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Lauren Lovato

Dr. Ying Xu
26 October 2016
English 219
Project 2: Analytical Report Reflection
The second project was a great way to challenge my thought process in determining
what really engaged me here in New Mexico and how I found it as being an aspect I am
concerned with, within our community. I had so many options to choose from, but this
seemed to strike me as something so prevalent it needed to be discussed. Its so great that
we had to choice to decide what we were interested in and really research it and get to
know what it was all about. Since I am interested in the Medical field, I am so glad that I
was able to learn and research the significant problems pertaining to prescription drugs that
are currently ongoing. Through this assignment I began to grasp new concepts on how
realistic and deadly prescription overdoses are.
The SLO statement that I became familiar with is the understanding of analyzing
the Rhetorical Situation. This was vital to my analytical report because throughout the
construction and brain storming of this project I tried my best to gain a deeper, in-depth
understanding for the genres and language existing in my community. I was able to
compose and analyze my written work thoroughly because of the knowledge that I gained
in what a Rhetorical Situation actually is and what it entails. I was able to give evidence of
the claims proposed in my writing. With the construction of this project I gained a better
understanding for the writing process. Another SLO was the outcome of Composing
Documents. Throughout the process of constructing and refining my report I had a specific

audience within the members of the community in mind. First and fore most it it crucial
that you put yourself in the shoes of the audience you intend to present to. I want my
audience to be able to gain a helpful insight of the pharmaceutical issues and all the aspects
involved for participating in this kind of community. By going deeper within these aspects,
you are able to not just assess your audience, but understand what they do, what they like,
and what they dont like. It means you can continually adapt and evolve, and therefore
improve their experience while they are reading.
Another SLO that helped create the content in Project 2 is the grasp on Grammar
and the Usage. Before we started working on our analytical reports, the questions we
proposed and what the purpose was for conducting research we were asked to think in
depth about why we chose our resource. In which, it did help, very much so. We were
asked to write an analytical report about a local problem in our community. In my research
as well as the creations of my analytical report was included an explanation of the
community itself like the name, origin, goals, and shared assumptions. All of this
information that I obtained would soon then be transitioned onto my analytical report to fill
content and give information of the questions asked in the prompt. Writing about genres,
grammar and the use of language has opened my eyes to see English in a new perspective
as well as refined my writing and drastically improved my understanding of what it means
to write well. I worked extremely hard on Project 2 trying to convey what it truly important
this problem is in New Mexico and how it needs to be addressed and dealt with to preserve
precious lives.

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