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This zip file contains all the pictures used in the paper "Artifact-free High Dy

namic Range Imaging" by Gallo et al., ICCP 09. The pictures can be used for rese
arch/publishing purposes, provided that the paper is cited. If you would like to
use these pictures, cite:
O. Gallo, N. Gelfand, W. Chen, M. Tico, and K. Pulli, "Artifact-free High Dynami
c Range Imaging", IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (IC
CP'09), San Francisco, CA, April 16-17, 2009.
Usage note:
Each folder contains the registered pictures in the stack and a txt file which c
ontains the exposure times and the relative exposure values of the pictures.
To estimate the camera response function, use the pictures in the "Calibration"
Orazio Gallo (

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