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Midway Assessment Form - Primary 2016 Page 1 of 5 ‘MID-WAY EVALUATION FORM Bachelor of Primary Education/Graduate Diploma in Primary Education Shaves wb av aera nenegarly om pea he sonnet eo en aaeaan needa re ba mronTA¥ an opto ttt lw is mad ake Tec tha ta rnjstional Eadencs St Standante and Muniach Ast Tir ec Doral rennin [ 184.334.8153 81,4288 8 igi n onan erate) ‘any aa os) oan wa wonanoys THALES ERIDBASIOD Toanat ena) onan preset Hat Es j ae = 1 = 1 ‘ew fee 1 a = 1 ] ‘School Coordinator: i 1 University Representative it ] Professional Experionce Unit Codes C ] Requirements fmm 1 amber of day Preservice Ieacher alee Professional Experience E } ‘National Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE 4. Know Students and how they learn 414 Physical, socal &inellectval evelopment & characterises of students Demonszate mowledge and understanding of rysica socal &Inetectal development & charactrsis of students & how these may affect rearing Comment: 112 Understand how student learn Demonstrate knowledge and.understandng of research into how students lear & the implications fr esching Comments: https://myplacement 31/10/2016 Midway Assessment Form - Primary 2016 Page 2 of 5 C ‘13 Students with diverse lingulste, cultural, religious and soclosconomle backgrounds Demonstrate nowedge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the leaing svengths and needs of students tom dvere linguist, cultura, ‘eipous and socioeconomic becrgrunds, Comments C ‘14 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Salt Ialander students Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding ofthe impact of culture, cultural dently and nguc background onthe education of students ‘fom Abenginal and Tomes Sa slander backgroonas, Comments: ‘15 DiferniiateYeaching 10 moot the specie learing needs of students across the fll range of abilies Derensrte inowedge and understanding of strategies for diferenatng teaching to meet he specclering needs of students across the fll range of abies. comments: ] ‘18 Sirategies to suppor tl parilpation of students with alabiliy Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislate requirements and teaching tages thet support partcipation& leering ot ‘Susents wth Seay Comments: [ ] ‘PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE 2.Know the Content and how to teach it 2.1 Content and teaching stratgles of the teaching area Derrentateknowedge and underetandng ofthe concopts,subetance and stuctre a the contont and teaching sratogis ofthe teaching area ‘comments: [reerenreneossetn mgt aa 22 Content selection & organisation Organise contentinto an efective learing and teaching sequence. Comments C 23 Curriculum, assessment & reporting Use curculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plas, Comments: 24 Understand & respect Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between indigenous & non Indigenous fuseations Demonsate bread knowledge of understancng of and respect for Aboriginal and Trres Sra sander histories, cultures and languages, Comments: C ] 25 Literacy & numeracy strategies ‘Know and understand iteracy and numeracy teaching satepes and thee appication teaching ess comments: [ J 26 Information & Communication Technology (CT) Implement teacting strategies for using ICT to expand curcutum earring opportunites for students comments: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3. Plan for and implement effecting teaching & learning {34 Establish challenging learning goals ‘Setieaing goals that provide achivable challenges for students of varying abies and characteris. 31/10/2016 Midway Assessment Form - Primary 2016 Page 3 of 5 ‘comments: C J 32 Plan, structure & sequence learning programs Pan lesson sequences using knowledge of student lesming, content and eect ‘eho © te et © rane ‘comments: ‘33 Use teaching sategios Incude range of teaching eategos Bench Ms Dou tett # Ne Depa comments: C ‘34 Select & Use resources Demonsrate owedge of range of resources, icusng CT, tat engage students inthe Ieaming ‘comments: [ ] [35 Use affective classroom communication Demonstrate a range of verbal and nonverbal communication strategies to support student engagement ‘comments: 2 ‘3.6 Evaluate & improve teaching programs Demonstrate broad knowledge of sratgies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to inprove student earning Comments: C ‘37 Engage pareniscares nthe educative process Desarbe a road range of strategies for involving parentcarer Inthe edicatve process ‘comments: L PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments, 141 Support student patcpation Idenaty srategies to support inclusive student paricpaton and engagerentin classroom scvites Comments: C ] ‘£2 Menage claseroam aces Demonsrate the capacty to organise classroom ates and provide clear Sections. ‘Comments: {£3 Manage challenging behaviour Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage changing ehavou ‘comments: i ] ‘4a Maintain student safety Describe sates tht support students wellbeing an safely wrkng within schoo! andlor system, curriculum and lgiaive requirements comments: ‘45 Use ICT eafly, responsibly and ethically [Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant issues andthe seatogis avalabie to support he sa, response and ethical use of ICT nearing ‘sed teoching. ‘beech Ctr SOeatitiet e He Orpen ‘comments: C _] PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT 6. Assess, provide feedback & report on student learning 31/10/2016 Midway Assessment Form - Primary 2016 Page 4 of 5 154 Assess student learning DDemonsrate understanding of assessment sates, incusing inermal and ermal, dagnostic, formtve and summative epreaches to asse5s Student eaming. ‘Comments: C J ‘52 Provide feedback o students on thelr Tearing Demonte an understanding of he purpose af proving timely and appropiate feedback to students about th leeing. Comments: [rte pore ecg ate a 1 {53 Make consistent & comparable judgements Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation & its application to support consstnt & comparable judgements of student leaming. Comments C J ‘5d Interpret tident data Demonstrate the capacity to interpcet student assessment data to evaluate student earring and mod teaching practoe ‘bem Mens © Dera sep Comments C ] {55 Report on student achleveront Demonstrate understanding of arange of sratenes for reporting to students and parentsoar records of etdent achievement (bea es Dette Ne Speunty Comment C ] PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT 6. Engage in professional learning and the purpose of hoping accurate and reliable £1 Identy& plan professional learning needs Demonstrate an understanding of the roo of he Australian Profssanal Standards for Teacher in identyng profecionl leering net (bea es © Dette Ne apeuty Comments C £2 Engage In professional learning & improve practice Understand the relevant and appropri sources of professional learning fr teachers Comments: C a 163 Engage with colleagues & improve practice ‘Seok and apply constuctve feedback ram supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices Comment: {64 Apply professional learning & Improve student learning Demonstrate an understaning of the rationale fo continued profesional lang andthe implications for improved student leering ‘comments: PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT 7. Engage Professionally with colleagues, parents/carers & the community 7.4 Meet professional ethles & responsibies Understand & apply the kay princes described in codes of ics ond for the teschingprteslan, ‘comments: i ] 72 Comply with legislative, administrative & organisational requirements Understand the relevant legate, adrinisrative and organisational pales and processes required for eachers according to chee! stage 31/10/2016 Midway Assessment Form - Primary 2016 Page 5 of 5 Comments: [ 173 Engage withthe pareniatarers Understand evstgis for waring eecbvaly,senstvely ana confident wih parentlarers ‘comments: 14 Engage with professional teaching networks & broader communities Understand the rte ferteral professionals & community repesentativesin broadening teacher’ professional knowledge and practee bent On Sutter ‘comments: C J MURDOCH ATTRIBUTES 184 Communication Model acceptable stancars of spoken & writen language in class context ‘Communicate effectively in tonto class inliteray, numeracy and ICT knowedge ‘tem # urs Nett © Ne ppt comments: {cial Grave ining Preeet este, ena lene comments: a 1 {3 independent earner Set decade shows tv. commen osc ] TEACHING FILE - SCHOOL BACKGROUND, comments: C J Porto Professional Leeming ‘comments: OVERALL COMMENT & PERSONAL ‘DEVELOPMENT PLAN 10:1 Explet comments about: Strengths and Areas tobe developed 10.2 Personal and professional development plan COutine the requied acon ake place to aces the areas that need to be developed (NOTE: This inermaton wil frm the stating point fr your next placement) feta bere ror co agrng en ra MF ee TS cng mor crural we ode ‘te and te [ermansesornr 1 31/10/2016

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