revive [you can disable if you want] [requested]
1.8 - modified - Feed system, feed pet by dropping food on him.
1.9 - added - PetTeleport, if pet not on screen tp pet [requested]
# 2.0 - modified - Pet Trainer, sell pet to Pet Trainer![requested]
2.1 - modified - changed onCombat to onCast and onTarget, mybad;x
2.2 - added - PeT-WaR! 1 pet vs 1 pet [requested]
2.3 - fixed - /pet-food, /pet-help spells[requested]
2.4 - modified - re-scripted pet teleport, now it wont lag!
2.5 - fixed - PeT-WaR, re-scripted onTarget/onCast/onKill
2.6 - added - Potions, pets can drink potions[requested]
2.7 - modified - re-scripted: /pet-attack, /pet-food, pet_check.lua #
- added - more 5 pets, added - more 7 spells
- fixes - many fixes in pet_war.lua,

- added - /pet-help experience (show xp table lv2 to lv100)
- added - /pet-war-commands, show all pet war commands.
- modified - aps_lib, now you can config at aps_config.lua
- added - /pet-love (just a fun command)
2.8 - Added Cut/Rock Smash/Dig
- added Shortkeys(ex /pet-attack fire) a1,a2,a3...
- fixed many, I mean many bugs!
- /pet-party - you can hit your pet(like training)
- Pets wont hit you anymore!
- pet will not gain exp from summons anymore
- and others things i forgot(lol)!
- added Mission to NPC Pet Trainer!
scripted by josejunior23
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